

Investigation on health education needs of parents of children with eye diseases before operation

Objective: To investigate the health education needs of parents of children with eye diseases before operation, and to provide basis for more targeted and high-quality health education for primary nurses. Methods: A self-made questionnaire was used to investigate the health education needs of parents of children with ophthalmopathy before surgery from April 2020 to June 2020, and the results were statistically analyzed. Results: The top three of parents’ needs for preoperative health education of children with eye diseases were the effect and significance of the surgery and the related professional health knowledge of eye diseases. The differences of medical payment methods, children’s age, diseases, parents’ age, and occupational status was significant in the scores of preoperative health education needs (P<0.05). The main ways of parents obtaining health education knowledge were network platforms such as medical staff explanation and official accounts. Conclusion: The parents of children with eye diseases have a high demand for preoperative health education. Medical workers should enrich their knowledge, strengthen specialty learning and related knowledge training, organically combine professional knowledge with health education, and explore the methods of effective online health education to serve patients better.


Application of empowerment education mode in health education for patients with dry eye syndrome

目的:探讨赋能教育模式在干眼患者健康教育中的应用价值。方法:选取2017年6月至12月期间首诊于南方医科大学珠江医院眼科的干眼患者,按照完全随机分配法分为试验组(n=73)及对照组(n=73),试验组采用赋能教育模式,对照组采用传统健康教育方式。经治疗1周、1个月、2个月及6个月后,分别随访并记录每组患者的眼表疾病指数(ocular surface disease index,OSDI)、泪膜破裂时间值(tear film break up time,BUT),同时记录患者家庭护理(清洁睑缘、热敷、睑板腺按摩)频率以及复诊频率。结果:赋能教育组家庭护理频率及复诊频率均优于传统教育组(P<0.05)。治疗前两组OSDI和BUT差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),但试验组OSDI随时间的推移呈下降趋势,BUT值呈上升趋势;而对照组OSDI以及BUT值的变化均不明显。结论:运用赋能教育模式有助于提高干眼患者治疗的依从性,提高患者的家庭护理频率和复诊频率,显著改善患者的眼表情况,进而提高长期治疗效果。
Objective: To evaluate the application value of empowerment education mode in health education for patients with dry eye syndrome. Methods: Patients with dry eye syndrome were recruited from Department of Ophthalmology, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University from June 2017 to December 2017. All patients were randomly divided into the experimental group (n=73), educated with empowerment education mode, and control group (n=73), treated with traditional health education. Patients were followed up after 1 week, 1 month,2 months and 6 months, respectively. Data were collected in each follow-up visit including ocular surface disease index (OSDI), tear film break up time (BUT), the frequency of home care (cleaning eyelid margin, hot compress,palpebral gland massage) and re-visit frequency. Results: The OSDI and BUT were similar between two groups before corresponding treatment (P>0.05). After the treatment, patients in the experimental group showed a downtrend in the OSDI and uptrend in the BUT. No significant changes were found in the control group during the follow-up. The frequency of family nursing and re-visit in the experimental group was statistically higher than that in the control group. Conclusion: The application of empowering education mode can improve the compliance of dry eye patients, improve the frequency of home care and follow-up visit, and mitigate the ocular surface of patients, thereby enhancing the long-term efficacy.


Effect of conductive education training on visual impairment students’ quality of life

目的:调查引导式教育训练对视力障碍学生生活质量的影响。方法:前瞻性随机对照临床研究。选取2020年在泉州特殊教育学校就读视力障碍学生,按照入组条件随机分为引导式教育训练组和对照组,引导式教育训练组进行引导式教育训练,对照组进行常规康复训练。采用中文版低视力者生活质量量表(Chinese-version low vision quality of life questionnaire,CLVQOL)评估视力障碍学生的基线和训练3个月的生活质量,并进行比较分析。结果:72例视力障碍学生全部完成了基线和随访时的生活质量问卷调查。进行基线检查时,各组CLVQOL评分总分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。3个月后,各组CLVQOL评分总分均增加,引导式教育训练组从基线59(48.5,80.5)上升到105(97.5,119.5),差异有统计学意义(Z=?4.781,P<0.001);对照组从基线69(56,85)上升到106(80,112),差异有统计学意义(Z=?4.438,P<0.001);引导式教育训练组在CLVQOL评分总分(P=0.021)及阅读和精细工作维度(P=0.004)、日常生活能力维度(P=0.003)的评分差值均高于对照组。结论:引导式教育训练是一种重要的低视力康复训练方法,可以明显提高患者的生活质量。
Objective: To investigate the effect of conductive education training on the quality of life in visually impaired students. Methods: It was a prospective randomized controlled trial. The visual impairment students who had registered in Quanzhou Special Education School in 2020 were selected and randomly divided into two groups: conductive education training group and control group. The conductive education training group received conductive education training, while the control group received routine rehabilitation training. Chinese version low vision quality of life questionnaire (CLVQOL) was used to assess the quality of life of low vision students at baseline and 3 months after training, and comparative analysis was conducted. Results: All 72 students with visual impairment completed CLVQOL surveys. At baseline, there was no significant difference in total CLVQOL scores between groups. After 3 months, overall CLVQOL scores increased in both groups, from baseline 59 (48.5, 80.5) to 105 (97.5, 119.5) in the conductive education group (Z=-4.781, P<0.001), and 69 (56, 85) to 106 (80, 112) in the control group (Z=-4.438, P<0.001). The total score of CLVQOL (P=0.021), reading and fine work subscale (P=0.004), and daily activities subscale (P<0.003) in the conductive education training group were higher than those in the control group. Conclusion: Conductive education training is an important method of low vision rehabilitation training, which can significantly improve the quality of life of patients.


Exploration and practice in optometry education mode under the background of visual health management

The World Health Organization and Chinese “Healthy China” strategy have elevated visual health management to an unprecedented height. Ensuring people’s visual health multi-directionally in whole period and enhancing people's awareness on visual health care are the strategic focus for us to achieve a healthy China. Talent training is the lifeblood and cornerstone for industrial development, so exploration and construction in optometry talent education is a priority. Taking the optometry department of Tianjin Medical University as an example, this paper discusses how to effectively carry out optometry education and train optometry professionals who keep up with the times under the background of visual health management in today’s society.


The current situation and reform of the eight-year medical education

The purpose of the eight-year medical education is to train students for well-qualified medical talents that are in line with our national conditions. This article introduces the establishment and development of the eight-year medical education in China, and various aspects of exploration in its reform which includes the reform of the tutoring system, teaching philosophy, teaching approach, means of teaching, special courses and so on. It also summarizes the current situation of the eight-year medical education and discusses potential strategies to improve the education system and the quality of eight-year medical students.


Effect evaluation on curriculum integration of ideological education into ophthalmology course for undergraduate clinical medicine

Medical students must adhere to the correct political direction because they need to protect people's health in the near future. It is particularly important to integrate ideological education into medical curriculum. Ophthalmic diseases are closely related to systemic diseases. Ophthalmology is a compulsory course of clinical medicine for medical college students. The integration of ideological education into ophthalmology professional courses can encourage students to integrate their personal ideals into national undertaking, motivate students to become strivers and pioneers in the new era. Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University taught students according to their aptitude and integrated the ideological contents such as “prevention of blindness” and “myopia prevention” into each chapter of ophthalmology teaching through vivid examples for clinical medical undergraduates. It would be helpful for the students to establish the ideal and values of “serve the people”. At the end of the course, the medical students were investigated by questionnaires to evaluate the effect of ideological education integration, as well as the acceptance and suggestion from the students. The results showed that students
were satisfied with the teaching quality of ideological contents and the curriculum integration has achieved the desired effect.


Activating the endogenous power of teachers and promoting the high-quality development of ophthalmology graduate education

研究生导师的能力和水平是影响研究生教育质量的最关键因素之一。针对眼科学研究生专业基础 知识薄弱、动手实践机会缺乏、创新能力不足,导师队伍教学主动性不强、活力欠佳等问题,中 山眼科中心逐步建立了“行政+专家”的双重教学管理架构,引导激励教师积极主动参与、推动研 究生课程改革、科研创新能力培训、教学信息化建设、教学质控与学生管理等各项教学改革与决 策,通过不断完善教师参与教学改革共同治理的长效机制,打造高素质的教师队伍,实现高质量 的眼科学研究生培养。
The ability and level of postgraduate tutor is one of the key factors affecting the quality of graduate education. In view of the weak basic ophthalmic knowledge, lack of practical opportunities and the inefficiency in innovation ability among ophthalmology graduates, as well as the lack of initiative and vitality in teaching team, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-Sen University has been gradually established the dual management structure of “administration and experts”. By guiding and encouraging the teachers participate in the curriculum reform of graduates, scientific research ability training, management informatization, the teaching quality control, student administration and so on. Through improving the long-term mechanism of teachers’ participation in teaching reform governance, the quality of teachers has been improved, which promote the high-quality development of ophthalmology graduate education.


Implement the standardized training and education of ophthalmic residents

住院医师规范化培训(简称“住培”)是我国新医改的一项重要举措,旨在通过住培来使我国临床 整体医疗水平同质化提高,解决民众日益增长的医疗需求和各地医疗发展不平衡之间的矛盾。我 国眼科住培改革经历十余年,在追求同质化的实践中发现一些值得重视的问题,如教学师资的选 拔和培训、临床操作类教学的落实、教学师资待遇的提升以及包括人文在内的住院医师诊疗能力 全面培养等。本文探讨了这些问题的根源和解决方法,希望通过改革将住培这一临床医学基础工 程更好的落到实处。
Standardized resident training (called ‘ZhuPei’ for short in Chinese) is an important measure of the New Healthcare Reform in China, aiming to promote the homogenization of clinical medicine level which tackles the constraints of unbalanced medical development so that people’s ever-growing medical demand can be supplied. With the reality of over 10 years’ ophthalmology standardized resident training experience in China, certain crucial issues are put forward, such as the selection and training of teachers, the implementation of clinical training course, the concern of teachers’ salary and promotion, the residents’ capabilities of diagnosis and treatment including humanistic care, etc. This article discusses the root causes of those issues and the solutions to them, intending to implement the standardized resident training as a basic clinic medical engineering through the New Healthcare Reform


Construction of health education model for ophthalmic day surgery based on information-oriented means and Teach-back method

Objective: To construct, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the health education model for ophthalmic day surgery. Methods: The health education model for ophthalmic day surgery was constructed relying on information-oriented means and Teach-back method. A total of 177 patients with day surgery in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center from January 2020 to May 2021 were selected as the research subjects and divided into a control group (n=97) and an intervention group (n=80) by historical comparative study. The intervention group was carried out with the health education model based on information-oriented means and Teach-back method, while the control group received the routine health education. The health education knowledge and perioperative nursing satisfaction were compared between the 2 groups. Results: The scores of self-evaluation and nurse evaluation for health education knowledge in the intervention group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in body position nursing knowledge score and nursing satisfaction score between the 2 groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: The health education model based on information oriented means and Teach-back method can improve the health education knowledge level of patients with ophthalmic day care surgery. In the meanwhile, further studies will be needed to explore the effects on patients in body position nursing knowledge and nursing satisfaction.


Effect evaluation of ideological and political education in the eight-year clinical medicine ophthalmology integrated curriculum

Objective: To investigate the student satisfaction and educational effect of integrating ideological and political elements into the eight-year clinical medicine ophthalmology integrated curriculum. Methods: An anonymous paper questionnaire survey was administered to fifth-grade clinical medicine students ofthe eight-year clinical medicine program of Sun Yat-sen University to assess students’ satisfaction with ideological and political education as well as the educational effectiveness. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed on thequestionnaire results, and the qualitative data were represented by frequency and percentage. Results: Ninety valid surveys were collected. 91% of the students agreed with the incorporation of ideological and political elements into the curriculum, 93% of the students thought the incorporation of ideological and political elements into the curriculum was good or very good, and 82% of the students believed that the ideological and political curricula helped arouse their interest in ophthalmology. The overall correct rate for ideological and political questions reached 92.9%, with the following correct rates from most accurate to least accurate: doctor-patient communication (100%), history of ophthalmology (98.9%), policy (83.3%), and research frontier (82.2%). Conclusion: Eight-year clinical medicine students are highly satisfied with the integration of intellectual and political components into the ophthalmology integration curriculum. Ideological and political education has yielded favorable results, with students demonstrating a thorough grasp of ideological and political facts. Future curricula should expand students’ awareness of research frontiers and policy issues while maintaining their interest in doctor-patient communication and the history of ophthalmology.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
