
LASIK 术后行白内障超声乳化摘除联合多焦点散光矫正型人工晶状体植入术一例

Toric multifocal intraocular lens implantation in a post-LASIK cataract patient: a case report

该文报道一例激光原位角膜磨镶(laser-assisted in situ keratectomy,LASIK)术后行白内障超声乳化摘除联合多焦点散光矫正型人工晶状体植入术的病例。该患者为42岁女性患者,20年前外院行双眼LASIK手术,现因右眼视物模糊1年就诊。术前IOLMaster检查患者右眼眼轴长度29.66 mm,前房深度3.18 mm,晶状体厚度4.75 mm,白到白距离11.6 mm,前表面及全角膜散光分别为1.01 D@67 °及0.91 D@56 °。Pentacam角膜地形图15 °范围模拟角膜屈光力得到的角膜散光为1.2 D@58.1 °,为规则领结型。患者眼底检查未见明显异常,因其脱镜意愿强烈,植入双焦点散光矫正型IOL(德国Zeiss公司AT LISA toric 909M)。根据Barrett True-K Toric公式测量的后表面散光计算结果进行手术规划,选择+17 D球镜1.5 D柱镜Zeiss 909M IOL,植入轴位55 °。术后1个月患者裸眼远视力0.8,35 cm裸眼近视力1.0,最佳矫正远视力–0.25 DS/–0.5 DC×120 °至1.0,患者满意。提示经过详细的术前评估及规划,并与患者充分沟通,多焦点散光矫正型人工晶状体可以在部分适合的LASIK术后患者中取得良好效果。
It is reported a case of cataract phacoemulsification combined with toric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) implantation after LASIK surgery in this article. A 42 year-old female patient who underwent bilateral LASIK surgery in other hospital 20 years ago. She visited our hospital due to blurred vision in her right eye for one year. The preoperative IOL Master examination results showed an axial length of 29.66 mm, anterior chamber depth of 3.18 mm, lens thickness of 4.75 mm, white to white distance of 11.6 mm, and anterior surface and total corneal astigmatism of 1.01 D @ 67 ° and 0.91 D @ 56 °, respectively in right eye. The corneal astigmatism measured by Pentacam using 15°range simulated keratometry is 1.2 D@ 58.1 °, which is a regular bow tie shape.No obvious abnormalities was found in the patient's fundus examination. Due to her strong desire to get rid of the glassesa toric bifocal IOL (AT LISA Toric 909M, Zeiss, Germany) was implanted.Based onthe IOL power calculation results of Barrett True-K Toric formula with measured posterior corneal astigmatism, an IOL with Sph 17.0 D/Cyl1.5 D/A 55°was chosen. One month after surgery, the patient's uncorrected distance visual acuity was 20/25, 35 cm uncorrected near visual acuity was 20/20, and the best corrected distance visual acuity was 20/20 with a prescription of –0.25 DS/–0.5 DC × 120 °. The patient was satisfied with the outcome. After detailed preoperative evaluation and design, and sufficient communication with patients, toric multifocal IOL implantation can achieve good results in some apropriated for the patients after LASIK surgery.


Effect of two kinds of orthokeratology lens for compound myopic astigmatism

Objective: To observe the effectiveness and safety of orthokeratology lens and toric design othokeratology treatment for compound myopic astigmatism. Methods: From March 2016 to March 2018, 94 teenagers(178 eyes) were selected as the subjects of study. They were divided into two groups according to the type of orthokeratology: the orthokeratology lens group (48 cases, 90 eyes) and the toric design othokeratology group(46 cases, 88 eyes). Visual acuity, corneal astigmatism, axial length, spherical lens refraction, intraocular pressure,tear film rupture time and corneal staining rate were recorded before, after 1 year and after 1 week. Results: After 1 year of wearing the lens, astigmatism, spherical lens degree, intraocular pressure and tear film rupture time were all decreased in the 2 groups compared with each other, but only astigmatism degree was statistically significant between the 2 groups compared with each other (P<0.01). After wearing the glasses for 1 year, the visual acuity of the two groups was significantly improved compared with that before wearing the glasses, and the myopia degree was increased after stopping wearing the glasses compared with that before wearing the glasses, but the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant (P>0.05). There was no statistical significance in the incidence of corneal staining between the two types of shaping lenses (P>0.05). Conclusion: Both of the two shaping lenses can reduce the degree of myopic patients with complex astigmatism and effectively improve the visual acuity of patients, but they can not completely prevent the progress of myopia. Although toroidal shaping mirror has advantages in correcting astigmatism, its overall effectiveness and safety are not.


Importance of calculation of posterior corneal astigmatism on Toric intraocular lens power

随着白内障手术由复明性向屈光性转变,对角膜的散光矫正显得越来越重要。而角膜散光不仅仅应该关注角膜前表面的散光数据,更应该考虑角膜后表面的散光,否则对散光人工晶状体植入矫正角膜散光可能出现不同程度的术后屈光误差。角膜后表面散光均值约为0.37 D,且多数情况下会产生逆规散光的效果,因此在进行散光型人工晶状体计算时应考虑到这一特点,进一步防止术后欠矫或过矫的发生。
With the cataract surgery evolving from visual restoration surgery to refractive surgery, surgical correction of corneal astigmatism becomes more and more important. For Toric intraocular lens implantation, the surgeon should not only pay attention to the values in surface of anterior corneal astigmatism but also that in posterior corneal astigmatism. Otherwise,unwanted postoperative refractive errors may occur. The mean value of posterior corneal astigmatism was around 0.37 D.In most cases, the posterior corneal astigmatism produces against-the-rule effect. Therefore, the above-mentioned feature of posterior corneal astigmatism should be noticed to prevent the under-correction or over-correction effect of toric lens.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
