

Linear sebaceous nevus syndrome with multiple binocular abnormalities: A case report

线状皮脂腺痣综合征(linear nevus sebaceous syndrome,LNSS)是一种以皮脂腺痣(nevus sebaceous,NS)为特征性改变,同时合并癫痫、智力迟钝、神经缺陷或骨骼畸形等病变的疾病。本文报道1例经病理组织学检查确诊的LNSS患者,同时伴有双眼脉络膜骨瘤和脑部先天发育异常。由于线状皮脂腺综合征伴双眼多发异常较为少见,本文将总结该例患者的临床和病理表现,旨在为临床诊疗提供一定参考资料。
Linear nevus sebaceous syndrome (LNSS) is a disease characterized by nevus sebaceous (NS) and accompanied by epilepsy, mental retardation, nerve defect or skeletal deformity. We report a case of linear sebaceous nevus syndrome diagnosed by histopathological examination with bilateral choroidal osteoma and congenital developmental abnormalities of the brain. Since linear sebaceous gland syndrome with binocular abnormalities is relatively rare, this paper will summarize the clinical and pathological manifestations of this patient, aiming to provide certain reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment.


Orbital paraganglioma: A case report

眼眶部副神经节瘤极为罕见,多属非功能性肿瘤。本病例为1位中年女性,以右眼眼睑抬举无力为主诉就诊,眼眶计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)和磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)检查发现右眼眼眶内肿物,手术完整切除,结合HE染色和免疫组织化学检查,病理组织学诊断为眼眶副神经节瘤,随访3年,肿瘤无复发。
Orbital paraganglioma is a rare disease and mostly belongs to non-functional tumors. In this report, we described a middle-aged female admitted to our hospital with the chief complaint of weak lifting of her right eyelid. Orbital computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination detected an intra-orbital mass in the right eye. Complete excision was conducted, and post-operative histopathological and immunohistochemical examination revealed the mass to be orbital paraganglioma. Within the 3-year follow-up,the patient showed no recurrence.


Medulloepithelioma of the ciliary body: a case report

Medulloepithelioma of the ciliary body is a kind of malignant tumor which arises from neuroepithelium. It is easily misdiagnosed or miss diagnosed due to its masquerade feature in the clinical practice. We report a boy with a tumor in his right eye at age of 3 years and 9 months presented first with lens rupture. Diagnosis of malignant medulloepithelioma of ciliary body was made pathologically by biopsy of the partial tumor.


Frosted branch angiitis after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a case report

Frosted branch angiitis (FBA) is a rare acute retinal vasculitis which often occurs in healthy adolescents. The etiology of FBA is unknown, but its occurrence may be related to viral infection, glucocorticoid therapy is effective and has a good prognosis. FBA may also be secondary to infectious and systemic diseaseswith poor prognosis. In this paper, we reviewed a case of FBA secondary to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, which was relieved after treatment and had a good prognosis.


A case report of corneal burn caused by arc light

A case of corneal burn caused by arc light due to electrical short is reported. Specialist examination: ischemic areas of the temporal limbus bulbar conjunctiva in both eyes were less than 1/3, the corneal epithelium was white and cloudy, and the epithelium was partially peeled. The corneas became transparent after 2 weeks’ treatment of removing the white necrotic tissue, anti-inflammatory and dilating pupil. During the follow-up within 3 months, the patient’s lens and fundus showed no obvious abnormalities. The injury mechanism of arc light caused by electrical short to the eyeball is discussed.


Idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor in a child: A case report

患儿因“左眼红肿12 d”就诊。左上睑红肿(++++),眼眶鼻侧可触及约黄豆大小硬结,界不清,质地中等,压痛(?),伴上睑下垂,遮盖角膜下缘。双眼眼位正,左眼眼球外转轻度受限。眼眶及视神经MRI显示左眼上睑软组织肿胀,考虑炎性改变。入院诊断为左眼特发性眼眶炎性假瘤(Idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor,IOIP)。予以激素治疗后症状好转且随访期间无复发。本例患儿为拒绝外院活检而就诊于暨南大学附属第一医院的小儿IOIP病例,提示早期规范治疗是降低此病复发率的关键,尤其是儿童患者。
The pediatric patient was referred to our hospital with a 12-day history of left eye redness and swelling. On the orbital and nasal side of the eye, there was a firm, nontender mass about the size of soybeans, with unclear boundary, medium texture. Orbital examination showed left ptosis, covering limbus. Motility examination revealed both eyes were in normal position, and the left eye was slightly limited in extraocular rotation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed evidence of diffuse inflammation of left eyelid, and orbital inflammatory was considered. Excluding other etiologies, the child was diagnosed initially with idiopathic orbital inflammatory. The symptoms improved after hormone therapy and there was no recurrence during follow-up. This case was a case of IOIP in a child who was admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University for refusing biopsy from another hospital. The paper suggests that early standardized treatment is the key to reduce the recurrence rate of this disease, especially in children.


Acquired visual loss attributed to an accommodative spasm after FS-LASIK surgery: a case report

本文报告1例2 8岁男性青年患者,行飞秒制瓣准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser-assisted situ keratomileusis,LASIK)术 后1个月视力进行性下降,小瞳下行电脑验光矫正视力,右眼为0.3(-0.25×86°),左眼为0.2(-0.50×91°)。眼前节及眼底检查未见器质性病变,视觉电生理检查未见异常。视光专科检查示负相对调节/正相对调节(negative correlatione regulation/positive ccorrelation regulation,NRA/PRA):+2.00 D/?10.00 D(行PRA时稍作停顿后又可看清),Flipper拍检查:右眼(oculus dexter,OD) 10 cpm(+),左眼(oculus sinister,OS) 22 cpm(+),双眼(binocular,OU)12 cpm(+),正镜片逐渐通过困难。隐斜检查:2△BO@D,13△BI@N。调节性集合与调节的比值(accommodation convergence/accommodation,AC/A)=1。患者PRA显著增高,Flipper检查正片通过困难,看近时外隐斜大于看远,提示可能存在“集合不足,调节超前”。给予托比卡胺滴眼液滴眼3次后验光:OD +1.00/-0.50×80°=1.0,OS +0.75/-0.25×65°=1.0,进一步证实了“调节痉挛”的诊断。给予托比卡胺滴眼液滴双眼,睡前1次,结合调节放松训练。4周后,裸眼视力及屈光度稳定在正常范围。临床上对于视力下降原因不明、排除眼部器质性疾病的患者,经过仔细询问病史、睫状肌麻痹检影和视功能检查“调节痉挛”不难诊断。除传统的睫状肌麻痹剂和近附加镜外,治疗方案建议加用视功能训练可使视力恢复并稳定。
A 28-year-old man was referred to our hospital because of blurred vision in both eyes after LASIK flap made by femtosecond laser surgery for 1 month. The best corrected visual acuity based on computerized optometry was 0.3 (-0.25×86°) in the right eye and 0.2 (-0.50×91°) in the left eye. Routine examinations were conducted to exclude eye diseases. Visual electrophysiological examination showed no abnormalities. Optometry specialty examination: negative relative accommodation (NRA) and positive relative accommodation (PRA) were +2.00 D/?10.00 D (when doing PRA, the patient could see clear slowly after a pause). Flipper examination showed: OD 10 cpm(+), OS 22 cpm(+), OU 12 cpm(+). Phoria-measurement showed 2 prism degree BO@D and 13 prism degree BI@N. AC/A=1. The patient’s high PRA, flipper examination results and convergence insufficiency at near distance indicated the possibility of “convergence insufficiency and accommodative spasm”. Cycloplegic refraction was planned to assess the real diopter. After instillation of cycloplegic drops, the UCVA improved to 1.0 and the refractive error to -0.25×93 in the right eye, in the left eye to 1.0 and the refractive error to -0.25×75. the BCVA was 1.0 (+1.00/-0.50×80°) in the right eye and 1.0 (+0.75/-0.25×65°) in the left eye. A diagnosis of accommodative spasm was made. The patient was counseled and continued cycloplegic drops one time daily before bedtime, participated in vision training for 4 weeks. This patient was a rare occurrence of accommodative spasm after FSLASIK surgery. Young patients with poor gain in UCVA can be subjected to a corrective procedure accidentally. Relaxation exercises and cycloplegic drops may cure accommodative spasm. For patients with unexplained causes of vision loss and excluded organic diseases of the eye, it is not difficult to diagnose “accommodative spasm” by careful medical history inquiry, ciliary muscle paralysis optometry and visual function examination. In addition to traditional ciliary palsy agent and reading glasses, it is suggested that visual function training can restore and stabilize the treatment effect.


Trigeminal schwannoma complicated with nerve paralysis keratitis: a case report

该文报道一例中年男性患者,因“头痛伴左侧听力下降”就诊于我院神经外科,经影像学检查诊断为“左侧三叉神经鞘瘤”, 手术前实验室检查发现血象异常,经血液科会诊后诊断为多发性骨髓瘤IgDλ型,于化疗期间并发神经麻痹性角膜炎(neurotrophic keratitis,NK),可于角膜中央偏下方的上皮及前基质层见到类圆形的灰白色浑浊,呈胶冻样,经局部药物治疗后好转,但残留角膜基质白色浑浊。由于现阶段临床对NK尚欠缺充分认识,易延误诊治,并且本文报道的此例NK患者,因其有化疗病史且于治疗期间出现相关体征,易被误诊为化疗并发细菌性角膜炎,文章通过分析其角膜病变的特征及简单回顾NK的临床特征、鉴别诊断及治疗,以期临床早期识别及治疗此类患者,恢复角膜的光学特性,维持良好的视觉体验。
Tis article reports a case of a middle-aged male patient who visited the Department of Neurosurgery of our hospital due to headache and lef hearing loss. He was diagnosed with lef trigeminal schwannoma by imaging examination and abnormal blood routine before surgery. During chemotherapy and paralytic keratitis (neurotrophic keratitis, NK), can be seen in the lower part of the corneal center of the epithelium and the prestromal layer of round gray and white turbidities, jelly like, afer local drug treatment improved, but residual corneal stromal white turbidities. Due to the lack of full understanding of NK in clinic at the present stage, diagnosis and treatment is easy to be delayed. In addition, the NK patient reported in this paper was easily misdiagnosed as bacterial keratitis complicated by chemotherapy due to his history of chemotherapy and related signs during treatment. Tis paper analyzed the characteristics of keratopathy and briefy reviewed the clinical characteristics, diferential diagnosis and treatment of NK, in order to identify and treat these patients in early clinical stage, restore the optical characteristics of cornea and maintain good visual experience.


A case report of choroidal tubercle complicated with intraretinal tubercle

Ocular tuberculosis encompasses a variety of clinical manifestations, which is easily misdiagnosed sometimes. In this article, a young male was admitted to our hospital with a chief complaint of sudden blurred vision in his right eye. His ocular examination detected a tiny mass in the choroid and a small lesion in the retina. After interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) and chest CT scan, the patient was diagnosed with military tuberculosis. The ocular examination confirmed the diagnosis of choroidal tubercle complicated with intrarentinal tubercle, which were healed after systemic anti-tuberculosis therapy.


Choroidal rupture without obvious trauma: a case report and literature review

脉络膜破裂大部分是由撞击引起的对冲伤,冲击力通过玻璃体传导眼底引起,因此一般脉络膜破裂会有比较明确的外伤或者钝挫伤病史。本文将报告1例16岁体校男生在无明显外伤史出现多发性脉络膜破裂伤,通过查阅文献发现有文献报道在隐匿性假性黄色瘤(pseudoxanthoma elasticum,PXE)疾病中可在无明显外伤或轻微外伤出现脉络膜破裂,并根据文献复习考虑本病例为隐匿性PXE可能。
Most of the choroidal rupture is mostly caused by impact injury, and the impact force is caused by the vitreous conduction through the fundus. Therefore, the choroidal rupture generally has a clear history of trauma or blunt trauma. This article will report a case of a 16-year-old boy in a sports school who developed multiple choroidal ruptures without obvious trauma history. Through literature review, it was found that choroidal rupture can occur without obvious or minor trauma in subtle pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) disease, and based on literature review, this case was considered as a possibility of subtle PXE.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
