

Relationship between metformin treatment and diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

目的:探讨2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)患者二甲双胍治疗与糖尿病性视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)的相关性。方法:回顾2015年9月至2020年8月在中日友好医院眼科就诊的1 891例T2DM患者的临床资料,对病程≥10年的324例T2DM患者的一般资料、内科疾病史、糖尿病治疗史、眼科检查和实验室血生化指标进行回顾性病例研究。根据是否接受二甲双胍治疗分为二甲双胍治疗组与非二甲双胍治疗组,根据眼底检查结果同时结合DR临床诊断标准,将DR分为无明显DR、非增生性DR及增生性DR。采用logistic多因素回归分析判断年龄、性别、糖尿病发病年龄、糖尿病病程、高血压病程、高血脂病程、吸烟年数、体重指数、胰岛素治疗及空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白、总胆固醇、三酰甘油、尿酸和血肌酐水平对结局变量的影响。结果:在DR的发病风险方面,二甲双胍治疗组与非二甲双胍治疗组的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。对T2DM患者DR发生及不同分期的相关变量行单因素及多因素分析,结果显示吸烟年数、空腹血糖及肌酐均与DR发病呈正相关(均P<0.05),而年龄与DR发病呈负相关(P<0.01),糖尿病发病年龄与DR发生呈显著负相关(OR=0.95,95%CI:0.92~0.98,P=0.0003)。在二甲双胍治疗的T2DM患者中,二甲双胍的疗程(OR=1.02,95%CI:0.96~1.08,P>0.05)及平均剂量(OR=1.50,95%CI:0.79~2.84,P>0.05)与DR的发生与进展均无显著相关性;女性DR发生与进展的风险较男性低(P<0.05);合并胰岛素治疗与DR发生呈明显正相关(OR=3.11,95%CI:1.59~6.07,P<0.01);吸烟年数长、糖化血红蛋白及尿酸水平高于正常范围均与DR的发生与进展呈正相关(P<0.05)。在口服二甲双胍患者中,未使用胰岛素治疗组和联合使用胰岛素组的DR发病风险有显著差异(P<0.01);而未口服二甲双胍患者中,胰岛素治疗与DR发生呈正相关(OR=12.43,95%CI:3.75~41.19,P<0.0001)。结论:病程10年以上T2DM患者中,二甲双胍治疗与DR发生与进展均无显著相关性。
Objective: To investigate the correlation between metformin therapy and diabetic retinopathy (DR) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods: The clinical data of 1 891 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus attending the ophthalmology department of China-Japan Friendship Hospital from September 2015 to August 2020 were reviewed. A retrospective study was performed on 324 cases of these T2DM patients with disease duration ≥10 years. Medical records of all patients including general information, history of medical disease, diabetes treatment, ophthalmologic examination and blood biochemical indices were collected. According to whether metformin treatment was received or not, the patients were divided into a metformin-treated and a non-metformin-treated groups. DR is classified into non-obvious DR, non-proliferative DR and proliferative DR according to the fundus examination and the clinical diagnostic criteria of DR. Logistic multiple regression analysis was used to determine the effects of age, sex, age of DM onset, duration of DM, duration of hypertension,
duration of hyperlipidemia, years of smoking, body mass index, insulin treatment and fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid and blood creatinine levels on DR. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the risk of developing DR between the metformin-treated and non-metformin-treated groups (P>0.05). Univariate and multifactorial analyses of variables related to the occurrence and different stages of DR in patients with T2DM showed that years of smoking, fasting glucose and creatinine were positively associated with DR (P<0.05), while age was negatively associated with DR (P<0.01), and age of DM onset was significantly negatively associated with DR (OR=0.95, 95%CI: 0.92 to 0.98, P=0.0003). In T2DM patients treated with metformin, neither the duration of metformin (OR=1.02, 95%CI: 0.96 to 1.08, P>0.05) nor the mean dose(OR=1.50, 95%CI: 0.79 to 2.84, P>0.05) was significantly associated with developing DR. The risk of developing DR was lower in women than in men (P<0.05); combined insulin therapy was significantly positively correlated with the risk of DR (OR=3.11, 95%CI: 1.59 to 6.07, P<0.01); long-term smoking, glycosylated hemoglobin and uric acid levels higher than normal were positively associated with DR (P<0.05). In metformin users, there was a significant difference in the risk of developing DR between the no-insulin treatment group and the combined insulin group (P<0.01); and among patients not using metformin, insulin therapy was positively associated with the occurrence of DR (OR=12.43, 95%CI: 3.75 to 41.19, P<0.0001). Conclusion: There was no significant association between metformin treatment and DR among patients with T2DM for >10 years.


Differences of biochemical indicators and optical coherence tomography angiography in patients with different degrees of diabetic retinopathy

目的:探讨光学相干断层扫描血管成像(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA)在糖尿病性视网膜病变中的应用。方法:选取2021年中山大学附属第七医院眼科63例糖尿病患者为研究对象,分为无糖尿病性视网膜病变(T0,21眼)、轻度非增殖期(T1,21眼)、中重度非增殖期(T2,14眼)及增殖期(T3,7眼)。收集各组生化指标,包括空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白、谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶、碱性磷酸酶、血清尿素氮、肌酐、尿素氮肌酐比值,及OCTA数据,即中心视网膜厚度、Angiography3×3及Angiography6×6血管线性密度及血管灌注密度等。采用单因素方差分析比较各组间差异。结果:T2组、T3组与T0组相比,T3组与T1组相比,糖尿病病程延长;T3组与其他各组相比,尿素氮升高;T1组、T2组、T3组与T0组相比,T3组与T1组相比,6 mm ×6 mm外层血流线性密度减少;与T0组相比,T1组、T2组及T3组6 mm ×6 mm完整血流线性密度减少;与T0相比,T2组、T3组6 mm ×6 mm外层血流灌注密度减少;与T0组相比,T3组6 mm ×6 mm完整血流灌注密度减少;T2组、T3组与T0组相比,T3与T1相比,3 mm ×3 mm内层血流线性密度明显减少;T3组与T0组及T1组相比,3 mm ×3 mm完整血流线性密度减少。结论:随着糖尿病性视网膜病变的进展,患者的尿素氮及肌酐逐渐升高,OCTA的血流线性密度及血流灌注密度逐渐减少。与血流灌注密度相比,血流线性密度对于早期糖尿病性视网膜病变筛查可能更为敏感。而利用Angiography6×6模式可能可以更早地发现糖尿病性视网膜病变的视网膜血流变化。
Objective: To explore the applications of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) in diabetic retinopathy. Methods: A total of 63 diabetic patients in the Department of Ophthalmology, Seventh Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in 2021 were divided into 4 groups: the patients without diabetic retinopathy (T0, n=21), mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (T1, n=21), moderate-to-severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (T2, n=14) and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (T3, n=7). Biochemical Indicators were collected in all patients, such as fasting plasma glucose (FPG), glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), the blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (CRE) and the ratio of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine (BUN/CRE). The Macular Cube 521×128, Angiography3×3, and Angiography6×6 models of OCTA were used to obtain central retinal thickness (CRT), vascular density (VD) and perfusion density (PD) of each group. The data of all subjects was applied to do one-way ANOVA. Results: Prolonged duration of diabetes in T2 and T3 compared to T0 and in T3 compared to T1. Elevated BUN in T3 compared to all other groups. When T1, T2 and T3 were compared to T0, and T3 was compared to T1, the VD of the 6 mm ×6 mm outer layer decreased. Reduced VD of intact 6 mm ×6 mm region in T1, T2 and T3 compared to T0. Declining PD of the 6 mm ×6 mm outer layer in T2 and T3 compared to T0. Diminished PD of whole 6 mm ×6 mm area at T3 compared to T0. The VD of 3 mm ×3 mm inner layer was significantly reduced in T3 compared to T0 and T1. The VD of 3 mm ×3 mm intact area gradually dwindled in T3 compared with T0 and T1 (P<0.05). Conclusion: With the progression of diabetic retinopathy, the levels of BUN and CRE gradually increased, and the OCTA-derived vascular density and perfusion density gradually decrease. Vascular density may be more sensitive for early diabetic retinopathy screening than perfusion density.The use of the Angiography6×6 model may result in an earlier detection of changes in retinal blood flow in diabetic retinopathy.


Association of myopia with the macular ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer in diabetic patients: A longitudinal study

目的:探讨无糖尿病性视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)的糖尿病人群中,糖尿病与近视对黄斑区节细胞-内丛状层(ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer,GCIPL)厚度纵向变化的影响。方法:纳入广州糖尿病眼病研究中1165名基线无视网膜病变的糖尿病和正常对照者,纵向随访2年。根据是否存在近视[等效球镜(spherical equivalent,SE)≤-3屈光度(diopter,D)]和糖尿病分为健康组(n=508)、糖尿病组(n=525)及糖尿病合并近视组(n=132)。扫频光学相干断层成像(swept source-optical coherence tomography,SS-OCT)技术测量并比较三组间GCIPL厚度的变化,以确定糖尿病和近视的影响,三组间差异使用协方差分析,采用线性混合模型分析评估GCIPL厚度与相关因素的关系。结果:对照组的SE为(1.07±1.06) D,糖尿病组为(1.02±1.00) D,糖尿病合并近视组为(-5.36±2.30) D,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。对照组基线GCIPL厚度为(71.1±0.3) μm,糖尿病组为(74.4±0.2)μm,糖尿病合并近视组为(71.7±0.5) μm。在2年随访过程中,对照组GCIPL厚度下降-0.10(95%CI:-2.03~0.05) μm/年,糖尿病组GCIPL厚度下降的速度为对照组的12倍[-1.21(95%CI:-24.04~0.05) μm/年,P<0.001],糖尿病合并近视组GCIPL厚度下降的速度为对照组的22倍[-2.17(95%CI:-21.63~0.10)μm/年,P<0.001]。结论:近视是无DR的糖尿病患者中GCIPL加速变薄的危险因素,糖尿病和近视在GCIPL损伤中可能存在协同作用。
Objective: To investigate the association between myopia and ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) in diabetic population without diabetic retinopathy (DR). Methods: In this Guangzhou Diabetic Eye study, a total of 1 165 patients aged 30–80 years were recruited followed up longitudinally for 2 years. According to the presence or absence of myopia [spherical equivalence (SE)≤-3 diopter (D)] and diabetics, the patients were divided into a healthy group (n=508), a diabetes mellitus group (n=525), and a diabetes mellitus + myopia group (n=132). GCIPL was measured via swept-source optical coherence tomography. Univariable and multivariable mixed models were used to show the association of GCIPL change and baseline parameters. Results: SE was (1.07±1.06) D in the healthy group, (1.02±1.00) D in the diabetes mellitus group and (-5.36±2.30) D in the diabetes mellitus + myopia group (P<0.001). The baseline GCIPL thickness were (71.1±0.3), (74.4±0.2), and (71.7±0.5) μm, respectively. The slope of GCIPL thickness was -0.10 (95% CI: -2.03 to 0.05) μm/year in the healthy group, which was 12 folds faster than those in the diabetes mellitus group [-1.21(95% CI: -24.04 to 0.05 μm/year, P<0.001] and 22 folds higher among those in diabetes mellitus + myopia group [-2.17 (95% CI: -21.63 to 0.10) μm/year, P=0.009]. Conclusion: Both myopia and diabetes status accelerate macular ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer thinning in diabetic patients without diabetic retinopathy.


Effect of corneal bandage lens on anxiety and quality of life in patients with one-eyed cataract


Objective: To investigate the effect of corneal bandage lens on anxiety and quality of life in patients with monocular cataract. Methods: A total of 120 patients with monocular cataract treated in our department from December 2020 to July 2021 were selected as the subjects. They were divided into an experimental group (wearing corneal bandage lens) and a control group (without corneal bandage lens) by convenient sampling method. Self-rating Anxiety Scale and Visual Function Quality of Life Scale were used to evaluate and compare the degree of anxiety and postoperative quality of life between the 2 groups. Results: There was no significant difference in anxiety score and quality of life score between the 2 groups before admission (P>0.05). On the first day after operation, the anxiety score of the experimental group was significantly lower than that of the control group, and the quality of life score was significantly higher than that of the control group (P<0.05). The anxiety score of patients in the experimental group decreased from 55.35±7.09 to 43.77±5.56, and the degree of anxiety decreased by 20% compared with that before admission. The anxiety score of patients in the control group decreased from 54.27±5.93 to 47.92±7.02, and the degree of anxiety decreased by 12% compared with that before admission. The score of quality of life in the experimental group increased from 55.32±25.57 before admission to 81.01±13.74 on the first day after operation, an increase of 46%. The quality of life score of patients in the control group decreased from 56.38±14.43 before admission to 36.15±17.97 on the first day after operation, a decrease of 35%.Conclusion: Corneal bandage lens can reduce the anxiety of patients with monocular cataract and improve the quality of life after operation.


Nursing experience of 80 patients with traumatic optic neuropathy undergoing endoscopic trans-ethmosphenoid optic canal decompression

目的:探讨外伤性视神经病变(traumatic optic neuropathy,TON)患者内镜下经蝶筛径路视神经管减压术(endoscopic trans-ethmosphenoid optic canal decompression,ETOCD)的整体护理。方法:选取中山大学中山眼科中心2020年1月至2021年3月收治的80例TON患者,回顾总结患者 ETOCD期间的护理措施及手术疗效。结果:所有患者经过综合护理后均顺利完成手术,未发生感染,出血、疼痛情况经治疗和护理后均改善,68.8%患者术后视力有提高。结论:针对TON患者ETOCD的特点,采取个体化的整体护理具有重要意义,有利于帮助患者顺利完成手术,降低并发症的发生率,促进患者康复。
Objective: To investigate the holistic nursing care of patients with traumatic optic neuropathy undergoing endoscopic trans-ethmosphenoid optic canal decompression (ETOCD). Methods: A total of 80 patients with traumatic optic neuropathy admitted to Zhongshan Ophthalmology Center of Sun Yat-sen University from Jan 2020 to Mar 2021 were selected as the subjects, and the nursing measures and surgical effect during ETOCD were reviewed and summarized. Results: All 80 surgical patients successfully completed the operation after comprehensive nursing without infection. The bleeding and pain were improved after treatment and nursing, and 68.8% patients presented with vision improvement. Conclusion: According to the characteristics of ETOCD in patients with traumatic optic neuropathy, it is of great significance to take individualized overall care, which is beneficial to help patients successfully complete the operation, reduce the incidence of complications, and promote the recovery of the patient’s healthy.


Optical coherence tomography angiography manifestation of strabismic amblyopia patients with eccentric fixation

目的:探讨光学相干断层扫描血管成像技术(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA)在斜视性弱视伴偏中心注视患者中应用的价值。方法:收集2018年1月到2020年5月斜视性弱视伴偏中心注视的患者17人为研究组,采用OCTA系统软件工具,以μm为单位测量视网膜固视点和黄斑中心凹之间的距离,同时收集非斜视、弱视且中心注视健康者17人为对照组,并分析受试者的浅层视网膜血管丛的黄斑中心凹血流长度密度(vessel length density,VLD)、灌注密度(perfusion density,PD)、黄斑中心凹无血流信号区(foveal avascular zone,FAZ)、面积、FAZ周长及FAZ圆形度。结果:斜视组弱视眼偏心距离为(632.18±310.62) μm,黄斑中心凹浅层血管丛VLD为(5.31±3.44) mm?1,PD为0.16±0.08,黄斑中心凹无血流信号区FAZ面积(0.28±0.17) mm2,FAZ周长(2.05±0.56) mm、FAZ圆形度0.67±0.06;与研究组対侧眼和对照组相比,VLD差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),PD、FAZ面积等差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。斜视组弱视眼偏心度与偏中心距离显著相关(r=0.834,P<0.001)。结论:OCTA可以量化偏中心距离,斜视性弱视伴偏中心注视眼的黄斑中心凹血流长度密度较対侧眼及健康眼低。
Objective: To explore the application value of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) in patients with strabismic amblyopia accompanied by eccentric fixation. Methods: Seventeen strabismus amblyopia patients with eccentric fixation admitted to our hospital from January 2018 to May 2020 were enrolled as the study group. OCTA software was used to measure the distance between fixation point and macular fovea in micron units. Seventeen non-strabismus and non-amblyopia patients with centric fixation were enrolled as the control group. Vessel length density (VLD), perfusion density (PD), and foveal avascular zone (FOZ) were measured for the superficial retinal vascular cluster. Perimeter of FAZ and circularity of FAZ were analyzed. Results: The eccentric fixation distance was (632.18 ±310.6) μm, the macular fovea retinal thickness was (207.82±17.79) μm, the VLD of the superficial retinal vascular plexus was (5.31±3.44) mm?1, the PD was 0.16±0.08, the FAZ area was 0.28±0.17 mm2, the FAZ perimeter was 2.05±0.56 mm, and the FAZ circularity was 0.67±0.06. These results showed statistically significant differences in the VLD compared with the fellow eyes (P=0.043) and the control group (P=0.049), but there were no statistically significant differences in the PD, or FAZ area. In the strabismus group, the eccentricity of amblyopia was significantly correlated with the eccentric distance (r=0.834, P<0.001). Conclusion: OCTA can quantify the eccentric distance. The blood flow length density of macular fovea in strabismic amblyopia with eccentric fixation is lower than that in contralateral and healthy eyes.


Effect of dexmedetomidine combined with sufentanil on patient-controlled intravenous analgesia after transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation in elderly glaucoma patients

目的:评估右美托咪定复合舒芬太尼用于老年青光眼患者经巩膜二极管激光睫状体光凝术 (transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation,TDLC)术后自控静脉镇痛(patient-controlled intravenous analgesia,PCIA)的安全性和有效性。方法:选择行TDLC术老年青光眼患者80例,采用随机数字表法将患者分为SD组(n=40)和S组(n=40)。SD组术后PCIA采用舒芬太尼1.5μg/kg+右美托咪定1.5 μg/kg+托烷司琼4mg;S组采用舒芬太尼2μg/kg+托烷司琼4mg。将相应药物置入生理盐水配成100mL混合液加入电子镇痛泵,手术结束即刻行PCIA至术后24h。观察比较两组患者基本情况和手术情况,比较术前(T0)、术后即刻(T1)、术后6h(T2)、术后12h(T3)和术后24h(T4)患者的收缩压(systolic blood pressure,SBP)、舒张压(diastolic blood pressure,DBP)、心率(heart rate,HR)、NRS疼痛评分、Ramsay镇静评分及非手术眼的眼内压(intraocular pressure,IOP),比较术后恶心呕吐、呼吸抑制、躁动等不良反应及使用其他辅助镇痛药物的情况。结果:两组患者基本情况和手术情况的差异无统计学意义。两组各时点DBP、非手术眼IOP及NRS评分差异无统计学意义。SD组T3、T4时点SBP,T2、T3、T4时点HR以及T2、T3时点Ramsay评分均低于S组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组患者发生不良反应的总例数差异无统计学意义,但SD组恶心呕吐(1例)和烦躁(2例)发生率均低于S组(分别为6例和9例),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组患者呼吸抑制和眩晕嗜睡发生率以及使用其他辅助镇痛药物例数差别无统计学意义,SD组舒芬太尼使用量低于S组(P<0.05)。结论:采用右美托咪定1.5μg/kg复合舒芬太尼1.5μg/kg行PCIA时不影响非手术眼IOP,可安全有效地应用于老年青光眼患者TDLC术后镇痛。
Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of dexmedetomidine combined with sufentanil for postoperative patient-controlled intravenous analgesia (PCIA) after transscleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation (TDLC) in elderly patients with glaucoma. Methods: Eighty elderly glaucoma patients undergoing TDLC were selected and randomly divided into a SD group (n=40) and a S group (n=40) by random number table method. In SD group (n=40), sufentanil 1.5 μg/kg, dexmedetomidine 1.5 μg/kg and tropisetron 4 mg were used for postoperative PCIA, and sufentanil 2 μg/kg and tropisetron 4 mg were used in S Group (n=40). The corresponding drugs in saline solution was added into 100 mL solution with electronic analgesia pump. PCIA was performed immediately after the operation until 24 h after the operation. The basic condition and operation situation of the two groups were observed and compared, and systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate (HR), NRS pain score, Ramsay sedation score and non-operation eye intraocular pressure (IOP) at preoperative (T0), after operation (T1), postoperative 6 h (T2), 12 h after operation (T3) and 24 h after operation (T4) were compared, and postoperative adverse reactions such as nausea and vomiting, respiratory depression, restlessness and use of other auxiliary analgesic drug were also compared. Results: There was no significant difference between two groups of patients’ basic and surgical conditions. There was no significant difference between two groups at each time point DBP, non-operation eye IOP and NRS score. SBP at T3 and T4, HR at T2, T3 and T4, and Ramsay score at T2 and T3 in SD group were lower than the S group, the difference was statistically significant. There was no significant difference in the total number of adverse reactions between two groups, but the incidence of nausea and vomiting and restlessness in group SD were lower than those in group respectively, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups in the incidence of respiratory depression, dizziness, lethargy and the use of other auxiliary analgesics. The sufentanil usage in group SD was lower than that in group S (P<0.05). Conclusion: PCIA with dexmedetomidine 1.5 g/kg combined with sufentanil 1.5 g/kg does not affect the non-operation eye IOP. It can be safely and effectively applied to postoperative analgesia for elderly patients with glaucoma after TDLC


Effects of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants on intraocular pressure of glaucoma patients with elevated intraocular pressure during induction of general anesthesia

目的:探讨全身麻醉诱导期应用不同种类的非去极化肌松药罗库溴铵、顺式阿曲库铵和米库氯铵对眼压升高的青光眼患者眼内压的影响。方法:将术侧眼眼压>21mmHg青光眼手术患者随机分配到罗库溴铵组、顺式阿曲库铵组和米库氯铵组。靶控输注丙泊酚至患者脑电双频指数(bispectral index,BIS)低于55后,根据组别分别静注0.6mg/kg罗库溴铵、0.1mg/kg顺式阿曲库铵及0.2mg/kg米库氯铵,待4个成串刺激(train of four stimulation,TOF)比值降至0后置入可弯曲喉罩,随后行机械通气并给予芬太尼1.5~2.0μg/kg,2%~3%七氟烷吸入维持麻醉。分别于麻醉诱导前(T0)、镇静后(T1)、肌松后(T2)及喉罩置入后(T3)测量三组青光眼患者术侧眼眼压并记录上述时间点血流动力学参数。结果:罗库溴铵组、顺式阿曲库铵组、米库氯铵组患者的眼压在T1、T2、T3时间点均较T0显著下降,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.001);三组患者T2时间点眼压与T1相比差异均无统计学意义(P=0.337,P=0.520,P=0.062);三组患者给予肌松药前后的眼压差值(T2–T1)分别为(0.68±4.39)、(0.36±3.72)和(1.27±3.91)mmHg,组间比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.353)。结论:非去极化肌松药罗库溴铵、顺式阿曲库铵及米库氯铵对眼压升高的青光眼患者的眼压无明显影响,且3种肌松药之间未见显著差异。
Objective: To compare the effects of different types of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants including rocuronium,cis-atracurium and mivacurium on intraocular pressure of glaucoma patients with elevated intraocular pressure during induction of general anesthesia. Methods: Glaucoma patients with intraocular pressure >21 mmHg were randomly assigned to rocuronium group, cis-atracurium group and mivacurium group. After target controlled infusion of propofol until the bispectral index (BIS) lower than 55, 0.6 mg/kg rocuronium, 0.1 mg/kg cisatracurium and 0.2 mg/kg mivacurium were injected intravenously according to different groups. The flexible laryngeal mask was placed after the train-of-four stimulation (TOF) ratio decreased to 0 and the mechanical ventilation was implemented immediately. General anesthesia was maintained by 1.5–2.0 μg/kg fentanyl and 2%– 3% sevoflurane. Intraocular pressure and hemodynamic parameters were measured before anesthesia induction (T0), after sedation (T1), after muscle relaxation (T2), and after laryngeal mask insertion (T3). Results: The intraocular pressure of patients in rocuronium group, cis-atracurium group and mivacurium group at T1, T2, T3 were lower than baseline (T0), and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.001); There was no significant difference in intraocular pressure at T2 compared with T1 in rocuronium group, cis-atracurium group and mivacurium group (P=0.337, P=0.520 and P=0.062 respectively); The difference of intraocular pressure between T2 and T1 in rocuronium group, cis-atracurium group and mivacurium group were (0.68±4.39), (0.36±3.72) and (1.27±3.91) mmHg respectively and there was no significant difference among the groups (P=0.353). Conclusion: The non-depolarizing muscle relaxants rocuronium, cis-atracurium and mivacurium have no significant effect on the intraocular pressure of glaucoma patients with elevated intraocular pressure, and there is no significant difference among the three muscle relaxants.


Comparison of dexmedetomidine versus midazolam for monitored anesthesia care in patients undergoing vitreoretinal surgery

目的:在麻醉监测管理(monitored anesthesia care,MAC)中,通过与咪唑安定比较,观察右美托咪 定在玻璃体视网膜手术中应用的效果、安全性,探讨其应用可行性。方法:将择期玻璃体视网膜 手术患者40例随机双盲分入咪唑安定组(M组)和右美托咪定组(D组)。每组20例,两组患者均行球 后神经阻滞麻醉,连接脑电双频指数(bispectral index,BIS)监测仪监测并维持BIS值在70~90间, 观察和比较麻醉手术中及复苏期的平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure,MAP)、心率(heart rate, HR)、呼吸频率(respiratory rate,RR)、脉搏氧饱和度(oxygen saturation,SpO2)、Ramsay镇静评 分、疼痛数字评分法(Numerical Rating Scale,NRS疼痛评分)、手术医生和患者麻醉效果评分及不 良反应的差异。结果:与麻醉前比较,手术期D组用药后10 min内的心率、血压下降差异有统计学 意义(P<0.05),且用药后10 min内D组心率下降幅度较M组更大(P<0.05)。在手术期和复苏期,D组 的NRS疼痛评分均显著低于M组且差异有统计学意义(均P<0.001),而两组的Ramsay镇静评分差异 无统计学意义(P>0.05)。D组手术期患者的体动发生率和羟考酮使用率显著低于M组(均P<0.05)。 手术医生和患者的麻醉效果评分D组显著高于M组(均P<0.001)。结论:右美托咪定用于玻璃体视 网膜手术,较咪唑安定镇痛效果好且不良反应少,麻醉效果更好。

Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy and safety of dexmedetomidine versus midazolam for the monitored anesthesia care (MAC) management of patients undergoing vitreoretinal surgery. Methods: Forty patients undergoing selective vitreoretinal surgery were double-blind and randomly dividedinto midazolam group (group M) and dexmedetomidine group (group D), each group had 20 patients. Patients in both groups were anesthetized with posterior bulbous nerve block. Bispectral index (BIS) monitor was connected and the BIS value was maintained between 70 and 90. The mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), oxygen saturation (SpO2), Ramsay sedation score, numerical rating scale (NRS), surgeon’s and patient’s anesthesia effect score and adverse reactions were recorded during anesthesia and recovery period. Results: Compared with the data of pre-anesthesia, there were statistical differences of the decrease of HR and MAP in group D within the 10 minutes after medication (P<0.05), and the decrease of HR in group D was greater than that in group M (P<0.05). The NRS pain score in group D was significantly lower than that in group M with statistical significance (P<0.001) during the operation and resuscitation, while there was no significant difference in Ramsay sedation score between the two groups during the operation and resuscitation (P>0.05). In terms of adverse reactions to anesthesia, the incidence of spontaneous movement and oxycodone utilization in group D were significantly lower than those in group M (P<0.05). The anesthesia effect scores of surgeons and patients in group D were significantly higher than those in group M (all P<0.001). Conclusion: Dexmedetomidine has better analgesic effect and less adverse reactions than midazolam in vitreoretinal surgery.



Effects of different oxygen inhalation methods on the changes of vital signs in adult patients undergoing phacoemulsification under topical anesthesia

目的:观察表面麻醉下不同吸氧方式对白内障超声乳化手术患者生命体征变化的影响,探讨适宜的超声乳化手术中吸氧的方式。方法:选取2020年4月至2020年9月于中山大学中山眼科中心行白内障超声乳化摘除术的患者291例,随机分成3组,分别为简易面罩吸氧组(面罩组)97例、鼻导管吸氧(鼻导管组)97例、无吸氧组(对照组)97例,其中面罩组和鼻导管组的吸氧流量均为氧流量2~4 L/min。监测患者进入手术室时(T0)、手术开始时(T1)以及手术结束时(T2)的血压、心率以及血氧饱和度(SpO2)。结果:三组患者在进入手术间时生命体征差异无统计学意义,三组患者术中 血压变化不显著(P>0.05)。在T2时点,氧气吸入的患者其SpO2高于对照组(P<0.05),但均在正常范围内。结论:表面麻醉下白内障超声乳化手术的患者在无严重基础疾病的情况下,术中适当吸氧及监测血流动力学可以增加患者的舒适度及临床安全,对患者使用的吸氧方式应以不影响术中操 作及患者舒适度的方式。
Objective: To observe the effects of different oxygen inhalation methods on the changes of vital signs in adult patients undergoing phacoemulsification under topical anesthesia, and to explore the appropriate oxygen inhalation methods in phacoemulsification. Methods: A total of 291 patients who underwent phacoemulsification for cataract extraction in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University from  April 2020 to September 2020 were randomly divided into 3 groups: the simple mask oxygen inhalation group (n=97), the nasal catheter oxygen inhalation group (n=97), and the oxygen-free group (n=97). The oxygen flow of the mask group and the nasal catheter group was 2–4 L/min. Blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation (SpO2) were monitored at entry into the operating room (T0), at the beginning of surgery (T1), and at the end of surgery (T2). Results: There was no significant difference in vital signs among the 3 groups when entering the operating room, and no significant change in intraoperative blood pressure among the 3 groups (P>0.05). At T2, the blood oxygen saturation of patients with oxygen inhalation was higher than that of the oxygen-free group (P<0.05), but within the normal range. Conclusion: For cataract phacoemulsification patients under topical anesthesia without serious comorbidities, appropriate oxygen inhalation and monitoring hemodynamics can increase the comfort and safety of patients, and oxygen inhalation should be used without affecting surgery manipulation and comfort of patient. 
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
