

Research progress of posterior staphyloma in pathological myopia

病理性近视相对高度近视而言,更强调眼底并发症的存在。后巩膜葡萄肿(posterior staphyloma,PS)被认为是病理性近视的标志性特征,是眼球后巩膜壁的局部扩张,通常认为与巩膜变薄和脉络膜萎缩等因素相关。近年来研究认为P S的形成可能与局部炎症、Bruch膜缺失等因素密切相关。伴随OCT等检查技术的快速革新以及P S治疗手段的探索,诊断和治疗更加完善。
Pathological myopia emphasizes the existence of fundus complications. Posterior staphyloma, considered as a hallmark of pathological myopia, is a partial extension of the posterior scleral wall, which is believed to be related to the scleral thinning and choroidal atrophy. In recent years, studies have indicated that the formation of posterior staphyloma may closely connected with localized inflammation and defects of Bruch’s membrane.With the rapid innovation of examination technologies such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and the exploration of treatment for posterior staphyloma. The diagnosis and therapy will be more comprehensive in the future.


Advances in the application of artificial intelligence in the prevention, control and treatment of myopia

Myopia is the most common ocular disease that harms the vision of children and adolescents. High myopia poses a great threat to visual function. The incidence of myopia in China has been increasing in recent years, and the demand for myopia screening, prevention and control has also expanded. With the continuous development of artificial intelligence theory and technology, Artificial intelligence can assist ophthalmologists in myopia screening, diagnosis and treatment. This review will briefly introduce artificial intelligence in the screening, prediction, and detection of myopia; also, the application in pathological myopia and corneal refractive surgery. This review will discuss some problems of current artificial intelligence research, such as low comparability, high image requirements, low interpretability, privacy protection, and the application prospects of artificial intelligence in myopia.


Investigation on myopia and mental health of adolescents in grade 5 and grade 6 in Chancheng Primary School, Foshan City

目的:研究佛山市禅城区五年级、六年级近视儿童的心理健康及其影响因素,为解决其因近视产生的心理问题及近视防治工作提供依据。方法:选择佛山市禅城区3所小学,在其五年级、六年级选择2个班作为调查对象开展近视筛查、并使用儿童社交焦虑量表、孤独量表以及儿童自尊量表进行心理健康测量。结果:佛山市禅城区近视患病率52.0%,女性(57.5%)较男性(47.4%)有较高患病率,六年级患病率(57.6%)高于五年级(46.3%)。近视儿童均比正常视力儿童存在明显的社交焦虑、孤独感以及低自尊度(得分分别为5.53±4.04 vs 4.66±3.59,30.15±11.72 vs 27.29±10.40,97.97±12.73 vs 100.87±12.21),差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。进一步分析显示,初发近视社会焦虑、孤独以及自尊方面比中度近视明显。性别、年龄等社会因素对于近视儿童心理健康影响不明显。根据矫正的不同方式分类,近视儿童中,戴角膜塑形镜者社交焦虑感较低(F=4.21,P=0.01),戴框架眼镜者则较容易产生较低的自尊度(F=5.67,P=0.02)。结论:小学生近视问题是全社会普遍关心的问题,近视与其心理健康关系密切,这需要全社会密切配合,采取综合措施,且近视矫正方式的选择影响近视儿童的心理。
Objective: By studying the mental health and its influencing factors of myopia children in grade 5 and grade 6 in Chancheng District, Foshan City, this paper provided the basis for solving the psychological problems caused by myopia and the prevention and treatment of myopia. Methods: Three primary schools in Chancheng District,Foshan City were chosen. Two classes in grade 5 and grade 6 were selected to carry out myopia screening followed  by evaluation of their mental health with children’s social anxiety scale, loneliness scale and children’s self-esteem scale. Results: The prevalence of myopia was 52.0% in Chancheng District, Foshan City. Females (57.5%) had a higher prevalence than males (47.4%). The prevalence in grade 6 (57.6%) was higher than that in grade 5 (46.3%).Children with myopia had obvious social anxiety, loneliness, and low self-esteem (scores of 5.53±4.04 vs 4.66±3.59,30.15±11.72 vs 27.29±10.40, 97.97±12.73 vs 100.87±12.21, respectively) than those with normal vision, whose difference was statistically significant (all P<0.05). Further analysis showed that social anxiety, loneliness, and self-esteem in children with primary myopia were more obvious than those with moderate myopia. Social factors such as gender and age had little effect on the mental health of myopic children. According to different correction methods, among myopic children, those who wore orthokeratology lenses had lower social anxiety (F=4.21, P=0.01), and those who wore spectacles were more likely to have lower self-esteem (F=5.67, P=0.02).Conclusion: The problem of myopia in primary school students, which is closely related to mental health, is of
general concern to the whole society. This requires the whole society to cooperate closely and take comprehensive measures. The choice of myopia correction methods affects the psychology of myopic children.


Clinical observation of the effect of phacoemulsification on the progression of myopic foveoschisis in high myopia

目的:评估白内障手术是否影响高度近视黄斑劈裂的进展,为高度近视黄斑劈裂合并白内障患者先行白内障手术改善视觉质量可行性提供依据。方法:选取2018年4月至2021年1月在上海市第十人民医院眼科确诊为高度近视黄斑劈裂患者共36例36眼纳入研究。根据是否行白内障手术分为实验组:男10例10眼,女8例8眼;对照组:男9例9眼,女9例9眼。比较两组初诊及1个月、3个月、6个月、12个月后黄斑中心区视网膜厚度(central subfield thickness,CST)、黄斑区视网膜容积(macular volume,MV)、视网膜平均厚度(average macular thickness,AMT)、最佳矫正视力(best corrected visual acuity,BCVA)、黄斑劈裂形态学进展率情况。结果:两组CST、MV、AMT时间和组别交互效应差异无统计学意义(F=0.825,P=0.370;F=1.266,P=0.268;F=0.612,P =0.657),两组间差异无统计学意义(F =2.519,P =0.122;F =3.318,P =0.077;F =1.378,P=0.249)。两组BCVA时间和组别交互效应差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);做简单效应分析实验组术后1、3、6及12个月BCVA较初诊差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.001);两组1、3、6、12个月BCVA较初诊BCVA的增量差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.001)。两组黄斑劈裂形态进展率差异无统计学意义(P=1.0)。结论:白内障超声乳化吸除术在短期内不影响高度近视黄斑劈裂的进展,且可以提高高度近视黄斑劈裂合并白内障患者的视力。
Objective: To assess whether cataract surgery can affect the progression of myopic foveoschisis, so as to provide evidence for the feasibility of cataract surgery to improve visual quality in patients with myopia foveoschisis accompanied by cataract. Methods: A total of 36 patients (36 eyes) diagnosed with high myopia foveoschisis at the Department of Ophthalmology, Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital from April 2018 to January 2021 were enrolled in the study. The patients were divided into an experimental group (10 males with 10 eyes, and 8 females with 8 eyes) and an observation group (9 males with 9 eyes, and 9 females with 9 eyes) according to whether cataract surgery was performed. The central subfield thickness (CST), macular volume (MV), average macular thickness (AMT), best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), and the progression rate of foveoschis morphology were compared between the two groups at the initial diagnosis and 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after the surgery. Results: In terms of CST, MV, and AMT in the central macular area, no significant difference was found between the two groups (F=2.519, P=0.122; F=3.318, P=0.077; F=1.378, P=0.249), and there was no significant difference in time and group interaction effects between the two groups (F=0.825, P=0.370; F=1.266, P=0.268; F=0.612, P=0.657). In terms of BCVA, there was significant difference in time and group interaction effects between the two groups (P<0.001). The simple effect analysis showed that, compared with initial diagnosis, the BCVA in the experimental group was statistically significant at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after the surgery (all P<0.001). In addition, there was a significant difference in the increments of BCVA between the two groups at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after the surgery when compared with the initial diagnosis (all P<0.001). However, there was no significant difference in the morphological progression between the two groups (P=1.0). Conclusion: Phacoemulsification will not affect the progression of myopic foveoschisis in a short period, and can improve the vision of patients with myopic foveoschisis accompanied by cataract.


Association of myopia with the macular ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer in diabetic patients: A longitudinal study

目的:探讨无糖尿病性视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)的糖尿病人群中,糖尿病与近视对黄斑区节细胞-内丛状层(ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer,GCIPL)厚度纵向变化的影响。方法:纳入广州糖尿病眼病研究中1165名基线无视网膜病变的糖尿病和正常对照者,纵向随访2年。根据是否存在近视[等效球镜(spherical equivalent,SE)≤-3屈光度(diopter,D)]和糖尿病分为健康组(n=508)、糖尿病组(n=525)及糖尿病合并近视组(n=132)。扫频光学相干断层成像(swept source-optical coherence tomography,SS-OCT)技术测量并比较三组间GCIPL厚度的变化,以确定糖尿病和近视的影响,三组间差异使用协方差分析,采用线性混合模型分析评估GCIPL厚度与相关因素的关系。结果:对照组的SE为(1.07±1.06) D,糖尿病组为(1.02±1.00) D,糖尿病合并近视组为(-5.36±2.30) D,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。对照组基线GCIPL厚度为(71.1±0.3) μm,糖尿病组为(74.4±0.2)μm,糖尿病合并近视组为(71.7±0.5) μm。在2年随访过程中,对照组GCIPL厚度下降-0.10(95%CI:-2.03~0.05) μm/年,糖尿病组GCIPL厚度下降的速度为对照组的12倍[-1.21(95%CI:-24.04~0.05) μm/年,P<0.001],糖尿病合并近视组GCIPL厚度下降的速度为对照组的22倍[-2.17(95%CI:-21.63~0.10)μm/年,P<0.001]。结论:近视是无DR的糖尿病患者中GCIPL加速变薄的危险因素,糖尿病和近视在GCIPL损伤中可能存在协同作用。
Objective: To investigate the association between myopia and ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) in diabetic population without diabetic retinopathy (DR). Methods: In this Guangzhou Diabetic Eye study, a total of 1 165 patients aged 30–80 years were recruited followed up longitudinally for 2 years. According to the presence or absence of myopia [spherical equivalence (SE)≤-3 diopter (D)] and diabetics, the patients were divided into a healthy group (n=508), a diabetes mellitus group (n=525), and a diabetes mellitus + myopia group (n=132). GCIPL was measured via swept-source optical coherence tomography. Univariable and multivariable mixed models were used to show the association of GCIPL change and baseline parameters. Results: SE was (1.07±1.06) D in the healthy group, (1.02±1.00) D in the diabetes mellitus group and (-5.36±2.30) D in the diabetes mellitus + myopia group (P<0.001). The baseline GCIPL thickness were (71.1±0.3), (74.4±0.2), and (71.7±0.5) μm, respectively. The slope of GCIPL thickness was -0.10 (95% CI: -2.03 to 0.05) μm/year in the healthy group, which was 12 folds faster than those in the diabetes mellitus group [-1.21(95% CI: -24.04 to 0.05 μm/year, P<0.001] and 22 folds higher among those in diabetes mellitus + myopia group [-2.17 (95% CI: -21.63 to 0.10) μm/year, P=0.009]. Conclusion: Both myopia and diabetes status accelerate macular ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer thinning in diabetic patients without diabetic retinopathy.
Review Article

Corvis ST角膜生物力学分析仪测量近视眼角膜厚度

Measurement of corneal thickness in myopia with Corvis ST corneal biomechanical analyzer

目的:比较角膜生物力学分析仪(Corvis ST)、A型超声测厚仪(A超)、Lenstar LS 900(Lenstar)在测量近视眼角膜厚度的差异,为屈光术前筛查提供参考。方法:纳入2020年3至12月佛山市第二人民医院收治的屈光术前近视患者244例(244只右眼),并按中央角膜厚度(central corneal thickness,CCT)将患者分为3组:薄角膜组(CCT≤520 μm)、正常角膜组(520 μm570 μm),分别采用Corvis ST、A超、Lenstar三种仪器测量3组患者的中央角膜厚度,并纳入对比指标。结果:Corvis ST与A超、Lenstar在薄角膜组、正常角膜组、厚角膜组的测量值对比差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);在相关性方面,Corvis ST与A超、Lenstar在薄角膜组、正常角膜组、厚角膜组呈正相关(r=0.841,P<0.001 vs r=0.832,P<0.001;r=0.866,P<0.001 vs r=0.918,P<0.001;r=0.497,P<0.001 vs r=0.801,P<0.001);在一致性方面,Corvis ST与A超、Lenstar在薄角膜组、正常角膜组、厚角膜组上一致性系数ICC及95%置信区间分别为0.602(0.091,0.857),0.758(0.221,0.901)、0.741(0.207,0.890),0.845(0.396,0.938)、0.417(0.005,0.679),0.667(0.172,0.851),95%一致性区间范围分别是(-2.2~24.2 μm,-6.7~19.5 μm;-8.4~24.6 μm,-6.8~19.4 μm;-8.7~23.8 μm,-7.0~18.3 μm)。结论:通过对3组数据统计分析得出,Corvis ST与A超、Lenstar的测量值相比,差异均有统计学意义,且Corvis ST的测量值均高于后两种仪器;Corvis ST与后两者均有着较高的相关性,且在正常角膜厚度测量上相关性最高;在一致性方面,从ICC点估计及95%置信区间数值分析,一致性较差;从Bland-Altman角度分析,Corvis ST与后两者的绝对值最大差值超过10 μm,一致性较差,但在与Lenstar的绝对值最大差值均在20 μm内。因此,在测量精度要求较高的屈光手术筛查方面,Corvis ST与A超、Lenstar之间不能相互替代,而对于大规模临床筛查,其角膜厚度测量值对眼压的影响有一定的临床参考意义。
Objective: To compare the differences of corneal thickness measured by corneal biomechanical analyzer (Corvis ST), A-mode ultrasonic thickness meter (A-ultrasound) and Lenstar LS 900 (Lenstar) in myopia, so as to provide reference for preoperative screening of refractive surgery. Methods: A total of 244 patients (244 right eyes) with myopia before refractive surgery in Foshan Second People’s Hospital from March to December 2020 were included in the study, and the patients were divided into three groups according to the central corneal thickness (CCT): the thin cornea group (CCT≤520 μm), the normal cornea group (520 μm570 μm). The central corneal thickness (CCT) of the three groups was measured by Corvis ST, A-type ultrasonic thickness gauge and Lenstar LS 900, respectively, and included in the comparison index. Results: The measured values of Corvis ST, A-ultrasound and Lenstar in the thin cornea group, the normal cornea group and the thick cornea group were statistically significant (all P<0.05). Corvis ST was positively correlated with A-ultrasound and Lenstar in the thin cornea group, the normal cornea group and the thick cornea group (r=0.841, P<0.001 vs r=0.832, P<0.001; r=0.866, P<0.001 vs r=0.918, P<0.001; r=0.497, P<0.001 vs r=0.801, P<0.001). In terms of consistency, the consistency coefficients ICC of Corvis ST, A-ultrasound and Lenstar in the thin cornea group, the normal cornea group and the thick cornea group were 0.602 (0.091, 0.857), 0.758 (0.221, 0.901); 0.741 (0.207, 0.890), 0.845 (0.396, 0.938); 0.417 (0.005, 0.679), 0.667 (0.172, 0.851), and the range of 95% consistency interval were -2.2–24.2 μm, -6.7–19.5 μm; -8.4–24.6 μm, -6.8–19.4 μm; -8.7–23.8 μm, -7.0–18.3 μm. Conclusion: Through the statistical analysis of the data from the three groups, it is concluded that the measured values of Corvis ST are statistically significant compared with those of A-ultrasound and Lenstar, and the measured values of Corvis ST are higher than those of the latter two instruments. Corvis ST has a high correlation with the latter two, and the correlation is the highest in the measurement of normal corneal thickness. In terms of consistency, from the ICC point estimation and 95% confidence interval numerical analysis, the consistency was poor. From the perspective of Bland Altman, the maximum absolute value difference between Corvis ST and Lenstar was more than 10 μm, indicating poor consistency, but the maximum absolute value difference between Corvis ST and Lenstar was within 20 μm. Therefore, in refractive surgery screening with high measurement accuracy, Corvis ST, A-ultrasound and Lenstar cannot replace each other. However, in large-scale clinical screening, the measured value of corneal thickness has a certain clinical reference significance on the impact of intraocular pressure.


Clinical presentation and outcomes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in phakic eyes after posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation for high-myopia

Objective: To analyze the clinical presentation, surgical management, and outcomes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in patients with high-myopia corrected by posterior chamber phakic (PCP) intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Methods: Nine eyes of 9 patients in whom RRD developed after PCPIOL implantation from April 2012 to June 2021 in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center were retrospectively studied. Mean follow-up after retinal detachment surgery was (4.96±4.78)months. Results: Mean patient age was (30.44±20.11) years old. RRD occurred (32.10±17.80) months after PCPIOL implantation. Four (44.4%) breaks were horseshoe tear, 1 (11.1%) was atrophic hole and 4 participants (44.4%) had a giant retinal tear. Nine cases had causative breaks located anterior to the equator while peripheral retina lattice degeneration was found in 6 eyes. RRD extended from 1 to 4 quadrants (3.0±1.12 quadrants) and 8 cases were macula-off retinal detachments. Four eyes’ proliferative vitreoretinopathy were more severe than level C. Initial reattachment rate was 77.80%. Final retinal reattachment was 100%. Final follow-up BCVA was significantly better than baseline (P<0.05). Furthermore, concurrent cataract occurred in 2 eyes in which silicone oil was used as tamponade. Ocular hypertension was detected in 4 eyes after surgery. Conclusion: The existed lattice degeneration and postoperative vitreous traction may be risk factors for RRD after PCPIOL implantation.


Risk factors for myopia progression in school-age children in Wenzhou, China

目的:观察学龄儿童的近视进展情况,分析近视进展的危险因素。方法:于2014年纳入温州2所小学二、三年级近视儿童,每年随访1次,直至小学毕业。检查内容包括非睫状肌麻痹主觉验光、双眼视功能检查(隐斜、调节性集合/调节、正负相对调节、正负融像性聚散)和问卷调查。采用无序多分类logistic回归分析近视进展速度的危险因素。结果:共纳入152名近视儿童[年龄7~9岁,95名(62.5%)男性],初始屈光度为-1.30±0.95屈光度(diopter,D),年近视进展量为-0.68±0.35 D。回归分析表明:与慢速组相比(年近视进展量>-0.50 D),中速组(-1.00 D<年近视进展量≤-0.50 D)与快速组(年近视进展量≤-1.00 D)中初始屈光度≤-1.00 D的儿童占比更大(中速组:OR=3.51,P=0.003;快速组:OR=3.29,P=0.044),快速组中女性占比更大(OR=4.52,P=0.012),基线双眼视功能参数在不同组间差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论:学龄儿童近视进展速度与性别、初始屈光度相关,与基线双眼视功能无关。女孩、初始近视程度大(7~9岁时,屈光度≤-1.00 D)的儿童近视进展快。
Objective: To investigate myopia progression and analyze the risk factors associated with myopia progression in a cohort of primary schoolchildren. Methods: The study was conducted in two primary schools in Wenzhou. Schoolchildren from grades 2 and 3 were examined in 2014 and were followed up annually until primary school graduation at grade 6. Children who were myopic at baseline were included in this study. The examination included non-cycloplegic subjective refraction, questionnaire survey, and binocular visual function parameters such as phoria, accommodative convergence/accommodation, positive relative accommodation, negative relative accommodation, and fusional convergence range. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to investigate the risk factors associated with various myopia progression speeds. Results: A total of 152 myopic schoolchildren [baseline age range 7–9 years; 95 male (62.5%)] were included in this study. The average refractive error (spherical equivalent refraction, SER) at baseline was -1.30±0.95 D, and the average annual myopia progression was -0.68±0.35 D. Multinomial logistic regression analysis showed that compared to the slow myopia progression group (annual myopia progression >-0.50 D), the moderate myopia progression group (-1.00 D < annual myopia progression ≤-0.50 D) and the fast myopia progression group (annual myopia progression ≤-1.00 D) were associated with having SER values ≤-1.00 D at baseline (moderate: OR=3.51, P=0.003; fast: OR=3.29, P=0.044); the fast myopia progression group was also associated with female sex (OR=4.52, P=0.012); baseline binocular visual function parameters were not related to various myopia progression speeds (P>0.05 for all). Conclusion: Sex and baseline refractive error were associated with various myopia progression among primary schoolchildren. No correlation between baseline binocular visual functions and myopia progression was found in this study. Myopia progressed faster in girls and children who had greater myopia (SER values ≤?1.00 D at age 7–9 years) at baseline.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
