2019年9月 第34卷 第3期

主编:葛坚 刘奕志


Clinical application of ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope in peripheral retinopathy in myopic patients

目的:评价欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜检查近视患者眼底周边部视网膜病变的应用价值。方法:本研究为前瞻性病例研究,收集爱尔眼科医院要求行屈光手术的近视患者1 000例(2 000只眼),分别进行小瞳下欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜眼底检查和散瞳后三面镜检查,记录检查结果并进行比较分析。结果:通过欧堡Daytona 200度超广角激光扫描检眼镜检查发现有周边视网膜病变共230例(310只眼),检出阳性率为15.50%;三面镜检查发现周边部视网膜病变共242例(322只眼),检出阳性率为16.10%。两种检查方法对近视患者周边部视网膜病变检出阳性率具有很好的一致性(Kappa值0.8~1.0)。结论:欧堡Daytona 200度超广角成像系统为检查周边部视网膜病变提供了更省时高效的方法,在屈光手术前筛查视网膜周边部病变,具有广阔的临床应用前景。
Objectives: To evaluate the clinical value of peripheral retinal diseases in myopic patients examined by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona). Methods: This was a prospective case-control study. We collected 1 000 myopic patients (2 000 eyes) who were scheduled to undergo refractive surgery in Aier Eye Hospital. They were examined by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona) with non-mydriasis and three-mirror contact lens with mydriasis. The examination results were recorded and statistically analyzed. Results: A total of 230 cases (310 eyes) with peripheral retinopathy were found by 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona). The positive rate was 15.50%; 242 cases (322 eyes) with peripheral retinopathy were found by three- mirror contact lens, and the positive rate was 16.10%. The two methods were consistent in the detection of peripheral Retinopathy in myopic patients (the Kappa value is between 0.8 and 1.0). Conclusion: 200-degree ultra-wide field laser ophthalmoscope (Daytona) is an effective and rapid method for detecting peripheral retinopathy. It provides a broad clinical application prospects for peripheral retinopathy screening before refractive surgery.


Clinical study of effective lens position after cataract surgery in high myopia eyes

目的:探讨高度近视合并白内障患者白内障术后有效晶状体位置的变化。方法:收集白内障超声乳化摘除联合人工晶状体植入术的高度近视合并白内障患者21例共27眼,记录术后1 d、1周、1个月视力、屈光度、有效晶状体位置。结果:高度近视合并白内障患者术后1 d,1周,1个月有效晶状体位置分别为(4.17±0.39),(4.09±0.38),(4.31±0.44) mm,且组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。有效晶状体位置的实际轴向运动为(0.19±0.13) mm,与晶状体厚度呈正相关(r=0.648,P<0.001),与术前眼轴无相关关系(r=0.227,P=0.255)。结论:高度近视合并白内障患者术后1 d至1周人工晶状体轻度前移而造成近视偏移,而术后1个月时则呈远视偏移,且术后有效晶状体位置位移与术前晶状体厚度相关。
Objective: To investigate the change and influencing factors of the effective lens position after cataract surgery in high myopia eyes. Methods: We collected 27 eyes of 21 patients with high myopia who underwent phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation. The visual acuity, diopter and effective lens position were recorded 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month after operation. Results: The effective lens position of high myopia combined with cataract patients at 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month was (4.17±0.39), (4.09±0.38), and (4.31±0.44)mm, respectively. The effective lens positions significantly differed between the groups after surgery (P<0.05). The ELPRMS was (0.19±0.13) mm. The ELPRMS was positively correlated with the lens thickness (r=0.648,P<0.001), whereas was not correlated with the preoperative axial length (r=0.227, P=0.255). Conclusion: High myopic patients with cataract have a slight forward movement of the effective lens position from 1 day to 1 week after surgery, and a hyperopic shift from 1 week to 1 month. The displacement of effective lens position after surgery is correlated with the preoperative lens thickness.


Effect of trehalose on conjunctival epithelial cells in a rat model of experimental dry eye

目的:评价海藻糖滴眼液对摘除眶内眶外泪腺的实验性大鼠干眼的疗效。方法:SD大鼠30只,随机分成正常组、对照组、实验组,每组10只(20只眼)。正常组不给予处置,实验组和对照组通过摘除大鼠主泪腺制作干眼动物模型。对照组和实验组于造模完成术后1周后分别给予生理盐水、海藻糖滴眼液点双眼,每天4次,治疗共4周。分别于造模术前和造模术后1,2,3,5周进行基础泪液分泌试验(Shirmer I test),角膜上皮荧光染色评分检测;造模5周后将大鼠处死,采用免疫组织化学方法对结膜上皮细胞中Bcl-2和Bax凋亡基因蛋白表达进行检测,观察干眼动物模型结膜上皮细胞凋亡与眼表干眼病变及组织损伤的关系。结果:基础泪液分泌试验结果显示,对照组和实验组除术后第5周比较差异有统计学意义外(P<0.05),其余时间点差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),术后各时间点与正常组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。造模术后第1周,对照组和实验组角膜荧光色染色评分明显高于正常组;术后第2周后,对照组和实验组评分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),随着时间的延长,术后第3周和第5周,两组评分差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),且实验组评分小于对照组。结膜上皮细胞免疫组织化学检测结果显示:正常组结膜上皮细胞Bax蛋白阳性表达的细胞数较对照组和实验组少,与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),与实验组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);正常组可见大量Bcl-2蛋白阳性表达,且多于实验组,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),多于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);对照组结膜上皮细胞中可见大量Bax蛋白阳性表达于细胞质,呈棕黄色颗粒,实验组中Bax蛋白阳性表达相对于对照组明显较少,两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);实验组结膜上皮细胞中可见大量Bcl-2蛋白阳性表达,对照组Bcl-2蛋白表达相对于实验组明显减少,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:海藻糖滴眼液可以减少角膜表层上皮脱落,对结膜上皮细胞有一定的保护作用,可以拮抗结膜上皮细胞的凋亡,从而增强角结膜上皮屏障功能,改善由干燥引起的眼表上皮的损伤。海藻糖溶液可用于眼表上皮疾病的潜在临床应用,为治疗眼表疾病如干眼症提供治疗选择。
Objective: To observe the efficacy of trehalose eye drops on experimental dry eye rat with removal of inside and outside lacrimal glands. Methods: A total of 30 SD rats were randomly divided into a normal group, a control group, and an experimental group, with 10 rats for each group (20 eyes). The normal group was not treated, and the experimental group and the control group were made into a dry eye animal model by removing the main lacrimal gland of the rat. The control group and the experimental group were given with normal saline and trehalose eye drops once a week after the completion of modeling, 4 times a day for 4 weeks. Shirmer I test and fluorescence staining test were carded before and 1, 2, 3, and 5 weeks after modeling. After 5 weeks of modeling, the rats were sacrificed and the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax apoptosis protein in conjunctival epithelial cells was detected by immunohistochemistry in order to observe the relationship between apoptosis of conjunctival epithelial cells and dry eye lesions and tissue damage in dry eye animal models. Results: Schirme I test results showed that there was no significant difference between the control group and the experimental group (P>0.05) except for the 5th week after operation (P<0.05). There was a statistical difference between the two groups and the normal group at each time point after surgery (P<0.05). At the first week after modeling, the corneal fluorescence staining scores of the control group and the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the normal group. After the second week after surgery, there was no significant difference between the control group and the experimental group (P>0.05). The prolongation of time, the 3 week and the 5th week after surgery, the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.05), and the score of the experimental group was smaller than the control group. The immunohistochemical results of conjunctival epithelial cells showed that the number of Bax protein positive cells in the normal conjunctival epithelial cells was less than that in the control group and the experimental group. The difference between the normal group and the control group was statistically significant(P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). There was a large amount of Bcl- 2 protein in the normal group, which was more than the experimental group. The difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05), which was more than the control group. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); a large amount of Bax protein was positively expressed in the cytoplasm and brownish-yellow particles in the conjunctival epithelial cells of the control group. The positive expression of Bax protein in the experimental group was significantly less than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). A large amount of Bcl-2 protein was positively expressed in the conjunctival epithelial cells of the experimental group, and the expression of Bcl-2 protein in the control group was significantly decreased compared with the experimental group (P<0.05).Conclusion: Trehalose eye drops can reduce epithelial detachment of the cornea and have a protective effect on conjunctival epithelial cells, which can antagonize the apoptosis of conjunctival epithelial cells,thereby enhancing the keratoconjunctival barrier function and improving the ocular surface epithelium caused by dryness. The potential clinical application of trehalose solution for ocular surface epithelial diseases and provide treatment options for ocular surface diseases, such as dry eye.


Design and application of real-time counting and recovery of ophthalmic instrument and the receipt module by a certain department

目的:开发眼科供应室质量管理追溯系统的实时回收、科室签收功能模块,实现消毒供应中心无纸化办公,提高工作效率。方法:通过构建眼科消毒供应中心质量管理追溯系统的实时回收、科室签收功能模块,消毒供应中心工作人员使用个人数字助理(personal digital assistant,PDA)与临床科室人员进行面对面的器械回收清点和下送物品的清点签收,通过实施该模块等数据信息进行前后比较以评价其应用效果。结果:通过使用PDA对眼科器械进行实时回收、物品签收,回收器械物品清点记录的差错率由原来的3.32%下降到0.51%,实施前后因物品数目、名称等不符发生纠纷例数由原来的14.39%下降到1.56%。结论:该模块实现了无纸化办公,提高了回收、下送物品的精准性,提高了工作效率;减少了与临床科室的纠纷,提高了临床科室对消毒供应中心的满意度。
Objective: To develop the function module of real-time recovery counting and department receipt signing of the quality management traceability system of the ophthalmic supply room, realize the paperless office of the disinfection supply center, and improve the work efficiency. Methods: Eye disinfection supply center is built with quality management traceability system of real-time collection, department to sign for function module,counting supply room staff use personal digital assistants (PDAs) and clinical departments personnel under the face-to-face equipment recycling counted and send goods receipt, counting of implementation process control,reducing disputes. Results: By using PDA to collect and count the ophthalmic instruments in real time and sign for the receipt of the articles, the accuracy of the recovery and delivery of the articles was improved, the disputes between the supply room and the clinical department caused by the difference in the quantity of the recovered and delivery of the articles were solved, and the paperless management was realized. Conclusion: The module realizes paperless office and improves work efficiency. It reduces the disputes with the clinical departments and improves the satisfaction of the clinical departments with the supply department.


The influence of myopia on visual acuity using C- and E-word visual acuity chart

目的:比较不同受检者在相同近视屈光欠矫下使用C字视力表和E字视力表所测得的视力差别及探讨导致这种差别的原因。方法:选取不同年龄段250名受检者,在完全矫正屈光度[最正之最佳视力(maximum plus to maximum visual acuity,MPMVA)]情况下附加相应的球镜造成相应的近视度数后比较使用2种不同的视力表测出的视力值变化情况。同时根据2种视力表的设计原理及视力表的不同记录法探讨造成数值不同的可能原因。结果:同一附加度情况下分别用C字视力表组和E字视力表组行方差分析,不同年龄组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。相同附加度情况下同一受检者使用C字视力表组和E字视力表组行t检验,两者差异具有统计学意义(t=?15.798,P<0.05),C字视力表测得视力平均值小于E字视力表测得视力平均值。结论:受检者使用C字视力表比E字视力表检测视力结果更加优异;C字视力表和E字视力表的视标形状及开口方向不同是2种视力表检测结果差异的主要原因。
Objective: To compare the difference of visual acuity measured by C-chart and E-chart in the same myopic refractive undercorrection and to explore the causes of the difference. Methods: Two hundred and fifty subjects of different ages were selected to compare the changes of visual acuity measured by two different visual meters after adding corresponding spherical lenses to the maximum plus to maximum visual acuity (MPMVA) corrected diopter. At the same time, according to the design principle of the two kinds of visual acuity meters and the different recording methods of visual acuity tables, the possible reasons for the different values were discussed.Results: There was no significant difference between different age groups (P>0.05). Under the same degree of additionality, the visual acuity of the same subjects was tested by t-test with C visual acuity chart and E visual acuity chart. The difference was statistically significant (t=?15.798, P<0.05). The average visual acuity of C visual acuity table was smaller than that of E visual acuity table. Conclusion: The visual acuity of myopic patients tested by C visual acuity chart is better than by E visual acuity chart. The main reason for the difference between C visual chart and E visual chart was the different shape and opening direction of visual icons.


Ocular surface condition after squint surgery

目的:探索斜视患者手术治疗后的眼表恢复状况。方法:选取2015年1月至2018年6月于如皋市广慈医院接受门诊手术治疗的92例水平性斜视患者为研究对象,共126眼,按照手术切口将患者分为3组,行角膜缘切口的42例52眼患者为A组,行跨肌止端切口的17例19眼患者为B组,行近穹窿切口的33例55眼患者为C组。再根据手术累及肌肉条数将患眼分为3组,行单条眼外肌的29眼手术者为单肌组,行2条眼外肌的42眼手术者为双肌组,行3条眼外肌的21眼手术者为三肌组。比较不同切口类型和肌肉累及数患者的眼表健康恢复时间。结果:A,B,C3组间首次泪膜破裂恢复时间、泪河高度时间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组首次泪膜破裂恢复时间(14.33±3.26) d和泪河高度时间(14.54±1.58) d显著低于B组和C组,差异具有统计学意义(F=4.876,P=0.032;F=4.612,P=0.036)。单肌组,双肌组及三肌组3组间首次泪膜破裂恢复时间、泪河高度时间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);单肌组的首次泪膜破裂恢复时间(13.42±3.57) d和泪河高度时间(8.65±1.62) d显著低于双肌组和三肌组,差异有统计学意义(F=4.975,P=0.028;F=5.024,P=0.025)。结论:手术累及的肌肉数和手术切口类型对术后眼表健康状况具有重要影响,近穹窿切口的手术方式和累及较少肌肉数量有助于患者术后眼部健康状况的恢复。
Objective: To explore the ocular surface recovery after surgical treatment of strabismus patients. Methods: A total of 92 patients (126 eyes) with strabismus who underwent surgery in our hospital from January 2015 to June 2018 were enrolled. The patients were divided into three groups according to the surgical incision, 42 patients (52 eyes)underwent limbal incision were in group A, 17 patients (19 eyes) underwent trans-muscle end-point incision in group B, and 33 patients (55 eyes) underwent proximal hernia incision in group C. According to the number of muscles involved in the operation, the sick eyes of patients were divided into three groups. The 29 eyes with a single extraocular muscle were a single muscle group, the 42 eyes with 2 extraocular muscles were a double muscle group, and the 21-eye treated with 3 extraocular muscles were a three-muscle group. The ocular surface health recovery time of patients with different incision types and muscle involvement were compared. Results: The first tear film rupture recovery time and tear river height time between group A, B, and C were significantly different,and the data were statistically significant (P<0.05); the first tear film rupture recovery time (14.33±3.26) d and tear river height time (14.54±1.58) d in group A were significantly lower than those in group B and C. The data were statistically significant (F=4.876, P=0.032; F=4.612, P=0.036). The first tear film rupture recovery time and tear river height time between the single, double and three muscle groups were significantly different, and the data were statistically significant (P<0.05); the first tear film rupture recovery time (13.42±3.57) d and tear river height time (8.65±1.62) d were significantly lower in the single muscle group than in the double muscle group and the third muscle group. The data were statistically significant (F=4.975, P=0.028; F=5.024, P=0.025). Conclusion:The number of muscles involved in the operation and the type of surgical incision have an important impact on the health of the ocular surface after surgery. The proximal ankle incision and less number of muscles involved would improve the postoperative recovery of eye health.


Current status and research advances in diagnosis and treatment of primary Sj?gren’s syndrome associated dry eye disease in ophthalmology

原发性干燥综合征(primary Sj?gren’s syndrome,SS)是一种主要累及外分泌腺体的自身免疫性疾病,患者通常因为严重的干眼症状首先就诊于眼科,大多数临床医师对原发性干燥综合征相关性干眼(Sj?gren’s syndrome dry eye disease,SS-DED)认识不足,可能导致漏诊和误诊。侵入性极小的客观检查及生物标志物的发展,将有助于发现SS-DED的真面目,并可能从新的角度阐释其发病机制,为其诊断、分类及治疗提供新的思路。SS-DED的治疗没有特效的药物,大多数患者需接受多种方法的治疗,以了解哪些方法最有效。
Primary Sj?gren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease that mainly affects exocrine glands. Patients usually refer to ophthalmologists because of severe dry eye symptoms. Most clinicians have insufficient knowledge with dry eye disease associated with primary Sj?gren’s syndrome probably leading to misdiagnosis or missing the diagnosis.The diagnosis of Sj?gren’s syndrome dry eye disease (SS-DED) is difficult, but the extremely invasive objective examination and the development of biomarkers will help to understand this disease and explain its pathogenesis from a new perspective. There is no specific treatment for the SS-DED, and most patients should receive multiple treatments to select the optimal treatment.


Progress of laser peripheral iridotomy in the treatment of primary angle closure

青光眼是全球第二大致盲眼病,第一大不可逆性致盲眼病,其中原发性闭角型青光眼(primary angle closure glaucoma,PACG)占25%。激光周边虹膜切除术(laser peripheral iridotomy,LPI)已成为PACG和原发性房角关闭的一线治疗。LPI机制为利用激光在周边虹膜上打孔,解除PACG的瞳孔阻滞,加深前房,扩大房角,恢复生理性房水排出途径,从而降低眼压。研究表明LPI在原发性房角关闭各个疾病进程中均能比较好的控制眼压,是相对安全的治疗方法。
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness and the most common cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) accounts for 25% of glaucoma. Laser peripheral iridotomy(LPI) has become the first line treatment for PACG and primary angle closure (PAC). The mechanism of LPI is to use laser to create a hole in peripheral iris to relieve pupil block, deepen anterior chamber, expand chamber angle,restore pathway of physiological aqueous discharge and reduce intraocular pressure. Studies have shown that LPI can control intraocular pressure well in all stages of PAC, which is safe for PAC.


Current status and research advances in diagnosis and treatment of primary Sjogren’s syndrome associated dry eye disease in ophthalmology


原发性干燥综合征 (primary Sjogren' s syndromeSS) 是一种主要累及外分泌腺体的自身免疫性疾病,患者通常因为严重的干眼症状首先就诊于眼科,大多数临床医师对原发性干燥综合征相关性干眼 (Sjogren' s syndrome dry eye diseaseSS-DED) 认识不足,可能导致漏诊和误诊。侵入性极小的客观检查及生物标志物的发展,将有助于发现 SS-DED 的真面目,并可能从新的角度阐释其发病机制,为其诊断、分类及治疗提供新的思路。SS-DED 的治疗没有特效的药物,大多数患者需接受多种方法的治疗,以了解哪些方法最有效。

Primary Sjogren' s syndrome is an autoimmune disease that mainly affects exocrine glands. Patients usually refer to ophthalmologists because of severe dry eye symptoms. Most clinicians have insufficient knowledge with dry eye disease associated with primary Sjogren' s syndrome probably leading to misdiagnosis or missing the diagnosis. The diagnosis of Sjogren' s syndrome dry eye disease (SS-DED) is difficult, but the extremely invasive objective examination and the development of biomarkers will help to understand this disease and explain its pathogenesis from a new perspective. There is no specific treatment for the SS-DED, and most patients should receive multiple treatments to select the optimal treatment. 


Progress of laser peripheral iridotomy in the treatment of primary angle closure


青光眼是全球第二大致盲眼病,第一大不可逆性致盲眼病,其中原发性闭角型青光眼(primary angle closure glaucoma,PACG)占 25%。激光周边虹膜切除术(laser peripheral iridotomy,LPI)已成为 PACG 和原发性房角关闭的一线治疗。LPI 机制为利用激光在周边虹膜上打孔,解除 PACG 的瞳孔阻滞,加深前房,扩大房角,恢复生理性房水排出途径,从而降低眼压。研究表明 LPI 在原发性房角关闭各个疾病进程中均能比较好的控制眼压,是相对安全的治疗方法。

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness and the most common cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) accounts for 25% of glaucoma. Laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) has become the first line treatment for PACG and primary angle closure (PAC). The mechanism of LPI is to use laser to create a hole in peripheral iris to relieve pupil block, deepen anterior chamber, expand chamber angle, restore pathway of physiological aqueous discharge and reduce intraocular pressure. Studies have shown that LPI can control intraocular pressure well in all stages of PAC, which is safe for PAC.



Perioperative nursing of 15 children with self-expanding hydrogel orbital implantation

This paper summarized the nursing experience of 15 children with self-expanding hydrogel orbital implantation during perioperative period. Before operation, children were fully evaluated, given with psychological care, preoperative preparation and management of fasting and drinking. After the surgery, the patients were mainly given with safety management, diet, pain, medicine and elastic bandage dressing care. Nurses should pay attention to the occurrence of complications and give corresponding nursing care and offer useful discharge guidance for the children and their parents. All 15 children completed the operation successfully, postoperative eye pain occurred in 15 cases after operation, and the orbital pressure increased in 2 cases, 1 case vomited, and all cases were properly treated. After postoperative follow-up for 3–18 months, 15 children were satisfied with the appearance of the eye,and the life quality was improved.


Application of standard operation procedure in the intravitreal injection

目的:探讨标准操作程序在玻璃体腔内注药术护理中的应用效果。方法:选择2018年9至12月中山大学中山眼科中心眼底专科门诊504例玻璃体腔内注药术患者作为研究对象,对护理人力资源的整合、患者等待手术时间、患者和家属的满意度、医护人员满意度进行评价。结果:标准操作程序后明确护士岗位职责,护士操作水平和综合能力有效提升,患者手术等待时间由原来的预约2周缩短为2 d。患者和家属的满意度分别由92.0%和91.0%提高到98.5%和97.0%。医护人员满意度的评价由95%提到至98.4%。结论:玻璃体腔内注药术标准操作程序不仅提升了工作效率,更提升了患者和家属、医务人员的满意度,规范化的标准操作程序是玻璃体腔内注药的安全保障。
Objective: To investigate the effect of standard operation procedure in the intravitreal injection. Methods: A total of 504 patients visiting the fundus clinics of our hospital from September to December 2018 were selected in this study. The integration of nursing human resources, patient waiting time, patient and family satisfaction,and medical staff satisfaction were evaluated. Results: The nurses’ job responsibilities were clarified, and the nurses’ operation level and comprehensive ability were improved. The patients’ waiting time for surgery was shortened from 2 weeks to 2 days. Patient and family satisfaction increased from 92.0% and 91.0% to 98.5% and 97.0%, respectively. The evaluation of the satisfaction of medical staff was elevated from 95% to 98.4%.Conclusion: The standard operation procedure of intravitreal injection not only improves the work efficiency, but also significantly increases the satisfaction of patients and their families and medical staffs. Therefore, the standard operation procedure can guarantee the safety of intravitreal injection.

15 例自膨胀水凝胶眶内植入术患儿的围手术期护理

Perioperative nursing of 15 children with self-expanding hydrogel orbital implantation


本文总结了 15 例自膨胀水凝胶眶内植入术患儿围手术期的护理要点。术前主要评估患儿是否完善术前检查,给予患儿及其家属个性化的心理护理,进行术前准备以及禁食禁饮的管理。术后主要给予患儿安全管理,饮食、疼痛、眼部用药以及弹力绷带包扎护理,关注有无并发症的发生及给予相应的护理,并对患儿及其家属做好出院指导。15 例患儿均顺利完成手术,术后均出现术眼疼痛,例出现眶压增高,例出现呕吐,均得到妥善处理。术后随访 3~18 个月,患儿均获得了较为满意的眼部外观,生活质量得到了提高。

This paper summarized the nursing experience of 15 children with self-expanding hydrogel orbital implantation during perioperative period. Before operation, children were fully evaluated, given with psychological care, preoperative preparation and management of fasting and drinking. After the surgery, the patients were mainly given with safety management, diet, pain, medicine and elastic bandage dressing care. Nurses should pay attention to the occurrence of complications and give corresponding nursing care and offer useful discharge guidance for the children and their parents. All 15 children completed the operation successfully, postoperative eye pain occurred in 15 cases after operation, and the orbital pressure increased in 2 cases, 1 case vomited, and all cases were properly treated. After postoperative follow-up for 318 months, 15 children were satisfied with the appearance of the eye, and the life quality was improved. 



Different prognosis of posterior pole granuloma toxocariasis: Two cases report

We reported two cases of posterior pole granuloma toxocariasis with different prognosis to remind ophthalmologists to attach importance to the active treatment. Two patients were diagnosed with posterior pole granuloma toxocariasis. One patient received prednisolone and pars plana vitrectomy combined with peeling of retinal membrane, and his vision was improved significantly. The other patient missed opportunity to perform surgery and lost his vision. It is important to make accurate diagnosis and active treatment for posterior pole granuloma toxocariasis. Eyes with posterior pole granuloma toxocariasis should be treated with surgery without delay to avoid visual loss when epiretinal membrane causes the absence of normal macular structure.


Acute annular outer retinopathy: A case report

患者女,60岁,因“右眼前黑影飘动1月,视力下降8天”就诊。视力:右眼0.1,不能矫正;左眼0.6矫正0.9。右眼眼底见视盘周围边界清晰不规则灰白色区,并波及中心凹。视野检查:右眼对应眼底病灶的视野缺损;左眼正常。光学相干断层成像术(optical coherence tomography,OCT)显示灰白色区域椭圆体带不规则、缺失,视网膜色素上皮(retinal pigment epithelium,RPE)层见数个指状隆起。眼底自发荧光(autofluorescence,AF)示:受影响区域内呈高荧光和部分不规则低荧光区。荧光素眼底血管造影(fundus fluorescein angiography,FFA)示:早期见荧光渗漏,晚期荧光着染、蓄积。吲哚菁绿血管造影(indocyanine green angiography,ICGA)示:见以视乳头为中心,边界清晰的低荧光区。诊断:右眼急性轮状外层视网膜病变。治疗:给予抗炎和改善血循环4周,眼底灰白色环状带消失,视力明显好转。随访6个月,患者病情控制良好。
A 60-year-old woman was admitted to Chengdu Aidi Eye Hospital because of “dark shadow fluttering in the right eye for 1 month and vision loss for 8 days”. Visual acuity—with a myopic correction—was 0.1 with the right eye and 0.9 with the left eye. The right eye fundus presented a well-defined, irregular, grayish white area around the optic disc, and affected the fovea, corresponding to the visual field defect of the fundus lesion. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed that the ellipsoid bands in this region were irregular and absent, and several finger-like ridges were seen in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) layer. Fundus autofluorescence (AF): High fluorescence and some irregular low fluorescence in the affected area. Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA): Fluorescence leakage was seen in the early stage, fluorescence staining and accumulation in the late stage. Indocyanine green angiography (ICGA): A well-defined low-fluorescence area centered on the optic nipple was observed. Diagnosis:Acute annular outer retinopathy. Treatment: Anti-inflammatory and improved blood circulation for 4 weeks, the gray and white ring of fundus disappeared and the visual acuity improved obviously
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
