

Medial-inferior wall orbital decompression combined with fat decompression in the treatment of moderate-to-severe thyroid associated ophthalmopathy

目的:中重度甲状腺相关眼病内下壁骨性减压联合脂肪减压术的临床疗效观察。方法:回顾性分析25例(31眼)在浙江大学医学院附属第二医院眼科行内下壁骨性减压联合脂肪减压术治疗的甲状腺相关眼病患者,观察时间为2020年1月至2022年1月。术前所有患者均进行了眼眶CT检查,并对双眼视力、眼球突出、复视及双眼外观形态进行了测量。手术效果评价指标为:术后眼球突出度、视力和复视程度,并对相关数据进行统计和分析。结果:术后眼球突出度回退2~6 mm,平均回退(3.45±0.93)mm,切除眶内脂肪1.4~3.6 mL,平均切除(2.33±0.66)mL,外观恢复满意。4例患者术前存在复视,2例患者术后新发复视,术前已存在复视的患者,术后复视程度并未加重,新发的2例复视患者均为轻度复视。术后CT检查显示眼眶减压效果良好。结论:内下壁骨性减压与脂肪减压术联合,可以有效扩大眼眶容积,对眼球进行回纳,减少眼球突出程度,改善容貌外观,且手术切口隐蔽美观,具有较好的临床疗效果。
Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of medial-inferior wall orbital decompression combined with fat decompression in the treatment of moderate-to-severe thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO). Methods:retrospective analysis was performed on 25 patients (31 eyes) with moderate-to-severe TAO from January 2020 to January 2022 in Eye Hospital of Zhejiang University, who were treated with medial-inferior wall orbital decompression combined with fat decompression. All of patients were given orbital computed tomography to measure visual acuity, exophthalmos, diplopia and ocular appearance before operation. The preoperative and postoperative exophthalmos, visual acuity and diplopia before and after operation were taken as efficacy evaluating indicators. The related data was counted and analyzed statistically. Results: After operation, the reduction of exophthalmos was 2-6 mm, with an average of (3.45±0.93) mm, the volume of intrazonal fat-removal was 1.4-3.6 mL, with an average of (2.33±0.66) mL, with a satisfactory appearance. There were 4 cases of preoperative diplopia and 2 cases of new diplopia after operation, all of which were mild diplopia. Diplopia did not exacerbate after operation in the patients who had diplopia before operation. Conclusion: Medial-inferior wall orbital decompression combined with fat decompression in the treatment of moderate-to-severe TAO can effectively expand orbital volume, reduce exophthalmos, improve appearance with a concealed beautiful surgical incision, showing its good clinical efficacy.


Idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor in a child: A case report

患儿因“左眼红肿12 d”就诊。左上睑红肿(++++),眼眶鼻侧可触及约黄豆大小硬结,界不清,质地中等,压痛(?),伴上睑下垂,遮盖角膜下缘。双眼眼位正,左眼眼球外转轻度受限。眼眶及视神经MRI显示左眼上睑软组织肿胀,考虑炎性改变。入院诊断为左眼特发性眼眶炎性假瘤(Idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor,IOIP)。予以激素治疗后症状好转且随访期间无复发。本例患儿为拒绝外院活检而就诊于暨南大学附属第一医院的小儿IOIP病例,提示早期规范治疗是降低此病复发率的关键,尤其是儿童患者。
The pediatric patient was referred to our hospital with a 12-day history of left eye redness and swelling. On the orbital and nasal side of the eye, there was a firm, nontender mass about the size of soybeans, with unclear boundary, medium texture. Orbital examination showed left ptosis, covering limbus. Motility examination revealed both eyes were in normal position, and the left eye was slightly limited in extraocular rotation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed evidence of diffuse inflammation of left eyelid, and orbital inflammatory was considered. Excluding other etiologies, the child was diagnosed initially with idiopathic orbital inflammatory. The symptoms improved after hormone therapy and there was no recurrence during follow-up. This case was a case of IOIP in a child who was admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University for refusing biopsy from another hospital. The paper suggests that early standardized treatment is the key to reduce the recurrence rate of this disease, especially in children.


Application of PACS based on WeChat in standardized resident training in orbital department

目的:探讨基于微信的图像存储和传输系统(picture archiving and communication system,PACS)教学在眼眶科规培医生中的教学效果及质量评价。方法:将中山眼科中心眼眶科轮训的66名规培医生分为A组(PACS组)与B组(微信+PACS组)。通过出科考核和问卷分析比较两组学生的教学效果及满意度。结果:B组学生的基础知识测试和阅片技能测试得分均显著高于A组(P<0.001,P=0.037)。教学效果自我评估量表显示B组学生对解剖结构位置的熟悉程度、影像学诊断、鉴别诊断能力、工作中解读CT或MRI图像的能力预判,以及对CT或MRI影像学的兴趣,明显优于A组(均P<0.001)。所有学生(100.00%)对这种教学模式感到非常满意。结论:在眼眶科住院医师规划化培训中应用基于微信的PACS教学模式能显著提高教学效果和满意度,提高教学质量。
Objective: To evaluate the application quality of picture archiving and communication system (PACS) based on WeChat in standardized resident training in orbital department. Methods: A total of 66 doctors trained in the Orbital Department of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center were divided into group A (PACS group) and Group B (WeChat +PACS group). The quality and feedback of teaching of the two groups of students were compared through examination and questionnaire. Results: The scores of basic knowledges and reading skills of group B were significantly higher than those of group A (P<0.001, P=0.037). The self-assessment scale for teaching quality showed that the students in group B were superior to group A in understanding the position of anatomical structure, imaging diagnosis and differential diagnosis according to CT or MRI, interpreting CT or MRI images in the future, and interest in CT or MRI imaging (all P<0.001). All the students (100.00%) were very satisfied with this mode of teaching. Conclusion: The application of PACS based on WeChat in standardized resident training in orbital department can significantly improve the quality and satisfaction of ophthalmology teaching.


Application of different implants in orbital fracture

眼眶骨折是外伤性疾病常见的眼眶并发症,部分需要行眼眶骨折修复手术治疗。不同材料的植入物,是影响手术效果和预后的重要因素之一。植入物的选择国内外至今尚未有统一的标准。目前临床上使用的植入材料多为异质材料,有不可吸收材料和可吸收材料两类。不可吸收材料使用最多的是钛网和高密度多聚乙烯(Medpor)。可吸收材料主要是各类高分子聚合物。这两类材料在临 床的使用过程中都表现出了不同的优缺点,通过查阅近5年的相关报道,对比这两类材料的优缺点,可以为临床医生的选择提供一些参考。
Orbital fracture is a common orbital complication of traumatic diseases, and some of them need to be treated by orbital fracture repair surgery. Implants of different materials are one of the important factors affecting the surgical outcome and prognosis. There is no uniform standard for the selection of implants at home and abroad. At present, most of the implant materials used in clinical practice are heterogeneous materials, including non-absorbable materials and absorbable materials. The most commonly used non-absorbable materials are titanium mesh and high-density polyethylene (Medpor). Absorbable materials are mainly all kinds of macromolecular polymers. These two types of materials have shown different advantages and disadvantages in clinical. By reviewing the relevant reports recent 5 years, and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of materials, we can provide some references for clinicians to choose from.


High attention on the appropriate diagnosis and treatment of small orbital apical tumors

Although orbital apical tumor is a rare ophthalmic disease, its special location can cause great harm to the body, especially to the function of the optic nerve. Misdiagnosis and improper treatment are not only unable to solve the problem, but also irretrievably harmful to the body. At present, there is no consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of orbital apical tumors, which are mostly based on subjective cognition and experience of doctors. In this paper, the clinical characters of orbital apical tumors were analyzed through the past clinical cases of misdiagnosis and mistreatment, and the key points of proper diagnosis of orbital apical tumors were expounded. Meanwhile, by combining with different clinical cases, the treatment plans, especially the surgical approaches, were analysed to provide a basis for the appropriate treatment of orbital apical tumors, in order to standardize the diagnosis and treatment of orbital apex tumor, and improve the success rate of treatment.


Transnasal endoscopic rhino-orbital related surgery: current status and future prospects

Nasal endoscopic surgery technology has gradually developed and involved into the diagnosis and treatment of nose-eye related disease for more than 20 years. With the improvement of anatomical studies on nose-eye, imaging diagnostic technology and surgical instruments, the accumulation of surgical clinical experience, as well as the increasing emergence of a large number of clinical and basic studies on endoscopic rhino-orbital related surgery, a well-established theoretical and practical system of endoscopic nose-eye surgery has gradually been formed. This article summarized the development of endoscopic rhino-orbital surgery, and the advantages and limitations of several major surgical methods. Also, the further research was prospected.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
