Original Article

Combined pars plana vitrectomy and suture less scleral fixation of foldable intraocular lens: single surgery visual rehabilitation of dislocated lens/intraocular lens


Background: To evaluate efficacy and safety of combined pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and scleral fixated intraocular lens (SFIOL) surgery as a single procedure.

Methods: Retrospective interventional case series done at a tertiary eye care center in Northern India. Eleven patients who underwent combined PPV and SFIOL surgery were included and analyzed retrospectively.

Results: Mean age of the patients was 43.36±15.12 years (range, 22–64 years). Eight were male. Mean baseline best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.78±0.63 logMAR units while the mean post-operative BCVA at 6 months follow-up was 0.37±0.29 logMAR units, the visual gain being statistically significant (P=0.021). None of the patients had a drop in BCVA with nine patients having final BCVA better than 0.48 logMAR units. Choroidal detachment (CD) was the only notable complication, seen in three patients. Other complications included two cases of intraoperative retinal breaks, a case each of reversible corneal edema, ocular hypertension and cystoid macular edema.

Conclusions: Combined PPV and SFIOL is an efficacious procedure for managing IOL/lens dislocation and aphakia in a single surgery. There may be short-term reversible complications with no impact on final visual gain.

Review Article

The use of aflibercept in ophthalmology: a review of randomized controlled trials


Abstract: We reviewed randomized controlled trials associated with the intravitreal use of aflibercept for this article. These studies proved that aflibercept is an effective anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agent for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD), myopic choroidal neovascularization (mCNV), diabetic macular edema (DME), and macular edema associated with retinal vein occlusion. The incidence of severe ocular or systemic complications after intravitreal administration of aflibercept was low.

Review Article

Surgical considerations in diabetic vitrectomy


Abstract: High speed and small gauge vitrectomy systems have made surgical intervention in complications of diabetic retinopathy (DR) safer. The availability of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) compounds for use in DR has significantly improved intraoperative and postoperative outcomes. This review discusses the indications for surgical intervention in DR. The role of anti-VEGF compounds is discussed as surgical adjuvants with an emphasis on timing of treatment before surgery.

Review Article

Update on indications for diabetic vitrectomy and management of complications


Abstract: Despite appropriate management of the systemic disease, patients with diabetes may develop severe forms of diabetic retinopathy that require surgery. Non-clearing vitreous haemorrhage (VH), traction retinal detachment involving the macula, combined traction and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, progressive fibrovascular proliferation (PFP) and rubeosis with acute VH represent the main indications for surgery. Vitrectomy techniques and surgical tools have developed dramatically in the last decade in order to help the surgeon succeed in these challenging cases.

Original Article
Review Article

Acute retinal arterial ischemia


Abstract: Acute retinal arterial ischemia, which includes transient monocular vision loss (TMVL), branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO), central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) and ophthalmic artery occlusion (OAO), is most commonly the consequence of an embolic phenomenon from the ipsilateral carotid artery, heart or aortic arch, leading to partial or complete occlusion of the central retinal artery (CRA) or its branches. Acute retinal arterial ischemia is the ocular equivalent of acute cerebral ischemia and is an ophthalmic and medical emergency. Patients with acute retinal arterial ischemia are at a high risk of having further vascular events, such as subsequent strokes and myocardial infarctions (MIs). Therefore, prompt diagnosis and urgent referral to appropriate specialists and centers is necessary for further work-up (such as brain magnetic resonance imaging with diffusion weighted imaging, vascular imaging, and cardiac monitoring and imaging) and potential treatment of an urgent etiology (e.g., carotid dissection or critical carotid artery stenosis). Since there are no proven, effective treatments to improve visual outcome following permanent retinal arterial ischemia (central or branch retinal artery occlusion), treatment must focus on secondary prevention measures to decrease the likelihood of subsequent ischemic events.

Retina and Posterior Segment

AB016. A standardized approach to correlating OCT images to histopathology using paraffin embedded specimens: clarification of the ellipsoid zone and new opportunities


Background: The aim of this project is to develop a new standardized and cost-efficient method to compare optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans to their corresponding paraffin embedded histopathology sections in post-mortem eyes. This correlation will clarify the interpretation of OCT images, and it will also enable direct immunohistochemical characterization of features observed on OCT.

Methods: Study design: donor eyes were obtained from two separate eye banks. In order to minimize post-mortem change like retinal detachment and vitreous opacification, the eyes were fixed in a previously tested fixative solution. Time between death and fixation has been kept under 6 hours. Methods: Using a customized imaging device, nine post-mortem eyes were imaged with a SD-OCT machine. Subsequently, an 8mm trephine was used to isolate a portion of the posterior pole including the macular area and the optic nerve head for histopathological analysis. Paraffin embedded cross sections of the retina were obtained and visually compared to each OCT image (b-scans).

Results: To facilitate the correlation of OCT images to their histopathological sections, three principle aspects were controlled during tissue processing: rotation, tilt and location. Using markings as well as anatomical landmarks, serial histopathological sections in an orientation comparable to OCT b-scans were obtained, thereby facilitating image pairing.

Conclusions: Compared to other well-established methods using resin and electron microscopy, our standardized Methods allowed us to successfully compare OCT b-scans to serial retinal cross sections of a wider macular area at a lower cost. Our novel approach allows us to translate features observed on OCT images into well-established histopathological images, providing the clinician with additional tools to obtain difficult diagnoses with more confidence.

  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
