

Survey on the satisfaction and teaching effect of 8-year program medical students in live-streamed classroom teaching on ophthalmology

目的:调查八年制临床医学生对眼科学直播课堂的满意度及教学效果。方法:基于八年制临床医 学生的直播课堂教学体验视角,进行问卷调查、课堂测验及课程考试,问卷内容包括调查对象基 本情况、直播课堂教学评价及满意度3个部分。采用SPSS 20.0统计学软件进行数据分析。结果:共 92名学生完成了问卷调查,男37名,女55名,年龄为(22.9±0.71)岁。课堂内容、课堂资源、平台设 计、平台技术及学习交流5个纬度的得分为40.60±4.582、17.43±2.814、13.07±1.759、13.14±2.052、 20.82±2.685;其中,与线下课堂交流相似性、学习交流积极性2个子条目的得分最低,分别为 3.42±1.131、3.85±0.864,这二者具有相关性(r=0.276,P=0.008)。直播课堂满意度的总得分为 13.52±1.872,课堂内容对其有显著影响(P<0.001),标准化回归系数为0.687。相较于课前测验,课 测验成绩(65.9±11.4分)的提升差异具有统计学意义(P=0.033);但是与2013级相比,2015级学生的 课程考试成绩(72.6±7.0分)降低,差异有统计学意义(P=0.009)。结论:课堂内容对直播课堂教学满 意度具有重要影响,需要注意直播课堂与线下课堂交流方式的差异,改进学习交流的参与积极性, 以提升教学效果。
Objective: To investigate the satisfaction and teaching effect of 8-year program medical students in live-streamed classroom on ophthalmology. Methods Based on teaching experience of live-streamed classroofrom the perspective of the 8-year program medical students, a questionnaire survey, classroom tests and course examination were conducted. The content of the questionnaire includes 3 parts: the basic information of the respondents, evaluation of live-streamed classroom teaching and its satisfaction. The SPSS 20.0 statistical software was used for data analysis. Results: A total of 92 students completed the questionnaire survey, including 37 males and 55 females, aged (22.9±0.71) years. The sores of content, resource, platform design, platform technology and learning communication of live-streamed classroom were 40.60±4.582, 17.43±2.814, 13.07±1.759, 13.14±2.052 and 20.82±2.685, respectively. Among all items, the scores of the similarity of offline classroom communication styles and enthusiasm for communication were lowest, with the points of 3.42±1.131 and 3.85±0.864, respectively, and the correlation of the two items were statistically significant (correlation coefficient =0.276, P=0.008). The total score of the live-streamed classroom satisfaction was 13.52±1.872. The classroom content has a significant effect on the satisfaction of the live-streamed classroom (P<0.001), and the standardized regression coefficient is 0.687. Compared with the pre-class test, the post-class test score was 65.9±11.4, with a statistically significant improvement (P=0.033); however, compared with grade 2013, the course test score of the students of grade 2015 was 72.6±7.0, with a statistically significant reduction (P=0.009). Conclusion: The classroom content has an important impact on the satisfaction of live-streamed classroom teaching. It is necessary to pay attention to the communication difference between live -streamed classroom and offline classroom settings, and improve the enthusiasm for participation in the study communication, in order to improve the effectiveness of teaching. 
Original Article

Ultrapulse carbon dioxide laser excision as a novel treatment for large divided nevus of the eyelid

Ultrapulse carbon dioxide laser excision as a novel treatment for large divided nevus of the eyelid

Aims: Divided nevus of the eyelid is a congenital pigmented nevus that impacts eyelid function and aesthetics. While surgical excision and laser ablation are current treatment options, they have limitations when dealing with large lesions. This study aims to investigate the efficacy and safety of carbon dioxide (CO2) laser excision treatment for divided nevus of the eyelid. Methods: This retrospective study included 10 patients (5 males, 5 females) with a mean age of 23.7 years (9-54 years). All underwent CO2 laser excision and were followed up for 12 months. Treatment outcomes were assessed through clearance and recurrence rates, evaluated using digital photography. Postoperative complications were closely monitored throughout the 12-month follow-up period. Patient satisfaction was assessed using a comprehensive questionnaire. Results:All patients presented with unilateral divided nevus of the eyelid, with lesion diameters ranging from 25 to 50 mm and heights ranging from 0.3 to 6 mm (mean: 3.93 mm). Patients received between 1 and 5 laser treatment sessions. At the 12-month follow-up, a 100% clearance rate was achieved, with no recurrence observed in any patient. All patients maintained a continuous eyelid margin with acceptable irregularity. Complications were minimal, with partial eyelash loss in 8 patients, hyperpigmentation in 2 patients, and mild upper eyelid trichiasis in 1 patient. No severe complications, such as ectropion, eyelid margin notching, corneal erosion, or significant scar hypertrophy, were reported. All patients expressed being "very satisfied" with the functional and cosmetic outcomes in a questionnaire. Conclusions: CO2 laser excision offers a simple, precise, and effective treatment approach for divided nevus of the eyelid. This innovative technique simplifies the treatment process, achieves excellent cosmetic outcomes, and eliminates the need for skin grafting, making it a promising option for the management of large divided nevus.
Aims: Divided nevus of the eyelid is a congenital pigmented nevus that impacts eyelid function and aesthetics. While surgical excision and laser ablation are current treatment options, they have limitations when dealing with large lesions. This study aims to investigate the efficacy and safety of carbon dioxide (CO2) laser excision treatment for divided nevus of the eyelid. Methods: This retrospective study included 10 patients (5 males, 5 females) with a mean age of 23.7 years (9-54 years). All underwent CO2 laser excision and were followed up for 12 months. Treatment outcomes were assessed through clearance and recurrence rates, evaluated using digital photography. Postoperative complications were closely monitored throughout the 12-month follow-up period. Patient satisfaction was assessed using a comprehensive questionnaire. Results: All patients presented with unilateral divided nevus of the eyelid, with lesion diameters ranging from 25 to 50 mm and heights ranging from 0.3 to 6 mm (mean: 3.93 mm). Patients received between 1 and 5 laser treatment sessions. At the 12-month follow-up, a 100% clearance rate was achieved, with no recurrence observed in any patient. All patients maintained a continuous eyelid margin with acceptable irregularity. Complications were minimal, with partial eyelash loss in 8 patients, hyperpigmentation in 2 patients, and mild upper eyelid trichiasis in 1 patient. No severe complications, such as ectropion, eyelid margin notching, corneal erosion, or significant scar hypertrophy, were reported. All patients expressed being "very satisfied" with the functional and cosmetic outcomes in a questionnaire. Conclusions: CO2 laser excision offers a simple, precise, and effective treatment approach for divided nevus of the eyelid. This innovative technique simplifies the treatment process, achieves excellent cosmetic outcomes, and eliminates the need for skin grafting, making it a promising option for the management of large divided nevus.
Novel Technique

Repositioning of the complete prolapsed silicone tube with modified suture-probe and silk thread traction method

Repositioning of the complete prolapsed silicone tube with modified suture-probe and silk thread traction method


The whole lacrimal passage intubation is widely used in lacrimal surgery. However, one of the most typical complications is the prolapse of the silicone tube from the medial canthus. In case, the bicanalicular silicone tube after whole lacrimal duct intubation has completely prolapsed from the medial canthus before extubation, then cannot be found in the opening of the nasolacrimal duct, and it would be a challenge to reposition or removal. A novel approach to employ a modified suture-probe and silk thread traction technique has been developed, and it is not only safe and effective, but also cost-effective.

The whole lacrimal passage intubation is widely used in lacrimal surgery. However, one of the most typical complications is the prolapse of the silicone tube from the medial canthus. In case, the bicanalicular silicone tube after whole lacrimal duct intubation has completely prolapsed from the medial canthus before extubation, then cannot be found in the opening of the nasolacrimal duct, and it would be a challenge to reposition or removal. A novel approach to employ a modified suture-probe and silk thread traction technique has been developed, and it is not only safe and effective, but also cost-effective.


Research progress on the pathogenesis of primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction

原发性获得性鼻泪管阻塞(primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction,PANDO)是泪道阻塞性疾病中最常见的一类,好发于中老年女性,是眼科临床上的常见病、多发病,常继发急性或慢性泪囊炎的症状和体征,严重影响患者的日常工作和生活。本文对近年来PANDO可能的发病机制相关的研究进展、亟待解决的问题及未来研究的热点方向作一综述,旨在进一步加深对泪道阻塞性疾病发生发展的认识。
Primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction (PANDO), which mainly occurs in the middle-aged and elderly women, is the most common type of obstructive diseases of the lacrimal duct, and it is also a common and frequently-occurring disease in ophthalmology. It constantly occurs secondary to various symptoms and signs of acute or chronic dacryocystitis, which seriously affects the daily work and life of patients. This article summarizes the research progress on the possible pathogenesis of PANDO in recent years, the urgent problems to be solved
and the hot research directions in the future, aiming to further deepen the understanding of the occurrence and development of lacrimal obstructive diseases.


Training effectiveness survey of diagnosis and treatment for chalazion from ophthalmology trainees’ perspective in resident standardized training

目的:探讨眼科住院医师规范化培训中睑板腺囊肿诊疗的培训效果及存在的问题,以期改进培训方式。方法:以2020年4月在中山大学中山眼科中心培训的154名学员为对象,进行问卷调查,采用SPSS 20.0统计学软件进行数据分析。结果:共76名专业型硕士(专硕)、78名住院医师培训(住培)学员完成了问卷调查。专硕具有睑板腺囊肿诊断、保守治疗及手术主刀经验的比例分别为40.8%、11.8%、7.9%;住培则显著高于前者,分别为79.5%(P<0.001)、60.3%(P<0.001)和21.8%(P=0.016)。对于关键诊疗环节的判断,90.8%的专硕选择了临床诊断(P=0.007),94.9%的住培则选择治疗方案(P<0.001)。去除囊壁、术中意外与破溃皮肤的处理是专硕难以掌握的手术步骤(P<0.001);而住培仅为去除囊壁(P<0.001)。结论:睑板腺囊肿诊疗水平在眼科住院医师规范化培训中亟待提高,并根据各类型学员的临床能力和认知差异,进行分级分类培训。
Objective: To explore the teaching effect of diagnosis and treatment on chalazion in the standardized training of ophthalmology residents and its existing problems, in order to improve the quality of the training systems. Methods: A self-designed questionnaire survey was conducted with 154 ophthalmology residents in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center in April 2020, and the investigative data was analyzed using SPSS 20.0. Results: Totally 76 medical postgraduates and 78 ophthalmology residents completed the questionnaire survey. The proportions of medical postgraduates who had individual experience on diagnosis, conservative and surgical treatment of chalazion were 40.8%, 11.8%, and 7.9%. Compared to the former, ophthalmology residents had significantly higher proportion, with 79.5% (P<0.001), 60.3% (P<0.001), and 21.8% (P=0.016), respectively. For judging the important aspect of diagnosis and treatment process, the medical postgraduates chose the clinical diagnosis (90.8%) (P=0.007), while the ophthalmology residents paid more attention on treatment options (94.9%) (P<0.001). In the surgical procedures, removal of cyst wall, management of intraoperative accidents and skin ulcers are all their difficult skills to master for medical postgraduates (P<0.001), while only removal of cyst wall for residents (P<0.001). Conclusion: The training level of diagnosis and treatment of chalazion still needs to be improved in the standardized training of ophthalmology residents. The training should be carried out according to the clinical competence and cognition differences of various types of students.


Clinical efficacy of surgical resection of conjunctival papillae combined with autologous conjunctival graft in treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of surgical resection of conjunctival papillae combined with autologous conjunctival graft in the treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC). Methods: All 11 cases (22 eyes) with VKC were treated with surgical resection of conjunctival papillae in combination with autologous conjunctival graft. Clinical efficacy and safety were evaluated. Results: After 36 to 48 months of follow-up, 19 eyes were cured (86.36%), 2 eyes were improved (9.09%), and 1 eye was ineffective (4.55%). The total effective rate
was 95.45%. Conclusion: Surgical resection of conjunctival papillae combined with autologous conjunctival graft is efficacious and safe in the treatment of VKC.


Efficacy of mucosal flap punctoplasty in the treatment of chronic canaliculitis

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of mucosal flap punctoplasty in patients with chronic canaliculitis. Methods: In this retrospective serial case study, the clinical data of 44 patients with chronic canaliculitis were collected from the Oculoplastic Department of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center at Sun Yat-sen University between January 2018 and December 2020. Demographic data such as gender, age, affected eye, clinical presentations and lacrimal duct irrigation results were analyzed. The efficacy of the procedure, symptom resolution and complications were assessed. Results: Of the 44 patients, most (male:female 1:3.9) were female, and the disease most often (upper:lower 1:3) involved the lower lacrimal canaliculus of only one eye. Main symptoms included increased secretion, tearing, and swelling of the inner canthus. Stones were present in 95.7% of patients and Actinomyces israelli was found to be the most common pathogen (78.3%). Most patients’ symptoms improved significantly within 1 week after surgery. Only one patient, who had infections in both the upper and lower canaliculi, had recurrence of upper canaliculitis 2 months after the surgery. The overall cure rate was 97.8%, and the follow-up time was (20.7±10.9) months. Conclusion: Mucosal flap punctoplasty is an efficacious and reliable method in the treatment of chronic canaliculitis.


Application of porcine orbit model in ophthalmic surgery teaching

Porcine eyes have been used as animal model in ophthalmic surgery training. However, it differs greatly from real surgery and cannot meet the needs of external eye surgery teaching. Porcine orbit model with eyeball, extraocular muscles, orbital tissue, bones and eyelids can be more realistic simulation of real surgeries and cover more needs for ophthalmic surgery teaching. By setting up ophthalmic surgery teaching platforms, designing staged course and creating new assessment methods based on porcine orbit model, the traditional concept about separation of internal and external eye is changed. This helps young doctors to establish a holistic view from the very beginning,that ophthalmic surgeries should not be split because of subspeciality. In this way, ophthalmic surgery training will become more standardized and perfected.


Assessment on the efficacy of video-assisted Wetlab eyelid surgery teaching

目的:评价手术视频辅助Wetlab眼睑手术教学的效果。方法:回顾性分析2021年4月至2021年9月在中山大学中山眼科中心住院医师规范化培训学员中使用全眼模型开展Wetlab外眼手术教学的情况。对照组(12人)采用传统教学方法,实验组(15人)在传统教学方法的基础上引入手术视频辅助教学,对学员第3、6、9次练习视频进行评分,分析教学效果。结果:2组学员的基线水平与学习曲线相似,练习第3次到第6次之间评分提高快(对照组P3~6=0.001,实验组P3~6<0.001),第6次到第9次之间提高速度放缓(对照组P6~9=0.007,实验组P6~9=0.012)。对照组学员在练习第3次用时更长[(80.3±16.1) min],随着练习次数增多,用时逐渐缩短并保持稳定(P3~6=0.040,P6~9=0.886,P3~9=0.020),而实验组学员在练习第3次用时更短[(71.7±15.0) min],练习过程中保持稳定(P3~6=0.568,P3~9=0.519)。结论:手术视频辅助教学有助于学员熟悉手术操作,提高练习效率。
Objective: To assess the efficacy of video-assisted Wetlab eyelid surgery teaching. Methods: From April 2021 to September 2021, the porcine orbit model was used to conduct a Wetlab teaching course on eyelid surgeries among trainees of standardized training for residents in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University. The control group (12 trainees) used conventional teaching methods. Video-assisted teaching was offered to the test group (15 trainees) based on conventional teaching methods. The videos records of the 3rd, 6th, and 9th practices were scored to analyze the teaching efficiency. Results: Trainees from the 2 groups showed a simila baseline and learning curve. Rapid improvement was found between the 3rd and 6th practice (P3–6=0.001 in control group, P3–6<0.001 in test group). The increment was slower between the 6th and 9th practice (P6–9=0.007 from control group, P6–9=0.012 from test group). Longer time was required by trainees from the control group at the 3rd practice [(80.3±16.1) min]. As they practiced more, the time required gradually decreased and remained stable (P3–6=0.040, P6–9=0.886, P3–9=0.020 from control group). Trainees from the test group spent less time at the 3rd practice [(71.7±15.0) min]. The time remained stable during all practices (P3–6=0.568, P3–9=0.519 from test group). Conclusion: Video-assisted teaching can help trainees get familiar with surgical operations and improve the efficiency of practices.


Efficacy of mucosal flap punctoplasty in the treatment of chronic canaliculitis

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of mucosal flap punctoplasty in patients with chronic canaliculitis. Methods: In this retrospective serial case study, the clinical data of 44 patients with chronic canaliculitis were collected from the Oculoplastic Department of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center at Sun Yat-sen University between January 2018 and December 2020. Demographic data such as gender, age, affected eye, clinical presentations and lacrimal duct irrigation results were analyzed. The efficacy of the procedure, symptom resolution and complications were assessed. Results: Of the 44 patients, most (male:female 1:3.9) were female, and the disease most often (upper:lower 1:3) involved the lower lacrimal canaliculus of only one eye. Main symptoms included increased secretion, tearing, and swelling of the inner canthus. Stones were present in 95.7% of patients and Actinomyces israelli was found to be the most common pathogen (78.3%). Most patients’ symptoms improved significantly within 1 week after surgery. Only one patient, who had infections in both the upper and lower canaliculi, had recurrence of upper canaliculitis 2 months after the surgery. The overall cure rate was 97.8%, and the follow-up time was (20.7±10.9) months. Conclusion: Mucosal flap punctoplasty is an efficacious and reliable method in the treatment of chronic canaliculitis.