

Application of artificial intelligence in anterior segment ophthalmic diseases

随着人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)技术的快速发展,基于深度学习(deep learning,DL)和机器学习的AI技术在医学领域上的应用受到了广泛的关注。AI在眼科的应用也逐渐向更全面更深入的层次发展,通过角膜断层扫描、光学相干断层扫描、裂隙灯图像等技术,AI在对角膜病变、结膜病变、白内障、青光眼等眼部疾病的诊断和治疗方面都表现出了良好的性能。然而AI在眼科的应用方面也存在一些诸如结果可解释性的欠缺、数据集标准化的缺乏、数据集质量的不齐、模型适用性的不足和伦理问题等挑战。在5G和远程医疗飞速发展的时代,眼科AI同时也有许多新的机遇。本文综述了AI在前段眼科疾病中的应用、临床实施的潜在挑战和前景,为AI在眼科领域的进一步发展提供参考信息。
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the application of AI technology based on deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML) in the medical field has received widespread attention. The application of AI in ophthalmology is gradually being shifted to a more comprehensive and in-depth level. Trained on corneal tomography, optical coherence tomography (OCT), slit-lamp images, and other techniques. AI can achieve robust performance in the diagnosis and treatment of corneal lesions, conjunctival lesions, cataract, glaucoma and other ophthalmic diseases. However, there are also some challenges in the application of AI in ophthalmology, including the lack of interpretability of results, lack of standardization of data sets, uneven quality of data sets, insufficient applicability of models and ethical issues. In the era of 5G and telemedicine, there are also many new opportunities for ophthalmic AI. In this review, we provided a summary of the state-of-the-art AI application in anterior segment ophthalmic diseases, potential challenges in clinical implementation and its development prospects, and provides reference information for the further development of artificial intelligence in the field of ophthalmology.


Application and prospect of artificial intelligence in the treatment and teaching of cataract surgery

人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)在白内障手术中的应用越来越广泛,二者结合对于白内障手术的术前诊断和分级管理、术中人工晶状体选择、位置预测及术后管理(视力预测、并发症预测及随访)、手术培训和教学方面均起到巨大的促进作用。诚然,AI在与白内障手术相关的管理、分析和研究中还面临着许多问题,但其广泛的应用前景不可忽视。现对AI在白内障手术治疗和教学中的应用做以总结,并对其未来的发展做出展望。
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely used in cataract surgery. The combination of the two can play a great role in improving preoperative diagnosis, grading management of cataract surgery, intraoperative intraocular lens selection and location prediction, postoperative management (vision prediction, complication prediction and follow-up), surgical training and teaching. It is true that AI still faces many problems in the management, analysis and research related to cataract surgery, but its broad application prospects cannot be ignored. This review summarizes the application of AI in cataract surgery and teaching, and the future prospects of AI.


Research progress and application status of artificial intelligence in fundus image analysis

近年来,眼科人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)迅猛发展,眼底影像因易获取及其丰富的生物信息成为研究热点,眼底影像的AI分析在眼底影像分析中的应用不断深入、拓展。目前,关于糖尿病性视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)、年龄相关性黄斑变性(age-related macular degeneration,AMD)、青光眼等常见眼底疾病的临床筛查、诊断和预测已有较多AI研究,相关成果已逐步应用于临床实践。除眼科疾病以外,探究眼底特征与全身各种疾病之间的关系并据此研发AI诊断系统已经成为当下的又一热门研究领域。AI应用于眼底影像分析将改善医疗资源紧缺、诊断效率低下的情况,为多种疾病的筛查和诊断开辟“新赛道”。未来眼底影像AI分析的研究应着眼于多种眼底疾病的智能性、全面性诊断,对复杂性疾病进行综合性的辅助诊断;注重整合标准化、高质量的数据资源,提高算法性能、设计贴合临床的研究方案。
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) in ophthalmology has developed rapidly. Fundus image has become a research hotspot due to its easy access and rich biological information. The application of AI analysis in fundus image is under continuous development and exploration. At present, there have been many AI studies on clinical screening, diagnosis and prediction of common fundus diseases such as diabetic retinopathy (DR), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and glaucoma, and related achievements have been gradually applied in clinical practice. In addition to ophthalmic diseases, exploring the relationship between fundus features and various diseases and developing AI diagnostic systems based on this has become another popular research field. The application of AI in fundus image analysis will improve the shortage of medical resources and low diagnostic efficiency, and open up a “new track” for screening and diagnosis of various diseases. In the future, research on AI analysis of fundus image should focus on the intelligent and comprehensive diagnosis of multiple fundus diseases, and comprehensive auxiliary diagnosis of complex diseases, and lays emphasis on the integration of standardized and high-quality data resources, improve algorithm performance, and design clinically appropriate research program.


Application of artificial intelligence in intraocular lens power calculation

目的:评估新一代基于人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)的人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)计算公式的准确性。方法:本研究为回顾性研究,纳入因白内障行晶状体超声乳化联合IOL植入术的262例患者262眼。在术前,通过IOLMaster700获取角膜曲率、角膜白到白、中央角膜厚度、前房深度、晶状体厚度以及眼轴长度。使用第三代公式(SRK/T、Holladay 1和Hoffer Q)、Barrett UniversalⅡ(BUⅡ)、新一代AI公式(Kane、Pearl-DGS、Hill-RBF 3.0、Hoffer QST和Jin-AI)对术后屈光状态进行计算,并与术后实际的屈光状态进行比较。在将预测误差(prediction error,PE)归零后,分析了各公式的标准差(standard deviation,SD)、绝对误差均值(mean absolute error,MAE)、绝对误差中位数(median absolute error,MedAE)以及PE在±0.25、±0.50、±1.00、±2.00 D范围内的百分比。结果:基于AI的IOL屈光力计算公式的SD、MAE和MedAE的范围分别为0.37 D(Kane和Jin-AI)至0.39 D(Hoffer QST)、0.28 D(Hill-RBF 3.0和Jin-AI)至0.31 D(Hoffer QST)以及0.21 D(Hill-RBF3.0和Jin-AI)至0.24 D(HofferQST);均低于第三代公式(SD:0.43 D~0.45 D;MAE:0.34 D;MedAE:0.25 D~0.28 D)。在所有公式中,Jin-AI公式预测误差在±0.50 D的比例最高,为84.73%,Kane(84.35%)和BUⅡ(83.97%)公式次之。结论:在IOL屈光力预测上,与传统第三代公式相比,新一代基于AI的公式表现出更高的准确性,可以使更多的患者在术后获得预期的屈光状态。
Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of new generation artificial intelligence (AI)-based intraocular lens (IOL)power calculation formulas. Methods: This retrospective study included a total of 262 eyes from 262 patients with cataract who underwent uneventful phacoemulsification combined with IOL implantation. Keratometry, corneal white-to-white, central corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, and axial length were measured by the IOL Master 700 before surgery. Predicted refractive errors were calculated by the third-generation formulas (SRK/T, Holladay 1, and Hoffer Q), Barrett UniversalⅡ (BUⅡ), and the newer-generation AI formulas (Kane, Pearl-DGS, Hill-RBF 3.0, Hoffer QST, and Jin-AI), and were compared with the actual postoperative refractive value. After adjusting the prediction error (PE) to zero, the standard deviation (SD), mean absolute error (MAE), median absolute error (MedAE), and the percentage of a PE within the range of ±0.25 diopter (D), ±0.50 D, ±1.00 D, and ±2.00 D were analyzed. Results: The SD, MAE, and MedAE of the AI-based formulas ranged from 0.37 D (Kane and Jin-AI) to 0.39 D (Hoffer QST), 0.28 D (Hill-RBF 3.0 and Jin-AI) to 0.31 D (Hoffer QST), and 0.21 D (Hill-RBF 3.0 and Jin-AI) to 0.24 D (Hoffer QST), respectively. These values were all lower than those of the third-generation formula (SD: 0.43 D to 0.45 D; MAE: 0.34 D; MedAE: 0.25 D to 0.28 D). Among all the formulas, the Jin-AI formula had the highest proportion of a PE within ±0.50 D (84.73%), followed by Kane (84.35%) and BUⅡ (83.97%) formulas. Conclusion: The new AI-based IOL formulas show higher accuracy compared with the traditional third-generation ones in predicting IOL power. thereby enabling more patients to achieve the expected refractive outcomes after surgery


Application of blockchain technology in clinical drug trial

Clinical drug trials are confronted with two major issues: first, data authenticity, for instance, if any data falsification is conducted during the whole trial; second, whether the standard of procedure is accordingly conducted throughout the whole trial or not. Currently, both domestic and overseas clinical drug trials are not supervised without delay (ex-post inspection). Blockchain technology can improve the efficiency of Food and Drug Administration and the transparency of trials while the rights and safety of human research subjects are guaranteed by the integrated technology such as chained structure, asymmetry key algorithm, hash algorithm, and smart contract. Furthermore, with the assistance of internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), the actual supervision over the whole trial and automatic recruitment of human research subjects are expected to achieve.


Application of robot auxiliary system in fundus surgery

传统的眼底手术要求眼科医生具备精细的操作技术,但即便拥有再精湛的操作技术,眼底手术还是存在很大的风险性。因此,为了减少手术风险,提高手术质量,对传统眼底手术进行改进是十分必要的。近年来,在我国对于人工智能产业的大力支持之下,应用于各类行业的机器人随之诞生。机器人辅助系统(robot auxiliary system,RAS)在医学领域,特别是眼科学中应用广泛。对近几年RAS应用于眼底手术的案例进行整理总结,并将RAS参与的眼底手术以及传统的眼底手术进行对比,可以发现RAS在眼底手术中的应用可以显著提高手术效率,并降低手术风险。未来RAS的发展趋势可能着重聚焦于与深度学习算法的紧密结合。通过算法对手术中的视野图像进行预测、优化,从而让高精度的眼底手术更加高效、安全。
Traditional fundus surgery requires ophthalmologists to be equipped with sophisticated operating techniques, but even with the most sophisticated operating techniques, fundus surgery still has great risks. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of surgery and improve the quality of surgery, it is very necessary to improve the traditional fundus surgery. In recent years, with China’s strong support for the artificial intelligence industry, robots used in various industries have been born. Robot auxiliary system (RAS) is widely used in the medical field, especially in ophthalmology. By summarizing the cases of fundus surgery with RAS in recent years and comparing the fundus surgery involving RAS with traditional fundus surgery, it can be found that the application of RAS in fundus surgery can significantly improve the efficiency of surgery and reduce the risk of surgery. The future development trend of RAS may focus on the close integration with deep learning algorithms, which can predict and optimize the field of view images during surgery so that high-precision fundus surgery can be more efficient and safer.


The application of critical flicker fusion frequency in retinal and optic nerve diseases

作为一种新型无创且操作简单的主观检查手段,临界闪烁融合频率(critical flicker fusionfrequency,CFF)可动态反映人眼视功能变化情况。作为早期识别脱髓鞘病变和评估视功能恢复情况的敏感指标,上个世纪已被国外学者用于视网膜和视神经疾病研究中,包括氯喹中毒性视网膜病变、糖尿病视网膜病变、中心性浆液性视网膜病变、年龄相关的黄斑病变、乙胺丁醇中毒性视神经病变、视神经炎和非动脉炎性前部缺血性视神经病变。在视网膜和视神经疾病中,CFF均有不同程度下降,依据CFF改善程度以及主要损害的色光可能有助于视网膜和视神经疾病的鉴别,且CFF与其他视功能,视力、视野、视觉诱发电位的潜时具有较好的相关性。目前国内相关研究尚处于起步阶段,本文就CFF在视网膜和视神经疾病的应用情况做一总结。
As a new non-invasive and simple subjective examination method, critical flicker fusion frequency (CFF) can dynamically reflect the changes of visual function of human eyes. As a sensitive indicator for early identification of demyelinating diseases and assessment of visual function recovery, it has been used by foreign scholars in the last century in the field of retinal and optic nerve diseases, including chloroquine toxic retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy, central serous retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, ethambutol-induced optic neuropathy, optic neuritis and non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. Though there was a different decrease of CFF in retina and optic nerve diseases, it may be helpful for the differentiation of retinal and optic nerve diseases according to the degree of CFF improvement and the main damaged color light. Moreover, CFF has a good correlation with other visual functions, visual acuity, visual field, and peak time of visual evoked potential. At present, and relevant domestic studies is still in its infancy. This article summarizes the application of CFF in retinal and optic nerve diseases.


Application of artificial intelligence in ophthalmology medical management: challenges and prospects

    人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)为解决中国患者“看病难”问题提供了可行方案。眼科AI已实现为患者提供筛查、远程诊断及治疗建议等方面的服务,能显著减轻医疗资源不足的压力和患者的经济负担。而AI的应用过程中,给医疗管理带来的挑战应引起重视。本文从医疗管理的角度,总结分析AI在眼科医疗过程中,尤其是交接环节中出现的主要问题,提出对策与建议,并讨论AI在眼科医疗的应用展望。
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has been proposed as a potential solution to address the shortage of ophthalmologists in China. With the increasingly extensive application of AI in the field of ophthalmology, many potential patients with eye diseases have access to a higher quality of medical services. At the same time, new challenges will emerge and proliferate with the advancement of AI application. This paper focuses on the patient handoffs process and discusses two challenges brought by the application of AI, namely “communication” and “standardization”. Natural language processing techniques and the development of standardized databases are proposed to solve each of these challenges. The application prospects of AI in ophthalmology are eventually discussed.


Application of artificial intelligence in ocular fundus diseases

Artificial intelligence (AI) is about simulating and expanding human intelligence. AI based on deep learning (DL) can analyze images well by using their inherent features, such as outlines, frames and so on. As researchers generally diagnoses ocular fundus diseases by images, it makes sense to apply AI to fundus examination. In ophthalmology, AI has achieved doctor-like performance in detecting multiple ocular fundus diseases through optical coherence tomography (OCT) images, fundus photographs, and ultra-wide-field (UWF) images. It has also been widely used in disease progression prediction. Nonetheless, there are also some potential challenges with AI application in ophthalmology, one of which is the black-box problem. Researchers are devoted to developing more interpretable deep learning systems (DLS) and confirming their clinical feasibility. This review describes a summary of the state-of-the-art AI application in the most popular ocular fundus diseases, potential challenges and the path forward.


Swept source optical coherence tomography and its application in ophthalmology

光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)自1991年发明以来,在生物成像尤其在眼科和心血流成像中起越来越重要的作用。OCT的发展经历了早期的时域系统及最新的频域系统。其中频域系统又分为谱域OCT(spectral domain OCT,SD-OCT)系统和扫频OCT(swept source OCT,SS-OCT)系统。随着眼科临床应用对系统速度、灵敏度及功能化要求的不断提升,眼科扫频OCT已经走向成熟并逐步商用化。本文将简介扫频OCT的原理,并归纳扫频OCT相对于时域和谱域OCT系统的优势,并展示其在眼科临床的应用。
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has played an important role in biomedical imaging, especially in ocular and cardiovascular imaging. OCT technology has evolved to frequency domain technology from early time-domain technology due to the advantages of high sensitivity and high speed of frequency domain techniques. The swept source OCT is a type of frequency domain OCT. With the increasing requirements for system speed, sensitivity, and functionality in clinical application, swept source OCT is gradually becoming commercially available and widespread in clinical application. In this paper, the principle of swept source OCT was introduced, the advantages of swept source OCT over time domain and spectral domain OCT systems were summarized, and its clinical application in ophthalmology was demonstrated.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
