

Application of quality control circle activity in improving cleaning quality of ophthalmic equipment with nuts

目的:探讨品管圈活动提升眼科带螺母器械清洗质量的效果。方法:中山大学中山眼科中心珠江新城院区自2020年8月1日到2020年9月3 0日消毒供应中心处理的眼科带螺母器械(以量规为例)共2 076件,8月31日前为对照组,按常规清洗流程处理;9月1日后为实验组,成立品管圈小组,针对器械结构制定相应清洗流程。结果:实验组的清洗合格率为98.7%,对照组的清洗合格率为93.4%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:实施品管圈活动可提升眼科带螺母器械的清洗质量。
Objective: To explore the effect of quality control circle activity on improving the cleaning quality of ophthalmic equipment with nuts. Methods: The object of the study was 2 076 pieces of ophthalmic equipment with nuts (taking gauge as an example) used from August 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020 in the central sterile supply department of the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University in Zhujiang New Town. The equipment used before August 31 was set as the control group and was dealt with common cleaning process. The equipment used after September 1 was set as experimental group and the quality control circle group was set up to develop corresponding cleaning procedures for the instrument structure. Results: The qualified rate of cleaning in the experimental group was 98.7%, and that in the control group was 93.4%. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). Conclusion: Quality control circle activity can improve the cleaning quality of ophthalmic equipment with nuts.


Application of PDCA cycle management mode in optimizing the diagnosis and treatment process of cataract patients with daytime surgery

目的:探讨PDCA循环管理模式在优化白内障日间患者诊疗流程中的应用与成效。方法:选取中山大学中山眼科中心白内障病区2018年9月至2019年12月收治的白内障日间患者400例作为试验对象,选择2018年9月至2019年4月200例患者作为优化前组,选择实施PDCA循环管理模式后的2019年5月至2019年12月的200例患者作为优化后组。统计并比较两组患者实施前后的术前检查时长、住院时长、术后第1天复诊路径及患者满意度。结果:PDCA循环管理法实施了7个月后,患者术前检查时长由优化前的(2.94±2.12) h降至(2.09±0.93) h,住院时长由优化前的(22.73±1.14) h 降至(5.22±1.29) h,差异均具有统计学意义( P <0.001);患者满意度由优化前的92%上升至96%(P<0.05);术后第1天,患者复查所需行走的路径缩短,由以前的172 m降至129 m。结论:实施PDCA循环管理模式能有效地改善白内障日间患者的诊疗流程,缩短患者诊疗时间,提高患者的满意度,值得临床推广。
Objective: To explore the application and effect of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle management mode in optimizing the diagnosis and treatment process of cataract patients with daytime surgery. Methods: A total of 400 cases of patients with daytime surgery admitted to Department of Cataract, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center,Sun Yat-sen University from September 2018 to December 2019 were selected as the experimental subjects. 200 patients from September 2018 to April 2019 were selected as the pre-optimization group, and 200 patients from May 2019 to December 2019 after the implementation of the PDCA cycle management mode were selected as the post-optimization group. Time of preoperative examination, length of hospital stay, the follow-up path in the first day after surgery and patient satisfaction were statistically compared between the two groups before and after implementation. Results: Seven months after the implementation of PDCA cycle management mode, the preoperative examination time decreased from (2.94±2.12) h to (2.09±0.93) h, and the length of hospital stay decreased from (22.73±1.14) h to (5.22±1.29) h, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.001); the patients’ satisfaction increased from 92% to 96% (P<0.05); the follow-up path in the first day after operation was changed from the 13th floor (172 m) to the 3rd floor (129 m). Conclusion: The implementation of PDCA cycle management mode can effectively improve the diagnosis and treatment process of cataract patients with daytime surgery, shorten the diagnosis and treatment time and improve the satisfaction of patients, so it is worthy of clinical promotion.

Lea Symbols视力表与HOTV视力表在2.5~5.0岁儿童视力发育评价中的研究应用

Research and application of the Lea Symbols and HOTV charts for the evaluation of visual development of children aged 2.5 to 5.0 years

目的:运用Lea Symbols视力表、HOTV视力表对2.5~5.0岁正常儿童视力发育情况进行探究,并评价2种视力表的应用效果。方法:以随机顺序先后应用Lea Symbols视力表与HOTV视力表对广州地区2所早教中心及3所幼儿园共461例儿童(922只眼)进行单眼视力检查,所有儿童提前1 d行小瞳下检影验光、眼前节裂隙灯检查、眼底情况、眼球活动、眼位检查,筛选无器质性眼病、屈光度在正常范围的儿童作为研究对象。视力值采用5分记录方法表示。结果:1 )可测率(视力表使用配合程度)。407名儿童完成Lea Symbols视力检查,总体可测率92.08%;402名儿童完成HOTV视力检查,总体可测率90.95%;前者可测率高于后者,差异无统计学意义(χ2 =0.417,P=0.580)。进一步研究发现2种视力的可测率随年龄增长不断提高,儿童3岁之后基本都能完成2种视力的检查。2)2种视力结果及比较(5分记录法表示)。Lea视力值:右眼为4.89±0.05,左眼为4.90±0.05;HOTV视力值:右眼为4.84±0.05,左眼为4.85±0.04;前者视力好于后者,差异有统计学意义(右眼:t=3.171,P=0.003;左眼:t=3.230,P=0.003)。3)视力发育与年龄的相关性。2种视力发育与年龄存在显著正相关(P<0.001),即随着年龄的增长,视力水平逐渐提高。4)视力发育与眼别、性别的关系。左右眼之间的视力发育差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);男性儿童的视力发育好于女性,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:Lea Symbols及HOTV视力表建议用于年龄大于3岁儿童的视力检查,且儿童更容易接受Lea Symbols视力表的检查。伴随年龄的增长,儿童的视力发育呈现提高的趋势;Lea视力优于HOTV视力。视力的发育与眼别无关,男性儿童的视力发育快于女性儿童。
Objective: To conduct a preliminary study of the Lea Symbols and HOTV charts to explore the visual development of children aged 2.5 to 5.0 years, and evaluate the application values of the two charts. Methods: A total of 461 children (922 eyes) in 2 early education centers and 3 kindergartens in Guangzhou were examined by using the Lea Symbols visual acuity chart and HOTV visual acuity chart in random order. All the children underwent low-pupil photometry, anterior section slit-lamp examination, retinal condition, eye movement, and eye position examination 1 day in advance. Children with no organic eye disease and normal diopter were selected as subjects. Visual acuity was recorded with 5 points. Results: 1) Measurable rate (visual acuity chart use degree of cooperation). 407 children completed visual examination of Lea Symbols, with an overall detectable rate of 92.08%; 402 children completed HOTV vision examination, with an overall detectable rate of 90.95%. The detectable rate of the former was higher than that of the latter, but the difference was not statistically significant 2 =0.417, P=0.580). Further study found that the detectable rate of both visual acuities increased with age, and children were able to complete both visual acuity tests after the age of 3. 2) Results and comparison of two visual acuity (5-point recording method). The visual acuity of Lea was 4.89±0.05 in the right eye and 4.90±0.05 in the left eye. HOTV visual acuity was 4.84±0.05 in the right eye and 4.85±0.04 in the left eye. The visual acuity of the former was better than that of the latter, the difference was statistically significant (right eye: t=3.171, P=0.003; left eye: t=3.230, P=0.003). 3) Correlation between visual development and age. There was a significant positive correlation between the two types of visual development and age (P<0.001), that is, visual acuity gradually improves with age. 4) The relationship between visual development and eye and sex. There was no difference in visual development between the left and right eyes, but male children had better visual development than female, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Lea Symbols and HOTV visual acuity charts are recommended for visual acuity examination of children over 3 years old, and children are more likely to receive examination of Lea Symbols visual acuity chart. With the growth of age, the visual development of children shows a trend of improvement. Lea vision is superior to HOTV vision. Vision development has nothing to do with the eye, male children’s vision development is faster than female children.


Application of quality control circle in shortening the visiting time of outpatients in fundus surgery department

Objective: To explore the application effect of quality control circle in shortening the length of outpatient visit in fundus surgery. Methods: A quality control circle group was established to set up the activity theme of shortening the duration of treatment for outpatient patients of fundus surgery, and 484 patients who visited outpatient clinics outside fundus in September 2020 were selected as the pre-activity research objects. In December 2020, 976 patients who visited fundus surgery outpatient department were the subjects of the post-activity study. We analyzed the duration of treatment and the reasons for poor medical experience of patients before the intervention, formulated countermeasures for the reasons and organized and implemented them. Results: After the quality control circle activity was carried out, the mean duration of outpatient visits in fundus surgery was significantly shortened (P<0.05). With the help of the information system, the medical treatment process was optimized to improve the satisfaction of patients, and the team cohesion, enthusiasm, communication and coordination ability of the circle members were significantly improved. Conclusion: Quality control circle activities can shorten the duration of treatment for fundus surgery patients, improve patients' medical experience, enhance the comprehensive ability of the nursing team, and the improvement effect can be maintained sustainably.


Application of kite flap and rotary flap in repairing eye/eyebrow anterior layer defect

Objective:To investigate the therapeutic efect of kite fap and rotary fap on superfcial tissue defect of eyebrow/eye caused by eyebrow/eye trauma or benign tumor resection, and to evaluate the prognosis, repair effect and aesthetic score changes. Methods: A total of 34 cases of eyebrow/eye trauma or benign tumors who underwent surgical resection were collected between May 2018 and May 2020. Te maximum defect diameter was not more than 1/2 of the length of eyebrow/eye. According to the location and scope of the defect, local kite flaps and rotary flaps were designed at the adjacent along the dermatoglyphic direction, and the sliding local transfer faps were promoted to the defect area to repair the eyebrow and eyelid ocular defects in stage one. Follow up for 6 months to observe the fap healing, defect repair efect, complications, patient satisfaction and aesthetic score. Results:All the skin faps survived, and the wound healing was Grade I A. The skin color, thickness, hair condition, texture and eyebrow shape distribution of the local skin faps were basically similar to the non-surgical side. Tere was no obvious change in the tissue morphology around the faps. Te eyebrows on the skin faps grew well, and the surgical incision was concealed in the skin lines with no distinct scar hyperplasia. All patients did not need operation again. Te defects were not swollen, bilateral continuity and symmetry were good, without eyebrow and eye deformation, without trichiasis, entropion or ptosis, etc. Te eyelid/eyebrow were beautiful and functional. The patients were satisfied with the surgical results. The aesthetic scores of patients at diferent postoperative monitoring times (1 day, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months) afer surgery were (73.50 ± 7.79), (76.97 ± 6.84), (82.21 ± 6.11) and (87.06 ± 6.07) points respectively, which were significantly higher than the preoperative scores (50.59 ± 9.71) points, and the diferences were statistically signifcant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Te kite fap and rotary fap can be used to repair the eyebrow/eye skin and sof tissue defects in Phase I, which can restore the shape and function of the eyebrow/eye well. Te patients are satisfed with the efect of the defect repair, and can obtain a higher aesthetic score. Te operation is simple and easy, the efect is reliable, and there was no obvious complications.


Application of WeChat platform in continuous care of patients with complicated cataract after implantable collamer lens implantation

目的:探讨利用微信平台在有晶体眼人工晶体(implantable collamer lens,ICL)植入术后并发性白内障患者延续性护理的应用效果。方法:对13例(16眼)ICL植入术后并发性白内障患者利用微信平台随访和延续性护理,观察患者术前和术后1个月的护理满意度的自身对照。结果:13例患者(16眼)手术均顺利完成,术后均无出现并发症,术后视力均较术前有所提高,术后患者的护理满意度评分高于术前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:利用微信平台进行随访和延续性护理,可以提高患者护理满意度,是应用于ICL植入术后并发性白内障患者的有效护理方法。
Objective: To explore the application effect of WeChat platform in continuous nursing care for patients with complicated cataract after implantable collamer lens (ICL) implantation. Methods: Thirteen patients (16 eyes) with complicated cataracts after ICL implantation were followed up and continued nursing on the WeChat platform, then the self-control of the patients’ satisfaction on nursing before and one month after surgery was observed. Results: A total of 13 patients’ operation (16 eyes) went well, and they had no postoperative complications. The visual acuity of the patients was improved after operation compared with that of before operation, and the nursing satisfaction score of patients after operation was higher than that of before operation; the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Using WeChat platform for follow-up and continuous nursing can improve patients' nursing satisfaction, which was an effective nursing method for patients with complicated cataract after ICL implantation.


Development and application of multi-modal anterior eye imaging system

目的:获取眼表图像的综合信息,建立眼表疾病综合诊断和评估。方法:将超高分辨率光学相干断层成像仪(ultra-high resolution optical coherence tomography,UHR-OCT)与基于裂隙灯生物显微镜的微血管成像系统相结合,开发了一种多模态、非接触式的眼科光学成像平台。结果:UHR-OCT模块在组织中实现轴向分辨率约为2 μm 。眼表微血管成像模块在最大放大倍率下横向分辨率约为3.5 μm。通过集成在裂隙灯显微镜成像光学路径的不同模块,多模态成像平台能够执行实时前段OCT结构成像、结膜微血管成像和传统裂隙灯成像功能。利用自主开发的软件,进一步分析结膜血管网络图像和血流图像,获取血管分形维数、血流速度、血管直径等定量形态学和血流动力学参数。结论:通过在健康受试者和角膜炎患者的在体成像测试,表明多模态眼前段成像设备可为眼科临床应用及人工智能提供结构和功能信息数据。
Objective: To obtain the comprehensive information of the anterior eye image, establish complementary information for the diagnosis and evaluation of ocular diseases. Methods: We developed a multi-modal, non-invasive optical imaging platform by combining ultra-high resolution optical coherence tomography (UHR-OCT) with a microvascular imaging system based on slit-lamp biomicroscopy. Results: The uHR-OCT module achieved an axial resolution of approximately 2 μm in tissues. The lateral resolution of the ocular surface microvascular imaging module under maximum magnification was approximately 3.5 μm. By combining the imaging optical paths of different modules, the customized multi-modal eye imaging platform was capable of performing real-time cross-sectional UHR-OCT imaging of the anterior eye, conjunctival vessel network imaging, high-resolution conjunctival blood flow videography, and traditional slit-lamp imaging on a single device. With self-developed software, a conjunctival vessel network image and blood flow videography were further analyzed to acquire quantitative morphological and hemodynamics parameters, including vessel fractal dimensions, blood flow velocity and vessel diameters. Conclusion: The ability of the multi-modal anterior eye imager to provide both structural and functional information for ophthalmic clinical applications can be demonstrated in a healthy human subject and a keratitis patient.


Application and analysis of artificial intelligence voice system in postoperative follow-up of children with congenital cataract

Objective: This study was designed to explore its potential value for new medical service model based on the intelligent voice follow-up system and analyze its application effect during the outbreak of COVID-19. The actual effectiveness of this intelligent voice follow-up system applied in the Internet hospital to carry out medical consultation service was discussed. Methods: In this study, an intelligent voice follow up system was developed for postoperative follow-up of children with congenital cataract. First, a well-designed and structured questionnaire contents were developed for postoperative follow-up. Secondly, the intelligent voice follow-up system was deployed. The system would automatically jump to the next follow-up step according to the user’s response, and give appropriate suggestions. Finally, the data of telephone recording, call time, children’s attributes were collected and statistically analyzed. Results: From February 24 to March 15, 2020, 561 families of children with congenital cataract from Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center were recruited by using the intelligent voice follow-up system. The system completed a total of 1 154 calls, of which 561 cases received follow-up data, reaching an average effective call rate of 48.6%. Among 561 cases, 204 (36.4%) thought that the extended time of follow-up visit would affect the recovery of children, while 309 (55.1%) thought that it exerted no effect on the recovery. 360 children (64.2%) achieved good ocular recovery without complications, whereas 169 cases (30.1%) developed ocular symptoms. These include white spots in the pupil area, redness and eye secretions. Statistics of different behavior of children showed that there were 417 (74.3%) children wearing glasses, 135 (24.1%) children did not wear glasses, another 9 (1.6%) children wearing glasses were not clear, often rubbing the eyes of children were more likely to appear redness (20.4%), eye secretions (17.0%) and white spots in the pupil area (6.8%) and other adverse reactions. Conclusion: The intelligent voice follow-up system shows great application potential in clinical follow-up, which can be employed as a new service mode of intelligent medical treatment.


Multie-scale hierarchical feature extraction combined with dilated-residual U-Net for retina automatic segmentation

Objective: To achieve the segmentation of different layers and fluid areas on the optical coherence tomography (OCT) image of the retina. Methods: A lightweight neural network based on deep learning was proposed. The network structure adopted in this study was designed based on the architecture of dilated-residual U-Net. By connecting the upsampling output obtained at different depth networks, multi-scale feature fusion was performed to enable the system to accurately identify the boundaries on the OCT image. Results: Compared with U-Net, this algorithm could achieve the same accuracy with 1–2 epochs less, and the accuracy was also improved by 1.25%. Conclusion: The proposed network improves the segmentation performance of retinal OCT images, and reduces the number of parameters, which demonstrates the network has great application potential.


Application of artificial intelligence-assisted diagnostic system for community-based cataract screening


Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of an artificial intelligence-assisted diagnostic system for cataract screening in community. Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out based on a telemedicine platform. Patient history, medical records and anterior ocular segment images were collected and transmitted from community healthcare centers to Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center for evaluation by both ophthalmologists and artificial intelligence-assisted cataract diagnostic system. Results: Of all enumerated subjects, 35.7% were male and the median age was 66 years old. Of all enumerated slit-lamp images, 98.7% met the requirement of acceptable quality. This artificial intelligence-assisted diagnostic system achieved an AUC of 0.915 for detection of severe cataracts in the external validation dataset. For subjects who were advised to be referred to tertiary hospitals by doctors, 80.3% of them received the same suggestion from this artificial intelligence-assisted diagnostic system.Conclusion: This artificial intelligence-assisted cataract diagnostic system showed high applicability and accuracy in community-based cataract screening and could be a potential model of care in community-based disease screening.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
