

Application of artificial intelligence in ophthalmology medical management: challenges and prospects

    人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)为解决中国患者“看病难”问题提供了可行方案。眼科AI已实现为患者提供筛查、远程诊断及治疗建议等方面的服务,能显著减轻医疗资源不足的压力和患者的经济负担。而AI的应用过程中,给医疗管理带来的挑战应引起重视。本文从医疗管理的角度,总结分析AI在眼科医疗过程中,尤其是交接环节中出现的主要问题,提出对策与建议,并讨论AI在眼科医疗的应用展望。
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has been proposed as a potential solution to address the shortage of ophthalmologists in China. With the increasingly extensive application of AI in the field of ophthalmology, many potential patients with eye diseases have access to a higher quality of medical services. At the same time, new challenges will emerge and proliferate with the advancement of AI application. This paper focuses on the patient handoffs process and discusses two challenges brought by the application of AI, namely “communication” and “standardization”. Natural language processing techniques and the development of standardized databases are proposed to solve each of these challenges. The application prospects of AI in ophthalmology are eventually discussed.


Nursing management of ophthalmic postoperative adult intra-day ward: a systemic review

Objective: To evaluate and summarize the evidences of nursing management of ophthalmic postoperative adult patients intra-day ward, and improve the quality of clinical nursing. Methods: The related databases were searched from the  establishment to June 2022. The searching contents include systematic review, clinical decision-making, evidence  summary, guidelines and expert consensus on nursing management in postoperative patients intra-day wards at home  and aboard. Based on the theme, the evidences were extracted and summarized after independent literature quality  evaluation was conducted by 2 researchers. Results: Base on the inclusion criteria, a total of 13 pieces of literature were  selected, including 5 expert consensus, 3 evidence summaries, 1 evidence-based practice, 2 systematic reviews and 1  guideline. Through literature review, evidence extraction and classification, a total of 17 pieces of evidence on 8 aspects  were summarized, including admission qualifications for daytime surgical nurses, development of clinical nursing path,  pre-hospital management, medical record standardization, preoperative management on the day of surgery, postoperative  management, discharge assessment, rehabilitation and follow-up guidance. Conclusion: This article summarized the  best evidence of nursing management for ophthalmic adult day surgery patients in intra-day ward,to provide scientific  evidences for nursing managers to develop ophthalmic intra-day ward guidelines and practical standards.


General practice management of diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the microvascular diseases caused by diabetes, it is an irreversible blindness eye disease. According to its course, it can be divided into non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, including diabetic macular edema. Te general practitioner needs to measure the uncorrected visual acuity, corrected visual acuity intraocular pressure, use the slit lamp microscope to exam the anterior segment and fundus to evaluate the overall condition of the eye. Controlling blood glucose, blood pressure and blood lipid is very important to improve the prognosis. Attach importance to pre- and postprandial blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin and metabolic memory should be carried out. The first-line antihypertensive drugs are angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers. Statins are the first choice for lipid-lowering drugs, fenofibrate has additional protective efect of retinal. Intervention in lifestyle, education and early detection are is important. Te general practitioner needs to perform fundus screening and scoring, timely refer to ophthalmology department for treatment. Ophthalmic treatment includes panretinal laser photocoagulation, pars plana vitrectomy, and intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor drugs.


Summary of the best evidence on standardized ocular medication management among open-angle glaucoma patients

Objective: To retrieve and summarize the best evidence on standardized ocular medication management among open-angle glaucoma patients. Methods: With evidence-based nursing method, practical problemswere identified. According to the “6S” pyramid model of evidence resource, studies on standardized ocular medication management among open-angle glaucoma patients were retrieved, including clinical guidelines, best practice information booklet, systematic reviews, and expert consensus. Two evidence-based nursing researchers independently evaluated the quality of the included literature and summarized the evidence. Results: A total of 12 articles were ultimately enrolled, including 4 clinical guidelines, 3 evidence summaries and 5 systematic reviews. Finally, 3 aspects including 19 pieces of best evidence were summarized, which were Eye drop technical instruction, medication adherence management and related information provision. Conclusion: The best evidence for the medication management of open-angle glaucoma patients were summarized, which provide reference for clinical medical staffs to manage patients, so as to achieve the purpose of standardizing medication,controlling intraocular pressure and preventing disease progression.


Application of information management system based on Wechat platform in clinical genetic testing for ophthalmic genetic diseases

目的:利用信息化手段,优化眼遗传病患者的随访途径,降低病历资料缺失率,助力临床检验科室高效运营。方法:通过态势分析法搜集需求,基于微信公众号平台“中山大学眼科医院小儿遗传”,搭建眼遗传病信息管理系统。根据是否使用眼遗传病信息管理系统、是否受到人员流动限制,将2017年7月1日—2023年11月30日来院进行基因检测的患者分为四组:传统组、传统+人流限制组、微信组和微信+人流限制组,通过χ2检验对眼遗传病信息管理系统进行性能评价。结果:源软件架设在阿里云电子政务平台的眼遗传病信息管理系统,通过加密通讯与医院网络交互。系统主要分为基因检测业务、数据管理和系统管理三大模块。使用该系统的患者或亲属可以在任意时间和地点,自主上传病历资料、签署知情同意书、查询基因检测报告,如有需要还能进行一对一的沟通实现长期随访。在此过程中,患者的临床信息实现数字化。研究共纳入10 662例患者对该系统进行性能评价,使用眼遗传病信息管理系统后,患者病历资料缺失率显著降低,由12.2%(传统+人流限制组)降至2.7%(微信+人流限制组);患者二次来访率由最高的70%(传统组)降至最低的11.7%(微信组);两类比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论:眼遗传病信息管理系统的使用显著降低患者病历资料缺失率和眼遗传病患者的二次来访率。
Objective: To optimize the follow-up approach for patients with ophthalmic genetic diseases through informational technology, reduce the loss rate of cases, and facilitate the efficient operation of the clinical laboratory. Methods: Using the SWOT analysis method to collect requirements, ‘Pediatric Genetics of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center’, an ophthalmic genetics information management system for ophthalmic genetic diseases was established on the Wechat public platform. Based on whether the ophthalmic genetic disease information management system was used and there were personnel mobility restrictions, patients who underwent genetic testing in the hospital for genetic testing from July 1, 2017, to November 30, 2023, were divided into four groups: traditional group, traditional+ lockdown group, Wechat+ lockdown group, and Wechat group. Te chi-square test was used to evaluate the performance of the ophthalmic genetic information management system. Results:The ophthalmic genetic disease information management system, which is based on open-source sofware and hosted on the Alibaba Cloud e-government platform, interacts with the hospital network through encrypted communication. Te system was divided into three modules: gene detection business, data management, and system management. By the system, patients or relatives can upload medical records, sign informed consent, inquire about genetic test reports at any time and anywhere, and conduct one-on-one communication to achieve long-term follow-up if necessary. In this process, the patient's clinical information was digitized. A total of 10,662 patients were included in the study to evaluate the performance of the system. The loss rate of cases was decreased from 12.2%to 2.7%, and the rate of second visits was reduced from 70% to 11.7%, which were statistically different, respectively (P< 0.001). Conclusion: Te application of the ophthalmic genetic information management system has signifcantly reduced the loss rate of cases and the rate of second visits in patients with ophthalmic genetic diseases.


Study on the application of integrated medical and nursing group cooperation model in the management of day surgery patients in fundus surgery

目的:探讨眼底外科医护一体组团合作模式在管理眼底病日间手术患者实践效果。方法:选取2022年1—6月进行日间手术的582例眼底病患者为对照组,2023年1—6月进行日间手术的633例眼底病患者为研究组,对照组实施责任制整体护理,研究组采取实施医护一体组团合作管理模式进行全流程患者管理。使用χ2检验和t检验比较两组患者围术期护理知识健康教育知晓度、满意度、出院24 h内眼科急症就诊率、出院24 h内随访率、护士职业获益感的差异。结果:研究组患者健康教育知晓度高于对照组,组间比较差异具有统计学意义(t=–18.47,P<0.05);研究组患者满意度高于对照组,组间比较差异具有统计学意义(t=–4.005,P<0.05);研究组患者出院24 h内随访率为100%,对照组为98.1%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.073,P<0.05);研究组患者出院24 h内眼科急症就诊率0.94%,对照组为1.89%,组间比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.951,P=0.222);实施后护士职业获益感分值高于实施前,组间比较差异具有统计学意义(t=–6.637,P<0.001)。结论:医护一体组团合作管理模式进行眼底外科日间手术患者围术期的全流程管理,改善患者就医感受,提升患者就医体验,提高眼底外专科日间手术患者的依从性,保障患者的安全,提高护士职业获益感。
Objective: To investigate the practical effect of the integrated group cooperation model in managing patients with fundus diseases in day surgery. Methods: 582 patients with fundus disease who underwent day surgery from January to June in 2022 were included as the control group, and 633 patients with fundus disease who underwent day surgery from January to June in 2023 were selected as the study group. The control group implemented the overall responsibility nursing system, while the study group carried out the collaborative management model, integrating medical and nursing for the entire process of patient management. Chi-square test and T-test were used to compare the differences of perioperative nursing knowledge, health education awareness, satisfaction, emergency ophthalmological consultation rate within 24 hours of discharge, follow-up rate within 24 hours of discharge, and nurses' sense of professional benefit between the two groups. Results: The awareness of health education in the study group was higher than that in the control group, and there was significant statistically difference between two groups (t=–18.47, P<0.05). The satisfaction of patients in the study group was higher than that in the control group, and there was significant statistically difference between two groups (t=–4.005, P < 0.05). The follow-up rate within 24 hours after discharge was 100% in the study group and 98.1% in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=12.073, P<0.05). The incidence of ophthalmic emergencies within 24 hours of discharge in the study group was 0.94%, while in the control group it was 1.89%. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (χ2= 1.951, P=0.222). The perceived benefit score of nurses after implementation was higher than that before implementation, and there was statistically significant between two groups (t=–6.637, P<0.05). Conclusions: The medical and nursing integrated group cooperation management model is used to manage the entire perioperative process of patients undergoing day surgery in fundus surgery. This model can improve patients' medical experience, enhance their compliance with ophthalmic surgery, ensure their safety. At the same time, it can enhance the senses of professional benefits for nurses.


Establishment and safety management of ambulatory strabismus surgery under general anesthesia

目的:总结全身麻醉斜视矫正日间手术服务模式的创建与安全管理方法。方法:回顾2015年10月至2018年10月期间全身麻醉下行斜视矫正日间手术患者共9 570例。改革护理管理模式,实施医护一体化,在实施过程中对患者进行严密的术前、术后护理管理:术前评估,健康教育前移、加强核查制度、严格监测患者生命体征;术后病情严格交接,家属及患者同步术后指导、离院后回访。结果:全身麻醉斜视矫正日间手术的9 570例患者,均未发生手术并发症,术后不适34例,占0.36%,其中2例患者离院时出现头晕,2例发生尿储留,30例出现恶心、呕吐。护理人力由开展前16人减少到12人,节约25%;患者等候手术时间缩短了8 d,满意度由70%提高到90%,平均住院时间由3.2 d减少为1 d。结论:全身麻醉斜视矫正日间手术模式是一种新的医疗模式,开展全身麻醉日间手术不但可以节省医疗资源,还可提高患者满意度。
Objective: To summarize the establishment and safety management methods of ambulatory strabismus surgery that can provide the basis for carrying out ambulatory surgery nursing under general anesthesia. MethodsWe carried out ambulatory surgery management that reformed nursing management model and delivered the integration of medical care in 9 570 patients undergoing strabismus surgery under general anesthesia from October 2015 to October 2018. In implementation process, we carefully managed the patients before and after operation including performing preoperative assessment and health education in advance, strengthening the verification system, strictly monitoring vital signs of the patients, strict shifting state of patients after operation, providing postoperative guidance to patients and their families, and performing follow-up clinic visits after leaving the hospital. Results: No surgical complications occurred in any of our cases. 34 patients had postoperative discomfort, accounting for 0.36%. Among these 34 patients, 2 had dizziness, 2 had urinary retention and 30 had
nausea and vomiting. After treatments, all patients were discharged on schedule. The number of nurses reduced from 16 to 12 that fell by 25%. Wait times for operation reduced by 8 days. Patient satisfaction was improved from 70% to 90%. The mean length of hospital stay was reduced from 3 days to 1 day. Conclusion: The management of ambulatory surgery under general anesthesia is a new medical care service model. Careful planning and strict preoperative and postoperative safety management can ensure the safe implementation of strabismus surgery. Ambulatory surgery under general anesthesia has benefits to save medical resources and improve patient satisfaction.


Establishment of nursing management standards in ophthalmology and preventive operation procedure effectiveness of reducing occupational exposure

目的:在推广护理标准预防操作流程(standard operation procedure,SOP)前后对护理人员进行操作情况和针刺伤职业暴露水平对比,探索护理SOP的实用性和有效性。方法:在中山大学中山眼科中心推广护理SOP前后,分别对14名责任护士进行操作考核,并对推广护理SOP前后收治的传染病患者数量和针刺伤职业暴露事件数量进行对比。结果:推行护理SOP前后操作考核平均分分别为82.31分、88.23分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。初高级责任护士考核结果差异无统计学意义。推行护理SOP前后病房收治血液传染性疾病患者总数分别为32例、51例,针刺伤职业暴露事件分别为4例、0例,差异有统计学意义(χ2 =6.698,P=0.020)。结论:护理SOP的推广可使护理人员加强自我防护,减少针刺伤职业暴露,有效降低医源性感染率。
Objective: To compare the operation status and occupational exposure to needle stick injuries level of nursing staff before and after the promotion of nursing standard prevention operation procedure (SOP), and to explore the practicability and effectiveness of nursing SOP. Methods: Before and after the promotion of nursing SOPs at Zhongshan Ophthalmology Center of Sun Yat-sen University, 14 responsible nurses were assessed for operation,and the number of infectious diseases and occupational exposures to needle stick injuries before and after the promotion of nursing SOPs were compared. Results: The average scores of operation and evaluation before and after the implementation of nursing SOP were 82.31 points and 88.23 points, with significant statistical difference(P<0.001). There was no statistical difference in the results of the initial senior responsible nurses. The total number of patients with blood infectious diseases before and after the implementation of nursing SOP was 32 cases and 51 cases. The occupational exposure to needle stick injuries events were 4 cases and 0 and the difference was statistically significant (χ2 =6.698, P=0.020). Conclusion: The promotion of standard preventive procedures can enable caregivers to strengthen self-protection, reduce occupational exposure, and effectively reduce the rate of iatrogenic infection.


Application of PDCA cycle management mode in optimizing the diagnosis and treatment process of cataract patients with daytime surgery

目的:探讨PDCA循环管理模式在优化白内障日间患者诊疗流程中的应用与成效。方法:选取中山大学中山眼科中心白内障病区2018年9月至2019年12月收治的白内障日间患者400例作为试验对象,选择2018年9月至2019年4月200例患者作为优化前组,选择实施PDCA循环管理模式后的2019年5月至2019年12月的200例患者作为优化后组。统计并比较两组患者实施前后的术前检查时长、住院时长、术后第1天复诊路径及患者满意度。结果:PDCA循环管理法实施了7个月后,患者术前检查时长由优化前的(2.94±2.12) h降至(2.09±0.93) h,住院时长由优化前的(22.73±1.14) h 降至(5.22±1.29) h,差异均具有统计学意义( P <0.001);患者满意度由优化前的92%上升至96%(P<0.05);术后第1天,患者复查所需行走的路径缩短,由以前的172 m降至129 m。结论:实施PDCA循环管理模式能有效地改善白内障日间患者的诊疗流程,缩短患者诊疗时间,提高患者的满意度,值得临床推广。
Objective: To explore the application and effect of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle management mode in optimizing the diagnosis and treatment process of cataract patients with daytime surgery. Methods: A total of 400 cases of patients with daytime surgery admitted to Department of Cataract, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center,Sun Yat-sen University from September 2018 to December 2019 were selected as the experimental subjects. 200 patients from September 2018 to April 2019 were selected as the pre-optimization group, and 200 patients from May 2019 to December 2019 after the implementation of the PDCA cycle management mode were selected as the post-optimization group. Time of preoperative examination, length of hospital stay, the follow-up path in the first day after surgery and patient satisfaction were statistically compared between the two groups before and after implementation. Results: Seven months after the implementation of PDCA cycle management mode, the preoperative examination time decreased from (2.94±2.12) h to (2.09±0.93) h, and the length of hospital stay decreased from (22.73±1.14) h to (5.22±1.29) h, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.001); the patients’ satisfaction increased from 92% to 96% (P<0.05); the follow-up path in the first day after operation was changed from the 13th floor (172 m) to the 3rd floor (129 m). Conclusion: The implementation of PDCA cycle management mode can effectively improve the diagnosis and treatment process of cataract patients with daytime surgery, shorten the diagnosis and treatment time and improve the satisfaction of patients, so it is worthy of clinical promotion.


Exploration and practice in optometry education mode under the background of visual health management

The World Health Organization and Chinese “Healthy China” strategy have elevated visual health management to an unprecedented height. Ensuring people’s visual health multi-directionally in whole period and enhancing people's awareness on visual health care are the strategic focus for us to achieve a healthy China. Talent training is the lifeblood and cornerstone for industrial development, so exploration and construction in optometry talent education is a priority. Taking the optometry department of Tianjin Medical University as an example, this paper discusses how to effectively carry out optometry education and train optometry professionals who keep up with the times under the background of visual health management in today’s society.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
