

Clinical application and research progress of foldable capsular vitreous body

玻璃体替代物是玻璃体切割术后的必需品,用于填充玻璃体腔,恢复玻璃体的支撑视网膜、屈光和细胞屏障等功能。严重眼外伤及复杂视网膜脱离引起的视网膜/脉络膜脱离,如选用传统的玻璃体替代物(如硅油)填充,部分患者会出现硅油依赖眼或眼球萎缩,眼球难以保全。折叠式人工玻璃体球囊(foldable capsular vitreous body,FCVB)是我国独立研发的挽救眼球的人工玻璃体,属于国际首创,可以精细模拟自然玻璃体的结构,恢复玻璃体的部分功能。目前临床研究证实FCVB不仅可以有效避免硅油的并发症,还可以维持后房空间,缓慢恢复睫状体的功能,从而治疗硅油依赖眼,阻止眼球进一步萎缩。该文综述了FCVB的研究背景、结构特点、临床应用和拓展研究进展。
Vitreous substitutes are necessary after vitrectomy to fill the vitreous cavity and restore the vitreous to support retinal, refractive, and cellular barrier functions. Severe ocular trauma-induced retinal/choroidal detachment filled with traditional vitreous substitutes (e.g., silicone oil) can lead to silicone oil-dependent eyes and ocular atrophy in some patients, making it difficult to preserve the eye. Foldable capsular vitreous body (FCVB) is an artificial vitreous body independently developed in China to save the eye, which is the first of its kind in the world and can finely simulate the structure of natural vitreous body and restore some of the functions of vitreous body. It has been clinically proven that it can not only effectively avoid the complications of silicone oil, but also maintain the posterior chamber space and slowly restore the function of the ciliary body, thus treating silicone oil-dependent eyes and preventing further atrophy of the eye. This article reviews the research background, structural features, clinical applications and extended studies of FCVB.


Clinical and laboratory research progress of atropine in the prevention and control of myopia

As the population of myopia grows rapidly, myopia has become a hot issue of global concern. Preventing myopia and slowing the progression of myopia to reduce the occurrence of pathological myopia and reduce the cost of myopia is the main purpose of related clinical work and scientific researches. Currently, atropine is the main drug for the prevention and control of myopia, and both laboratory studies and clinical trials have confirmed its effect. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends the use of 0.01% atropine, which is reported to be 50% to 53% effective in preventing and controlling myopia. This review collects the clinical and laboratory researches in decades to summarize the study progress in atropine for preventing and controlling myopia, including the clinical application effects, the influencing factors such as concentration, individual differences, bioavailability, and the related mechanisms. We also highlight the existing difficulties and challenges in the use of atropine in clinic.


The Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter Family and Research Progress in Ophthalmic Diseases


SGlutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. Persistent activation of the glutamatergic system can lead to excitotoxicity, resulting in neuronal damage and cell death. Members of the excitatory amino acid transporter (EAAT) family are multi-transmembrane proteins located on the presynaptic membrane, synaptic vesicles, and glial cell membranes. They function as high-affinity, sodium-potassium-dependent transporters, continuously clearing extracellular residual glutamate to maintain normal intra- and extracellular glutamate levels and intracellular redox homeostasis. This process is crucial for protecting cells from excitotoxicity and oxidative stress-induced damage. Dysregulation of EAATs is closely associated with the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases in the central nervous system. EAAT family members are widely expressed in retina. Numerous studies have demonstrated that these transporters are extensively involved in the pathogenesis of ocular diseases, including glaucoma, retinal ischemia-reperfusion injury, and age-related macular degeneration, although the specific mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Therefore, this article reviews the physiological functions of EAAT family members and their role in the development and progression of related ophthalmic diseases, providing new perspectives for further understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these conditions and identifying novel therapeutic targets.



Clinical application and research progress of different types of intraocular lens

    白内障作为一种常见的眼科疾病,是全球第一位致盲眼病,目前尚无药物能够治疗,手术是唯一有效的办法。随着现代眼科手术技术的发展以及人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)设计和功能的更新升级,人们对视觉质量的要求越来越高,白内障超声乳化联合IOL植入术已经从单纯的复明手术转变为个性化的屈光手术。为满足不同需求的患者术后获得较好的视觉质量,IOL经历了从单焦点到多焦点、球面到非球面的发展,还有散光型IOL和各类功能性IOL的临床应用,也为患者提供了更多的选择。充分了解不同类型IOL的优势和特点,根据患者自身眼部情况、日常用眼习惯以及需求,个性化地选择IOL植入对视觉质量的恢复和满意度起着至关重要的作用。因此本文将针对不同类型的IOL,从设计与分类、术后临床效果及适应人群进行综述,为IOL的选择提供指导建议。
As a common eye disease, cataract is the first-leading cause of blindness in the world. Currently, there is no drug to treat it, and surgery is the only effective way. With the development of modern ophthalmic surgical technology and the updating and upgrading of the design and function of intraocular lens (IOL), people have higher and higher requirements for visual quality. Cataract phacoemulsification combined with IOL implantation has transformed from a simple vision restoration to personalized refractive surgery. In order to meet the needs of patients with different needs to obtain better visual quality after surgery, IOL has experienced the development from monofocal to multifocal, spherical to aspherical, as well as the clinical application of astigmatic IOL and various functional IOLs, which also provides more choices for patients. Fully understanding the advantages and characteristics of different types of IOLs, according to the patient’s own eye conditions, daily eye habits and needs, individualized selection of IOL implantation plays a crucial role in the recovery and satisfaction of visual quality. Therefore, this article will review different types of IOLs from the aspects of design and classification, postoperative clinical effects and adaptation to the population, and provide guidance for the selection of IOLs.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
