
Long-term effect of orthokeratology on choroidal thickness and choroidal contour in myopic children

目的:调查角膜塑形镜对近视儿童脉络膜厚度和脉络膜轮廓的长期影响。方法:受试者来自一项2年的随机对照试验。研究对象为年龄8~12岁、等效球镜在-1.00~-6.00 D的儿童(n=80),这些研究对象被随机分配到对照组(n=40)和角膜塑形镜组(n=40)。本研究在基线和1、6、12、18、24个月的随访中收集光学相干断层扫描图像(optical coherence tomography,OCT),然后基于OCT图像计算脉络膜厚度和脉络膜轮廓。在这些随访点也同时测量了眼轴长度(axial length,AL)和其他眼生物学参数。结果:在2年内,对照组的脉络膜厚度随时间变薄,脉络膜轮廓变得更加后凸(均P<0.001)。角膜塑形镜可以改善脉络膜厚度(均P<0.001),并在所有随访中维持脉络膜轮廓不后凸(均P<0.05)。在角膜塑形镜组中,脉络膜轮廓在颞侧的变化小于鼻侧(P=0.008),而脉络膜厚度在颞侧以黄斑中心凹为中心、直径3 mm线性扫描区域的增厚更明显(P<0.001)。2年内脉络膜厚度的变化与对照组中2年内AL变化呈负相关(r=-0.52,P<0.001),然而,这一规律被角膜塑形镜打破(r=-0.05 P=0.342)。在多变量回归模型中校正其他变量后,角膜塑形镜对脉络膜厚度的影响是稳定的。结论:角膜塑形镜可以改善脉络膜厚度并维持脉络膜轮廓,但这种效果在长期内趋于减弱。
Objective: To investigate the long-term effect of orthokeratology on the choroidal thickness and choroidal contour in myopic children. Methods:Subjects were from a conducted 2-year Randomized Clinical Trial. Children (n=80) aged 8-12 years with spherical equivalent refraction of -1.00 to -6.00 D were randomly assigned to the control group (n=40) and ortho-k group (n=40). OCT images were collected at the baseline, 1-, 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24-month visits, then the choroidal thickness and choroid contour were calculated. Axial length (AL) and other ocular biometrics were also measured. Results: During two years, in the control group, the choroidal thickness became thinning and the choroidal contour became prolate with time at all visits (all P<0.001). Ortho-k can improve the choroidal thickness (all P<0.001) and maintain the choroidal contour at all visits (all P<0.05). In the ortho-k group, the choroidal contour was less changed in the temporal than nasal (P=0.008), and the choroidal thickness was more thickening in the temporal 3 mm (P<0.001). Two-year change in choroidal thickness was significantly associated with the two-year AL change in the control group (r=-0.52, P<0.001), however, this trend was broken by ortho-k (r=-0.05, P=0.342). After being adjusted by other variables in the multivariable regression model, the effect of ortho-k on choroidal thickness was stable. Conclusions: In a short term, ortho-k can improve the choroidal thickness and maintain the choroidal contour, but this effect diminished in a long term. Further study with larger sample size and longer follow-up is warranted to refine this issue.


Wearable device in monitoring children's quantitative visual behavior and quantitative analysis of risks related to myopia

目的:探索一种无创的、智能可穿戴设备监测学龄儿童量化的用眼行为,并定量分析近视发生的相关因素。方法:招募佛山市禅城区石湾第二小学三年级及狮城中学小学部五年级的年龄为7~11岁部分学生共171例。所有受试者均按照非睫状肌麻痹主觉验光结果分为近视组108例和非近视组63例,所有受试者均佩戴智能可穿戴设备“云夹”,进行为期10 d(2022年9月21日—2022年10月2日)的用眼行为数据(近距离用眼距离、近距离用眼时间、近距离环境光照、有效户外时间)采集。采用t检验比较近视组与非近视组儿童在用眼行为数据之间的差异,并应用Logistic回归分析用眼行为与近视发生的相关性。绘制受试者操作特征(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)曲线,并计算曲线下面积(area undercurve,AUC)分析用眼行为习惯对近视发生的预测价值。结果:学龄期儿童近视患病率为63.2%。近视组与非近视组在每天用眼时间、单次用眼时间、用眼距离、白天用眼光照、晚上用眼光照、每天户外活动时间及每天有效户外活动暴露次数比较差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,单次用眼时间、每天用眼时间是近视发生的危险因素。Spearman相关性分析显示,单次用眼时间及每天用眼时间均与近视发生呈正相关(均P<0.05)。单次用眼时间预测近视发生的ROC曲线下面积为0.939。结论:可穿戴设备“云夹”可量化学龄期儿童用眼行为;学龄期儿童近视发生可能与近距离用眼时间有一定相关性;预测模型可结合儿童屈光发育档案,量化近视发生风险,对儿童实现分类管理,及时采取个性化干预。
Objective: To investigate a non-invasive,smart device capable of monitoring the quantitative visual behavior of school age children, and to analyze quantitatively the relationship between visual behavior and the occurrence of myopia. Methods: This study recruited 171 subjects aged between 7 and 11 years from the third grade of Shiwan SecondPrimary School and the fifth grade of Shicheng Middle School in Chancheng District, Foshan City. Participants werecategorized into a myopia group (108 subjects) and a non-myopia group (63 subjects) based on results from non-ciliary muscle paralysis optometry. All subjects wore "clips" to track their near-work distance, near-work duration, lighting conditions during near-work, and time spent on outdoor activities between September 21, 2020, and October 10, 2020. Differences in these habits between the myopia and non-myopia groups were compared, and logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess the impact of habitual eye use on myopia. Results: The prevalence of myopia was found to be 63.2%. Statistically significant differences (all P<0.05) were observed between the myopic and non-myopic groups regarding average daily near-work time, average single near-work session duration, average near-work distance, average daytime and nighttime near-work lighting conditions, average daily outdoor activity time, and average daily effective outdoor activity exposure. Logistic regression analysis indicated that longer average single near-work sessions and increased average daily near-work time were risk factors for myopia. Spearman correlation analysis further supported these findings, showing a positive correlation between average single near-work session duration and average daily  near-work time with the occurrence of myopia (all P<0.05). The predictive accuracy of a model combining average single near-work session duration and average daily near-work time for myopia occurrence was high, with an area under the curve of 0.939. Conclusions: The wearable device "Cloud clip" effectively monitors the visual behavior of school-age children. The occurrence of myopia in this age group may be associated with increased near-work activities. A predictive model incorporating refractive development in myopic children can assess the quantitative risk of myopia, enabling the classification and management of school-age children. Personalized interventions may serve as protective factors against myopia.

3D 打印协助治疗儿童颅眶沟通朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症一例

3D-printing help treating Langerhans cell histiocyte of cranio-orbital communication in children: a case rep

朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症 (Langerhans cell histiocytosis,LCH) 是一种由骨髓细胞肿瘤性增殖引起的罕见疾病,多见于儿童。LCH临床表现多样,以骨骼受累最常见。该文报道了一例儿童颅眶沟通LCH,影像学检查结果提示患儿右侧眉弓处类圆形穿凿样骨质破坏,通过手术切除病灶,送组织病理学检查明确诊断,同时选择通过3D打印聚醚醚酮(polyetheretherketone,PEEK)材料修补颅眶缺损部位,PEEK材料匹配度高、安全性好,改善患儿预后,提升患儿生存质量。
Langerhans cell histiocyte (LCH) is a rare disease caused by the tumor-like proliferation of bone marrow cells, which is mostly seen in children. Its clinical manifestations can be diverse, in which the skeletal system is most involved. This paper reports a case of LCH in cranio-orbital communication of a child. The imaging results suggest that there is a round chisel damage at the patient’s right brow ridge. In terms of definitive diagnosis and treatment, this patient underwent surgical resection and histopathological examination. 3D-printed polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) material was selected to repair the cranio-orbital defect. The material can achieve better biocompatibility, while 3D-printing technique allows higher matching degree, both help to improve the prognosis and quality of life of the patient.

远视儿童短期使用 1% 阿托品凝胶后脉络膜厚度的变化

Choroidal thickness changes in hyperopia children after short-term use of 1% atropine gel

目的:评估远视儿童使用1%阿托品凝胶1周后脉络膜厚度(choroidal thickness,CT)的变化。方法:选择42例4~7岁的远视儿童,予每天使用1%阿托品凝胶两次,持续7d。使用光学相干断层成像扫描测量视网膜及CT,并分析使用1%阿托品凝胶前后中心凹以及距中心凹处间隔1.0 mm的上、下、鼻和颞侧(最多3.0mm)CT的变化。结果:在远视儿童中,基线CT随位置而变化(F=27.08, P<0.05),与中心凹相比,鼻侧及距中心凹上方2 mm、3 mm及距中心凹颞侧3 mm处的CT较薄(P<0.05)。使用1%阿托品凝胶后,中央凹及旁中心凹CT改变比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。使用1%阿托品凝胶前后视网膜厚度无明显变化(P>0.05)。结论:短期使用1%阿托品凝胶并没有改变远视儿童的脉络膜和视网膜厚度。
Objective: To assess changes of choroidal thickness (CT) in hyperopia children after 1 week using of 1% atropine.Methods: A total of 42 hyperopia children aged 4–7 years were included into the study.A single drop of 1% atropinegel was used twice a daily for 7 days in the subjects.The thickness of retina and choroid was measured by OCT, and the changes before and after using 1% atropine gel were analyzed at the subfovea and at 1.0 mm intervals (up to3.0 mm) from the fovea at superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal locations. Results: In the hyperopia children, baselineCT parameters were varied with the location(F=27.08,P<0.05).Compared with the fovea, the CT at the nasal side,2 mm and 3 mm above the fovea and 3 mm from the temporal side of the fovea were thinner (P<0.05).After using 1%atropine gel, there was no significant difference in the CT changes of subfoveal choroidal thickness and other sites ofparafovea (P> 0.05). There was no significant change in retinal thickness before and after using 1% atropine gel (P > 0.05).Conclusion: No changes were found in the thickness of choroid and retina in hyperopia children after short-term use of1% atropine gel.


A modified-simple technique of subluxated lens extraction in children

Objective: To investigate the operation method and clinical effects of a modified-simple technique in children with subluxated lens extraction. Methods: Lens extraction was performed in 40 eyes of 23 children. During operation, the scleral tunnel and 3 lateral corneal incision were made, and anterior chamber maintainer was inserted through one corneal incision. Under stable anterior chamber perfusion, anterior capsulorrhexis was made by needle capsulotome. After hydro-dissection, the content of lens was withdrawn by suction needle completely. Then anterior chamber maintainer was removed, and the capsular bag was dragged out by capsulorhexis forceps and fixation forceps. Anterior vitrectomy was performed if there was prolapse of vitreous. Then scleral intraocular lens fixation was performed. The surgical effects were observed at median 39.0 months postoperative. Results: After surgery, the average uncorrected visual acuity was (0.44±0.22) LogMAR, the average best corrected distant visual acuity was (0.20±0.16) LogMAR. The uncorrected visual acuity and best corrected distant visual acuity were improved postoperative(P<0.001). The intraocular pressure of all patients was stable during operation. During and after operation, there were no fundus complications, such as secondary retinal detachment and suprachoroidal hemorrhage. Conclusion: Modified-simple technique of subluxated lens extraction of children has little disturbance on vitreous and takes shorter time of operation. It is simple, easy to learn and requires simple surgical equipment. This modified technique deserves to be generalized.


Application of virtual reality based visual training in children and adolescents with myopia

Objective: To compare the difference of visual function among children with myopia in different diopter, and explore the effect of short-term plastic training of virtual reality on visual function improvement. Methods: The 102 children aged 6-16 years who admitted to Children's Hospital of SoochowUniversity from June 2022 to September 2022 were recruited and divided into control group, mild myopia group and middle and high myopia group according to diopter. Routine ophthalmologic examination and visual perception function examination were carried out, and short-term plastic training was implemented. After the training, visual perception function examination was completed again. Results: There were significant differences in stereoscopic function defect at different distances among myopic children, a negative correlation between myopia and stereoscopic function was found. while there were several cases have foveal suppression. After training, the fine stereopsis at medium distance of the mild myopia group was significantly improved with significance statistical difference. Conclusions: Myopia can lead to the abnormality of stereopsis and foveal suppression in children. The defect of binocular visual function increases with the increase of myopia. Short term plastic training of virtual reality can partially improve the fine stereoscopic function of mild myopia children whileshowsnosigni ficanceimprovementof the fine stereoscopic function in middle and high myopia group.


Perioperative nursing of 15 children with self-expanding hydrogel orbital implantation

This paper summarized the nursing experience of 15 children with self-expanding hydrogel orbital implantation during perioperative period. Before operation, children were fully evaluated, given with psychological care, preoperative preparation and management of fasting and drinking. After the surgery, the patients were mainly given with safety management, diet, pain, medicine and elastic bandage dressing care. Nurses should pay attention to the occurrence of complications and give corresponding nursing care and offer useful discharge guidance for the children and their parents. All 15 children completed the operation successfully, postoperative eye pain occurred in 15 cases after operation, and the orbital pressure increased in 2 cases, 1 case vomited, and all cases were properly treated. After postoperative follow-up for 3–18 months, 15 children were satisfied with the appearance of the eye,and the life quality was improved.


Children’s HRQOL after congenital ptosis surgery assessed by the Glasgow Children’s Benefit Inventory

目的:利用儿童Glasgow受益调查问卷(Glasgow Children’s Benefit Inventory,GCBI)评估先天性上睑下垂手术后儿童健康相关生活质量(health-related quality of life,HRQOL)的受益,并探索受益的影响因素。方法:验证GCBI中文版评估先天性上睑下垂矫正术后长期患儿生活质量的信效度,并用其评估术后儿童HRQOL受益与性别、手术年龄、术后随访时间等相关性。结果:共178名先天性上睑下垂接受下垂矫正术后儿童完成问卷,结果显示不同性别、年龄均有正性受益,术后短期(<1年)受益更明显(P<0.05)。结论:GCBI中文版具有良好的信度和效度,适用于评估先天性上睑下垂儿童术后受益结果。先天性上睑下垂儿童接受下垂矫正术后不同性别均有正性受益,术后短期(<1年)受益更明显。
Objective: To explore the benefits of children’s HRQOL after congenital ptosis surgery using the Glasgow Children’s Benefit Inventory (GCBI) and the factors influencing the benefits. Methods: To verify the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of GCBI in evaluating the long-term life quality of children after correction of congenital ptosis, and to evaluate the correlation between the HRQOL benefit of children after surgery and gender, surgical age, postoperative follow-up time, etc. Results: A total of 178 children after congenital ptosis surgery completed the questionnaire. Different genders or ages of children with congenital ptosis both showed positive benefit after ptosis correction, and the short-term (<1 year) benefit was more obvious after surgery (P<0.05). Conclusion: The Chinese version of GCBI has good reliability and validity,and is suitable for evaluating the postoperative benefit results of children with congenital ptosis. All the children with congenital ptosis received positive benefit after ptosis correction, and the short-term benefit (<1 year) was more obvious.


Investigation on health education needs of parents of children with eye diseases before operation

Objective: To investigate the health education needs of parents of children with eye diseases before operation, and to provide basis for more targeted and high-quality health education for primary nurses. Methods: A self-made questionnaire was used to investigate the health education needs of parents of children with ophthalmopathy before surgery from April 2020 to June 2020, and the results were statistically analyzed. Results: The top three of parents’ needs for preoperative health education of children with eye diseases were the effect and significance of the surgery and the related professional health knowledge of eye diseases. The differences of medical payment methods, children’s age, diseases, parents’ age, and occupational status was significant in the scores of preoperative health education needs (P<0.05). The main ways of parents obtaining health education knowledge were network platforms such as medical staff explanation and official accounts. Conclusion: The parents of children with eye diseases have a high demand for preoperative health education. Medical workers should enrich their knowledge, strengthen specialty learning and related knowledge training, organically combine professional knowledge with health education, and explore the methods of effective online health education to serve patients better.

Lea Symbols视力表与HOTV视力表在2.5~5.0岁儿童视力发育评价中的研究应用

Research and application of the Lea Symbols and HOTV charts for the evaluation of visual development of children aged 2.5 to 5.0 years

目的:运用Lea Symbols视力表、HOTV视力表对2.5~5.0岁正常儿童视力发育情况进行探究,并评价2种视力表的应用效果。方法:以随机顺序先后应用Lea Symbols视力表与HOTV视力表对广州地区2所早教中心及3所幼儿园共461例儿童(922只眼)进行单眼视力检查,所有儿童提前1 d行小瞳下检影验光、眼前节裂隙灯检查、眼底情况、眼球活动、眼位检查,筛选无器质性眼病、屈光度在正常范围的儿童作为研究对象。视力值采用5分记录方法表示。结果:1 )可测率(视力表使用配合程度)。407名儿童完成Lea Symbols视力检查,总体可测率92.08%;402名儿童完成HOTV视力检查,总体可测率90.95%;前者可测率高于后者,差异无统计学意义(χ2 =0.417,P=0.580)。进一步研究发现2种视力的可测率随年龄增长不断提高,儿童3岁之后基本都能完成2种视力的检查。2)2种视力结果及比较(5分记录法表示)。Lea视力值:右眼为4.89±0.05,左眼为4.90±0.05;HOTV视力值:右眼为4.84±0.05,左眼为4.85±0.04;前者视力好于后者,差异有统计学意义(右眼:t=3.171,P=0.003;左眼:t=3.230,P=0.003)。3)视力发育与年龄的相关性。2种视力发育与年龄存在显著正相关(P<0.001),即随着年龄的增长,视力水平逐渐提高。4)视力发育与眼别、性别的关系。左右眼之间的视力发育差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);男性儿童的视力发育好于女性,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:Lea Symbols及HOTV视力表建议用于年龄大于3岁儿童的视力检查,且儿童更容易接受Lea Symbols视力表的检查。伴随年龄的增长,儿童的视力发育呈现提高的趋势;Lea视力优于HOTV视力。视力的发育与眼别无关,男性儿童的视力发育快于女性儿童。
Objective: To conduct a preliminary study of the Lea Symbols and HOTV charts to explore the visual development of children aged 2.5 to 5.0 years, and evaluate the application values of the two charts. Methods: A total of 461 children (922 eyes) in 2 early education centers and 3 kindergartens in Guangzhou were examined by using the Lea Symbols visual acuity chart and HOTV visual acuity chart in random order. All the children underwent low-pupil photometry, anterior section slit-lamp examination, retinal condition, eye movement, and eye position examination 1 day in advance. Children with no organic eye disease and normal diopter were selected as subjects. Visual acuity was recorded with 5 points. Results: 1) Measurable rate (visual acuity chart use degree of cooperation). 407 children completed visual examination of Lea Symbols, with an overall detectable rate of 92.08%; 402 children completed HOTV vision examination, with an overall detectable rate of 90.95%. The detectable rate of the former was higher than that of the latter, but the difference was not statistically significant 2 =0.417, P=0.580). Further study found that the detectable rate of both visual acuities increased with age, and children were able to complete both visual acuity tests after the age of 3. 2) Results and comparison of two visual acuity (5-point recording method). The visual acuity of Lea was 4.89±0.05 in the right eye and 4.90±0.05 in the left eye. HOTV visual acuity was 4.84±0.05 in the right eye and 4.85±0.04 in the left eye. The visual acuity of the former was better than that of the latter, the difference was statistically significant (right eye: t=3.171, P=0.003; left eye: t=3.230, P=0.003). 3) Correlation between visual development and age. There was a significant positive correlation between the two types of visual development and age (P<0.001), that is, visual acuity gradually improves with age. 4) The relationship between visual development and eye and sex. There was no difference in visual development between the left and right eyes, but male children had better visual development than female, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Lea Symbols and HOTV visual acuity charts are recommended for visual acuity examination of children over 3 years old, and children are more likely to receive examination of Lea Symbols visual acuity chart. With the growth of age, the visual development of children shows a trend of improvement. Lea vision is superior to HOTV vision. Vision development has nothing to do with the eye, male children’s vision development is faster than female children.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
