
角膜偏心切削 LASIK 术后白内障一例

Cataract after LASIK with eccentriccorneal ablation: a case report

准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis,LASIK)是矫正屈光不正的重要角膜屈光手术方式之一。经过准分子激光切削的角膜,生物测量数据发生改变。对于此类患者,通过常规测量获得的参数数据以及使用常规计算公式确定的IOL屈光度将变得不再准确,由此将会导致术后较大的屈光误差,进而影响患者的视觉质量。本文报道一例46岁的男性白内障患者。该患者既往双眼屈光不正,曾接受过LASIK手术治疗。白内障术前角膜地形图检查发现该患者双眼存在角膜偏心切削,这为IOL屈光度的确定带来困难。手术医生通过角膜地形图判断角膜切削的居中性,在特定区域内选择角膜曲率K值,并采用Barrett True K公式计算出IOL屈光度。白内障术后患眼屈光误差相对较小,视力提高,视觉质量改善。
Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is a crucial corneal refractive surgery for correcting refractive errors. The cornea, after undergoing excimer laser ablation, undergoes changes in biometric measurements. For such patients, conventional measurements and IOL power calculations based on standard formulas may no longer be accurate, leading  to significant postoperative refractive errors and subsequently impacting the patient's visual quality. This article presents a case of a 46-year-old male cataract patient who had a history of refractive errors in both eyes and had previously undergone LASIK surgery. Preoperative corneal topography revealed corneal eccentric ablation in both eyes, posing challenges in determining IOL power. The surgeon assessed the centration of corneal ablation using corneal topography, selected the keratometry value (K value) within specific corneal regions, and calculated the IOL power using the Barrett True K formula. Postoperatively, the cataract patient experienced relatively minor refractive errors, leading to improved vision and enhanced visual quality.


Research progress of transcorneal electrical stimulation in the treatment of retinal diseases

近年来,眼部电流刺激(electrical stimulation,ES)在不同方向的研究中逐渐揭示了其在多种视网膜疾病中的潜在治疗价值。其中,经角膜电刺激(transcorneal electrical stimulation,TES)作为一种非侵入性的治疗方法,能对视网膜、视神经、眼底血管及其相关结构产生积极的影响。TES能够改善视力,在保护感光细胞和减缓疾病进展方面显示出积极效果,提高患者的生存质量,还能够在不损伤眼球的情况下调节大脑中的神经元活动,为视网膜疾病的治疗提供一种新的选择。该文对近年来TES在视网膜色素变性(retinitis pigmentosa,RP)、年龄相关性黄斑变性(age-related macular degeneration,AMD)、视网膜血管病、青光眼以及视神经病变等疾病中的应用研究进行了综述。研究发现,TES治疗是一种安全且无需手术的辅助治疗工具,具有广泛的应用前景。该文旨在为临床医师提供一个全面的TES研究概述,并深入探讨其在眼科学领域的潜在应用价值。然而,TES治疗的具体机制仍需进一步探讨,以便更好地应用于临床实践。同时,未来研究还应关注TES与其他治疗方法相结合的效果,以期为患者提供更多有效的治疗选择。
In recent years, electrical stimulation of the eye (ES) has gradually revealed its potential therapeutic value in a variety of retinal diseasesin different directions. Among them, transcorneal electrical stimulation (TES), as a non-invasive treatment, can have a positive effect on the retina, optic nerve, fundus vessels and related structures. TES can improve vision, show positive effects in protecting photoreceptor cells and slowing disease progression, improve the quality of life of patients, and can regulate neuronal activity in the brain without damaging the eyeball, providing a new option for the treatment of retinal diseases. The research on the application on TES on retinitis pigementosa (RP), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), retinal angiopathy, glaucoma and optic neuropathy are reviewed in this article. It is found in the study that TES therapy is a safe and surgery-free adjuvant therapy tool, and has a wide application prospect. The purpose of this article is to provide clinicians with a comprehensive overview of TES research,and to explore its potential application value in the field of ophthalmology. However, the specific mechanism of TES therapy still needs to be further explored in order to better apply in clinical practice. At the same time, future studies should also focus on the effect of combining TES with other treatment methods, in order to provide more effective treatment options for patients.


Research progress on the effect of corneal refractive surgery on corneal biomechanics

Corneal refractive surgery is currently main stream of refractive surgery. With the development of femtosecond and laser surgery, the surgery has become safer and more accurate, resulting in less corneal trauma and a shorter postoperative recovery time. In recent years, biomechanics research has rapidly progressed, and its clinical application has gradually increased. The cornea not only possesses refractive properties but also exhibits typical biological soft tissue mechanical properties. Corneal mechanical properties not only play a role in maintaining corneal morphology but also influence the outcome and prognosis of corneal surgery, especially refractive surgery, and are closely related to the occurrence and development of some corneal diseases. Corneal refractive surgery involves cutting the cornea according to the patient's diopter, which disrupts the integrity of the cornea and inevitably affects its biomechanical stability. Changes in corneal biomechanics are associated with various factors, such as preoperative corneal morphology, the selection of different surgical methods, and postoperative changes in corneal thickness. However, the self-morphology changes caused by surgery are irreversible. If the postoperative changes in corneal biomechanics are significant, it may lead to complications such as postoperative corneal dilation and secondary keratoconus. To avoid postoperative iatrogenic corneal dilation and guide personalized surgical choice, it is crucial to understand the limits of influence of corneal biomechanical properties. This article reviews the research progress regarding corneal biomechanical properties and changes associated with corneal refractive surgery.


High-resolution imaging of limbus tissue with dual-mode full-field optical coherence tomography

角膜缘的细胞,特别是角膜缘干细胞,对于维持角膜的透明和健康至关重要。基于影像技术对角膜缘进行高精度可视化评价是相关疾病诊疗的重要手段。眼科临床使用的裂隙灯显微镜、共聚焦显微镜、眼前节光学相干断层扫描仪(optical coherence tomography,OCT)等成像技术,因低分辨、低对比度、侵入性等原因,限制了其在角膜缘细胞结构及功能影像评估中的应用。本团队创新研发新型双模态全视场光学相干断层扫描仪(full-field OCT,FFOCT),成功实现了无标记的角膜缘细胞级分辨率结构及功能成像。FFOCT基于空间非相干光平面干涉原理提取组织内部散射光,获得微米级分辨率三维结构成像;通过FFOCT原始相干信号的高时空分辨率采集及动态特征解析,实现源于活细胞新陈代谢运动的无标记细胞功能影像可视化。双模态FFOCT创新性地整合了高分辨率、无标记的结构及功能成像模态,不仅清晰获取角膜缘组织的高精结构特征如Vogt栅栏、角膜缘隐窝、血管壁等,同时还能捕捉不同角膜缘细胞内的代谢活性动态变化,无需使用外源荧光染料或标记剂,为角膜缘生物学及疾病机制研究提供全新细胞水平结构及功能成像方法,具有广泛应用前景。
角膜缘的细胞,特别是角膜缘干细胞,对于维持角膜的透明和健康至关重要。基于影像技术对角膜缘进行高精度可视化评价是相关疾病诊疗的重要手段。眼科临床使用的裂隙灯显微镜、共聚焦显微镜、眼前节光学相干断层扫描仪(optical coherence tomography,OCT)等成像技术,因低分辨、低对比度、侵入性等原因,限制了其在角膜缘细胞结构及功能影像评估中的应用。本团队创新研发新型双模态全视场光学相干断层扫描仪(full-field OCT,FFOCT),成功实现了无标记的角膜缘细胞级分辨率结构及功能成像。FFOCT基于空间非相干光平面干涉原理提取组织内部散射光,获得微米级分辨率三维结构成像;通过FFOCT原始相干信号的高时空分辨率采集及动态特征解析,实现源于活细胞新陈代谢运动的无标记细胞功能影像可视化。双模态FFOCT创新性地整合了高分辨率、无标记的结构及功能成像模态,不仅清晰获取角膜缘组织的高精结构特征如Vogt栅栏、角膜缘隐窝、血管壁等,同时还能捕捉不同角膜缘细胞内的代谢活性动态变化,无需使用外源荧光染料或标记剂,为角膜缘生物学及疾病机制研究提供全新细胞水平结构及功能成像方法,具有广泛应用前景。


Recent advances in research on iron homeostasis imbalance in Keratoconus



Progress on the treatment of advanced keratoconus with anterior elastic layer inlay and Onlay transplantation

With the continuous advancement of corneal disease treatment technology, Bowman layer transplantation (including Inlay and Onlay technology) has become an important means for the treatment of advanced progressive keratoconus, which can effectively improve the corneal topography and visual acuity of patients, stabilize corneal dilation, and improve the quality of life of patients. Tis article reviews the theoretical basis of Bowman layer transplantation, the source and preparation of grafs, surgical techniques, clinical efcacy, and related complications, which provides a new perspective for the treatment of advanced keratoconus. It is stated in the research that this advanced transplantation technique has significant advantages over traditional methods in reducing surgical risks, simplifying the surgical procedures, and improving postoperative recovery. Especially in reducing the risk of allograft rejection and surgical complications, the bowman layer transplantation performs excellently. As a novel developed method, Onlay technology has the unique advantage of eliminating the need to dissect the cornea, which beter protects the corneal structure. In addition, due to the highly adaptable and reversible nature of this technique, it provides patients with more treatment options and beter visual recovery. However, in terms of technical details such as customizing the size and shape of the transplant, optimizing the surgical depth, etc., it is needed to conduct further research and optimization to improve the overall treatment efect.


Differential effects of primary disease and corneal vascularisation on corneal transplant rejection and survival

目的:旨在研究按移植指征分类以及移植前角膜血管形成对手术后5年内排斥反应和移植物失败率的相对风险。方法:分析1999—2017年间,英国移植登记处记录的所有因圆锥角膜(keratoconus,KC)、人工晶状体大泡性角膜病(pseudophakic bullous keratopathy,PBK)或既往感染(病毒/细菌/真菌/原生动物)而首次进行角膜移植的成年人。统计移植前受体角膜血管化象限的数量、血管化类型、移植后排斥反应的间隔时间(如果有的话)以及移植后5年的结果。通过多变量风险调整Cox回归法进行排斥反应和移植失败的危险因素建模。结果:KC、PBK和感染患者的角膜血管形成率分别为10%、25%和67%。只有当存在浅表和(或)深部血管形成时(HR分别为1.3和1.4,P=0.004),存在两个以上象限的血管形成时,PBK患者移植排斥反应的风险才会增加(HR=1.5,P=0.0004)。因既往感染而接受移植的个体在四个象限的血管形成中发生排斥反应的风险增加(HR=1.6,P=0.003)。在任何一组中,经过风险调整后,与血管形成有关的移植失败率并未上升。对于含有血管的受体角膜,相对于穿透性KC和PBK移植,没有充分的证据显示板层移植在降低排斥反应或失败风险方面存在优势。结论:血管化是5年内角膜移植排斥反应的危险因素。移植的适应证对这种风险的具有临床意义。
Objective: To investigate the relative risk of pretransplant corneal vascularisation on rate of rejection and graft failure within 5 years of surgery when categorised by indication for transplantation. Methods: We analysed all adults recorded in the UK transplant registry who had a first cornea transplant for keratoconus (KC), pseudophakic bullous keratopathy (PBK) or previous infection (viral/bacterial/fungal/protozoan) between 1999 and 2017. We analysed the number of quadrants of the recipient cornea vascularised before transplant and type of vascularisation, the interval posttransplant to rejection, if any, and the outcome at 5 years post-transplant. Risk factors for rejection and transplant failure were modelled by multivariable risk-adjusted Cox regression. Results: Corneal vascularisation was recorded in 10%, 25% and 67% of patients with KC, PBK and infection, respectively. Individuals with PBK had an increased hazard of transplant rejection only when there were more than two quadrants of vascularisation (HR 1.5, p=0.004) when either superficial and/or deep vascularisation was present (HR 1.3 and 1.4, respectively, p=0.004). Individuals who had a transplant for previous infection had an increased hazard of rejection with four quadrants of vascularisation (HR 1.6, p=0.003). There was no risk-adjusted increase in transplant failure associated with vascularisation in any group. There was weak evidence of reduction in risk of rejection and/or failure associated with lamellar compared with penetrating transplantation in KC and PBK in vascularised recipient corneas. Conclusion: Vascularisation is a risk factor for corneal allograft rejection within 5 years. The indication for transplantation has a clinically significant effect on the magnitude of this risk.


Observational study of a corneal dystrophy family with confocal microscope

Objective: To observe and study the corneal in patients of family with granular corneal dystrophy by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Methods: The corneas of 4 patients (6 eyes) with granular corneal dystrophy were scanned by laser confocal microscopy, and the results were compared with those observed by slit lamp and ordinary microscope. Results: The image were gray and white bread-crumb-like opacity under the slit-lamp of cornea in patients of family with granular corneal dystrophy, were eosin-stained granules deposited between stroma layers in hematoxylin-eosin (HE) stain under the microscopy, were high reflective masses under the confocal laser scanning microscopy, which fused with each other. Conclusion: The image of the corneal in patients of family with granular corneal dystrophy were clearer and clearer by from Slit Lamp and microscopy to the confocal laser scanning microscopy. The distribution of sediments was consistent with each other. It can be a good understanding of the development of the disease.


A comparative study between in vivo confocal microscopy and pathological examination in diagnosing retrocorneal fungal infection

Objective: To compare the diagnostic rate between in vivo confocal microscopy and pathological examination in retrocorneal fungal infection. Methods: It is a retrospective study. A total of 18 patients with retrocorneal fungal infection and received PKP surgery in the Qingdao Eye Hospital from November 2009 to December 2020 were enrolled. KOH smear and in vivo confocal microscopy examination were performed before surgery, and pathological examination including periodic acid-schiff (PAS) stain and Grocott Methenamine Silver (GMS) stain were performed after surgery. Patients were diagnosed retrocorneal fungal infection based on in vivo confocal microscopy and pathological examination. The diagnostic rates of the two methods were compared. Results: None of the 18 patients with posterior corneal fungal infection were found to have fungal hyphae in the corneal smear.Sixteen patients (88.9%) were found fungal hyphae by in vivo confocal microscopy. Corneal stroma necrosis and a large number of inflammatory cells were shown by postoperative pathologic examination, and all patients were found fungal hyphae in posterior corneal stroma with PAS stain and GMS stain. Conclusion: Confocal microscopy has unique advantages such as non-invasive and rapid examination in the diagnosis of fungal keratitis.However, it needs to combine with pathological examination for diagnosing the retrocorneal fungal infection.


Effect of two kinds of orthokeratology lens for compound myopic astigmatism

Objective: To observe the effectiveness and safety of orthokeratology lens and toric design othokeratology treatment for compound myopic astigmatism. Methods: From March 2016 to March 2018, 94 teenagers(178 eyes) were selected as the subjects of study. They were divided into two groups according to the type of orthokeratology: the orthokeratology lens group (48 cases, 90 eyes) and the toric design othokeratology group(46 cases, 88 eyes). Visual acuity, corneal astigmatism, axial length, spherical lens refraction, intraocular pressure,tear film rupture time and corneal staining rate were recorded before, after 1 year and after 1 week. Results: After 1 year of wearing the lens, astigmatism, spherical lens degree, intraocular pressure and tear film rupture time were all decreased in the 2 groups compared with each other, but only astigmatism degree was statistically significant between the 2 groups compared with each other (P<0.01). After wearing the glasses for 1 year, the visual acuity of the two groups was significantly improved compared with that before wearing the glasses, and the myopia degree was increased after stopping wearing the glasses compared with that before wearing the glasses, but the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant (P>0.05). There was no statistical significance in the incidence of corneal staining between the two types of shaping lenses (P>0.05). Conclusion: Both of the two shaping lenses can reduce the degree of myopic patients with complex astigmatism and effectively improve the visual acuity of patients, but they can not completely prevent the progress of myopia. Although toroidal shaping mirror has advantages in correcting astigmatism, its overall effectiveness and safety are not.
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  • Eye Science
