

Effect of intraocular pressure on corneal endothelial cells after silicone oil tamponade

目的:评估硅油填充术后眼压对角膜内皮细胞的影响及变化特点。方法:选取2019年1月1日至9月30日在佛山市第二人民医院眼科中心行玻璃体切除联合硅油注射的患者共131名,分为高眼压组(n=80)和正常眼压组(n=51)。高眼压组术后任意一次测眼压>21 mmHg,正常眼压组术后眼压均≤21 mmHg。比较填充硅油前与取硅油时的角膜内皮细胞参数测量值。结果:高眼压组的平均眼压为20.79 mmHg,正常眼压组的平均眼压为14.70 mmHg(P<0.001)。取硅油时,两组角膜内皮细胞密度(corneal endothelial cell density,ECD)均明显减少,平均内皮细胞面积均明显增大(P<0.05),高眼压组内皮细胞大小变异系数(coefficient of variation of endothelial cell size,CV)明显变大(P<0.05)。高眼压组ECD丢失率(6.3%)高于正常眼压组(3.5%);其中,高眼压组中术后1~6周内的眼压升高(7.1%)、眼压≥40 mmHg(7.3%)对角膜内皮细胞影响最大。ECD丢失与眼压变化有显著相关性(r=0.176,P=0.044)。结论:硅油填充后高眼压是角膜内皮细胞丢失的重要危险因素。
Objective: To evaluate the effect of intraocular pressure (IOP) on corneal endothelial cells after silicone oil tamponade. Methods: Patients (n=131) received vitrectomy with silicone oil injection in Ophthalmology Center in Second People’s Hospital of Foshan City from January 1st to September 30th 2019 were divided into the high IOP group (n=80) and normal IOP group (n=51). IOP was >21 mmHg at any time in the high IOP group and was ≤21mmHg in the normal IOP group after surgery. The values of corneal endothelial cells before filling with silicone oil and before removing silicone oil were compared.Results: The average IOP was 20.79 mmHg in the high IOP group, and 14.70 mmHg in the normal IOP group (P<0.001). The number of endothelial cells (ECD) was reduced, but the average endothelial cell area was increased (P<0.05) in both groups. The coefficient of variation of endothelial cell size in high IOP group was increased (P<0.05). ECD loss rate was 6.3% in the high IOP group and 3.5% in normal IOP group. Increased IOP within 1–6 weeks after surgery (7.1%) and IOP ≥40 mmHg (7.3%) had the greatest impact on ECD. ECD loss was correlated with IOP (r=0.176, P=0.044). Conclusion: High intraocular pressure after silicone oil filling is an important risk factor for the loss of corneal endothelial cells.Keywords intraocular pressure; corneal endothelium; silicone oil; vitrect


Experience in the treatment of a case of complex corneal blindness

角膜病是眼科常见疾病,治疗主要以病因治疗为主。角膜疾病治疗不及时会发展为角膜云翳、角膜斑翳、角膜白斑甚至丧失视力。本例患者主要是一例因外伤形成角膜白斑致使视力低下,于三峡大学附属仁和医院行自体穿透性角膜移植(autologous penetrating keratoplasty,APK)的特殊病例。
Keratoconus is a common disease in ophthalmology and treatment is mainly based on etiology. Untreated corneal diseases can develop into corneal clouding, corneal macula, corneal leukoplakia or even loss of vision. This is a special case of a patient who underwent autologous penetrating keratoplasty (APK) in our hospital for low vision due to traumatic formation of corneal leukoplakia.


Modern treatment strategies for exposure keratitis

Exposure keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea that occurs when the cornea loses the protection of the eyelid and is exposed to air, resulting in dryness, epithelial exfoliation, and secondary infection. Most of them are found in eyelid defect, protopsis, eyelid ectropion, facial palsy, and anesthesia. Loss of tears, lagophthalmos and exposed ocular surface all affect the health of the cornea, putting it at risk of inflammation, ulceration, and perforation. The purpose of treatment is to remove exposure factors, protect the corneal epithelium and keep ocular surface moist.Currently, the commonly used treatments are surgical treatment and medical treatment, and some of them are temporary while others are permanent.


New progress in the study of neuropathic corneal pain

角膜神经性疼痛(neuropathic corneal pain,NCP)的患者具有眼部及躯体症状,但临床体征不典型,治疗效果不理想。随着干眼诊治的规范化程度不断提升,NCP的患者日益增多。NCP与全身慢性疼痛综合征相互交织。角膜共聚焦显微镜及活体印迹细胞检测可以发现特征性神经形态及相关蛋白改变。NCP的治疗应基于个体化、多学科联合的原则。本文综述近年来,NCP的病因学、病理生理学、综合治疗等取得新的进展以指导临床及转化医学研究。
Patients with neuropathic corneal pain (NCP) have local and physical symptoms, but the clinical signs are atypical,and the treatment is not effect. With the improvement of standardization of diagnosis and treatment of dry eye, the number of patients with NCP has been increasing. The NCP is intertwined with systemic chronic pain syndrome.Corneal confocal microscope and in vivo blot cytology can find the signs of morphology and associated proteins variation. The treatments of NCP should be based on the principle of individualized, multidisciplinary treatment (MDT). This article reviews recent advances in the etiology, pathogenesis, and comprehensive treatment of NCP to guide clinical translational medicine research.


Modern treatment techniques for recalcitrant fungal keratitis

Fungal keratitis is a significant cause of corneal blindness in tropical and subtropical countries. With the development of modern medicine, the cure rate of early fungal keratitis has been significantly improved after medical or surgical treatment. However, due to the lack of timely and reasonable treatment for many patients with fungal keratitis, the disease has become difficult to treat and the prognosis is poor. With the efforts of numerous scholars, some new advances have been made in the treatment of recalcitrant fungal keratitis in recent years, such as antifungal drugs and administration methods. At present, the treatment methods of recalcitrant fungal keratitis have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to understand the available antifungal therapies, their indications and side effects for the treatment of recalcitrant fungal keratitis.


A case report of corneal burn caused by arc light

A case of corneal burn caused by arc light due to electrical short is reported. Specialist examination: ischemic areas of the temporal limbus bulbar conjunctiva in both eyes were less than 1/3, the corneal epithelium was white and cloudy, and the epithelium was partially peeled. The corneas became transparent after 2 weeks’ treatment of removing the white necrotic tissue, anti-inflammatory and dilating pupil. During the follow-up within 3 months, the patient’s lens and fundus showed no obvious abnormalities. The injury mechanism of arc light caused by electrical short to the eyeball is discussed.


Importance of calculation of posterior corneal astigmatism on Toric intraocular lens power

随着白内障手术由复明性向屈光性转变,对角膜的散光矫正显得越来越重要。而角膜散光不仅仅应该关注角膜前表面的散光数据,更应该考虑角膜后表面的散光,否则对散光人工晶状体植入矫正角膜散光可能出现不同程度的术后屈光误差。角膜后表面散光均值约为0.37 D,且多数情况下会产生逆规散光的效果,因此在进行散光型人工晶状体计算时应考虑到这一特点,进一步防止术后欠矫或过矫的发生。
With the cataract surgery evolving from visual restoration surgery to refractive surgery, surgical correction of corneal astigmatism becomes more and more important. For Toric intraocular lens implantation, the surgeon should not only pay attention to the values in surface of anterior corneal astigmatism but also that in posterior corneal astigmatism. Otherwise,unwanted postoperative refractive errors may occur. The mean value of posterior corneal astigmatism was around 0.37 D.In most cases, the posterior corneal astigmatism produces against-the-rule effect. Therefore, the above-mentioned feature of posterior corneal astigmatism should be noticed to prevent the under-correction or over-correction effect of toric lens.


New progress in the treatment of pediatric keratoconus

At present, the research on adult keratoconus has been extensive, while the research on pediatric keratoconus is few. The diagnosis and treatment of pediatric keratoconus are often based on the study of keratoconus in adults. Pediatric keratoconus is more aggressive than adult keratoconus, resulting in visual impairment that can follow throughout their lives and have a serious negative impact on their quality of life and educational development. In this paper, according to the treatment progress of pediatric keratoconus in recent years, the safety, effectiveness, and treatment timing of different treatment methods were summarized, in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of the treatment of pediatric keratoconus.


Perioperative experience in small incision lenticule extraction patients: a qualitative study

目的:了解行全飞秒激光小切口角膜基质透镜取出术(small incision lenticule extraction,SMILE)患者围手术期的体验感受。方法:采用定性调查的方法,选取广东省某医院的15名行SMILE的患者,进行半结构式访谈,将患者围手术期体验归纳为顾虑、紧张、疼痛、担心、放松5个主题概念,用现象学分析法整理、分析资料。结果:把5种体验汇总制成韦恩图,通过韦恩图提炼发现有1人有围手术期5种感受,3位有紧张、疼痛、担心、放松4种心理感受,2位只有紧张的感受,而无其余感受。结论:行SMILE患者的围手术期具有多种体验感受,分析不同感受状态和因素,为眼科医护人员对于寻求SMILE手术的患者做好围手术期的服务提供依据。
Objective: To investigate the perioperative experience after small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE). Methods: A semi-structured interview was conducted in 15 patients who underwent SMILE surgery in Zhuhai People’s Hospital.The data were collected and analyzed by phenomenological analysis. Results: The perioperative feelings of patients were summarized into five categories: concern, tension, pain, worry and relaxation. These feelings were compiled and extracted by Venn diagram. One patient had all five categories of feelings during the perioperative period. Three patients experienced four psychological feelings of tension, pain, worry and relaxation, and 2 patients had only nervous feelings during the full femtosecond operation period. Conclusion: Patients undergoing SMILE have avariety of experience feelings during perioperative period. Analysis of different feeling states and factors will provide evidence for ophthalmic medical staff to provide perioperative services for patients seeking SMILE surgery.


Trigeminal schwannoma complicated with nerve paralysis keratitis: a case report

该文报道一例中年男性患者,因“头痛伴左侧听力下降”就诊于我院神经外科,经影像学检查诊断为“左侧三叉神经鞘瘤”, 手术前实验室检查发现血象异常,经血液科会诊后诊断为多发性骨髓瘤IgDλ型,于化疗期间并发神经麻痹性角膜炎(neurotrophic keratitis,NK),可于角膜中央偏下方的上皮及前基质层见到类圆形的灰白色浑浊,呈胶冻样,经局部药物治疗后好转,但残留角膜基质白色浑浊。由于现阶段临床对NK尚欠缺充分认识,易延误诊治,并且本文报道的此例NK患者,因其有化疗病史且于治疗期间出现相关体征,易被误诊为化疗并发细菌性角膜炎,文章通过分析其角膜病变的特征及简单回顾NK的临床特征、鉴别诊断及治疗,以期临床早期识别及治疗此类患者,恢复角膜的光学特性,维持良好的视觉体验。
Tis article reports a case of a middle-aged male patient who visited the Department of Neurosurgery of our hospital due to headache and lef hearing loss. He was diagnosed with lef trigeminal schwannoma by imaging examination and abnormal blood routine before surgery. During chemotherapy and paralytic keratitis (neurotrophic keratitis, NK), can be seen in the lower part of the corneal center of the epithelium and the prestromal layer of round gray and white turbidities, jelly like, afer local drug treatment improved, but residual corneal stromal white turbidities. Due to the lack of full understanding of NK in clinic at the present stage, diagnosis and treatment is easy to be delayed. In addition, the NK patient reported in this paper was easily misdiagnosed as bacterial keratitis complicated by chemotherapy due to his history of chemotherapy and related signs during treatment. Tis paper analyzed the characteristics of keratopathy and briefy reviewed the clinical characteristics, diferential diagnosis and treatment of NK, in order to identify and treat these patients in early clinical stage, restore the optical characteristics of cornea and maintain good visual experience.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
