

Application of SBAR communication model on nursing handover in patients with penetration injuries of eyeball

Objective: To evaluate the SBAR communication model in the nursing care handover of patients with penetration injuries of eyeball. Methods: Transfer time, receivers’ information retention, and patient’s satisfaction were compared between two groups of patients with penetration injuries of eyeball. A total of 60 patients were handled with the traditional oral communication handover as comparison group and other 60 patients were handled with the SBAR handover as intervention group. Results: When comparing intervention group with comparison group, statistically significant improvements (P<0.05) were observed in all three factors tested. Conclusion:Implementing the communication tool SBAR in the nursing care of patients with penetration injuries of eyeball reduces rate of adverse events, improves patient care quality, enhances transfer efficiency, and boosts patient’s satisfaction.


Surgical treatment of upper eyelid entropion after ptosis correction and analysis of the complicated causes

Objective: To evaluate the surgical treatment outcome of upper eyelid entropion after ptosis correction and analyze the complicated causes. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on patients who underwent surgical treatment for complicated upper eyelid entropion after ptosis correction and were followed up for more than 6 months at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center from January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020. Pre- and postoperative lid height, lagophthalmos, upper lid margin curvature, eyelid entropion and corneal fluorescein staining scores
were evaluated. Results: A total of 18 cases (19 eyes) were included, among which 17 cases (18 eyes: 8 eyes of ptosis overcorrection, 6 eyes of ptosis undercorrection, and 4 eyes with normal eyelid height) were post-frontalis flap suspension, and 2 cases (2 eyes: 1 eye of ptosis undercorrection, 1 eye of ptosis overcorrection) post-levator resection. All patients had a complete correction of upper eyelid entropion and a significant reduction in corneal epithelial fluorescein staining score (P<0.05). Both the complicated ptosis undercorrection and overcorrection were treated with satisfactory outcome. Correction of entropion did not change the eyelid height in patients with preoperative normal height. The intraoperative findings showed that several factors related to original ptosis surgery may be involved in complicated upper eyelid entropion, including: the skin incision too close to the upper lid margin, excessive resection of the orbicularis oculi muscle along the eyelid margin, poor separation of the frontalis muscle flap, inappropriate eyelid plate fixation site of the frontalis muscle flap, and ptosis overcorrection caused by inaccurate evaluation of the intraoperative eyelid height, etc. Conclusion: Surgical treatment of the upper eyelid entropion secondary to ptosis correction is safe and effective, but is complicated and difficult. Skillful ptosis surgery and appropriate surgical techniques are crucial to reduce its occurrence.


Investigation on health education needs of parents of children with eye diseases before operation

Objective: To investigate the health education needs of parents of children with eye diseases before operation, and to provide basis for more targeted and high-quality health education for primary nurses. Methods: A self-made questionnaire was used to investigate the health education needs of parents of children with ophthalmopathy before surgery from April 2020 to June 2020, and the results were statistically analyzed. Results: The top three of parents’ needs for preoperative health education of children with eye diseases were the effect and significance of the surgery and the related professional health knowledge of eye diseases. The differences of medical payment methods, children’s age, diseases, parents’ age, and occupational status was significant in the scores of preoperative health education needs (P<0.05). The main ways of parents obtaining health education knowledge were network platforms such as medical staff explanation and official accounts. Conclusion: The parents of children with eye diseases have a high demand for preoperative health education. Medical workers should enrich their knowledge, strengthen specialty learning and related knowledge training, organically combine professional knowledge with health education, and explore the methods of effective online health education to serve patients better.


Progress and prospect of eyelid sebaceous carcinoma in recent five years

In recent 5 years, a series of studies have been made in the mechanism of onset of eyelid sebaceous carcinoma worldwide. In clinical research, the prognosis has made in predicting progression of patients with eyelid sebaceous carcinoma, and the significancy of frozen margin control in microsurgery was clarified. In field of basic research,from elucidation of mutational landscape to revelation of three independent pathogenesis patterns, from researches on immunotherapy to targeted therapy, efforts have been made to reveal the pathological mechanism to both aspect of its morbidity and development. This paper summarizes, analyzes and reviews the main achievements in recent 5 years on eyelid sebaceous carcinoma.


Research progress of the pathogenesis of eyelid sebaceous gland carcinoma

Eyelid sebaceous gland carcinoma is a malignant epithelial tumor originating from eyelid sebaceous glands, which is prone to relapse and metastasis. The treatment mainly depends on surgical excision, but the overall prognosis of patients is not ideal. Early diagnosis and targeted therapy are the keys to improve the prognosis of patients.Due to its complex clinical manifestations, early misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis is easy to delay treatment, and pathological examination is still the gold standard for its diagnosis. In addition, the pathogenesis of eyelid sebaceous gland carcinoma is still unclear, and the molecular biological process of the occurrence and development is less understood. Therefore, it is very necessary to understand the pathogenesis of eyelid sebaceous gland carcinoma in various aspects to provide a theoretical basis for targeted therapy. In this paper, the pathogenesis of eyelid sebaceous gland carcinoma was reviewed from the aspects of gene , epigenetic, viral infection, immune escape, , telomerase theory and so on.


Eyelid Merkel cell carcinoma: 2 case reports

Merkel细胞癌(Merkel cell carcinoma,MCC)是一种少见的高度恶性的皮肤原发性神经内分泌癌,发生于眼睑的MCC更加罕见。本文对2例眼睑MCC患者的临床病史和治疗过程进行回顾和总结。1例初发患者经手术彻底切除,效果良好,随访7年,未再复发;1例患者在外院切除术后2个月,于眼睑原位复发,再次行手术彻底切除,2个月后同侧腮腺淋巴结及颈前淋巴结扩散,目前仍在肿瘤科进一步放化疗中。复习相关文献并结合本组病例提示,MCC诊断主要依靠病理检查,彻底切除病灶并结合术后放化疗是其治疗的主要手段,免疫治疗是目前新的发展趋势。
The Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare highly malignant primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin,especially in the eyelids. In this report, the clinical history and treatment course of 2 patients with MCC of the eyelid were reviewed and summarized. Patient 1 with primary MCC of eyelid was treated with complete surgical excision, with good results. Follow-up for 7 years had shown no recurrence. Patient 2 with the eyelid relapse in situ two months after resection in another hospital, was treated with complete surgical excision again, but the tumor metastasized to the ipsilateral lymphonodi parotidici and cervical lymph nodes two months after the surgery. The patient is now going through radiotherapy and chemotherapy in oncology department. According to the review of literatures, the diagnosis was based on the pathologic evidence. Complete removal of lesion combined with postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy is a major means of treatment for MCC. Immunotherapy will play a more important role in the future.


Application of empowerment education mode in health education for patients with dry eye syndrome

目的:探讨赋能教育模式在干眼患者健康教育中的应用价值。方法:选取2017年6月至12月期间首诊于南方医科大学珠江医院眼科的干眼患者,按照完全随机分配法分为试验组(n=73)及对照组(n=73),试验组采用赋能教育模式,对照组采用传统健康教育方式。经治疗1周、1个月、2个月及6个月后,分别随访并记录每组患者的眼表疾病指数(ocular surface disease index,OSDI)、泪膜破裂时间值(tear film break up time,BUT),同时记录患者家庭护理(清洁睑缘、热敷、睑板腺按摩)频率以及复诊频率。结果:赋能教育组家庭护理频率及复诊频率均优于传统教育组(P<0.05)。治疗前两组OSDI和BUT差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),但试验组OSDI随时间的推移呈下降趋势,BUT值呈上升趋势;而对照组OSDI以及BUT值的变化均不明显。结论:运用赋能教育模式有助于提高干眼患者治疗的依从性,提高患者的家庭护理频率和复诊频率,显著改善患者的眼表情况,进而提高长期治疗效果。
Objective: To evaluate the application value of empowerment education mode in health education for patients with dry eye syndrome. Methods: Patients with dry eye syndrome were recruited from Department of Ophthalmology, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University from June 2017 to December 2017. All patients were randomly divided into the experimental group (n=73), educated with empowerment education mode, and control group (n=73), treated with traditional health education. Patients were followed up after 1 week, 1 month,2 months and 6 months, respectively. Data were collected in each follow-up visit including ocular surface disease index (OSDI), tear film break up time (BUT), the frequency of home care (cleaning eyelid margin, hot compress,palpebral gland massage) and re-visit frequency. Results: The OSDI and BUT were similar between two groups before corresponding treatment (P>0.05). After the treatment, patients in the experimental group showed a downtrend in the OSDI and uptrend in the BUT. No significant changes were found in the control group during the follow-up. The frequency of family nursing and re-visit in the experimental group was statistically higher than that in the control group. Conclusion: The application of empowering education mode can improve the compliance of dry eye patients, improve the frequency of home care and follow-up visit, and mitigate the ocular surface of patients, thereby enhancing the long-term efficacy.


Analysis of eye screening results for term neonates in Wenzhou area

目的:足月新生儿行眼部筛查,对眼部疾病的发生情况与特征进行分析。方法:回顾性分析从2021年1月至2022年6月间就诊于温州医科大学附属第二医院&育英儿童医院的足月新生儿共4 594例,记录眼部筛查结果并分析。结果:新生儿眼部筛查总异常率约10.54%,眼底异常率约6.38%。眼前段常见病为新生儿泪囊炎、结膜炎、血管瘤、睑内翻、白内障等;眼底常见病为视网膜白色病灶、视网膜出血、家族性渗出性视网膜病变等。结论:广角婴幼儿眼底筛查仪可早期发现新生儿隐匿性的眼病,部分致盲性眼病需要早期给予治疗,今后需要建立和完善新生儿眼病筛查及随访机制。
Objective: To screen the eyes of term neonates and analyze the occurrence and characteristics of eye diseases. Methods: The eye screening results of 4 594 term neonates admitted to the Second Affiliated Hospital & Yuying Children's Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University from January 2021 to June 2022 were recorded and retrospectively analyzed. Results: The  total abnormal rate of neonatal eye screening was about 10.54%, among which the abnormal rate of fundus was about 6.38%. Common diseases of the anterior segment included neonatal dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis, hemangioma, entropion, cataract, et al. Common diseases of the posterior segment included retinal leukoplakia, retinal hemorrhage, familial exudative retinopathy, et al. Conclusions: The wide-angle infant fundus screening instrument could detect neonatal occult ophthalmopathy early. And some blinding ophthalmopathies might need early treatment. In the future, it is necessary to establish and improve the screeningand the follow-up mechanism system for the neonatal ophthalmopathy.


Systemic lupus erythematosus and eye diseases

系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE)是一类累及多种器官的结缔组织病,且SLE的发病机制十分复杂,常引起关节炎、脑病、肾病、皮肤损害,眼部病变亦是SLE常见疾病,且常引起视力障碍,甚至致盲、致残。该文通过整理文献,浅谈SLE相关眼病的类型、病因、眼部表现,以及SLE常用的中医辨证论治。
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a class of connective tissue diseases that affect a variety of organs. Moreover, the pathogenesis of SLE is very complex, often causing arthritis, encephalopathy, kidney disease and skin damage, ocular lesions are also common diseases of SLE, and it can often cause visual impairment, and even blindness and disability. By collating the literature, this paper discusses the types, etiology, and ocular manifestations of SLE-related eye diseases, as well as the dialectical treatment of SLE commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine.


Difference of ocular biometric parameters between acute primary angle closure eyes and the fellow eyes

目的:比较单眼发作的原发性急性房角关闭(acute primary angle closure,APAC)患者发作眼与未发作眼眼部生物学参数的差异,分析急性房角关闭发作的可能危险因素。方法:回顾性分析2008年1月至2020年3月中山眼科中心青光眼科222例45岁以上单眼发作的APAC病例。排除双眼发作、另眼有发作史及晶状体源性、外伤性等继发因素。A超测量晶状体厚度、眼轴长度,超生生物显微镜测前房深度。对单眼发作APAC患者的发作眼与未发作眼眼轴长度、前房深度、晶状体厚度、晶状体相对位置等进行统计学分析。结果:患者发作年龄为(62.57±9.14)岁。发作眼与未发作眼前房深度分别为(1.75±0.27) mm和(1.88±0.31) mm,眼轴长度分别为(22.34±0.80) mm和(22.35±0.83) mm,晶状体厚度分别为(5.14±0.38) mm和(5.17±0.42) mm,晶状体相对位置分别为0.195和0.198。发作眼前房深度较浅,晶状体相对位置较靠前,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.001),发作眼的眼轴长度、晶状体厚度较未发作眼差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。APAC发作年龄较小(45~59岁)的患者双眼眼轴均短于发作年龄较大(60~69、70岁以上)的患者;发作年龄70岁以上患者双眼前房深度均较浅,双眼晶状体相对位置均较靠前,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。相关性分析表明APAC发作年龄较小的患者双眼眼轴均较短(P<0.001)。结论:APAC发作眼的前房较浅、晶状体相对位置靠前。短眼轴、女性与不同个体的APAC发作相关。浅前房、晶状体厚、晶状体相对位置靠前可能是高龄人群APAC发作的危险因素。
Objective: To compare the ocular biometric parameters between the acute primary angle closure (APAC) eyes and the fellow eyes as well as the risk factors associated with APAC. Methods: From January 2008 to March 2020,222 monocular APAC patients over 45 years old from the Glaucoma Department of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University were retrospectively studied. Patients with binocular attack, previous attack in the fellow eyes, and secondary factors such as lens-induced and traumatic glaucoma were excluded. Ocular biometric parameters including axial length (AL) and lens thickness (LT) were measured with A-scan ultrasound, while the anterior chamber depth (ACD) was measured by ultrasonic biological microscope. AL, ACD, LT and relative lens position (RLP) were compared between the APAC and the fellows eyes. Results: The average age of onset was (62.57±9.14) years. The ACD was (1.75±0.27) and (1.88±0.31) mm, AL was (22.34±0.80) and (22.35±0.83) mm,LT was (5.14±0.38) and (5.17±0.42) mm, and the RLP was 0.195 and 0.198 for the APAC and the fellow eyes,respectively. Compared with the fellow eyes, the ACD of the APAC eyes was shallower, and the RLP was more anterior (both P<0.001), while the differences of AL and LT were not statistically significant (both P>0.05).Furthermore, AL of patients with a younger age of onset (aged 45 to 59 years) was shorter than that of those with an older age of onset (aged 60 to 69 or over 70 years); patients with an onset age of over 70 years have shallower ACD and more anterior RLP, all statistically significant (P<0.05). In addition, correlation analysis indicated that younger onset age was significantly correlated to shorter axial length of APAC eyes (P<0.001). Conclusion:APAC eyes had shallower ACD and more anterior RLP. Shorter AL and female were associated with APAC attack between individuals. Shallower ACD, thicker lens and more anterior RLP are potential risk factors for APAC among aged population.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
