Recent Advances in Research on the treatment and prognosis of congenital ectopia lentis

Congenital ectopia lentis (CEL) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by the displacement of the lens due to abnormalities in the lens zonular. The progression of the disease can lead to high refractive error, even amblyopia, and other serious complications such as secondary glaucoma and retinal detachment. Surgical intervention is the major method for CEL. However, postoperative complications, including suture exposure, intraocular lens (IOL) pupillary capture, IOL dislocation, and retinal detachment, are common and the follow-up is extensive. These factor make the treatment of CEL challenging. This article provides a comprehensive review of surgical approaches, visual prognosis, postoperative refractive changes, and postoperative complications for CEL, aiming to provide detailed evidence for improving the prevention and treatment of this disease.

Clinical research progress of cataract surgery in patients with uveitis

Cataract surgery in uveitic eyes is complicated. Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation is the surgical option of choice for most patients. Good outcomes can be achieved with appropriate preoperative planning, intraoperative considerations, and postoperative management. Perioperative use of systemic and topical corticosteroids is crucial. An immunosuppressive treatment with biological drugs can improve the visual outcome after surgery. Dexamethasone or fluocinolone implants appear to be a safe and effective addition to standard steroid treatment to decrease the risk of postoperative inflammation and cystoid macular edema (CME). Furthermore, disease-specific management is necessary and pediatric cases should be taken into serious consideration. Future investigations are needed to adequately control inflammation and avoid postoperative complications.

The regulatory role and mechanism of choroid in the development of myopia

In recent years, with the acceleration of the pace of life in modern society and the popularization of electronic products, myopia has gradually affected younger individuals and has a higher incidence rate, becoming a public health problem that cannot be ignored. Myopia, especially high myopia, significantly increases the risk of cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment and other eye diseases. The causes of myopia are complex and involve the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Both animal and human studies have found that myopia progression is accompanied by choroidal thinning and choroidal blood perfusion reduction, and this change is positively correlated with the increase in the degree of myopia and axial growth. Changes in choroidal thickness, blood flow regulation, neural mechanisms and growth factors are closely related to the development of myopia. OCTA plays a crucial role in myopia research, especially showing great potential in exploring choroidal changes and vascular function in the progression of myopia. Future research should combine advanced OCTA technology to deepen the understanding of the role of the choroid in the regulation of myopia and promote the development of effective prevention and control measures.

High-resolution imaging of limbus tissue with dual-mode full-field optical coherence tomography

角膜缘的细胞,特别是角膜缘干细胞,对于维持角膜的透明和健康至关重要。基于影像技术对角膜缘进行高精度可视化评价是相关疾病诊疗的重要手段。眼科临床使用的裂隙灯显微镜、共聚焦显微镜、眼前节光学相干断层扫描仪(optical coherence tomography,OCT)等成像技术,因低分辨、低对比度、侵入性等原因,限制了其在角膜缘细胞结构及功能影像评估中的应用。本团队创新研发新型双模态全视场光学相干断层扫描仪(full-field OCT,FFOCT),成功实现了无标记的角膜缘细胞级分辨率结构及功能成像。FFOCT基于空间非相干光平面干涉原理提取组织内部散射光,获得微米级分辨率三维结构成像;通过FFOCT原始相干信号的高时空分辨率采集及动态特征解析,实现源于活细胞新陈代谢运动的无标记细胞功能影像可视化。双模态FFOCT创新性地整合了高分辨率、无标记的结构及功能成像模态,不仅清晰获取角膜缘组织的高精结构特征如Vogt栅栏、角膜缘隐窝、血管壁等,同时还能捕捉不同角膜缘细胞内的代谢活性动态变化,无需使用外源荧光染料或标记剂,为角膜缘生物学及疾病机制研究提供全新细胞水平结构及功能成像方法,具有广泛应用前景。

A Historical Overview of Thermotherapy in Traditional Chinese Ophthalmology

In recent years, heat therapy has gained attention for its simplicity and significant efficacy in treating dry eye and related ocular conditions. By heating the meibomian gland area, heat therapy softens meibomian secretions and improves gland duct patency, making it widely used for chalazion, hordeolum, blepharitis, and meibomian gland dysfunction. Additionally, it effectively alleviates visual fatigue and dry eye discomfort, promotes ocular healing, and reduces the risk of infection.In ancient China, the application of heat therapy was recorded early in texts such as the Huangdi Neijing and Han Feizi. The Huainanzi from the Western Han Dynasty mentions the use of cautery for eye diseases, while Zhouhou Beiji Fang by Ge Hong in the Eastern Jin Dynasty describes methods for treating eye discomfort with hot compresses. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Beiji Qianjin Yaofang and Wai Tai Mi Yao provided detailed accounts of heat therapy applications. The Song Dynasty works *Shengji Zonglu* and Longshu Bodhisattva's Eye Treatise further refined the techniques. The Ming and Qing dynasties’ texts Pujifang and Mujing Dacheng documented new advancements in heat therapy.In summary, ancient heat therapy for ophthalmology accumulated substantial experience. Despite advances in modern medical technology, these traditional methods still hold significant reference value.


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  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
