

Bilateral pupil residual membrane resection combined with TICL implantation in the treatment of congenital poor vision: a case report

该文报道一例30岁的男性患者因“双眼自幼视力不佳,强光下视物模糊加重4年余”就诊,经过眼部检查评估,诊断为双眼瞳孔残膜、双眼屈光不正。患者接受一期双眼瞳孔残膜切除、二期双眼行有晶状体眼后房型环曲面人工晶状体(toric implantable collamer lens,TICL)植入手术,术后视力恢复良好。文章回顾了该例患者的诊治过程,为临床屈光不正同时伴有瞳孔残膜患者的诊治提供参考。
A 30-year-old male patient presented at our institution with a history of poor vision in both eyes since childhood, exacerbated by blurriness under bright light for over four years. Following a comprehensive ophthalmic examination, the patient was diagnosed with bilateral pupillary membrane remnants and refractive errors. The patient underwent a two-stage surgical intervention, starting with the removal of the pupillary membrane remnants, followed by the implantation of toric implantable collamer lenses (TICL) in the posterior chamber of the lensless eyes. Postoperative outcomes were favorable, with significant improvement in visual acuity. This article reviews the therapeutic journey of the patient, offering insights into the diagnosis and management of individuals with concurrent refractive anomalies and pupillary membrane remnants, thereby contributing to the clinical discourse on the subject.


The application of assistive technology for visual impairment in low vision rehabilitation

Patients with low vision are severely impaired in visual function due to different ocular and neurological disorders,which have a serious impact on their daily activities (such as reading and driving), quality of life and mental health.People's perception of external information mainly comes from vision. Expect for the life-threatening major diseases,visual damage has the greatest impact on people's senses. With the ageing of the population, the problem is getting worse, and low vision has become a serious public health problem in the world. Currently the development of low vision rehabilitation is facing a huge challenge in clinical and scientific research, to develop a visual impairment assistance technology that can effectively improve visual function while balancing multiple functions. It requires the joint development and cooperation of multiple disciplines such as medicine, biology, engineering, microelectronics, and computer science. Low vision rehabilitation provides patients with appropriate visual impairment assistance technology,maximizing the use of residual vision and visual function of patients, improving the functional limitations associated with low vision, effectively improving their independence and overall quality of life, and makes it possible for them to live, work and integrate into the society independently. This article reviews the progress in the application on visual impaired assistive technologies such as classic visual aids, artificial vision (visual prostheses/visual sensory replacement devices), transcranial stimulation and visual biofeedback training in low vision rehabilitation.


The influence of myopia on visual acuity using C- and E-word visual acuity chart

目的:比较不同受检者在相同近视屈光欠矫下使用C字视力表和E字视力表所测得的视力差别及探讨导致这种差别的原因。方法:选取不同年龄段250名受检者,在完全矫正屈光度[最正之最佳视力(maximum plus to maximum visual acuity,MPMVA)]情况下附加相应的球镜造成相应的近视度数后比较使用2种不同的视力表测出的视力值变化情况。同时根据2种视力表的设计原理及视力表的不同记录法探讨造成数值不同的可能原因。结果:同一附加度情况下分别用C字视力表组和E字视力表组行方差分析,不同年龄组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。相同附加度情况下同一受检者使用C字视力表组和E字视力表组行t检验,两者差异具有统计学意义(t=?15.798,P<0.05),C字视力表测得视力平均值小于E字视力表测得视力平均值。结论:受检者使用C字视力表比E字视力表检测视力结果更加优异;C字视力表和E字视力表的视标形状及开口方向不同是2种视力表检测结果差异的主要原因。
Objective: To compare the difference of visual acuity measured by C-chart and E-chart in the same myopic refractive undercorrection and to explore the causes of the difference. Methods: Two hundred and fifty subjects of different ages were selected to compare the changes of visual acuity measured by two different visual meters after adding corresponding spherical lenses to the maximum plus to maximum visual acuity (MPMVA) corrected diopter. At the same time, according to the design principle of the two kinds of visual acuity meters and the different recording methods of visual acuity tables, the possible reasons for the different values were discussed.Results: There was no significant difference between different age groups (P>0.05). Under the same degree of additionality, the visual acuity of the same subjects was tested by t-test with C visual acuity chart and E visual acuity chart. The difference was statistically significant (t=?15.798, P<0.05). The average visual acuity of C visual acuity table was smaller than that of E visual acuity table. Conclusion: The visual acuity of myopic patients tested by C visual acuity chart is better than by E visual acuity chart. The main reason for the difference between C visual chart and E visual chart was the different shape and opening direction of visual icons.


Effect of conductive education training on visual impairment students’ quality of life

目的:调查引导式教育训练对视力障碍学生生活质量的影响。方法:前瞻性随机对照临床研究。选取2020年在泉州特殊教育学校就读视力障碍学生,按照入组条件随机分为引导式教育训练组和对照组,引导式教育训练组进行引导式教育训练,对照组进行常规康复训练。采用中文版低视力者生活质量量表(Chinese-version low vision quality of life questionnaire,CLVQOL)评估视力障碍学生的基线和训练3个月的生活质量,并进行比较分析。结果:72例视力障碍学生全部完成了基线和随访时的生活质量问卷调查。进行基线检查时,各组CLVQOL评分总分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。3个月后,各组CLVQOL评分总分均增加,引导式教育训练组从基线59(48.5,80.5)上升到105(97.5,119.5),差异有统计学意义(Z=?4.781,P<0.001);对照组从基线69(56,85)上升到106(80,112),差异有统计学意义(Z=?4.438,P<0.001);引导式教育训练组在CLVQOL评分总分(P=0.021)及阅读和精细工作维度(P=0.004)、日常生活能力维度(P=0.003)的评分差值均高于对照组。结论:引导式教育训练是一种重要的低视力康复训练方法,可以明显提高患者的生活质量。
Objective: To investigate the effect of conductive education training on the quality of life in visually impaired students. Methods: It was a prospective randomized controlled trial. The visual impairment students who had registered in Quanzhou Special Education School in 2020 were selected and randomly divided into two groups: conductive education training group and control group. The conductive education training group received conductive education training, while the control group received routine rehabilitation training. Chinese version low vision quality of life questionnaire (CLVQOL) was used to assess the quality of life of low vision students at baseline and 3 months after training, and comparative analysis was conducted. Results: All 72 students with visual impairment completed CLVQOL surveys. At baseline, there was no significant difference in total CLVQOL scores between groups. After 3 months, overall CLVQOL scores increased in both groups, from baseline 59 (48.5, 80.5) to 105 (97.5, 119.5) in the conductive education group (Z=-4.781, P<0.001), and 69 (56, 85) to 106 (80, 112) in the control group (Z=-4.438, P<0.001). The total score of CLVQOL (P=0.021), reading and fine work subscale (P=0.004), and daily activities subscale (P<0.003) in the conductive education training group were higher than those in the control group. Conclusion: Conductive education training is an important method of low vision rehabilitation training, which can significantly improve the quality of life of patients.


Correlation between morphological changes on optical coherence tomography and visual acuity in idiopathic macular epiretinal membranes

目的:探究特发性黄斑前膜(idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane,IMEM)患者在光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)的形态学改变与视力的相关性。方法:回顾性研究。基于OCT图像4级分级方案,纳入3级及以下的特发性黄斑前膜患者35例共37只眼进行OCT扫描,并借助第三方软件分析并获取每只眼在黄斑中心凹直径分别为1、3、6 mm共3个同心圆区域内视网膜各层的平均厚度值,并按照是否存在内核层(inner nuclear layer,INL)囊样改变分为两组。通过建立最小分辨角对数(minimum resolution angle in logarithmic,logMAR)最佳矫正视力(best corrected vision acuity,BCVA)与视网膜各层厚度值的多元线性回归方程,以及比较有INL囊样改变及无INL囊样改变两组的视力,分析视力与视网膜各层厚度值及INL囊样改变的关系。结果:多元线性回归分析显示,在直径1 mm的区域内,logMAR BCVA与神经纤维层(retina nerve fiber layer,RNFL)、INL的厚度值均呈正相关(均P<0.05),而在直径3 mm和6 mm的区域内,logMAR BCVA仅与INL的厚度值呈正相关(均P<0.05)。与无INL囊样改变组相比,有INL囊样改变组视力及INL厚度差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论:特发性黄斑前膜患者当前的视力主要与RNFL和INL厚度值相关。发生在INL层的囊样改变可能很好的提示INL增厚,其与视力具有相关性,具有这种囊样改变的患者往往视力也较差。
Objective: To investigate the morphological changes detected by spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) and their relevance to vision in patients with idiopathic macular epiretinal membranes (IMEM). Methods: This is a retrospective study. OCT recorded 37 eyes with stage 3 and below IMEM according to the 4-level grading system based on OCT images among 35 patients. We managed to obtain thickness of all retina layers in three concentric circular regions with a diameter of 1 mm, 3 mm and 6 mm across macular fovea with the help of a third-party software. Plus we divided all 37 eyes into two groups according to whether there were cystic changes in the inner nuclear layer (INL). Multiple linear regression analyses were performed between thickness of all retina layers and current minimum resolution angle in logarithmic (logMAR) best corrected visual acuity (BCVA). The difference of BCVA between groups with cystic changes and without was also compared. Thus, the relationships between visual acuity and thickness of retina layers, cystic changes in INL were analyzed. Results: Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that thickness of both retina nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and inner nuclear layer have positive correlation with logMAR BCVA in the region with a diameter of 1 mm (P<0.05), while in regions of a diameter of 3 mm and 6 mm, only INL thickness remained positively relevant (all P<0.05). There were significant differences in BCVA and thickness of INL between groups with INL cystic changes and without (all P<0.05). Conclusion: Current visual acuity among preoperative IMEM patients was mostly associated with thickness of RNFL and INL. Cystic change in INL layer may be a good indicator of INL thickening and was visually correlated. Those with this change tend to have worse vision.


Acquired visual loss attributed to an accommodative spasm after FS-LASIK surgery: a case report

本文报告1例2 8岁男性青年患者,行飞秒制瓣准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser-assisted situ keratomileusis,LASIK)术 后1个月视力进行性下降,小瞳下行电脑验光矫正视力,右眼为0.3(-0.25×86°),左眼为0.2(-0.50×91°)。眼前节及眼底检查未见器质性病变,视觉电生理检查未见异常。视光专科检查示负相对调节/正相对调节(negative correlatione regulation/positive ccorrelation regulation,NRA/PRA):+2.00 D/?10.00 D(行PRA时稍作停顿后又可看清),Flipper拍检查:右眼(oculus dexter,OD) 10 cpm(+),左眼(oculus sinister,OS) 22 cpm(+),双眼(binocular,OU)12 cpm(+),正镜片逐渐通过困难。隐斜检查:2△BO@D,13△BI@N。调节性集合与调节的比值(accommodation convergence/accommodation,AC/A)=1。患者PRA显著增高,Flipper检查正片通过困难,看近时外隐斜大于看远,提示可能存在“集合不足,调节超前”。给予托比卡胺滴眼液滴眼3次后验光:OD +1.00/-0.50×80°=1.0,OS +0.75/-0.25×65°=1.0,进一步证实了“调节痉挛”的诊断。给予托比卡胺滴眼液滴双眼,睡前1次,结合调节放松训练。4周后,裸眼视力及屈光度稳定在正常范围。临床上对于视力下降原因不明、排除眼部器质性疾病的患者,经过仔细询问病史、睫状肌麻痹检影和视功能检查“调节痉挛”不难诊断。除传统的睫状肌麻痹剂和近附加镜外,治疗方案建议加用视功能训练可使视力恢复并稳定。
A 28-year-old man was referred to our hospital because of blurred vision in both eyes after LASIK flap made by femtosecond laser surgery for 1 month. The best corrected visual acuity based on computerized optometry was 0.3 (-0.25×86°) in the right eye and 0.2 (-0.50×91°) in the left eye. Routine examinations were conducted to exclude eye diseases. Visual electrophysiological examination showed no abnormalities. Optometry specialty examination: negative relative accommodation (NRA) and positive relative accommodation (PRA) were +2.00 D/?10.00 D (when doing PRA, the patient could see clear slowly after a pause). Flipper examination showed: OD 10 cpm(+), OS 22 cpm(+), OU 12 cpm(+). Phoria-measurement showed 2 prism degree BO@D and 13 prism degree BI@N. AC/A=1. The patient’s high PRA, flipper examination results and convergence insufficiency at near distance indicated the possibility of “convergence insufficiency and accommodative spasm”. Cycloplegic refraction was planned to assess the real diopter. After instillation of cycloplegic drops, the UCVA improved to 1.0 and the refractive error to -0.25×93 in the right eye, in the left eye to 1.0 and the refractive error to -0.25×75. the BCVA was 1.0 (+1.00/-0.50×80°) in the right eye and 1.0 (+0.75/-0.25×65°) in the left eye. A diagnosis of accommodative spasm was made. The patient was counseled and continued cycloplegic drops one time daily before bedtime, participated in vision training for 4 weeks. This patient was a rare occurrence of accommodative spasm after FSLASIK surgery. Young patients with poor gain in UCVA can be subjected to a corrective procedure accidentally. Relaxation exercises and cycloplegic drops may cure accommodative spasm. For patients with unexplained causes of vision loss and excluded organic diseases of the eye, it is not difficult to diagnose “accommodative spasm” by careful medical history inquiry, ciliary muscle paralysis optometry and visual function examination. In addition to traditional ciliary palsy agent and reading glasses, it is suggested that visual function training can restore and stabilize the treatment effect.

Lea Symbols视力表与HOTV视力表在2.5~5.0岁儿童视力发育评价中的研究应用

Research and application of the Lea Symbols and HOTV charts for the evaluation of visual development of children aged 2.5 to 5.0 years

目的:运用Lea Symbols视力表、HOTV视力表对2.5~5.0岁正常儿童视力发育情况进行探究,并评价2种视力表的应用效果。方法:以随机顺序先后应用Lea Symbols视力表与HOTV视力表对广州地区2所早教中心及3所幼儿园共461例儿童(922只眼)进行单眼视力检查,所有儿童提前1 d行小瞳下检影验光、眼前节裂隙灯检查、眼底情况、眼球活动、眼位检查,筛选无器质性眼病、屈光度在正常范围的儿童作为研究对象。视力值采用5分记录方法表示。结果:1 )可测率(视力表使用配合程度)。407名儿童完成Lea Symbols视力检查,总体可测率92.08%;402名儿童完成HOTV视力检查,总体可测率90.95%;前者可测率高于后者,差异无统计学意义(χ2 =0.417,P=0.580)。进一步研究发现2种视力的可测率随年龄增长不断提高,儿童3岁之后基本都能完成2种视力的检查。2)2种视力结果及比较(5分记录法表示)。Lea视力值:右眼为4.89±0.05,左眼为4.90±0.05;HOTV视力值:右眼为4.84±0.05,左眼为4.85±0.04;前者视力好于后者,差异有统计学意义(右眼:t=3.171,P=0.003;左眼:t=3.230,P=0.003)。3)视力发育与年龄的相关性。2种视力发育与年龄存在显著正相关(P<0.001),即随着年龄的增长,视力水平逐渐提高。4)视力发育与眼别、性别的关系。左右眼之间的视力发育差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);男性儿童的视力发育好于女性,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:Lea Symbols及HOTV视力表建议用于年龄大于3岁儿童的视力检查,且儿童更容易接受Lea Symbols视力表的检查。伴随年龄的增长,儿童的视力发育呈现提高的趋势;Lea视力优于HOTV视力。视力的发育与眼别无关,男性儿童的视力发育快于女性儿童。
Objective: To conduct a preliminary study of the Lea Symbols and HOTV charts to explore the visual development of children aged 2.5 to 5.0 years, and evaluate the application values of the two charts. Methods: A total of 461 children (922 eyes) in 2 early education centers and 3 kindergartens in Guangzhou were examined by using the Lea Symbols visual acuity chart and HOTV visual acuity chart in random order. All the children underwent low-pupil photometry, anterior section slit-lamp examination, retinal condition, eye movement, and eye position examination 1 day in advance. Children with no organic eye disease and normal diopter were selected as subjects. Visual acuity was recorded with 5 points. Results: 1) Measurable rate (visual acuity chart use degree of cooperation). 407 children completed visual examination of Lea Symbols, with an overall detectable rate of 92.08%; 402 children completed HOTV vision examination, with an overall detectable rate of 90.95%. The detectable rate of the former was higher than that of the latter, but the difference was not statistically significant 2 =0.417, P=0.580). Further study found that the detectable rate of both visual acuities increased with age, and children were able to complete both visual acuity tests after the age of 3. 2) Results and comparison of two visual acuity (5-point recording method). The visual acuity of Lea was 4.89±0.05 in the right eye and 4.90±0.05 in the left eye. HOTV visual acuity was 4.84±0.05 in the right eye and 4.85±0.04 in the left eye. The visual acuity of the former was better than that of the latter, the difference was statistically significant (right eye: t=3.171, P=0.003; left eye: t=3.230, P=0.003). 3) Correlation between visual development and age. There was a significant positive correlation between the two types of visual development and age (P<0.001), that is, visual acuity gradually improves with age. 4) The relationship between visual development and eye and sex. There was no difference in visual development between the left and right eyes, but male children had better visual development than female, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Lea Symbols and HOTV visual acuity charts are recommended for visual acuity examination of children over 3 years old, and children are more likely to receive examination of Lea Symbols visual acuity chart. With the growth of age, the visual development of children shows a trend of improvement. Lea vision is superior to HOTV vision. Vision development has nothing to do with the eye, male children’s vision development is faster than female children.


Analysis of one case of non-organic visual loss misdiagnosed as optic neuritis in children

Non-organic vision loss is also known as psychogenic or functional vision loss. In addition to vision loss, it can also be accompanied by visual field defect. It is mostly caused by conversion obstacles caused by mental and psychological diseases. Some patients cheat to obtain benefits. This paper reports a 6-year-old female patient who complained of repeated visual acuity decline for more than one year. She was misdiagnosed as pediatric optic neuritis in the early stage and was treated with glucocorticoid shock therapy, which her condition improved slightly after treatment. The misdiagnosis of this patient teaches us that when children have unexplained visual acuity decline, we should think of the possibility of non-organic visual acuity decline when there is no clear evidence of organic diseases, master the examination methods to identify non-organic visual acuity decline, and cannot ignore the basic neuro-ophthalmic examination such as relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD).


Clinical analysis and treatment of hysterical visual impairment in children

Objective: To analyze the causes of hysterical visual impairment in children, and to compare the efficacy of two treatments of trial frame and artificial tears administration. Methods: A total of 36 children with sudden hysterical visual impairment admitted to Shenzhen Children’s Hospital from October 2013 to October 2020 were enrolled in our study, including 16 males and 20 females. They were randomly divided into trial frame group and artificial tears group. Both groups were supplemented with verbal suggestion during the treatment. The primary effective rates of the two groups were compared by SPSS 17.0 Fisher’s exact test. The causes of hysterical visual impairment in children were analyzed, and the main points of specific diagnostic tests and treatments were summarized. Results: The primary effective rate of the trial frame group and the artificial tears group were 94.4% and 83.3% respectively.Thedifference was statistically significant (P<0.05). In this study, therewere 20 cases (55.6%) related to study pressure, including decline in academic performance, evasion of exams, reprimand by parents or teachers, and even corporal punishment. There were 13 cases (36.1%) caused by family accidents, and parents’ divorce was the main reason. Leftover children unwilling to return hometown, classmate disputes, campus bullying and trauma were other reasons. Conclusion: Trialframe is more effective than artificial tears therapy in improving primary effective rate of hysterical visual impairment. Study pressure, family accident are the most common causes of hysterical visual impairment


A qualitative study of home care and nursing needs of patients with severe acuity impairment or blindness

Objective: To explore the main nursing problems and demands of patients with severe visual impairment or blindness, so as to provide the basis for health staff to formulate home care support plans of high quality. Methods: By using a descriptive qualitative method, face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted among 20 patients with severe visual impairment or blindness who were hospitalized in the top-grade ophthalmic hospital in Guangzhou from April to September 2020. The inductive content analysis method was used to analyze the data. Results: The main nursing problems of these patients were the lack of self-care ability, limited social activities, and difficulty in adapting to changes in family roles. Nursing needs include the hope that hospitals can provide multidimensional disease-related knowledge and multi-channel medical consulting services. Conclusion: Patients with severe visual impairment or blindness have many problems and needs in home care. They would like to obtain multi-dimensional knowledge and receive multi-channel medical consultation. Health staff from hospitals and communities should attach great importance to these patients, as well as provide appropriate guidance and assistance, so as to improve their activities of daily living.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
