

Glaucoma after congenital cataract surgery

      封面展示的是双眼先天性白内障术后继发青光眼(左眼)与正常眼(右眼)的对比示意图。该并发症起病隐匿、难以预测,是先天性白内障术后二次致盲的首要原因。针对这一术后并发症,美国婴儿无晶状体眼治疗研究组 (infant aphakia treatment study, IATS)将儿童白内障术后青光眼相关不良事件(glaucoma-related adverse events,GRAEs,包括了青光眼和可疑青光眼)定义为:1)青光眼:眼压>21 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),且有以下一种或以上的解剖学改变:(a)角膜直径增加;(b)双眼不对称进行性近视漂移伴角膜直径和(或)眼轴的增加;(c)视杯直径进行性增大,杯盘比增加≥0.2;(d)必须进行手术才能控制眼压。2)可疑青光眼:停用局部糖皮质激素(激素)后连续2次眼压>21 mmHg,或可通过抗青光眼药物控制眼压,但无上述任何青光眼的解剖改变。所以,如何更精准地预防该术后并发症,防止对患儿视功能造成进一步的损害,是目前关键的临床问题。
      封面展示的是双眼先天性白内障术后继发青光眼(左眼)与正常眼(右眼)的对比示意图。该并发症起病隐匿、难以预测,是先天性白内障术后二次致盲的首要原因。针对这一术后并发症,美国婴儿无晶状体眼治疗研究组 (infant aphakia treatment study, IATS)将儿童白内障术后青光眼相关不良事件(glaucoma-related adverse events,GRAEs,包括了青光眼和可疑青光眼)定义为:1)青光眼:眼压>21 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),且有以下一种或以上的解剖学改变:(a)角膜直径增加;(b)双眼不对称进行性近视漂移伴角膜直径和(或)眼轴的增加;(c)视杯直径进行性增大,杯盘比增加≥0.2;(d)必须进行手术才能控制眼压。2)可疑青光眼:停用局部糖皮质激素(激素)后连续2次眼压>21 mmHg,或可通过抗青光眼药物控制眼压,但无上述任何青光眼的解剖改变。所以,如何更精准地预防该术后并发症,防止对患儿视功能造成进一步的损害,是目前关键的临床问题。

预测儿童Ⅱ期人工晶状体植入术后青光眼相关不良事件的风险:一项为期 3 年的研究

Predicting the risk of glaucoma-related adverse events following secondary intraocular lens implantation in paediatric eyes: a 3-year study

目的:建立并评估儿童Ⅱ期人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)植入术后青光眼相关不良事件(glaucoma-related adverse events,GRAEs)的预测模型。方法:选取于中山大学中山眼科中心行Ⅱ期IOL植入术的无晶状体眼患儿205例(356眼),并在术后对其随访3年。采用Cox比例风险模型确定GRAEs的预测因子,并建立列线图预测模型。采用随时间变化的受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线、决策曲线分析、Kaplan-Meier曲线评估模型性能,并通过Bootstrapping的C指数和校准图进行内部验证。果:行Ⅱ期IOL植入术时年龄较大(HR=1.50, 95% CI: 1.03 ~2.19)、术后一过性高眼压(HR=9.06, 95% CI: 2.97~27.67)和IOL睫状沟植入术(HR=14.55, 95% CI: 2.11~100.57)是GRAEs的危险因素(均P<0.05),并据此建立了两个列线图预测模型。在术后1、2、3年,模型1的ROC曲线下面积(area under curve,AUC)分别为0.747(95% CI: 0.776 ~0.935)、0.765 (95% CI: 0.804 ~0.936)和0.748 (95% CI: 0.736~0.918),模型2的AUC分别为0.881 (95% CI: 0.836 ~0.926)、0.895 (95% CI: 0.852 ~0.938)和0.848 (95% CI: 0.752~0.945)。在内部验证和评价中,两种模型均表现出良好的性能和临床净效益。Kaplan-Meier曲线显示两个不同的风险组在两个模型中都能被显著且稳健地区分。此外,本研究也构建了在线风险计算器。结论:两种列线图均能灵敏、准确地识别Ⅱ期IOL植入术后GRAEs的高危患儿,有助对其进行早期识别和及时干预。
Aims: To establish and evaluate predictive models for glaucoma-related adverse events (GRAEs) following secondary intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in paediatric eyes. Methods: 205 children (356 aphakic eyes) receiving secondary IOL implantation at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center with a 3-year follow-up were enrolled. Cox proportional hazard model was used to identify predictors of GRAEs and developed nomograms. Model performance was evaluated with time-dependent receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, decision curve analysis, Kaplan-Meier curves and validated internally through C-statistics and calibration plot of the bootstrap samples. Results: Older age at secondary IOL implantation (HR=1.5, 95% CI: 1.03 to 2.19), transient intraocular hypertension (HR=9.06, 95% CI: 2.97 to  27.67) and ciliary sulcus implantation (HR=14.55, 95% CI: 2.11 to 100.57) were identified as risk factors for GRAEs (all p<0.05). Two nomograms were established. At postoperatively 1, 2 and 3 years, model 1 achieved area under the ROC curves (AUCs) of 0.747 (95% CI: 0.776 to 0.935), 0.765 (95% CI: 0.804 to 0.936) and 0.748 (95% CI: 0.736 to 0.918), and the AUCs of model 2 were 0.881 (95% CI: 0.836 to 0.926), 0.895 (95% CI: 0.852 to 0.938) and 0.848 (95% CI: 0.752 to 0.945). Both models demonstrated fine clinical net benefit and performance in the interval validation. The Kaplan-Meier curves showing two distinct risk groups were well discriminated and robust in both models. An online risk calculator was constructed. Conclusions: Two nomograms could sensitively and accurately identify children at high risk of GRAEs after secondary IOL implantation to help early identification and timely intervention.


Prioritizing Prevention and Treatment of High Intraocular Pressure and Glaucoma Following Congenital Cataract Surgery

Congenital cataract is a significant condition that profoundly impacts the visual function of infants and young children. Advancements in cataract surgery and intraocular lens implantation have enabled the achievement of high-quality visual rehabilitation after congenital cataract surgery. Nevertheless, effective prevention and treatment of surgery-related adverse events and complications, as well as managing other ocular dysplasia and form deprivation amblyopia that may arise in conjunction with the surgery, continue to pose important clinical challenges following congenital cataract surgery. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the occurrence, risk factors, treatment and prevention of high intraocular pressure and secondary glaucoma after congenital cataract and intraocular lens implantation. Its aim is to enhance the comprehension of preventive and therapeutic measures for high intraocular pressure and glaucoma after congenital cataract surgery, thereby minimizing potential postoperative complications and preserving visual function.


Research advances in the fundus lesion of exfoliation syndrome and exfoliation glaucoma based on optical coherence tomography

剥脱综合征(exfoliation syndrome,XFS)以眼内异常纤维样物质沉积为特征,临床典型表现为裂隙灯下瞳孔缘和(或)晶状体前囊膜存在灰白色粉末状的剥脱物(exfoliation material,XFM)。XFM可阻塞小梁网引起剥脱性青光眼(exfoliaiton glaucoma,XFG),并可通过房水循环进入血液,引起血管性损害。眼底病变视力损伤通常不可逆,XFM可进入眼底微血管及毛细血管,引起眼底结构和血管异常。基于光学相干断层成像技术的光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)及光学相干断层扫描血管成像(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA)以实时、非侵入性、高分辨率等优势,已广泛应用于眼底组织结构及血管病变检查。文章对XFS眼底病变在OCT和OCTA上的表现进行综述。
Exfoliation syndrome (XFS) was characterized by the abnormal deposition of the fber-like material intraocularly, and manifested as white or gray, powdery exfoliation material (XFM) on the pupillary border and (or) anterior lens capsule under slit lamp microscopy. XFM could obstruct the trabecular meshwork and cause exfoliation glaucoma (XFG). In addition, XFM that entered aqueous humor circulation could enter bloodstream and result in vascular damage. XFM could enter ocular fundus microvascular and capillary vessels, causing abnormalities of fundus structures and vessels. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), which were based on optical coherence tomography technology, had the advantages of real-time, non-intrusive and high resolution, et al. OCT and OCTA were widely used in detection of fundus structural and vascular abnormalities. Tis study was to review the fundus lesion of XFS on OCT and OCTA.

Bruch 膜开口 - 最小盘沿宽度在开角型青光眼中的应用

Application of Bruch's membrane opening minimum rim width in open-angle glaucoma

青光眼是全球首位不可逆性致盲眼病,该疾病与进行性视网膜神经节细胞凋亡相关,大多数患者在视功能改变之前视盘结构已经发生改变,检测视盘R结构改变对于早期青光眼的诊断至关重要。近几年新视盘参数Bruch膜开口-最小盘沿宽度(Bruch's membrane opening minimum rim width,BMO-MRW)在临床上应用越来越广泛,成为目前临床研究的一个热点参数。众所周知视网膜神经纤维层(retinal nerve fiber layer,RNFL)具有很好的青光眼诊断能力,很多研究表明BMO-MRW与RNFL具有相似的诊断性能,并在近视性、异常视盘等一些视盘结构不清晰的青光眼中,BMO-MRW的诊断能力优于RNFL,该参数在监测青光眼病情变化方面也起到一定作用。也有研究表明该参数对青光眼术后随访的应用可能受到一定限制。该文对BMO-MRW在开角型青光眼的诊断及随访中的临床应用加以综述,供临床同道参考。
Glaucoma is the leading cause for irreversible blindness in the world, which is associated with progressive retinal ganglion cell apoptosis. The changes in optic disc structure have been found before visual function variation in many patients. Detecting changes in the structure of the optic disc R is crucial for the diagnosis of early glaucoma. Recently, a new optic disc parameter, Bruce's membrane opening minimum rim width (BMO-MRW) , has been increasingly widely used in clinical practice and become a popular parameter in current clinical research. Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL)is an important diagnostic indicator for glaucoma. Many studies indicated that BMO-MRW and RNFL have similar diagnostic performance. In some glaucoma cases with unclear optic disc structure, such as myopia and abnormal optic disc, BMO-MRW provides better diagnostic parameter than RNFL does. It also plays a role in monitoring the changes of glaucoma. Some studies also stated the limitation of the application of this parameter in glaucoma postoperative follow-up. This artice reviews the clinical application of BMO-MRW in diagnosis and follow-up of open-angle glaucoma,providing reference for clinical practicers.


Research progress in different types of glaucoma treatment with ultrasound cyclo-plasty

超声睫状体成形术(ultrasound cyclo-plasty,UCP),是一种新型的睫状体治疗手术,目前已应用于治疗不同类型的青光眼。UCP通过微型高强度聚焦超声(high-intensity focused ultrasounds,HIFU)设备,高度选择性作用于睫状体,实现温和可控、稳定的降眼压(intraocular pressure,IOP)效果。相较于传统的睫状体破坏手术,UCP具有操作简单、耗时短、可重复性高及安全性高的特点。该文从UCP的由来、结构特点、作用机制、疗效、特点及安全性对UCP治疗不同类型青光眼的研究进展进行综述。
Ultrasound cyclo-plasty (UCP) is a novel technique for ciliary body surgery, which has been applied to treat different types of glaucoma. UCP works on the cilary body highly and selectively with the micro high-intensity focused ultrasounds (HIFU) to achieve a mild, controllable, and stable intraocular pressure(IOP) effect. Compared with the traditional ciliary body destruction surgery, UCP is simple operation, efficiency, high repeatability, and high safety.This article reviews the research progress in the UCP treating various types of glaucoma, from its origin, structural characteristics, mechanism, efficacy, characteristics, and safety.


Epithelial downgrowth: a clinicopathologic report of a case of secondary glaucoma

Epithelial downgrowth is a rare yet serious complication after ocular trauma or anteriorsegmental surgery. It can lead to decompensation of corneal endothelium, secondary glaucoma or other serious complications, among which refractory glaucoma is the main cause of enucleation. It is vital to raise the awareness of this disease and take strict precautions against it. We present a case of epithelial downgrowth and discuss the risk factors, pathogenesis and preventive measures of the disease through analyzing clinical data and pathological sections.


Influence of active versus passive phacoemulsification fluidics systems on optic disc blood flow in patients with glaucoma

目的:比较重力液流与主控液流2种灌注方式下行白内障超声乳化手术对青光眼患者视盘血流的影响。方法:采用随机数字表法将患者分为2组,分别为重力液流灌注组和主控液流灌注组。记录术中超声乳化累积释放能量(cumulative dissipated energy,CDE),术后1天、1周、1个月和3个月患者最佳矫正视力(best corrected visual acuity,BCVA)、眼压、视盘血流密度及视网膜神经纤维层厚度。结果:主控液流灌注组术中CDE小于重力液流灌注组(5.6±1.3 vs 6.3±1.2,P=0.034)。术后1天重力液流灌注组视盘周围血管密度(circumpapillary vascular density,cpVD)、整个图像血管密度(whole en face image vessel density,wiVD)和视盘内血管密度(inside disc vascular density,inside disc VD)均高于主控液流灌注组(P<0.05),其余时间点差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后1周和1个月重力液流灌注组视网膜神经纤维层厚度大于主控液流灌注组(P<0.05),术后1天和3个月未见明显差异。结论:相较于传统的重力液流灌注,主控灌注能够在青光眼患者白内障超声乳化手术中减少超声能量的使用,术后早期可减轻由术中高眼压引起的视盘炎症性充血,可以减轻对视网膜神经纤维层的影响。
Objective: To compare the influence of active versus passive phacoemulsification fluidics systems on optic disc blood flow in patients with glaucoma. Methods: Patients were divided into 2 groups by a random number table method, namely the active fluidics system group and the passive fluidics system group. The intraoperative cumulative dissipated energy (CDE) was recorded, and the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), intraocular pressure, optic disc blood flow density and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness were measured at the follow-up of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months. Results: During phacoemulsification, CDE in the active fluidics system group was lower than that in the passive fluidics system group (5.6±1.3 vs. 6.3±1.2, P=0.034). One day after the surgery,the circumpapillary vessel density (cpVD), whole image vessel density (wiVD) and inside disc vascular density(inside disc VD) in the passive fluidics system group were higher than those in the active fluidics system group(P<0.05), and the differences were not statistically significant at the rest of the follow-ups (P>0.05).The retinal nerve fiber layer in passive fluidics system group was thicker than that in active fluidics system group at the follow-ups of 1 week and 1 month (P<0.05), and the difference was not statistically significant at the follow-up ofs 1 day and 3 months. Conclusion: Compared with the traditional passive fluidics system, the active fluidics system can reduce the CDE during phacoemulsification surgery. It can reduce the inflammatory congestion of the optic disc caused by intraoperative high intraocular pressure on the early postoperative stage. In addition, it can also protect retinal nerve fiber layer.


Research on abnormal movement behavior caused by damage to visual function of glaucoma and prospect of rehabilitation treatment

青光眼是全世界范围内不容忽视的致盲性眼病,其起病隐匿,视功能损害进展迅速,晚期预后不理想。长期发展且未行治疗的青光眼患者视神经呈进行性损害,引起视力急剧下降、视野不可逆性缺损,严重降低患者的生活质量。为了适应逐渐恶化的视功能,患者注视行为发生明显变化,由此在日常活动中引起步态行为随之改变,意外事故频繁发生。故目前对于青光眼的研究引起国内外广泛重视,虚拟现实技术(virtual reality,VR)作为青光眼早期诊断及康复治疗的新手段已被现代医学所尝试。本文具体阐述了青光眼的视觉损害与注视行为及运动行为间的联系,并总结了目前国内外关于VR诊断青光眼及作为康复治疗的相关研究。
Glaucoma is a blinding eye disease that cannot be ignored worldwide. Its onset is insidious, visual impairment is progressing rapidly, and the late prognosis is not ideal. Long-term untreated glaucoma patients show progressive damage to the optic nerve, causing a sharp decline in vision, irreversible visual field defects, and severely reducing the quality of life of the patients. In order to adapt to the gradual deterioration of visual function, the patient’s gaze behavior changes significantly, which causes the gait behavior to change in daily activities, and accidents occur frequently. Therefore, the current research on glaucoma has attracted wide attention in the nation and abroad,and virtual reality (VR) technology has been tried in modern medicine as a new method for early diagnosis and rehabilitation of glaucoma. This article specifically elaborates the relationship between the visual impairment of glaucoma and the gaze behavior and movement behavior, and summarizes the current domestic and foreign research on the diagnosis of glaucoma and the rehabilitation of VR technology.


Analysis of disease constitution of pediatric glaucoma inpatients in Beijing Tongren Hospital from 2014 to 2019

Objective: To understand the types and characteristics of glaucoma in pediatric inpatients to achieve early detection and treatment. Methods: A total of 834 patients aged 0–18 years who underwent anti-glaucoma surgery in Beijing Tongren Hospital from 2014 to 2019 were collected and their population characteristics and disease composition characteristics were retrospectively analyzed. Results: In all of the 834 cases, there were 397 patients (47.6%) with primary glaucoma and 429 (51.4%) with secondary glaucoma. The type of glaucoma could not be definitively diagnosed in 8 cases. Primary infant glaucoma and secondary glaucoma following cataract surgery accounted for above 50%. Conclusion: The causes of pediatric inpatients with glaucoma are various. Screening of primary infant glaucoma should be taken seriously and monitoring intraocular pressure after cataract surgery is also important. Early detection and treatment can prevent further visual loss of pediatric patients with glaucoma.
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