The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive and updated overview of the clinical features, imaging modalities, differential diagnosis, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options for Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome, a rare progressive inflammatory condition characterized by bilateral granulomatous panuveitis and systemic manifestations. While the clinical features and disease course of VKH syndrome are well-characterized in the literature, its diagnosis is challenging due to a broad differential that include infectious and noninfectious causes of uveitis and rare inflammatory conditions, as well as a lack of a single diagnostic finding on exam, laboratory testing, or imaging. The evolution of the diagnostic criteria for VKH syndrome reflects the growing understanding of the disease by the ophthalmic community and advancement of imaging technology. Findings on enhanced depth imaging (EDI) optical coherence tomography (OCT) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) help detect subtle inflammation of the choroid and were incorporated into new diagnostic criteria developed in the last few years. There is limited research on the treatment for acute VKH, but results of studies to date support the early initiation of immunomodulatory therapy (IMT) due to a high recurrence rate and progression to chronic disease in patients treated with monotherapy with high-dose systemic corticosteroids. This review will provide an in-depth summary of recent literature on advanced imaging modality and IMT to guide clinicians in their management of patients with VKH syndrome.
The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive and updated overview of the clinical features, imaging modalities, differential diagnosis, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options for Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome, a rare progressive inflammatory condition characterized by bilateral granulomatous panuveitis and systemic manifestations. While the clinical features and disease course of VKH syndrome are well-characterized in the literature, its diagnosis is challenging due to a broad differential that include infectious and noninfectious causes of uveitis and rare inflammatory conditions, as well as a lack of a single diagnostic finding on exam, laboratory testing, or imaging. The evolution of the diagnostic criteria for VKH syndrome reflects the growing understanding of the disease by the ophthalmic community and advancement of imaging technology. Findings on enhanced depth imaging (EDI) optical coherence tomography (OCT) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) help detect subtle inflammation of the choroid and were incorporated into new diagnostic criteria developed in the last few years. There is limited research on the treatment for acute VKH, but results of studies to date support the early initiation of immunomodulatory therapy (IMT) due to a high recurrence rate and progression to chronic disease in patients treated with monotherapy with high-dose systemic corticosteroids. This review will provide an in-depth summary of recent literature on advanced imaging modality and IMT to guide clinicians in their management of patients with VKH syndrome.
Diabetic retinopathy is one of the microvascular diseases caused by diabetes, it is an irreversible blindness eye disease. According to its course, it can be divided into non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, including diabetic macular edema. Te general practitioner needs to measure the uncorrected visual acuity, corrected visual acuity intraocular pressure, use the slit lamp microscope to exam the anterior segment and fundus to evaluate the overall condition of the eye. Controlling blood glucose, blood pressure and blood lipid is very important to improve the prognosis. Attach importance to pre- and postprandial blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin and metabolic memory should be carried out. The first-line antihypertensive drugs are angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers. Statins are the first choice for lipid-lowering drugs, fenofibrate has additional protective efect of retinal. Intervention in lifestyle, education and early detection are is important. Te general practitioner needs to perform fundus screening and scoring, timely refer to ophthalmology department for treatment. Ophthalmic treatment includes panretinal laser photocoagulation, pars plana vitrectomy, and intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor drugs.
房角镜辅助的内路360°小梁切开术(Gonioscopy-Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy,GATT)是近年来国内外开展的新型微创青光眼手术,是一种改良的小梁切开术。GATT将微导管(iTrack)环穿Schlemm's管后,利用微导管张力全周切开小梁网及Schlemm's管内壁,重建生理性房水流出通道,避免小梁网阻力,实现房水从前房直接进入集液管,通过增加房水流出机制降低眼压。GATT适应证广泛,主要应用于开角型青光眼,包括原发型开角型青光眼和继发性开角型青光眼,同时可运用于闭角型青光眼。GATT微创、不依赖滤过泡、能明显减少降眼压药物的使用、中远期疗效稳定、安全性高、较少发生威胁视力的并发症,可作为开角型青光眼的首选手术方式。本文将对GATT在青光眼中的应用、手术步骤、作用机制、有效性、并发症及影响疗效的因素等进行综述,以期为其临床运用提供参考。
As a modifed trabeculotomy, Gonioscopy-Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy (GAT) is a new type of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery developed at home and abroad in recent years. GAT inserts a microcatheter (iTrack) into the Schlemm's canal and advance the catheter through the canal circumferentially 360°, then circumferentially fracture the trabecular meshwork and inner wall of Schlemm’s canal. Tis method can reduce intraocular pressure by increasing the outfow of aqueous humor. Te physiological outfow pathway of aqueous humor is reconstructed, which can avoid the resistance of trabecular meshwork and realizing the direct entry of the aqueous humor directly into the collector channel from the anterior chamber. With a wide range of indications, GAT is mainly used in open-angle glaucoma, including primary open-angle glaucoma and secondary open-angle glaucoma, and is also used in primary closed- angle glaucoma. Additionally, GATT can be the preferred surgical modality for open-angle glaucoma, as it has the following advantages: minimally invasive, independent of fltration bleb, can signifcantly reduce the use of medications, stable medium- and long-term efcacy, high safety, and has fewer sight-threatening complications. In order to provide a reference for clinical application, this article reviews the indications, mechanism of action, surgical procedures, efectiveness, complication and factors afecting therapeutic efect.
报告一例视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病(neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders,NMOSD)合并人体免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染/获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immune deficiency syndrome,AIDS),并通过文献复习,总结其发病机制、临床特征、治疗及预后。检索文献包括7篇英文文献(8个病例),1篇中文文献,共报道9例NMOSD合并HIV感染/AIDS病例,结合本文报道的1例共10例,其中5例为女性,5例为男性,3例HIV感染/AIDS为新发,其他病例的HIV感染/AIDS发病均早于NMOSD。临床表现上,7例均为视神经炎和脊髓炎同时或相继发生,2例表现为单相病程或复发性脊髓炎,1例仅表现为双眼相继发生的视神经炎,10例患者头或脊髓MRI均有典型的视神经或脊髓异常信号,伴或不伴强化。2例患者未进行水通道蛋白4(aquaporin protein-4,AQP4)抗体IgG检测,其余8例中5例AQP4抗体阳性、3例阴性。针对AIDS的治疗,10例患者中,8例接受了高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(highly active antiretroviral therapy,HAART)。针对NMOSD的治疗,10例患者中,急性期有8例患者接受糖皮质激素冲击治疗、3例患者接受血浆置换、2例接受丙种球蛋白治疗,序贯治疗期有6例患者接受免疫抑制剂治疗,其中1例因高胆红素血症停药。发生视神经炎的7例中,2例患者经治疗仍失明、5例视力部分恢复,发生脊髓炎的8例中,5例患者遗留截瘫或轻瘫、3例肌力部分恢复。1例因严重并发症去世。NMOSD合并HIV感染/AIDS临床较罕见,预后差,往往遗留严重的视力障碍及瘫痪等,临床治疗较为棘手,糖皮质激素和免疫抑制剂并非使用禁忌证,但制定治疗决策前需要充分考虑风险与获益的平衡。
A case of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders(NMOSD) complicated with human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) infection/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS) was reported, and the pathogenesis, clinical characteristics, treatment and prognosis were summarized through the literature review. The retrieved literatures included seven English literatures (eight cases) and one Chinese literature, in which a total of nine cases of NMOSD co-infected with HIV infection/AIDS were reported. Combined with the case reported in this paper, the total number of cases was ten, among which five cases were female and five cases were male, three cases of HIV infection/AIDS were newly developed, and the other cases had earlier onset of HIV infection/AIDS than NMOSD. In terms of clinical manifestations, seven cases all had simultaneous or sequential optic nerve and myelitis, two patients presented with a uniphasic course or recurrent myelitis, and one case presented only with bilateral optic neuritis occurring sequentially in both eyes. All ten patients had typical abnormal signals of the optic nerve or spinal cord with or without enhancement on cranial or spinal MRI. Two patients did not undergo AQP4 antibody IgG testing , and of the remaining seven cases, five were positive for AQP4 antibodies and three were negative. For AIDS treatment, eight of the ten patients received highly active antiretroviral therapy(HAART). For NMOSD treatment, among the ten patients, eight patients received intravenous methylprednisolone,three patients received plasmapheresis, and two patients received intravenous immunoglobulin in the acute phase. Six patients received immunosuppressive therapy during the sequential treatment period, and one of them was discontinued due to hyperbilirubinemia. Of the seven cases with optic neuritis, two patients remained blind after treatment and five had partial recovery of vision. Of the eight cases with myelitis, five patients were left with paraplegia or mild paralysis, and three had partial recovery of muscle strength. One case died due to serious complications.NMOSD combined with HIV infection/AIDS is rare in clinic and has a poor prognosis. Patients are often left with severe visual impairment and paralysis. Clinical treatment is quite difficult, hormones and immunosuppressive agents are not considered as contraindications. Treatment decisions need to be made with fully considered about the balance of risks and benefits.
近视防控已经上升到我国国家战略层面,高度近视引起的视神经病变会损害视功能,但在临床上常常被忽视。OCT可以非侵入、高分辨率、快速以及可重复地定量视网膜各层厚度,是评估高度近视相关视神经病变的有力工具。由于高度近视常合并视盘和盘周的改变,视神经纤维层厚度的定量常出现误差。近年来,学者开始聚焦于黄斑区神经节细胞复合体(ganglion cell complex,GCC)厚度的研究,但其在高度近视眼中的变化规律尚不统一。该文针对近年来高度近视眼黄斑区GCC的测量规范、诊断价值、变化规律等进行综述,以期提高眼科医师对高度近视视神经病变的重视和研究水平。
Myopia prevention and control has risen to the national strategic level in China. Optic neuropathy caused by high myopia can damage visual function, but it is often ignored in clinical practice Optical coherence tomography (OCT) characterized by non-invasiveness, high resolution, rapid, and repeatable quantifying the thickness of each layer in the retina has emerged as a powerful tool for evaluating high myopia related optic neuropathy. Due to the changes in and near the optic disc in high myopia, errors often occur in the quantification of the thickness of the optic nerve fiber layer. In recent years, researchers have gradually focused on the study of the thickness of ganglion cell complex (GCC), but the regularity of its changes in high myopia is not yet unified. This article reviews the measurement specifications, diagnostic values, and change rules of GCC in the macular region of high myopia in recent years, in order to improve the attention and research level of ophthalmologists on high myopia optic neuropathy.
马方综合征(Marfan syndrome,MFS)是与晶状体异位有关的常见的全身性疾病,约50%~80%的MFS患者存在晶状体异位。该文报道一例21岁的男性患者,因患有MFS致双眼晶状体半脱位伴双眼并发性白内障,先后实施白内障摘除人工晶状体植入合并囊袋张力环悬吊固定术,术后保留低度近视,随访期间未发现眼压升高、人工晶状体严重移位及囊袋皱缩等并发症。
Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a common systemic disease associated with lens heterotopia, and about 50%~80% of Marfan patients have lens heterotopia. This article reports a case of a 21-year-old male patient who suffered from bilateral lens subluxation and concurrent cataract due to MFS, who underwent cataract extraction and IOL implantation with CTR suspension fixation was performed to preserve low-grade myopia after surger y. No complications such as increased intraocular pressure, intraocular lens severely displacement and capsular bag shrinkage were found during follow-up.
Crystalline lens dislocation is a commonly encountered clinical condition that remains challenging in the realm of lens surgery. Inspired by prior studies, the authors originally proposed a technique involving implantable polypropylene capsular hooks after demonstrating their feasibility and safety. After six years of clinical application and follow-up, the technique has shown capable of helping preserve the complete lens capsule to a maximally viable extent and achieve intracapsular implantation of an intraocular lens with high efficacy. At the same time, the authors have also improved the technique’s design and operational method. This paper comprehensively disseminates lessons learned on the principle, design, feasibility, indications, and procedural details of the implantable polypropylene capsular hook technique.
目的:探讨超声乳化晶状体吸除联合囊袋上经巩膜缝线固定人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)植入术治疗球形晶状体(microspherophakia,MSP)的有效性和安全性。方法:采用回顾性分析,选取2019年1月至 2020年6月期间在复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院进行治疗的MSP患者37例(37眼),随机分为两组,纳入行超声乳化晶状体吸除联合囊袋上巩膜缝线固定IOL植入术(supra-capsular and scleral-fixated intraocular lens implantation,SCSF-IOL)的MSP患者20例(20眼)和行超声乳化晶状体吸除联合改良型囊袋张力环植入术(transscleral-fixated modified capsular tension ring and in-the-bag intraocular lens implantation,MCTR-IOL)的MSP患者17例(17眼),观察两组术后最佳矫正视力及并发症等情况。结果:两组术后最佳矫正视力比术前均有改善(P<0.001),而组间比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.326)。两组的IOL倾斜度相当(P=0.216)。预防性Nd:YAG激光后囊膜切开术在SCSFIOL术后1周至1个月进行。在SCSF-IOL组,2眼(10.00%)需要重复激光治疗,1眼(5.00%)出现囊口偏心。后囊膜混浊是MCTR组最常见并发症(6眼,35.29%)。随访期间两组均未出现IOL脱位、继发性青光眼和视网膜脱离。结论:SCSF-IOL是治疗球形晶状体的简单易行的手术方式,疗效与MCTR-IOL相当。Nd:YAG激光后囊膜切开术是预防SCSF-IOL术后囊袋并发症的必要手段。
Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of phacoemulsification combined with supra-capsular and scleral-fixated intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in the treatment of microspherophakia (MSP). Methods: by retrospective analysis, 37 MSP patients (37 eyes) who were treated in our hospital from January 2019 to June 2020 were randomly divided into two groups, including 20 MSP patients (20 eyes) who treated by SCSF-IOL and 17 MSP patients (17 eyes) who treated by transscleral-fixated modified capsular tension ring and in-the-bag intraocular lens implantation (MCTR-IOL). The best corrected vision and complications were observed. Results: the best corrected vision was significantly improved in both groups (P < 0.001), but there was no remarkable difference between the two groups (P = 0.326). The IOL tilt was also comparable (P = 0.216). Prophylactic Nd: YAG laser posterior capsulotomy was performed from 1 week to 1 month after the SCSF-IOL procedure. In the SCSF-IOL group, two eyes (10.00%) needed repeated laser treatment, and one eye (5.00%) had a decentered capsule opening. Posterior capsular opacification was the most common complication (6, 35.29%) in the MCTR group. No IOL dislocation, secondary glaucoma, or retinal detachment was observed during follow-up. Conclusions: SCSF-IOL is a simple and viable surgical option for managing MSP and is comparable with the MCTR-IOL. Nd: YAG laser posterior capsulotomy is a necessary mean to prevent residual capsule complications after the SCSF-IOL procedure.
The eye is composed of refractive system and visual nervous system. It is one of the most important sensory organs of the human body. The abnormal development or function of eye tissues may cause various degrees of visual impairment. At present, the pathophysiological mechanism and treatment of eye diseases are mainly explored through animal experiments and in-vitro cell culture. However, they are of certain limitations. The in-vitro cell culture cannot fully reflect the morphological, structural and biochemical characteristics of organs, whereas the animal models are heterogeneous of species and genetic background. In recent years, with the continuous development of in-vitro three-dimensional structure organoids and organ microfluidic organ-on-a-chip technology derived from primary tissues, embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, organ cloning models more similar to in vivo organs in terms of the structure and function have been constructed. These models can provide more sensitive, quantitative and large-scale phenotypic analysis, and can be better applied to the research of eye development, physiological structure, disease mechanism, personalized medical diagnosis and treatment. At present, microfluidic organ-on-a-chip and organoids technologies have shown great application potential in the structural development and disease models’ construction of cornea, lens, lacrimal gland and retina.
Objective: To retrieve and summarize the best evidence on standardized ocular medication management among open-angle glaucoma patients. Methods: With evidence-based nursing method, practical problemswere identified. According to the “6S” pyramid model of evidence resource, studies on standardized ocular medication management among open-angle glaucoma patients were retrieved, including clinical guidelines, best practice information booklet, systematic reviews, and expert consensus. Two evidence-based nursing researchers independently evaluated the quality of the included literature and summarized the evidence. Results: A total of 12 articles were ultimately enrolled, including 4 clinical guidelines, 3 evidence summaries and 5 systematic reviews. Finally, 3 aspects including 19 pieces of best evidence were summarized, which were Eye drop technical instruction, medication adherence management and related information provision. Conclusion: The best evidence for the medication management of open-angle glaucoma patients were summarized, which provide reference for clinical medical staffs to manage patients, so as to achieve the purpose of standardizing medication,controlling intraocular pressure and preventing disease progression.