目的:探讨碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(Basic fibroblast growthfacfor, bFCF),表皮细胞生长因子(Epidermal growth factor, EGF)和神经细胞生长因子(Nerve growth factor, NGF)对体外培养的人角膜内皮细胞的生长调控作用。方法:将相同数量的人角膜内皮细胞接种于96孔板。加人浓度分别为0 ng/ml、1 ng/ml、3 ng/ml、10 ng/ml、30 ng/ml、100 ng/ml的 EGF、bFGF 和 NGF 进行培养。5 天后 MTT法用检测增殖情况。
结果:在0 ng/ml、1 ng/ml、3 ng/ml、10 ng/ml、30 ng/ml、100 ng/ml 浓度下 bFGF 组的平均 OD 值分别为: 0.224±0.045、0.239±0.040、0.262±0.0342、0.278±0.0319、0.281±0.0324、0.260±0.0310 EGF组的平均 0D 值分别为: 0.228±0.0304、0.245±0.0418、0.267±0.0454、0.275±0.0347、0.271±0.0449、0.250±0.0253。NGF 组的平均 OD 值分别为:0.216±0.0187、0.228±0.0226、0.231±0.0225、0.242±0.0279、0.245±0.0294、0.247±0.0349。
结论:bFGF在 30 ng/ml范围内对内皮细胞生长有促进作用,并具有剂量依赖性。高于100 ng/ml时促生长作用降低。EGF在10 ng/ml范围内对内皮细胞生长有促进作用,并具有剂量依赖性。高于30 ng/ml 时促生长作用降低。NGF本次实验剂量范围内对角膜内皮细胞生长无明显作用。
Purpose: To investigate effect of bFGF, EGF and NGF on growth of cultured humancorneal endothelial cells.
Methods: Cultured human corneal endothelial cells were seeded into individual wellsof 96-well tissue culture plate with the same culture media containing separately bFCF, EGF or NGF with a serial of concentrations of 0 ng/ml、1 ng/ml 、3 ng/ml、10 ng/ml 、30 ng/ml and 100 ng/ml and then cultured for 5 days. Then MTT method wasused to detect the growth of the cells.
Results: The averaged OD values of the cell wells containing bFCF with a serial of concentrations of 0 ng/ml、1 ng/ml、3 ng/ml、10 ng/ml、30 ng/ml and 100 ng/ml were 0.224±0.045, 0.239±0.040, 0.262±0.0342, 0.278±0.0319, 0.281±0.0324, 0.260±0.0310. The averaged OD values of EGF group and NGF group were separately 0.228±0.0304,0.245±0.0418, 0.267±0.0454, 0.275±0.0347, 0.271±0.0449, 0.250±0.0253 and 0.216±0.0187, 0.228±0.0226, 0.231±0.0225, 0.242±0.0279, 0.245±0.0294,0.247±0.0349.
Conclusion: bGFC can promote the growth of human corneal endothelial cells in adose dependent manner while with concentration lower than 30 ng/ml. bFGF withconcentration that is higher than 100ng/ml will weaken this effect. EGF can alsopromote proliferation of human corneal endothelial cells demonstrating a linear dosedependent effect when its concentration is lower than 10 ng/ml and this effect decreasedwhen its concentration was higher than 30 ng/ml, NGF showed no effect on the growthof human cornea endothelial cells in this study.
目的: 探讨 ETDRS 对数视力表对儿童视力检查的可重复性及其影响的相关因素。方法: 在流行病学调查的过程中, 随机使用 ETDRS 对数视力表, 为 250 位裸眼视力低于 0.5 和 98 位视力正常儿童进行裸眼视力重复检查。
结果: 两次视力测量之间差异的均数为0.004log±0.07; Kappa 分析结果具有很好的一致性(k = 0.71) ; 性别与视力检查一致性无明显相关(P = 0.845) ; 年龄与视力检查一致性有显著相关性(P = 0.019) , 年龄越小视力检查一致性越差; 屈光不正与视力检查一致性也有显著相关性(P = 0.000) , 近视度数在- 1.00D~- 5.00D 之间的儿童视力检查一致性相对差, 而正视眼的视力检查一致性较好。结论: 结果提示 ETDRS 对数视力表适合儿童视力检查, 建议推广使用。
Purpose: To evaluate repeatability of the ETDRS log MAR visual acuity measurementin children and the relative influence factors.Methods: The children (n = 348) with visual acuity less than 0.5 ( equal to 0.3 logunit) in either eye,or one tenth in children with normal visual acuity were chosen todo repeatable uncorrected VA measurement with Bland-Altman analysis and Kappa analysis using ETDRS acuity chart.Results: The mean difference of visual acuity was 0.004log±0.07. There was a significant repeatability (k = 0.71) between two visual acuity examination. There were significant consistent results both on male and female patients (P = 0.845) . A significant relationship was found between age and VA repeatability(P = 0.019) . The VA repeatability could also be influenced by refractive error (P = 0.000) . The acuity measurement in children with emmetropia (k = 0.82) had a higher repeatability than in the children with myopia (k = 0.66) .Conclusions: The ETDRS visual acuity chart can provide a repeatable measure of visual acuity in children. It is recommended for clinic examination of children.
目的: 研究 TGF-β1 短期眼部应用对兔角膜碱烧伤后整合素 β1 表达和角膜上皮愈合的影响,探求其对角膜碱烧伤的治疗作用。方法: 制备大耳白家兔角膜碱烧伤模型, 一组给予 TGF-β1 (浓度为 200 ng /ml) 局部滴眼, 每日 3 次, 连续 7 日; 另一组给予 PBS 溶液代替, 处理相同。于角膜碱烧伤后每日观察角膜上皮愈合面积, 并于烧伤后 6 h、1 d、3 d、7 d 和 14 d 5 个时间点应用免疫组化方法检测 TGF-β1 实验组与 PBS 组角膜整合素 β1 表达情况。结果: 烧伤后 4 d、10 d、11 d、12 d 和 14 d 实验组和对照组上皮愈合率比较, 差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05) , 两组随着上皮修复过程的进行, 整合素 β1 的表达均逐渐增加, 烧伤后 7 d、14 d两个时间点实验组和对照组整合素 β1 平均灰度值比较, 差异有显著性(P < 0.05) 。结论: TGF-β1 在活体实验中能促进整合素 β1 的表达, 而后者的增加可以促进角膜上皮细胞向损伤区域的移行和粘附, 从而减少碱烧伤愈合过程中上皮再次脱落现象, 有利于创伤愈合。
Purpose: To observe the effect of TGF-β1 applied topically to the alkali-injured rabbit eye on corneal epithelial wound healing and expression of integrin β1 and its therapeutic action on corneal alkali burns.
Methods: Alkali burn was produced in 60 corneas from 30 rabbits. Two groups were randomly divided. One group was treated with TGF-β1 solution (200 ng /ml) topically 3 times one day within the first 7 days, the other group was treated with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution. The injured eyes were photographed after the fluorescence staining with a digital camera and the pictures were analyzed with computer-aided picture analysis system to calculate the rate of corneal epithelial healing. The expression of integrin β1 was investigated in the point 6 h, 1 d, 3 d, 7 d, 14 d after the injury by means of immunohistochemical analysis.
Results: On the 4th, 10th, 11st, 12nd and 14th days after the burning, the rate of corneal epithelial healing of TGF-β1 groups was markedly higher than that of the PBS group (P < 0.05) . The expression of integrin β1 in the cornea epithelial cells gradually increased during the wound healing. On the 7th and 14th days after the burning, the expression of integrin β1 in the cornea epithelial cells of TGF-β1 group was remarkably higher than that of the PBS group(P < 0.05) .Conclusions: TGF-β1 could up-regulate integrin β1 in vivo corneal alkali burn model, which could stimulate the cornea epithelial cells to migrate and adhere to the cornea stroma, that can reduce the cases of the epithelial cells_detachment from the cornea stroma and sustain the corneal reepithelization.
玻璃体淀粉样变性是一种罕见的眼病, 可独立发病, 也可以表现为系统性淀粉样变性的眼部受累, 常有家族史。报道 1 例遗传性玻璃体淀粉样变性患者, 中年发病, 双眼先后受累,有明确的家族史。双眼均行玻璃体切除术。术后病理检查结果显示: 玻璃体呈刚果红染色阳性, 电镜下发现纤维丝状物。对患者外周血进行 DNA 抽提, PCR 扩增, 克隆、筛选及测序等一系列基因检测, 发现转甲蛋白(Transthyretin, TTR) 存在着基因突变, 突变点 Gly83Arg, 这可能是玻璃体淀粉样变性发病的一个新的突变位点。
Vitreous amyloidosis is a rare condition that mainly occurs in Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (FAP). In some cases, it may be the only symptom without systemic disorders. One case of familial vitreous amyloidosis was reported here, with white, wispy opacities in vitreous cavity in both eyes. Pars plana vitrectomy and histopathological examination of the vitreous specimens were performed. The vitreous specimens showed typical microscopic features of amyloidosis with Congo red stain and non-branching fibrils on a transmission electron microscope. Transthyretin (TTR) gene was amplified with DNA isolated from the peripheral blood cells. Bi-directional sequencing of exon 3 showed a single base-pair substitution, which results in an amino acid substitution at position83, glycine to arginine (TTR Arg-83) . TTR Arg-83 may be a new pathologic mutation in vitreous amyloidosis.
目 的: 比 较 不 同 能 量 氪 离 子 黄 绿 光 联 合 Nd ∶YAG 激 光 行 周 边 虹 膜 切 开 术 的 临 床 疗 效 和 对 眼压、血- 房 水 屏 障 的 影 响。方 法: 使 用 激 光 蛋 白 细 胞 仪 及 压 平 式 眼 压 计 对 31 例(62 只 眼) 接 受 高 能 量 组 700 mW, 低 能量 组 400 mW的 氪 离 子 联 合 Nd: YAG 激 光 行 周 边 虹 膜 切 除 术 前、术 后 的 房 水 蛋 白 浓 度、前 房细 胞 数 和 眼 压 进 行 比 较。术 后 随 访 1 个 月。结 果: 激 光 周 边 虹 膜 切 开 术 两 组 周 切 口 通 畅 无 闭 合, 无 角 膜 损 伤 及 晶 体 混 浊。 术 前 和 术 后1 h、3 d、7 d 及 1 个月的平均 Goldmann 眼压值在高能量组分别为 ( 15.68±2.41) 、(27.13±3.48) 、(20.97±5.27) 、(16.35±1.14) 、(15.06±2.02) , 在 低 能 量 组 分 别 为( 15.35±1.78) 、(22.77±3.26) 、(16.26±2.41) 、(15.68±2.06) 、( 15.06±1.36) 。术 前 和 术 后 3 d、7 d 及 1 个 月 的 平 均 房 水 闪 光 值在 高 能 量 组 分 别 为( 4.65±1.50) 、(10.41±2.47) 、(7.31±2.31) 、(6.15±2.16) , 在 低 能 量 组 分 别 为(4.45±1.19) 、(6.47±1.11) 、(4.81±0.55) 、(4.98±1.48) pc/ms; 前 房 细 胞 数 平 均 值 在 高 能 量 组 分别 为( 0.47±0.42) 、( 36.22±9.16) 、(18.54±3.60) 、( 6.29±0.98) , 在 低 能 量 组 分 别 为(0.58±0.52) 、(24.73±6.09) 、(10.61±1.70) 、(2.96±1.35) 。高 能 量 组 术 后 1 h 及 第 3 天 眼 压 的 升 高 幅 度 较 低能 量 组 高, 术 后 各 点 的 房 水 闪 光 值 和 前 房 细 胞 数 升 高 幅 度 均 较 低 能 量 组 明 显, 术 后 1 个 月 两组 前 房 细 胞 数 及 高 能 量 组 房 水 闪 光 值 仍 未 能 降 至 术 前 水 平, 差 异 有 显 著 性 意 义( P < 0.05) 。结 论: 低 能 量 与 高 能 量 氪 黄 绿 激 光 联 合 Nd ∶YAG 激 光 周 边 虹 膜 切 开 术 两 组 周 切 口 通 畅, 临 床效 果 相 同; 低 能 量 组 术 后 一 过 性 眼 压 升 高 恢 复 至 正 常 较 快, 前 房 蛋 白 较 快 恢 复 正 常。提 示 在 进行 激 光 周 边 虹 膜 切 开 术 时 应 尽 可 能 用 低 能 量。两 组 术 后 1 个 月 前 房 仍 有 细 胞, 应 继 续 随 访。
Purpose: To compare the influence of krypton laser with different power densities combined with Nd: YAG laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) on the intraocular pressure, blood-aqueous barrier and inflammatory of anterior chamber as well as the therapeutic effect.Methods: Using a laser flare cell meter and Goldmann tonometer, the level of aqueous protein, the number of cells in the anterior chamber and intraocular pressure of 31 patients (62 eyes) who underwent krypton laser with different power densities combined with Nd: YAG laser peripheral iridotomy were examined and recorded preoperatively and postoperatively.Results: The mean preoperative and 1-hour, 3-day, 7-day, 1-month postoperative intraocular pressure ( IOP) of the high power-density group were (15.68±2.41) , (27.13 ±3.48) , (20.97 ±5.27) , (16.35 ±1.14) and (15.06 ±2.02) mmHg, while those of the low were (15.35±1.78) , (22.77±3.26) , (16.26±2.41) , (15.68±2.06) and (15.06±1.36) mmHg. The mean preoperative and 3-day, 7-day, 1-month postoperative flare intensity of the high power-density group were (4.65±1.50) , (10.41±2.47) , (7.31±2.31) and (6.15±2.16) pc /ms, while those of the low were (4.45±1.19) , (6.47±1.11) , (4.81±0.55) and (4.98±1.48) pc/ms. The number of aqueous cells of the high was (0.47±0.42) , (36.22±9.16) , ( 18.54±3.60) and (6.29±0.98) , while that of the low was (0.58±0.52) , (24.73±6.09) , (10.61±1.70) and (2.96±1.35) . The mean 1-hour and 3-day postoperative IOP of the high was higher than that of the low. Both the mean flare intensity and the mean number of aqueous cells of the high power-density group were higher than those of the low. The differences were of statistical significance (P <0.05) . The mean flare intensity of the high power-density group in the 1-month postoperative follow-up was still higher than the baseline. The mean number of aqueous cells of both the high and the low power-density groups in the 1- month postoperative follow-up was still higher than the baseline. During 1-month follow-up, no obvious visual damage, diffuse corneal endothelial burns or corneal decompensation, lens injury and closure of the peripheral iris incision were observed.Conclusion: When krypton laser combined with Nd: YAG laser peripheral iridotomy is under consideration, relatively low power-density krypton laser is recommended because it can achieve the similar therapeutic effects as high power-density krypton laser but leads to less complications and a briefer recovery. More follow-ups are needed after LPI, because the number of aqueous cells in 1-month follow-up was still abnormal.
目的:探讨垂体腺瘤对眼视功能损害的临床表现。方法:对 126 例( 252 只眼)垂体腺瘤患者进行视力、视野、荧光眼底血管造影(Fundus fuorescein angiography, FFA)、图形视诱发电位(Pattem visual evoked potential, PVEP)及眼底检査。结果:视力下降 186 只眼,占73.8%。眼底原发性视神经萎缩 130 只眼,占51.6%。视野缺损 156 只眼,占69.6%。PVEP异常 160 只眼,占88.9%。26.2%的患者以眼部异常为首诊症状,其中16.7%曾被诊断为眼科疾病。结论:垂体腺瘤可引起视功能的损害,充分认识垂体腺瘤在眼部的临床特点,有助于早期诊断及时治疗。
Purpose : To investigate the clinical manifestation of damage of visual function causedby pituitary adenoma.Methods: Visual acuity, visual field, fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), pattemvisual evoked potential (PVEP) and examination fundus were performed in 126 cases(252 eyes)of pituitary tumor.Results :There was 73.8% (186 eyes) of patients with decreased visual acuity, 51.6%(130 eyes) with primary optic atrophy, 69.6 %(156 eyes) with the defects of visualfield and 88.9%(160 eyes) with abnormal PVEP. Abnormal ophalmological manifestationwas the first diagnostic symptom in 26.2%, and 16.7% was misdiagnosed as eye diseases.Conclusions: Pituitary tumor could cause defection of visual function. lt is helpful toearly diagnosis and timely treatment by fully understanding clinical features in the eyewith pituitary tumor.
目的: 测量单眼挫伤患者瞳孔对光反射的改变, 分析瞳孔对光反射与眼挫伤后其他视功能评价方法的相关性。方法: 使用红外线自动瞳孔仪分别检测 26 例单眼挫伤患者双眼瞳孔对光反射, 并行视力、视野、图形视觉诱发电位等视功能检查。检查的瞳孔对光反射参数包括瞳孔面积, 对光反应潜伏期、反应幅度。结果: 眼挫伤患者健眼直接、间接反应幅度比与双眼视力差具有显著相关性(r =- 0.648) ; 瞳孔对光反应幅度差、反应幅度比均与视野平均偏差具有显著相关性(r =0.5 和 r =- 0.535) ; 瞳孔对光反应幅度比与双眼视觉诱发电位振幅比具有显著相关性; 多重线性回归分析显示瞳孔对光反应幅度和 VEP 振幅结合可提高预测视力预后的可能性。结论: 在瞳孔对光反射各参数中, 瞳孔对光反应幅度在反映眼挫伤后视功能改变方面优于其它参数, 眼挫伤患者瞳孔对光反应幅度与视力、视野、VEP 波幅具有中度相关性, 其与 VEP 联合应用可提高眼挫伤后准确预测视功能的可能性。
Subjects and objective: To measure the quantitative pupil light reflex after unilateral ocular contusion, analyze the correlation of pupil light reflex and other tests of visual function.Methods: The pupil light reflex in 26 patients who suffered unilateral ocular contusion was tested by infrared video pupillography, psychophysical and electrophysiological tests including visual acuity, visual field, and visual evoked potentials were also tested. Pupil area, the latency and amplitude of pupil light reflex were recorded.Results: The correlation of the ratio of pupil light reflex amplitude and the differences of visual acuity between 2 eyes in 26 contusion patients was statistically significant. The correlation coefficient r was - 0.648. There were significant correlation between amplitude of pupil light reflex and median defect of visual field. The correlation coefficients r were 0.5 and 0.535. The significant correlations were found in the ratio of amplitudes between pupil light reflex and visual evoked potentials. Multiple linear regression analysis showed combining pupil light reflex amplitude and visual evoked potential amplitude could elevate the possibility of predicting visual acuity.Conclusion: Pupil light reflex amplitude measurement is superior to other pupil measurements for reflection of the changes of visual function after ocular contusion. The correlations of pupil light reflex amplitude and visual acuity, visual field, visual evoked potential are significant in the ocular contusion patient. Pupil light reflex combined with visual evoked potential could elevate the possibility of predicting visual function precisely after ocular contusion.
目的: 建立人晶状体上皮细胞原代培养的简便方法并比较不同来源人晶状体上皮细胞的生物学特性。方法: 取胎龄 20 周合法引产胚胎眼晶状体囊膜、中山眼科中心眼库眼晶状体囊膜和白内障患者术中撕取的前囊膜, 分别在培养皿中铺平, 加10 μL 10%DMEM 培养液润湿后加盖盖玻片防止卷曲并促进粘贴, 添加培养液浸没盖玻片, 37℃培养。同时取相同来源的囊膜按照组织块法培养。观察细胞增殖情况并比较原代人晶状体上皮细胞与人晶状体上皮细胞系 SRA01/04 β晶体蛋白的表达差异。结果: 在盖玻片辅助下, 胚胎眼晶状体囊膜第2天即可见明显的增殖细胞由囊膜缘长出, 眼库眼囊膜和白内障患者术中撕取的囊膜在3~4 d 的潜伏期后亦可见增殖细胞长出; 组织块法培养出现部分组织块漂浮, 且胚胎眼囊膜潜伏期延长至3~4 d, 眼库眼囊膜和白内障患者晶状体囊膜潜伏期延长至4~5 d。结论: 盖玻片辅助的改良组织块培养法能尽快获得体外培养的原代晶状体上皮细胞, 且操作简便, 值得推广应用于晶状体病的研究。
Purpose: To set up an easy procedure of tissue culture for human lens epithelial cells in vitro and to observe the biological characteristics.Methods: Capsules from embryo of 20 weeks, eye bank of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Centre and patients with cataract were spread on culture utensil. 10 μ L of 10% DMEM medium was added and a piece of coverslip was lay to prevent crimp. Then the capsules were cultured under 37℃after adding enough medium. Capsules from the same source were cultured by traditional tissue culture method. Expressions of β crystallin between primary tissue culture cells and SRA01/04 cell line were compared by western blotting.Results: With coverslip assisted, the cells could be observed proliferated and migrated from the edge of embryo capsule 2 days later, and for capsules from eye bank and age-related cataract patients, the interval time was 3 to 4 days. By traditional tissue culture method, the interval time of embryo capsule was 3 to 4 days, and for capsules from eye bank and age-related cataract patients, the interval time was the same. And capsules floated sometimes.Conclusions: By coverslip assisted primary tissue culture human lens epithelial cells could grow faster and easier, and the method is worthy to be spread in research of lens diseases.
目的: 分析高度近视眼行白内障摘除及后房型人工晶状体植入术后并发裂孔源性视网膜脱离的发生率、相关危险因素及临床特点。方法 : 回顾性分析高度近视眼行白内障摘除及后房型人工晶状体植入术患者 146 例(232 只眼) 。裂孔源性视网膜脱离在术后随访的3年时间发生。所有眼均进行了详细的眼科检查, 包括: 最佳矫正视力、眼底检查、A 超眼轴长度测量。结果: 15 只眼发生裂孔源性视网膜脱离(6.4%) , 均需行玻璃体视网膜手术进行视网膜复位。从白内障手术到发生视网膜脱离的平均时间为10 ± 9 个月(0.5~32 个月) 。视网膜脱离经手术治疗后视力为手动 /10 cm~0.06, 12 只眼(80%) 最终视力低于白内障术前。术中后囊膜破裂与术后视网膜脱离的发生显著相关 (P < 0.01) , 60%(9/15) 的视网膜脱离患者术中发生了后囊膜破裂。结论: 高度近视眼白内障术后并发裂孔源性视网膜脱离的发生率为 6.4%, 其预后差。术中发生后囊膜破裂患者术后发生视网膜脱离的危险性更高, 对术中后囊膜破裂患者需密切随访。
Aim: To analyze the clinical characteristics, incidence and risk of retinal detachment (RD) after cataract surgery and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in high myopic patients.Methods:The medical records of 146 high myopic patients (232 eyes) who underwent cataract surgery and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation were studied retrospectively. The development of RD was followed up over a 3-year period, and its characteristics were determined. All of the eyes received a comprehensive ophthal-mological examination, including best-corrected visual acuity measurements, a dilated fundus examination and axial length measured by A-scan ultrasonography.Results: RD developed in 15 eyes of 15 patients. All the 15 eyes needed vitreo-retinal surgery. The mean interval between cataract surgery and the development of RD was 10 ± 9 months (range 0.5~32 months) . The visual results of the eyes after anatomical successful vitreo-retinal surgery ranged from finger count /10 cm to 0.06. 80% (12/15) of the eyes had a worse vision after the surgery than that before cataract surgery. Posterior capsular tear were associated significantly with RD (P < 0.01). Approximately 60%( 9/15) of retinal detachment was attributable to posterior capsule tear during cataract surgery.Conclusion: Incidence of RD in high myopic patients after cataract surgery was 6.4%. RD was the potentially serious complication and tended to develop more frequently in eyes with posterior capsular rupture during cataract surgery. It is crucial to examine retinal status after cataract surgery and to have a close follow-up to prevent retinal complications, especially for patients with posterior capsular disruption.
目的: 探讨泪膜改变对 Goldmann 压平眼压计测量值的影响。方法: 将 68 例(136 只眼) 受检者随机分为 2 组, 每组 34 例。随机选择一只眼作为实验眼, 另一只眼作为对照眼。A 组的实验眼采用右旋糖苷 70 滴眼液滴眼, B 组的实验眼采用粘弹剂 Viscoat 滴眼。采用 Goldmann 眼压计测量 2 次眼压, 比较滴眼前、后测量值的差异。结果: A 组对照眼第 1、2 次的眼压测量值分别为(14.44±2.68) mmHg(1 mmHg = 0.133 KPa) 、(14.47 ± 2.69) mmHg, 两次眼压测量值的差异无统计学意义(t = - 0.329, P = 0.744) 。实验眼滴右旋糖苷 70 滴眼液前、后的眼压测量值分别为(14.41 ±2 .63) mmHg、(12.94 ± 2.59) mmHg, 两次眼压测量值的差异有统计学意义 (t = 13.949, P = 0.000) 。B 组对照眼第 1、2 次的眼压测量值分别为(14.29 ± 2.96) mmHg、(14.35 ± 3.12) mmHg, 两次眼压测量值的差异无统计学意义(t = - 0.466, P = 0.644) 。实验眼滴 Viscoat 前、后的眼压测量值分别为 (14.53 ± 3.13) mmHg、(11.18 ± 3.07) mmHg, 两次眼压测量值的差异有统计学意义( t = 22.126, P = 0.000) 。两组的实验眼滴眼后的眼压均呈一致性的下降。结论: 泪膜的改变可以使 Goldmann 压平眼压计的测量值产生偏差。
Purpose: To explore the effect of tear film changes on the intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement by Goldmann applantion tonometer.Methods: Sixty-eight normal subjects were randomly divided into two groups (Gruop A and B) , 34 in each group. One eye of each subject by random selection was given Dextran (in Group A) and Viscoat (in Group B) , respectively. And the fellow eyes were used as controls. IOP was measured in all subjects twice using Goldmann applantion tonometer. And the difference between first and second measurements was compared.Result: In the control eyes of Group A, the average IOP of first and second measurements were (14.44 ± 2.68) mmHg (1 mmHg= 0.133 KPa) and (14.47 ± 2.69) mmHg, there was no difference between the two measurements (t =- 0.329, P = 0.744) . In eyes given Dextran, the average IOP of two measurements were (14.41 ± 2.63) mmHg and (12.94 ± 2.59) mmHg, there was significant difference between the two mea-surements (t =13.949, P= 0.000) . In control eyes of Group B, the average IOP of first and second measurements were (14.53 ± 3.13) mmHg and (11.18 ± 3.07) mmHg, and there was no difference between the two measurements (t = -0.466, P = 0.644) . In eyes given Viscoat, the average IOP of two measurements were (14.53 ± 3.13) mmHg and (11.18 ± 3.07) mmHg, and there was significant difference between the two measurements (t = 22.126, P = 0.000) . After being given Dextran or Viscoat, the IOP values decreased consistently in both Group A and Group B.Conclusions: The change of tear film components can affect IOP values by Goldmann applantion tonometer.
目的: 探讨小梁切除术两种不同结膜瓣术后功能性滤过泡形成情况。方法: 比较 372 例(372 只眼) 原发性青光眼不同结膜瓣小梁切除术术后功能性滤过泡形成情况, 其中以角巩缘为基底的结膜瓣 165 只眼, 以穹窿部为基底的结膜瓣 207 只眼。结果: 术后 1 周对所有患者进行了观察, 3 个月时只有 127 只眼进行了随访。以角巩缘为基底的结膜瓣手术组术后 1 周滤过泡成功率为 83.03 %, 3 个月时为 78.69 %。以穹窿部为基底的结膜瓣手术组术后 1 周滤过泡成功率为 55.07 %, 3 个月时为 53.03 %。两组比较有明显差别。结论: 本组研究发现, 传统的以角巩缘为基底的结膜瓣术后滤过泡成功率高于以穹窿部为基底的结膜瓣, 其术后降压效果相应亦较好。
Purpoes: To assess the success rate of the formation of functional filtration bleb in eyes undergoing different incision of conjunctiva flap after trabeculectomy.Methods: To study the formation of functional filtration bleb after trabeculectomy, the result of trabeculectomy with the limbus based conjunctival flap in 165 eyes and the fornix based conjunctival flap in 207 eyes (372 eyes in 372 cases with primary glaucoma in total) was compared.Results: All patients were observed after trabeculectomy in 1 week, but only 127 eyes were followed up in 3 months. In patients with trabeculectomy using the limbus based conjunctival flap, the success rate of the formation of the filtration bleb was 83.03 % in 1 week and 78.69 % in three months postoperatively, while in those using the fornix based conjunctival flap, the success rate was 55.07 % in 1 week and 53.03 % in 3 months. There was significant difference between the two groups in terms of the success rate of the formation of the filtration bleb.Conclusions: The result showed that limbus based conjunctival flap was especially effective and had better postoperative intraocular pressure decline.
目的: 比较新鲜羊膜和保存羊膜治疗睑球粘连的疗效差异, 分析影响疗效的因素。方法: 共 51 例 55 只眼因陈旧性化学伤、热烧伤或 Stevens-Johnson 综合征而发生睑球粘连的临床连续病例接受睑球粘连分离联合新鲜羊膜移植(22 只眼) 或保存羊膜移植(33 只眼) 。其中男 30 例 32 只眼, 女 21 例 23 只眼。年龄 4~51 岁, 平均(34.2 ± 4.3) 岁。其中 11 只眼在烧伤后5~11个月, 平均(7.4 ± 1.6) 个月时接受手术, 40 只眼在烧伤后 1~8 年, 平均(2.0 ± 0.7) 年进行手术。结果: 术后随访 12~32 个月, 平均(19.3 ± 4.1) 个月 。所有移植在结膜眼表面的羊膜(包括新鲜羊膜) 植片在术后早期均未见溃烂和溶解, 周边对合良好。31/55(56.4%) 只眼形成了足够深的穹窿部且恢复了眼球运动功能。9/55(16.4%) 只眼发生部分睑球粘连, 眼球运动轻度受限,但其面积远较术前为小。15 /55(27.3%) 眼术后发生中度以上的睑球粘连。新鲜羊膜和保存羊膜重建眼结膜表面的效果相似( X 2 = 0.466, P = 0.797) ; 不同程度睑球粘连的患者其羊膜移植术后的效果不同(新鲜羊膜, X2=27.995, P=0.000; 保存羊膜, X2=33.610, P=0.000) ; 在眼表烧伤后1年内手术比 1 年以上进行羊膜移植的效果也不同(X 2= 4.243, P = 0.039) 。结论: 新鲜羊膜和保存羊膜一样可以有效地用于重建睑球粘连解除后的结膜眼表。患眼术前睑球粘连程度以及烧伤后其眼表炎症是否处于安静状态等因素都会直接影响羊膜移植重建眼结膜表面的远期疗效。
Purpose: To compare the effect of fresh versus preserved amniotic membrane transplant-ation for conjunctival surface reconstruction after symblepharon lysis and analyze the associated factors.Methods: Fifty-one consecutive cases (55 eyes) with symblepharon at different degree due to eye burns or Stevens-Johnson syndrome were accepted lysis of symblepharon and amniotic membrane transplantation. Twenty-two eyes of them were performed with fresh amnion grafts, the others (33 eyes) with preserved human amniotic membrane. Eleven eyes were performed within 1 year and forty eyes in 1 to 8 years (mean value, 2.0 ± 0.7 years) after eye burns.Results: The follow-up time varied from 12 to 32 months (mean value, 19.3 ± 4.1 months) . Fifty-six point four percent (31/55) eyes got enough deep conjunctival fornix and resolution of eye movement restrict. Sixteen percent of them (9/55) recurred less symblepharon and remained slightly eye movement restrict. Fifteen- five eyes of them (27.3%) recurred moderate symblepharon. The effects of surgery were similar between fresh and preserved AMT (X 2 = 0.466, P = 0.797) . The effects of AMT for those patients with symblepharon at different degree had significant difference statistically (fresh amnions, X 2= 27.995, P = 0.000; preserved amnions, X 2 =33.610, P = 0.000) . The same results were observed between those patients who were performed in different time periods after eye burns ( X 2 = 4.243, P = 0.039) .Conclusion: Fresh amnion has the same effect as preserved one for conjunctival surface reconstruction. The degree of symblepharon and the surgical environment of the ocular surface in the affected eye before surgery will influence the results of amniotic membrane transplantation for conjunctival surface reconstruction.
目的:研究形觉剥夺性和光学离焦性近视豚鼠视紫红质的表达变化,探讨视紫红质表达与实验性近视眼之间的关系。方法:40只出生后1周的豚鼠随机分为形觉剥夺组和光学离焦组(n=20),形觉剥夺组单眼戴半透明(半透明薄膜贴于平镜表面)平光硬性角膜接触镜片(Rigidgass-pemmeable contactlens, RCP),光学离焦组单眼藏-4.0DRGP镜片,另一只眼为对照组。戴镜干预后1、2周各组分别测量屈光度、眼轴长度、玻璃体腔深度,并于上午10~12 点钟取材,实时荧光定量PCR观察视紫红质 mRNA 的变化 Westem-blot 观察视紫红质的变化,进行对比比较,统计分析。结果:实验干预后1周,形觉剥夺组和光学离焦组与对照组相比各项指标无显著性差(除形觉剥夺组屈光度以外)。实验干预后2周,与对照组相比较,形觉剥夺组和光学离焦组明显发生近视、眼轴延长、玻璃体腔加深(t=22.20、18.32、19.65、15.78、6.18、11.20.P<0.01):形觉剥夺组视紫红质及其 mRNA 表达均增加(t=17,489、14.31.P<0.05)光学离焦组视紫红质及其mRNA表达无明显变化。结论:视紫红质的表达可能参与了形觉剥夺性近视眼的形成,而在光学离焦性近视眼中作用有限。
Purpose:To investigate the rhodopsin expression in form-deprived and defocus myopiain guinea pig and study the relationship between the rhodopsin expression andexperimental myopia.Methods:Fourty guinea pigs were randomized into the form-deprived group and thedefocus group (n= 20 ). Guinea pigs in the form-deprived group wore a diffuser(rigidgass-permeable contact lens(RGP)on one eye since one week after birth. Those in defocus group wore a -4 D RGPon one eye. The contralateral eyes were left ascontrol. Refraction, axial length and depth of vitreous cavity were measured after 1and 2 weeks respectively. Retina were dissected at 10 ~ 12 o'clock in the moring.The level of rhodopsin and its mRNA were observed through Western-blot and real-time PCR respectively.Result:There is no difference between form-deprived group, defocus group and controlgroups(except refraction in form-deprived group). One week later, there is nodifference between the form-deprived group, the defocus group and the control groups(except refraction in form-deprived group). Two weeks later, eyes in the form-deprivedgroup and the defocus group became myopic. Its axial length lengthened and depth ofvitreous cavity appeared deep. The form-deprived groups showed an increasedexpression of rhodopsin and its mRNA compared to the control groups. There is nodifference between the defocus group and the control groups.Conclusion : Expression of rhodopsin might involve formation of form-deprived myopia,but has less influence on defocus myopia.
目的: 观察老年性黄斑变性(Age-related macular degeneration, AMD) 和息肉状脉络膜视网膜病变(Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy, PCV) 患者眼底陈旧性出血在吲哚青绿血管造影(Indocyanine green angiography, ICGA) 中的自发荧光表现。方法: 对伴有眼底陈旧性出血的AMD和PCV患者共36例(36只眼)行ICGA检查。受试者在进行ICGA检查前, 均经过详细的眼底镜检查、眼底彩色照相及荧光素眼底血管造影(Fundus fluorescein angiography, FFA) 检查。结果: 眼底陈旧性出血灶 ICGA 均表现出相应的自发荧光。陈旧性出血灶呈浅灰黄色, 其自发荧光的形态大小与眼底彩色图像所示的陈旧性出血灶相一致, 边界清晰; 造影后期陈旧性出血灶的自发荧光强度最强,与 AMD 的斑状及焦点状脉络膜新生血管 (Choroidal neovasculari-zation, CNV) 及 PCV 的息肉状脉络膜血管扩张灶的荧光表现不同。陈旧性眼底出血的自发荧光多与 CNV 或息肉状病灶重叠或位于其边缘(27只眼, 75%) 。结论: ICGA 中陈旧性眼底出血所致的自发荧光易与 CNV 及息肉状病灶性强荧光相混淆, 将眼底彩色图像与 ICGA 图像对比分析及掌握其与CNV及息肉状血管扩张灶的不同荧光特性有助于鉴别诊断。
Objective: To investigate the autofluorescence of stale fundus haemorrhage in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) with indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) .Methods: The color photographs and ICGA were performed in 36 eyes of 36 cases of exudative AMD or PCV with stale fundus haemorrhage. All of the cases were examined by funduscopy and fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) .Results: Autofluorescence could be observed in all of the stale haemorrhage cases. Stale haemorrhage showed grayish color and the shapes and sizes of autofluoresence in ICGA were in accordance with those of the stale haemorrhage in the color photographs. The boundaries of autofluorescence were clear and the intensities were strong. The percentage of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) or PCV in or beside stale haemorrh-age was significantly higher than that outside the stale haemorrhage (27 eyes, 75%) .Conclusions: Autofluorescence of stale haemorrhage in ICGA can be mixed up with the high fluorescence of CNV and grapes-like polypoidal dilatation. It is helpful to compare the color photographs with ICGA and recognize the different ICGA characteristics in the assessment of ICGA results in these circumstances.
目的:通过观察对金黄色葡萄球菌性角膜溃疡的疗效,筛选克拉霉案眼用凝胶的合适浓度。方法:角膜实质层接种法建立40只家兔右眼金黄色葡萄球菌性角膜溃疡模型,将模型随机分成5组,每组8只免(8只眼),各组分别给予空白基质、0.1%克拉素眼用凝胶、0.25%克拉霉素眼用凝胶、左氧氟沙星凝胶、0.25%克拉霉素眼用凝胶联合重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(Recombinant bovine basic fibroblast growth factor, Rb-bFGF),每天4次,每次2滴,分别在第1、3、5、7、10、14 天观察角膜病变情况及溃疡面积大小。结果:在相同的给药方法下,0.1%克拉霉素眼用凝胶、0.25%克拉素眼用凝胶、左氧沙星凝胶、0.25%克拉霉素眼用凝胶联合Rb-bFCF均能使金黄色葡萄球菌性角膜溃疡面积缩小角膜病变好转,与空白基质组相比有统计学差异(P < 0.05):0.25%克拉素眼用凝胶组疗效明显优于0.1%克拉荐素眼用凝胶组(P < 0.05)。结论:制备的 0.25%克拉霉素眼用凝胶对金黄色葡萄球菌性角膜溃疡疗效肯定,可以进一步开发应用于临床。
Purpose:To screen proper concentration of clarithromycin ophthalmic gel by observingthe efficacy of different concertrations of clarithromycin ophthalmic gel for treatingstaphylococcal corneal ulcers.
Methods:Corneal ulcer was induced in the right eye of 40 rabbits, 3.0 x 10°CFU/mlstaphylococcus aureus suspension was injected midstromally into the central cornel.These rabbits were divided randomly into $ groups ,each group received respectivelytopical blank matrix, clarithromycin ophthalmic gel 0.1%, clarithromycin ophthalmicgel 0.25%,levofloxacin ophthalmic gel, clarithromycin ophthalmic gel 0.25% andrecombinant bovine basic fibroblast growth factor (Rb-bFGF), 4 times every day, 2drops each time. The eyes were examined respectively with the slit lamp beforetreatment(day0), on day3, day5, day7, day 10, day 14 to observe theprogression of corneal ulceration. including the area of the corneal ulcer and mark of keratitis.Resuls:Under the same way of giving medicine, experimental coreal ulcer studiesshowed a statistically significant decrease in all tratement groups on measurements ofthe area of the comeal ulcer and mark of keratitis(P<0.05), and clarithromycinophthalmic gel 0.25% had a better action than clarithromycin ophthalmic gel 0.1%against staphylococcus aureus corneal ulcer.
Conclusion:Clarithromycin ophthalmic gel 0,25% was proved to be an effective ocularmedication for the therapy of gram-positive bacterial corneal ulcer.
目的: 报道原发性空泡蝶鞍综合征致双眼视乳头水肿病案 1 例。方法: 回顾性研究1例原发性空泡蝶鞍综合征致双眼视乳头水肿患者的临床表现、眼底改变、CT 和 MRI 影像学检查的特征、治疗方法及疗效。结果 : 原发性空泡蝶鞍综合征致双眼视乳头水肿除有典型视乳头水肿的临床表现外,蝶鞍 MRI 亦显示垂体窝呈液型信号、垂体上缘受压凹陷、垂体变薄等典型空泡蝶鞍影像学表现。手术治疗后患者视乳头水肿改善、视力提高。结论: 蝶鞍 MRI 是诊断原发性空泡蝶鞍综合征的首选影像学检查方法。视力下降明显的患者及时行蝶鞍区手术,术后效果良好。
Purpose:To report a case of papilloedema caused by primary empty sella turcica syndrome.Methods:Retrospectively review the clinical and physical features, magnetic resonance imaging records and therapies of a patient with papilloedema caused by primary empty sella turcica syndrome.Results: Except for typical clinical manifestation of papilloedema , a characteristic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be found in a case of papilloedema caused by primary empty sella turcica syndrome. These imaging features are that sella turcica expanded, the inside of sella turcica was filled with cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) signal, pituitary gland was pressed, flatted and near the basis of sella turcica. Papilloedema was relieved and acuity of vision improved after surgery.Conclusions:MRI is the preferred imaging technique for patient with papilloedema caused by primary empty sella turcica syndrome. If acuity of vision apparentlydecreases,surgery is necessary, and therapeutic effect is excellent.
髓上皮瘤是源自神经系统的一种少见的恶性肿瘤,多发生在中枢神经系统和睫状体,而源自视神经的恶性髓上皮瘤则很少见,国内尚未有病例报道。此病早期类似胶质瘤,易造成误诊。本文报道了 1 例 3 岁 10 个月的男性患儿,经部分肿物切除活检发现肿瘤具有典型恶性髓上皮瘤的病理特点, 部分瘤细胞向软骨细胞分化,并逐渐形成透明软骨岛,NSE 及 S-100 表达阳性,病理诊断为源自视神经的畸胎性恶性髓上皮瘤。
Medulloepithelioma is a clinically uncommon tumor originated from nervous system, often occurred in central nerve system and ciliary body, and malignant medulloepithelioma of the optic nerve is far rarer. So far, there has been no case report in China. It may be clinically misdiagnosed because it resembles glioma at the early stage of the disease. We reported a boy with a tumor in his right eye at age of 3.8 years, which was shown by biopsy of the partial tumor that there were some obviously heteromorphous neoplastic cells, karyokinesis, and moreover, some neoplastic cells differentiatied into cartilage cells, gradually formed into hyaline cartilage islands and the expressions of NSE and S-100 were positive. Teratoid malignant medulloepithelioma of optic nerve was made pathologically.
目的:研究增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变患者玻璃体基质细胞衍生因子(Strmalcell-derivedfactor-1, SDF-1)和血管内皮生长因子(Vascular endothelial growth factor, VECF)的浓度,及其相互作用关系。方法:酶联免疫吸附法(Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA)检测玻璃体内 SDF-1 和 VEGF 的含量,每个标本重复3次。实验组为增性糖尿病视网膜病变(Proliferalive diabeticretinopathy, PDR)的住院患者30例,对照组为同期行玻璃体切除术的特发性黄斑裂孔患者12例。结果: PDR 患者玻璃体 VECF 的平均浓度为(2865.87+387.85) pg/ml,明显高于特发性黄斑裂孔组[(142.42+21.03) pg/ml,P < 0.0001]。增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变患者玻璃体 SDF-1的含量平均为(298.40+24.57) pg/ml,对照组为(86.91+15.89) pg/ml,两组的差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.0001)。在30例PDR患者玻璃体内 VEGF 和 SDF-1 的含量表现为正相关(Peanson相关系数 r=0.62,P < 0.001)。结论:增殖性糖尿病患者玻璃体 SDF-1 和 VECF 的含量均高于非糖尿病患者,提示 SDF-1 和 VEGF 共同参与了增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变患者病理性新生血管的形成过程。
Purpose: To investigate the levels of stromal cell-derived factor-1(SDF-1) andvascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the vitreous of patients with proliferativediabetic retinopathy.
Methods: The levels of $DF-1 and VEGF in the vitreous of 30 eyes of 30 patients withproliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR)and 12 eyes of 12 patients with idiopathicmacular hole (MH) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Vitreousfluid samples were obtained by vitrectomy.
Resuls: The vitreous concentration of VEGF was signifcantly higher in eyes with PDR(2 865.87+387.85 pg/ml) than in eyes with idiopathic macular hole (142.42+21.03 Pgml, P< 0.000 1). The vitreous level of SDF-1 was also significantly higher in eyes withPDR (298.40+24.57 pg/ml ) than in eyes with idiopathic macular hole (86.91+15.89Pg/ml, P<0.000 1 ). The vitreous concentration of SDF-1 correlated significantly with that of VEGF in eyes with PDR( [correlation coefficient]r=0.62,P<0 .001)
Conclution: Vitreous levels of both SDF-1 and VEGF in patients with PDR aresignificantly higher than those of nondiabetic patients. SDF-1 may be correlated withVEGF in angiogenesis in PDR.