

Related factors analysis and treatment on high intraocular pressure after vitrectomy

Pars plana vitrectomy is one of the common ophthalmic surgeries in clinic practice currently, which is widely used with good therapeutic effect. However, various complications may still occur after operation. Elevated intraocular pressure is one of common complications. The causes of postoperative ocular hypertension are complex and diverse. Elevated intraocular pressure could be caused by different preoperative primary diseases, intraoperative management methods,and postoperative complication. More appropriate treatment methods can be selected based on different causes. Early elevated intraocular pressure iseasier to control and is mainly treated with medicine and laser. Late elevated intraocular pressure leads to secondary glaucoma, which is relatively complex and mainly treated with surgery. This review mainly states causes and treatment progress of high intraocular pressure after vitrectomy.


Clinical application and research progress of foldable capsular vitreous body

玻璃体替代物是玻璃体切割术后的必需品,用于填充玻璃体腔,恢复玻璃体的支撑视网膜、屈光和细胞屏障等功能。严重眼外伤及复杂视网膜脱离引起的视网膜/脉络膜脱离,如选用传统的玻璃体替代物(如硅油)填充,部分患者会出现硅油依赖眼或眼球萎缩,眼球难以保全。折叠式人工玻璃体球囊(foldable capsular vitreous body,FCVB)是我国独立研发的挽救眼球的人工玻璃体,属于国际首创,可以精细模拟自然玻璃体的结构,恢复玻璃体的部分功能。目前临床研究证实FCVB不仅可以有效避免硅油的并发症,还可以维持后房空间,缓慢恢复睫状体的功能,从而治疗硅油依赖眼,阻止眼球进一步萎缩。该文综述了FCVB的研究背景、结构特点、临床应用和拓展研究进展。
Vitreous substitutes are necessary after vitrectomy to fill the vitreous cavity and restore the vitreous to support retinal, refractive, and cellular barrier functions. Severe ocular trauma-induced retinal/choroidal detachment filled with traditional vitreous substitutes (e.g., silicone oil) can lead to silicone oil-dependent eyes and ocular atrophy in some patients, making it difficult to preserve the eye. Foldable capsular vitreous body (FCVB) is an artificial vitreous body independently developed in China to save the eye, which is the first of its kind in the world and can finely simulate the structure of natural vitreous body and restore some of the functions of vitreous body. It has been clinically proven that it can not only effectively avoid the complications of silicone oil, but also maintain the posterior chamber space and slowly restore the function of the ciliary body, thus treating silicone oil-dependent eyes and preventing further atrophy of the eye. This article reviews the research background, structural features, clinical applications and extended studies of FCVB.


Efficacy and safety of long-term treatment with lowdose rituximab for preventing neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder relapse

目的:探讨小剂量利妥昔单抗(rituximab, RTX)预防视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病(neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, NMOSD)复发的有效性和安全性。方法:采用前瞻性自身对照试验,选取2020年7月至2021年4月临床确诊为NMOSD的38例患者进行研究,给予小剂量RTX治疗。所有患者均进行病史采集、眼科检查和血清学指标检测,记录NMOSD年复发率(ARR)、最佳矫正视力(BCVA)、合并自身抗体情况和追加治疗的情况。视力检查采用Snellen视力表进行,并将结果转换为最小分辨角对数(logMAR)视力记录。随访至少12个月(17.29±2.2)个月,以末次随访为疗效判定时间点,比较治疗前后ARR、BCVA;分析复发与发病年龄、是否合并自身免疫抗体阳性和患自身免疫性疾病的关系。记录不良反应的发生率和追加治疗的时间。结果:共38例患者61眼纳入研究。其中男性4例,女性34例。发病年龄12~60岁,中位发病年龄23 (18~29.3)岁。病程10.0~265个月,中位病程65 (48.3~101.0)个月。治疗前logMAR矫正视力(1.15±0.13),治疗后logMAR矫正视力(1.54±0.39),比较差异无统计学意义(t=1.120,P=0.267)。治疗前ARR(1.50±0.86)次/年,治疗后ARR降低为(0.12±0.07)次/年,比较差异有统计学意义(t=8.304,P<0.001)。追加治疗时间为(6.4±2.3)月。随访期间3例患者复发,复发次数为 5次。 复发者与未复发者的发病年龄、合并免疫抗体阳性比例、合并自身免疫性疾病比例比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。38例患者中,出现输注不良反应7例,给予减慢RTX滴速及加用地塞米松5 mg治疗后均缓解,随访期间未见其他明显不良反应。结论:小剂量RTX可以有效清除B淋巴细胞,预防NMOSD复发,且安全性较好。
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of long-term treatment with low-dose rituximab for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD). Methods: A prospective self-control study. A total of 38 patients who were diagnosed with NMOSD from July 2020 to April 2021 were recruited for rituximab treatment. All patients collected medical history, ophthalmic examination and serological test. Recorded the annual recurrence rate (ARR), best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), combined autoantibodies and therapy times after the first treatment. The BCVA was examined using Snellen chart, and converted to logMAR. The patients were followed up at least 12(17.29±2.2) months, and the last follow-up was taken as the time point of efficacy evaluation. ARR and BCVA before and after treatment were compared. To analyze the relationship between relapse and age of onset, combination of autoimmune antibodies and autoimmune diseases. The incidence of side effects and duration of additional therapy were recorded. Results: A total of 38 NMOSD patients (4 male/34 female, 61 involved eyes) were included in this study. The ages of onset age were 12-60 years, the median onset age was 23 (18~29.3) years. Duration of disease was 10.0~265 months, the median duration was 65 (48.3~101.0) months. Before treatment, the mean BCVA was 1.15 ± 0.13 , the mean BCVA at last follow-up was 1.54 ± 0.39, which was no significant difference (t=1.120, P=0.267). The mean ARR before and after treatment were 1.50±0.86 and 0.12 ± 0.07, respectively, with significant difference (t=8.304, P<0.001). The mean reinfusion period was 6. 4±2.3 months. Five relapses in 3 patients were observed. There were no significant difference between relapsed patients and non-relapsed patients on onset age, with/without auto-immune antibody ratio, with/without auto-immune diseases ratio (all P>0.05). Of 38 patients, 7 patients had side effects, all patients who had side effects, slowing down the infusion speed of RTX or infusing 5 mg of dexamethasone could relieve the discomfort. Conclusions: Low-dose RTX can effectively clear B lymphocytes, prevent NMOSD recurrence and with good safety.


Research progress of peripapillary hyper-reflective ovoid mass-like structure

随着光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)的快速发展和广泛应用,视盘周围高反射卵圆形团块样结构(peripapillary hyper-reflective ovoid mass-like structure,PHOMS)已成为神经眼科临床实践中OCT检查的常见征象之一。该结构是生理性改变还是病理性改变目前尚无定论,推测可能与视乳头轴浆瘀滞有关。该文针对PHOMS的形态特征做一综述,总结各种疾病相关的PHOMS,并提出一些针对PHOMS的疑点及研究方向,旨在为临床医生及早辨别PHOMS、早期治疗眼底疾病提供依据。
With the rapid development and widespread application of optical coherence tomography(OCT), peripapillary hyper-reflective ovoid mass-like structure (PHOMS) has become one of the common signs of OCT in neuro-ophthalmic clinical practice. Whether this structure is physiological or pathological has not been determined, and it is speculated that it may be related to the stagnation of the axial plasma of the optic papilla. In this review, we describe the morphological characteristics of PHOMS, summarize various diseases related to PHOMS, and proposes some doubtful points and research directions for PHOMS, aiming to provide evidence for clinicians to identify PHOMS as early as possible and treat fundus diseases in the early stage.


Macular edema after cataract surgery in a patient with microspherophakia: a case report

Microspherophakia (MSP) is a rare congenital zonular dysplasia characterized by increased anteroposterior lens thickness and reduced equatorial diameter, resembling a spherical shape. The related ocular manifestations of MSP include shallow anterior chamber, lens derived high myopia, ectopia lentis and secondary glaucoma. In the early stage of MSP, vision acuity may be improved by glasses. Cataract surgery is necessary once secondary lens dislocation and glaucoma occur. A 72-year-old male hospitalized patient was reported who complained increased blurred vision of his right eye for 2 years. In the past 2 years, the power of his binocular glasses was increased to -10 diopters without significant improvement in visual acuity. Lens dislocation and phakic insufficiency caused by MSP was diagnosed after he attending clinics at the Eye and ENT Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Phacoemulsification with scleral sutured intraocular lens (IOL) implantation surgery and anterior vitrectomy were performed. One month after operation, macular edema was found at first follow-up. Compound pingdingmu granule was taken orally and Bromfenac sodium eye drops were applied three times a day. Two weeks later, visual acuity of his right eye was improved significantly and macular edema was eliminated dramatically.


Capture of intraocular lens optic for posterior capsular rupture during combined anterior and posterior segment surgery

玻璃体视网膜疾病并发白内障患者行玻璃体切割术联合超声乳化白内障摘除术,即前后节联合手术,是高效的手术方式,而后囊膜破裂(posterior capsular rupture,PCR)是超声乳化白内障摘除术的术中并发症之一,能够及时、有效地处理PCR,稳定、安全地植入人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL),对于顺利完成后段手术,减少术后并发症十分重要。本文将对前后段联合手术中后囊膜破裂的术中处理、以及IOL光学部夹持固定法植入IOL的手术技术要点进行总结。
Combined surgery of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and phacoemulsification is an effective and safe way for management of retinal diseases complicated with cataract. Posterior capsular rupture (PCR) is one of the common intraoperative complications of phacoemulsification, and it is thus very important to deal with it promptly and efficiently, and ensure the subsequent procedures of intraocular lens (IOL) implantation as well as PPV. We will summarize the key points of the surgical technique for management of PCR and capture of IOL optic during combined surgery.


Research progress in the treatment of chronic ocular graft-versus-host disease

More than half of the patients developed chronic graft-versus-host disease after accepting allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation suffer from ocular graft-versus-host disease. Ocular graft-versus-host disease involves persistent inflammation and fibrosis of the ocular surface and keratoconjunctivitis sicca is the most common symptom. Severe ocular graft-versus-host disease not only affects patients’ life quality, but also increases the risk of other ocular complications. The treatment of chronic ocular graft-versus-host disease mainly includes drug treatment, such as local application of artificial tears, serum eye drops and anti-inflammatory drugs; physical treatment, such as wearing contact lenses and meibomian gland massage; surgical treatment, such as punctal occlusion and reconstructing ocular surface. With the in-depth study of the pathogenesis of ocular graft-versus-host disease, many new therapeutic drugs and methods have emerged. Summarizing the latest research progress in drug, physical and surgical therapy of chronic ocular graft-versus-host disease will give us insights into treatment options and hot spot of research.


The construction and application of 5G remote ophthalmology diagnosis center based on fundus images

目的:依托最新的第5代移动通信技术(5th generation wireless systems,5G),构建基于眼底图片的5G医疗眼科远程诊断平台,促进医疗资源上下贯通,提升基层服务能力及医疗服务体系整体效能。方法:基于5G时代医院的信息化发展战略,在海南省卫生健康委员会的资助与指导下,中山大学中山眼科中心海南眼科医院与中国联通通信集团海南有限公司等进行跨行业、多学科的技术力量研究开发,构建5G条件下的平台建设模块和技术路线,确定远程眼科诊断流程,并在海南省内多地区应用。结果:远程诊断平台运行良好。2020年12月至2021年11月,本研究共在海南省17个地区的186个卫生院中开展,共收集1561例患者眼底病图片数据,筛查阳性例数为185例,检出眼底病总阳性率为11.9%。其中有42例需要转诊治疗,转诊率为23%;143例不需要转诊治疗,非转诊率为77%。在1561例眼底图像中,采集异常的眼底图像有490例。排除490例异常眼底图像后,辅助诊断系统与人工诊断结果有1 002张眼底图像诊断相同,69张眼底图像诊断不同,其辅助诊断系统准确率为93.3%。结论:5G移动通信与远程医学影像结合,运用互联网科技催生新型医疗生产力,提高卫生经济的质量和效率,是医疗领域探索5G应用场景的一项应用典范。
Objective: Relying on the latest 5th generation wireless systems (5G), a remote primary ophthalmology care diagnosis platform based on fundus images was constructed in order to promote the connectivity of medical resources and improve the primary health service capabilities and the overall effectiveness of the medical service system. Methods: Based on the 5G informatization development strategy of hospitals, and under the funding and guidance of the Hainan Provincial Health Commission, the Hainan Eye Hospital of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center and China Unicom Communications Group Hainan Co., Ltd. conducted a cross-industry, multi-disciplinary technical research. To build platform construction modules and technical routes under 5G networks, present the remote ophthalmological diagnosis process, and apply it in many regions in Hainan Province. Results: The performance of the remote diagnosis platform is well. From December 2020 to November 2021, this study was carried out in 186 health centers in 17 regions of Hainan Province. A total of 1 561 patients with fundus disease image data were collected. The number of positive screening fundus disease cases was 185. The total positive rate was 11.9%. Among them, 42 cases required referral for treatment, with a referral rate of 23%, and 143 cases did not require referral for treatment, with a non-referral rate of 77%. Among 1 561 cases of fundus images, 490 fundus images were excluded due to abnormal quality. Compared the results of the diagnosis platform system with manual diagnosis, 1 002 fundus images were identical, and 69 fundus images were different in diagnosis. The accuracy of the auxiliary diagnosis system was 93.3%. Conclusions: The collaboration of 5G mobile communication and telemedicine imaging, combined with internet technology to promote new medical productivity, improve quality and efficiency of the health economy. This study is an application model for exploring 5G application scenarios in the medical field.


Research progress on dry eye associated with chronic graft-versus-host disease

慢性移植物抗宿主病(chronic graft-versus-host disease,cGVHD)是骨髓移植后最具有破坏性并发症之一。移植物抗宿主病(graft-versus-host disease,GVHD)发生在10%~80%的造血干细胞移植(hematopoietic stem cell transplantation)受者中,而眼睛是人身体最脆弱的器官之一,有40%~60%接受HSCT的患者发生眼部GVHD,它主要影响泪腺、睑板腺、角膜和结膜等。cGVHD相关性干眼(dry eye associated with chronic graft-versus-host disease,cGVHD-DE)是眼部GVHD最多见的表现形式。cGVHD-DE的长期治疗因涉及多学科、多重结合治疗,至今仍然具有挑战性,其除了全身免疫抑制和眼部润滑剂外,通常还使用局部类固醇、环孢霉素和他克莫司滴眼液。针对中度和重度cGVHD-DE的治疗干预包括使用自体血清滴眼液和佩戴巩膜镜等,新兴起的治疗方案包括重链透明质酸 (heavy chain-hvaluronan/穿透素(pentraxin 3)结膜下注射、间充质基质细胞静脉注射、抑制纤维化药物等。
Chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) is one of the most devastating complications following bone marrow transplantation. GVHD develops in 10–80% of patients after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The eye is one of the most vulnerable organs of the human body. Ocular GVHD occurs in 40–60% of patients with GVHD undergoing HSCT, and it mostly affects the lacrimal glands, meibomian glands, cornea, and conjunctiva. The most common form of ocular GVHD is dry eye disease (DED). The long-term treatment of cGVHD-related dry eye syndrome remains challenging and involves a multidisciplinary approach. Besides systemic immunosuppression and ocular lubricants, topical steroids, topical cyclosporine, and topical tacrolimus are commonly prescribed. Newer therapeutic interventions for moderate and severe cGVHD-related DED include using serum eye drops and scleral contact lenses. Emerging treatment options include subconjunctival injection of heavy chain-hyaluronan (HC-HA)/ pentraxin 3 (PTX3), intravenous injection of mesenchymal stromal cells, antifibrotic drugs, etc. This article reviews the mechanisms, clinical findings, and treatment of cGVHD-related dry eye syndrome.


Survey on the satisfaction and teaching effect of 8-year program medical students in live-streamed classroom teaching on ophthalmology

目的:调查八年制临床医学生对眼科学直播课堂的满意度及教学效果。方法:基于八年制临床医 学生的直播课堂教学体验视角,进行问卷调查、课堂测验及课程考试,问卷内容包括调查对象基 本情况、直播课堂教学评价及满意度3个部分。采用SPSS 20.0统计学软件进行数据分析。结果:共 92名学生完成了问卷调查,男37名,女55名,年龄为(22.9±0.71)岁。课堂内容、课堂资源、平台设 计、平台技术及学习交流5个纬度的得分为40.60±4.582、17.43±2.814、13.07±1.759、13.14±2.052、 20.82±2.685;其中,与线下课堂交流相似性、学习交流积极性2个子条目的得分最低,分别为 3.42±1.131、3.85±0.864,这二者具有相关性(r=0.276,P=0.008)。直播课堂满意度的总得分为 13.52±1.872,课堂内容对其有显著影响(P<0.001),标准化回归系数为0.687。相较于课前测验,课 测验成绩(65.9±11.4分)的提升差异具有统计学意义(P=0.033);但是与2013级相比,2015级学生的 课程考试成绩(72.6±7.0分)降低,差异有统计学意义(P=0.009)。结论:课堂内容对直播课堂教学满 意度具有重要影响,需要注意直播课堂与线下课堂交流方式的差异,改进学习交流的参与积极性, 以提升教学效果。
Objective: To investigate the satisfaction and teaching effect of 8-year program medical students in live-streamed classroom on ophthalmology. Methods Based on teaching experience of live-streamed classroofrom the perspective of the 8-year program medical students, a questionnaire survey, classroom tests and course examination were conducted. The content of the questionnaire includes 3 parts: the basic information of the respondents, evaluation of live-streamed classroom teaching and its satisfaction. The SPSS 20.0 statistical software was used for data analysis. Results: A total of 92 students completed the questionnaire survey, including 37 males and 55 females, aged (22.9±0.71) years. The sores of content, resource, platform design, platform technology and learning communication of live-streamed classroom were 40.60±4.582, 17.43±2.814, 13.07±1.759, 13.14±2.052 and 20.82±2.685, respectively. Among all items, the scores of the similarity of offline classroom communication styles and enthusiasm for communication were lowest, with the points of 3.42±1.131 and 3.85±0.864, respectively, and the correlation of the two items were statistically significant (correlation coefficient =0.276, P=0.008). The total score of the live-streamed classroom satisfaction was 13.52±1.872. The classroom content has a significant effect on the satisfaction of the live-streamed classroom (P<0.001), and the standardized regression coefficient is 0.687. Compared with the pre-class test, the post-class test score was 65.9±11.4, with a statistically significant improvement (P=0.033); however, compared with grade 2013, the course test score of the students of grade 2015 was 72.6±7.0, with a statistically significant reduction (P=0.009). Conclusion: The classroom content has an important impact on the satisfaction of live-streamed classroom teaching. It is necessary to pay attention to the communication difference between live -streamed classroom and offline classroom settings, and improve the enthusiasm for participation in the study communication, in order to improve the effectiveness of teaching. 
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
