

Application of ophthalmic imaging modalities in contact lens fitting

Contact lens has been widely applied worldwide, and the advancement of fitting strategy is one of the reasons which improve the safety and comfort of contact lens fitting. During the contact lens fitting procedure, more and more ophthalmic imaging modalities have been applied to guide the contact lens fitting. These techniques simplify the contact lens fitting procedure, help optometrists accurately perform the customize contact lens fitting, and assist the personalized contact lens design technique.


Artificial intelligence diagnosis of eye-related systemic diseases

全身疾病通过一定途径累及眼球,产生眼部病变,这些眼部病变的严重程度与全身疾病的进展密切相关。人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)通过识别眼部病变,可以实现对全身疾病的评估,从而实现全身疾病早期诊断。检测巩膜黄染程度可评估黄疸;检测眼球后动脉血流动力学可评估肝硬化;检测视盘水肿,黄斑变性可评估慢性肾病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)进展;检测眼底血管损伤可评估糖尿病、高血压、动脉粥样硬化。临床医生可以通过眼部影像评估全身疾病的风险,其准确度依赖于临床医生的经验水平,而AI识别眼部病变评估全身疾病的准确度可与临床医生相媲美,在联合多种检测指标后,AI模型的特异性与敏感度均可得到显著提升,因此,充分利用AI可实现全身疾病的早诊早治。
Systemic diseases affect eyeballs through certain ways, resulting in eye diseases; The severity of eye diseases is closely related to the progress of systemic diseases. By identifying eye diseases, artificial intelligence (AI) can assess systemic diseases, so as to make early diagnosis of systemic diseases. For example, detection of the degree of icteric sclera can be used to assess jaundice. Detection of the hemodynamics of posterior eyeball can be used to evaluate cirrhosis. Detection of optic disc edema and macular degeneration can be used to evaluate the progress of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Detection of ocular fundus vascular injury can be used to assess diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis. Clinicians can estimate the risk of systemic diseases through eye images, and its accuracy depends on the experience level of clinicians, while the accuracy of AI in identifying eye diseases and evaluating systemic diseases can be comparable to clinicians. After combining various detection indexes, the specificity and sensitivity of AI model can be significantly improved, so early diagnosis and early treatment of systemic diseases can be realized by making full use of AI.


Research progress in the application of carbon dots in the diagnosis and treatment of ocular diseases

碳点是一种新型荧光碳纳米材料,直径一般小于10 nm,具有自发荧光、高生物组织相容性、易于修饰、成本低廉等优点,在生物医学领域拥有广阔的应用前景。眼球因其独特的屏障结构,常规药物停留时间短、穿透性差,通过局部滴眼到达病灶的药物浓度有限,需要增加给药频次以保持药效。另外,糖尿病性黄斑水肿(diabetic macular edema,DME)、脉络膜新生血管(diabetic macular edema,CNV)等疾病的治疗给药则需依赖于玻璃体腔注射,该方法属于有创操作,有引起潜在并发症的可能,且需多次注射,给患者造成了沉重的心理和经济负担。优化眼部给药方法一直是眼科学领域的研究热点。基于碳点的优异特性,碳点在眼部药物递送、眼部成像、眼疾病诊疗中已展现出优秀的应用潜力。本综述将综合介绍碳点的特点及近十年来碳点在眼科疾病诊疗中的研究进展,旨在提供关于碳点在眼科应用现状的系统性认识,为未来研究提供方向。
Carbon dots is a new type of fluorescent carbon nanomaterial, which the diameter is generally less than 10 nm, has the advantages of self-fluorescence, remarkable biocompatibility, easy modification, low cost and so on, has a broad application prospect in the biomedical field. Due to the unique barrier of the eye, conventional drugs have a short residence time and poor penetration, so the concentration of drugs that can reach the lesions through local eye drops is limited, and for what to increase the frequency of administration to maintain efficacy. Up to now, the treatment of posterior eye diseases, such as diabetic macular edema (DME), choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and other diseases still rely on repeated vitreous injection, which is an invasive procedure with potential complications, and need multiple injections, causing a heavy psychological and economic burden on patients. Optimizing the method of ocular drug delivery has always been a hot topic in the field of ophthalmology. Carbon dots have shown excellent application potential in the ocular drug delivery, ocular imaging, and diagnosis and treatment of ocular disease based on its excellent characteristics. This review will systematically introduce the characteristics of carbon dots and the application of carbon dots in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current situation of the application of carbon dots in ophthalmology and provide directions for future research.


A review of cutting-edge research and development in ophthalmology

The rapid evolution of digital ophthalmology technology has profoundly transformed various fields within ophthalmology. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the research and advancements in cutting-edge ophthalmology technologies, emphasizing both domestic and global breakthroughs and achievements. For instance, artificial intelligence has demonstrated remarkable potential in precise monitoring of various diseases, efficient assessment of high-prevalence conditions, and the technological support for telemedicine, thereby enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of screening, diagnosis, treatment processes, while alleviating the workload of medical professionals. Additionally, digital imaging technology has made significant strides in surgical navigation and diagnostic imaging, while 3D modeling and novel machine learning techniques have contributed to surgical planning and enhanced surgical success rates, ultimately delivering more efficient and convenient services to patients with eye diseases worldwide. Despite the diversified development trends and interdisciplinary collaborations that digital ophthalmology technology exhibits, many of these cutting-edge technology are still in their infancy, facing challenges in achieving high coverage, algorithm accuracy and interpretability, medical ethics, public acceptance, medical disputes, and clinical technical hurdles. Nonetheless, while the continuous advancement of medical standards, it is anticipated that these technologies will undergo further refinement and widespread adoption.

航天飞行相关的神经 - 眼综合征及地面模拟实验及对策研究进展

Research progress on spaceflight associated neuroocular syndrome, ground simulation experiments and countermeasures

航天飞行相关的神经-眼综合征(spaceflight associated neuro-ocular syndrome,SANS)是指宇航员在长时间航天飞行期间和之后观察到的包括视盘水肿、后极部眼球扁平、脉络膜视网膜皱褶和远视飘移等在内的一系列眼部、神经和神经影像学表现,可能会对飞行员造成短期或长期的视力改变、认知影响或其他有害的健康影响,因此,明确SANS的发病机制,进行有效的地面模拟实验及制定对应的缓解对策对未来更远、更久的航天飞行具有重要的意义。目前SANS的发病机制主要有颅内压升高、脑血容量波动与血管重塑、脑和视交叉向上移位、眼淋巴系统流动失衡、细胞毒性水肿、眼眶脂肪肿胀等。国际上研究较多的地面模拟实验为6°头朝下倾斜卧床休息,能够重现SANS的各种表现,包括视神经鞘扩张、视网膜神经层增厚、脉络膜厚度增加和视盘水肿;此外,干浸浴、抛物线飞行等地面模拟实验也观察到了SANS的部分表现。下体负压作为缓解对策能减轻脉络膜增厚和视神经鞘直径增加,正压力护目镜也有望成为应对SANS的有效对策。该文就国内外相关进展进行综述。
Spaceflight associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS) refers to a series of ocular, neurological and neuroimaging manifestations observed in astronauts during and after long-term space flight, including optic disc edema, posterior globe flattening, choroid-retinal folds, and hyperopic refractive shift. These effects may have short-term or longterm on vision , cognitionand other aspects of astronauts’ health. Therefore, elucidating the pathogenesis of SANS, conducting effective ground simulation experiments, and developing corresponding mitigation strategies are crucial for enabling deeper and longer-duration space exploration. Current understanding of the pathogenesis of SANSincludes increased intracranial pressure, fluctions in cerebral blood volume and vascular remodeling, upward displacement of the brain and optic chiasm, imbalance in ocular lymphatic system flow, cytotoxic edema, and orbital fat swelling, etc. Among the various ground simulation experimens, the 6 ° head-down tilt bed rest has been extensively studied and has been shown to replicate various manifestations of SANS, such as optic nerve sheath expansion, retinal nerve layer thickening, choroidal thickness increase and optic disc edema. Additionally, dry immersion and parabolic flight have also demonstrated some aspects of SANS during ground simulation experiments.The use of lower body negative pressure has been identified as a potential countermeasure to reduce choroidal thickening and increase in optic nerve sheath diameter. Furthermore, positive pressure goggles are also expected to be an effective strategy for mitigating the effectsof SANS.This article provides a comprehensive review of the relevant advancements in the field of SANS, both domestically and internationally.


A case of hyperopic drift after cataract surgery in a patient with previous laser in situ keratomileusis

该文报道了一例40岁女性患者,因“双眼渐进性视物模糊3个月”就诊。患者既往于2005年因高度近视行双眼准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术 (LASIK)。最佳矫正视力OD:0.2 (–11.00 DS/ –1.25 DC×170 °),OS:0.7 (–4.00 DS/ –0.75 DC×25 °)。双眼角膜透明,前房中深,晶状体混浊,豹纹状眼底伴后巩膜葡萄肿。诊断为双眼并发性白内障,并行右眼白内障超声乳化联合人工晶状体 (IOL) 植入术,术中植入+14.0 D IOL一枚,目标屈光度为–0.5 D。术后1周裸眼视力0.3,验光结果示右眼屈光度+2.75 DS,最佳矫正视力0.7。术后2周行右眼IOL置换术,由+14.0 D置换为+17.0 D。右眼术后1周裸眼视力0.8,验光结果示右眼屈光度–0.75 DC×15 °。

It is reported in this article that a 40-year-old female patient presented with "progressive blurred vision of both eyes for 3 months". The patient underwent bilateral laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) because of high myopia in 2005. It was recorded that her best corrected visual acuity was 0.2 (–11.00 DS/ –1.25 DC×170 °) in the right eye and 0.7 (–4.00 DS/ –0.75 DC×25 °) in the left, and clear cornea, normal anterior chamber, cloudy lens, tessellated fundus with posterior staphyloma in both eyes. The patient was diagnosed with bilateral complicated cataract. Phacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens (IOL, +14.0 diopter (D)) implantation was performed on the right eye, with the target –0.5D refractive diopter . One week after surgery, it was recorded that the uncorrected visual acuity of the right eye was 0.3, and the best corrected visual acuity was 0.7 (+2.75 DS). IOL replacement of the right eye was performed two weeks after surgery, the +14.0 D IOL was replaced by +17.0 D IOL. One week after surgery, the uncorrected visual acuity of the right eye was 0.8 (–0.75 DC×15 °).


Optimization of intraocular lens constant of a hybrid intraocular lens

目的:比较Alcon Acrysof IQ PanOptix TFNT00 (PanOptix)晶状体常数优化前后对人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)度数计算准确性的影响,以及不同眼轴长度晶状体常数优化的效果。方法:回顾性收集2021年6月—2022年3月在上海爱尔眼科医院行白内障超声乳化手术联合植入PanOptix IOL患者的术前眼球生物学测量参数、植入IOL度数和术后1~3个月的显然验光结果。联合SRK/T、Hoffer Q、Holladay 1、Haigis公式,通过回归法计算优化的晶状体常数A、pACD、SF,通过多元线性回归计算优化的晶状体常数a0、a1和a2。观察晶状体常数优化前后平均绝对预测误差值(mean absolute error,MAE)及中位绝对预测误差值(median absolute error,MedAE),预测误差在±0.25、±0.50、±0.75、±1.00 D以内的百分比的差异,评价晶状体常数优化对IOL计算准确性的影响。随后,按照眼轴长度进行分组(非高度近视组:<26.00 mm; 高度近视组:≥26.00 mm),比较非高度近视组和高度近视组优化晶状体常数的差异。结果共92眼(54位患者)纳入研究。优化前的晶状体常数A、pACD、SF、a0、a1和a2分别为119.1、5.63、1.83、1.39、0.40和0.10;优化后分别为119.35、6.14、2.36、?3.42,0.12和0.34。在全部眼轴组,晶状体常数优化前,SRK/T、Hoffer Q、Holladay 1、Haigis公式的MAE值分别为0.44、0.50、0.54、0.46 D;优化后,MAE值分别为0.43、0.54、0.51、0.35 D,其中Haigis公式优化前后比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.001)。在非高度近视组,晶状体常数优化前,4条公式的MAE值分别为0.46、0.40、0.40、0.42 D;优化后,MAE值分别为0.46 D、0.38 D、0.39 D、0.38 D,比较差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。在高度近视组,晶状体常数优化前,4条公式的MAE值分别为0.42、0.59、0.66、0.50 D;优化后,MAE值分别为0.36、0.48、0.47、0.31 D,其中Holladay 1和Haigis公式优化前后比较差异有统计学意义(P 分别为 0.020、0.002)。结论PanOptix IOL的晶状体常数优化可以提高IOL度数计算的准确性,在高度近视组中比非高度近视组中优化意义更大。
Objective: To assess the benefits of intraocular lens (IOL) constant optimization of Alcon Acrysof IQ PanOptix TFNT00 (PanOptix) on the accuracy of IOL power calculation, and the effects of constant optimization between different axial length (AL) groups were further compared. Methods: Patients who underwent phacoemulsification and implantation with PanOptix IOL between June, 2021 and March, 2022 were included in this retrospective study. The preoperative biological ocular parameters, implanted IOL power, and subjective 1-3 months postoperative refraction were collected. Combined with SRK/T, Hoffer Q, Holladay 1 and Haigis formulas, the optimized IOL constant A, surgeon factor (SF), post-surgery anterior chamber depth (pACD), and a0, a1, a2 were back-calculated. Refractive outcomes using optimized IOL constants were re-calculated combined with the corresponding formulas. Compare the mean absolute error (MAE), medium absolute error (MedAE) and percentage of eyes with IOL prediction errors (PE) within ±0.25, ±0.50, ±0.75 and ±1.00 (diopter)D when using the optimized constants and the manufacture constants. Patients were divided into two groups according to AL (non-high myopia: <26.0 mm; high myopia: ≥26 mm), compare the difference of IOL constant optimization between AL subgroups. Results: A total of 92 eyes of 54 patients were enrolled. The manufacture lens constant of A, pACD, SF, a0, a1 and a2 are respectively 119.1, 5.63, 1.83, 1.39, 0.4 and 0.1; and the optimized values are respectively 119.35, 6.14, 2.36, ?3.42, 0.12 and 0.34. In all patients group, with manufacture lens constant, the MAE values of SRKT, Hoffer Q, Holladay 1 and Haigis formula are 0.44, 0.50, 0.54, 0.46 D; with optimized lens constants, the MAE values are 0.43, 0.54, 0.51, 0.35 D, and there is a statistical difference of Haigis formula after optimization (P=0.001). In non-high myopia group, with manufacture lens constant, the MAE values are 0.46, 0.40, 0.40, 0.42 D; with optimized lens constants, the MAE values are0.46, 0.38, 0.39, 0.38 D, and no statistical difference has been found(P>0.05). In high myopia group, with manufacture lens constant, the MAE values are 0.42, 0.59, 0.66, 0.50 D; with optimized lens constants, the MAE values are 0.36, 0.48, 0.47, 0.31 D, and there are statistical differences of Holladay 1 and Haigis formula after optimization (P = 0.020, 0.002). Conclusion: IOL constant optimization of PanOptix IOL can improve the accuracy of IOL calculation, which is more significant in the high myopia group.


Artificial intelligence advances a new model of hierarchic diagnosis and treatment for Cataract

随着人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)技术的快速发展,其在医疗领域的应用正带来革命性的变化。白内障作为全球范围内最常见的可逆性视力障碍之一,在管理和治疗方面依然存在着医疗资源不足、诊断精度低、转诊效率低等诸多实际问题。因此,利用AI技术强大的计算分析和智能决策能力,优化传统医疗实践方式,对于保障人们的视觉健康至关重要。该文探讨AI技术在推动白内障分级诊疗新模式方面的应用,包括白内障图像自动分析与识别、远程医疗和转诊支持等,这些应用能够为白内障患者、社会以及政府带来多方面的显著益处和重要影响,有助于提高白内障诊断和治疗效率,缓解医疗资源不均衡问题,优化医疗资源的配置和管理,推动社会健康进步。然而,AI技术的实际应用也面临风险和挑战,应当充分重视和保护患者数据隐私和安全,建立严格的监管和监督机制,并持续加强技术创新,全面评估AI算法的鲁棒性、公平性和可解释性,以进一步提高AI系统的准确度和可信度。
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, its application in the field of healthcare is bringing revolutionary changes. Cataracts, as one of the most common reversible visual impairments worldwide, still face many practical issues in terms of limited medical resources, low diagnostic accuracy, and low referral efficiency. Therefore, it is crucial to utilize AI technology's powerful computational analysis and intelligent decision-making capabilities to optimize traditional medical practices and safeguard people's visual health.This article investigates the applications of AI technology on a new model of hierarchic diagnosis and treatment for cataracts, including automatic analysis and recognition of cataract images, remote healthcare, and referral support. These applications can bring significant benefits and important impacts to cataract patients, society, and governments. They can help improve the efficiency of cataract diagnosis and treatment, alleviate the imbalance of medical resources, optimize the allocation and management of healthcare resources, and promote societal health progress.However, the practical application of AI technology also faces risks and challenges. It is important to fully prioritize and protect patients' data privacy and security by establishing strict regulatory and oversight mechanisms. Additionally, continuous efforts should be made to enhance technological innovation and comprehensively evaluate the robustness, fairness, and interpretability of AI algorithms to further improve the accuracy and trustworthiness of AI systems.


Research progress on the economic burden of myopia

It is estimated that there are nearly 1.4 billion myopic people in the world, and myopia becomes a significant global health problem. Myopia not only affects visual health, but also leads to serious complications such as macular degeneration and retinal detachment, which can cause blindness in severe cases. Apart from its impact on health, myopia also imposes a substantial economic burden. This burden includes direct medical costs (e.g., expenses for eyeglasses, contact lenses, and corrective surgeries) as well as indirect costs (e.g., reduced productivity, learning abilities, and quality of life). The prevalence of myopia is particularly high in China, posing a threat not only to individual health, but also to society and the economy. International studies on the economic burden of myopia have examined the direct medical costs, patient time costs and productivity loss. These studies help governments and health authorities understand the economic impact of myopia to develop effective public health and resource allocation strategies.. By optimizing medical resources and reducing social costs, these measures aim to alleviate the economic burden. This article provides an overview of the economic burden of myopia, including its definition, measurement, current status at home and abroad, and the importance of prevention and alleviation. It also highlights the current research directions and findings, to provide focusing fields and foundations for future research.


Study on the relationship between abnormal cholesterol metabolism and diabetic retinopathy

糖尿病视网膜病变是最为常见的糖尿病微血管并发症,主要由糖尿病引起的机体代谢紊乱导致。而然在临床工作中发现,部分患者通过单纯控制血糖以延缓糖尿病视网膜病变进展,所取得效果不甚理想,一些其他因素对于糖尿病视网膜病变的发生、发展,也起到不可忽视的作用。研究表明,在并发高脂血症的糖尿病视网膜病变患者中,胆固醇代谢异常是诱发视网膜病变的主要原因之一。胆固醇代谢异常通过减弱肝脏X受体,导致胆固醇在视网膜上不断积累,降低视网膜血管内皮功能,从而造成视网膜缺血、缺氧环境的形成,又可通过增加炎症因子和细胞黏附分子-1的表达,使原本病态的糖尿病视网膜血管变得更加脆弱,该文总结了糖尿病视网膜病变的病理因素,对比分析当前糖尿病视网膜病变的主要治疗手段,通过分析胆固醇逆向转运(cholesterol reverse transport,RCT)途径转运对糖尿病视网膜病变发生、发展的影响,发现降低高血脂可提高糖尿病视网膜病变的治愈率,这将为糖尿病视网膜病变的临床防治工作提供新思路。
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic microvascular complication, which is mainly caused by metabolic disorders caused by diabetes. However, in clinical work, it is found that some patients do not achieve satisfactory results in delaying the progress of diabetic retinopathy by simply controlling blood sugar, and some other factors contribute to the occurrence and development of diabetic retinopathy. Also played a role that can not be ignored. Studies have shown that abnormal cholesterol metabolism is one of the main causes of retinopathy in diabetic retinopathy patients with hyperlipidemia. Abnormal cholesterol metabolism leads to the accumulation of cholesterol in the retina and the decrease of retinal vascular endothelial function by weakening the X receptor in the liver, resulting in the formation of retinal ischemia and hypoxia environment. it can also increase the expression of inflammatory cytokines and cell adhesion molecule-1 to make the originally morbid retinal vessels more fragile. This paper summarizes the pathological factors of diabetic retinopathy. By comparing and analyzing the main treatment methods of diabetic retinopathy at present, and by analyzing the influence of cholesterol reverse transport (cholesterolreversetransport,RCT) pathway on the occurrence and development of diabetic retinopathy, it is found that reducing hyperlipidemia can improve the cure rate of diabetic retinopathy, which will provide new ideas for the clinical prevention and treatment of diabetic retinopathy.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
