

Construction of health education model for ophthalmic day surgery based on information-oriented means and Teach-back method

Objective: To construct, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the health education model for ophthalmic day surgery. Methods: The health education model for ophthalmic day surgery was constructed relying on information-oriented means and Teach-back method. A total of 177 patients with day surgery in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center from January 2020 to May 2021 were selected as the research subjects and divided into a control group (n=97) and an intervention group (n=80) by historical comparative study. The intervention group was carried out with the health education model based on information-oriented means and Teach-back method, while the control group received the routine health education. The health education knowledge and perioperative nursing satisfaction were compared between the 2 groups. Results: The scores of self-evaluation and nurse evaluation for health education knowledge in the intervention group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in body position nursing knowledge score and nursing satisfaction score between the 2 groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: The health education model based on information oriented means and Teach-back method can improve the health education knowledge level of patients with ophthalmic day care surgery. In the meanwhile, further studies will be needed to explore the effects on patients in body position nursing knowledge and nursing satisfaction.


Simplifying routine tests before ophthalmic surgeries: Opportunities and challenges in the era of big data

手术前常规检查在临床诊疗中被广泛应用,但在一些低风险择期手术前对患者进行常规检查,对提高医疗质量并无帮助,反而降低了医疗效率,增加了医疗费用。为提高效率,一些地区、机构和专家学者陆续通过宣传教育、发表共识、制定指南等方式控制无指征术前常规检查,但效果仍依赖于执业者的重视程度和专业水平。大数据机器学习方法以其标准化、自动化的特点为解决这一问题提供了新的思路。在回顾已有研究的基础上,我们抽取2017至2019年在中山大学中山眼科中心进行眼科手术的3.4万名患者的病史和体格检查资料大数据,涵盖年龄、性别等口学信息,诊断、既往疾病等病史信息,视功能、入院时身体质量指数(BMI)等体格检查信息。并以此为基础使用机器学习方法预测术前胸部X线检查是否存在异常,受试者操作特性曲线(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)曲线下面积达到0.864,预测准确率可达到81.2%,对大数据机器学习精简术前常规检查的新方式进行了先期探索。
Preoperative routine tests are widely prescribed in clinical settings. However, these tests do not help improving the quality of medical care in low-risk elective surgery. Instead, they are associated with lower efficiency and increasing fees. To improve the efficiency, many regions, institutions, and scholars have attempted to reduce preoperative routine tests without indications through propaganda, education, consensus, and guidelines. Nevertheless, the effects are still highly dependent on the expertise and emphasis of practitioners. Machine learning based on big data provide a new solution with its standardization and automation. Through literature review, we extracted the big data, including demographic features such as sex and age, histories including diagnosis and chronic diseases, and physical examination features such as visual function and body mass index. A total of 34 000 patients undergone ocular surgeries in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen university from 2017 to 2019. Machine learning was adopted to predict the risk of finding abnormalities in chest X-ray examination, with an accuracy of 81.2%. Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve was 0.864. The study could be an early exploration into the field of simplifying preoperative tests by machine learning.


Establishment of ophthalmic data center and intelligent service cloud platform

The establishment of standardized data center can promote the accumulation of high-quality data resources and the development of medical artificial intelligence. On the basis of medical big data, medical artificial intelligence systems in different application scenarios can be established and integrated into an intelligent service cloud platform, which improves the management efficiency of intelligent medical systems. This article takes ophthalmology as a prototype to summarize the experience of the establishment of ophthalmic data center and intelligent service cloud platform, aiming to provide reference and guidance for ophthalmology and other specialties to carry out artificial intelligence research, establish data center and build an intelligent service cloud platform.

光学眼科生物测量仪StarEyes 900与IOLMaster 500对眼球生物学测量的一致性评价

Consistency evaluation of eyeball biological measurements using StarEyes 900 and IOLMaster 500

目的:评价StarEyes 900(万灵帮桥,中国)与IOLMaster 500(蔡司,德国)2种眼科光学生物测量仪测量健康受试者眼部参数的差异性、相关性及一致性。方法:前瞻性观察2021年6月至7月于中山大学中山眼科中心进行眼部检查的62例健康受试者共124只眼,分别通过StarEyes 900与IOLMaster 500完成眼轴长度(axial length,AL)、最小角膜屈光力径线上角膜曲率(keratometry for the flattest meridian,Kf)、最大角膜屈光力径线上角膜曲率(keratometry for the steepest meridian,Ks)、平均角膜曲率(mean keratometry,Km)、角膜白到白直径(white-to-white corneal diameter,WTW)等参数的测量,采用配对t检验、Pearson相关分析和Bland-Altman法对其测量结果的差异进行评价。结果:StarEyes 900与IOLMaster 500测量的AL分别为(24.18±1.08) mm和(24.16±1.08) mm;Kf分别为(42.84±1.65) D和(43.04±1.57) D;Ks分别为(44.34±1.90) D和(44.17±1.80) D;Km分别为(43.59±1.73) D和(43.61±1.64) D;WTW分别为(11.64±0.29) mm和(11.64±0.30) mm。StarEyes 900与IOLMaster 500在测量Km、WTW时,其差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而在AL、Kf、Ks的测量上差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。其中StarEyes 900所测的AL和Ks值大于IOLMaster 500,而Kf、Km和WTW值则小于IOLMaster 500。经Pearson相关分析,2种仪器的测量结果均表现出较高的相关性;经Bland-Altman法评价,2种仪器的测量结果均表现出较高的一致性。结论:StarEyes 900与IOLMaster 500测量的Km、WTW均表现出较高的一致性,2种方法可互为参考;测量的AL、Kf、Ks存在的差异具有统计学意义;各项参数的测量均具有较好的相关性和一致性。
Objective: To evaluate the difference, correlation and agreement of eye parameters measured by StarEyes 900 visual function analyzer (Wan Ling Bang Qiao, China) and IOLMaster 500 (Carl Zeiss, Germany) swept-source optical coherence tomography biometer. Methods: A prospective study was designed involving 62 healthy subjects (124 eyes) undergoing ophthalmic examinations in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center from June 2021 to July 2021. Data from their both eyes were selected for analysis in all patients. Axial length (AL), keratometry for the steepest meridian (Ks), keratometry for the flattest meridian (Kf), mean keratometry (Km) and corneal diameter (WTW) were measured by the StarEyes 900 visual function analyzer and IOLMaster 500 swept-source optical coherence tomography biometer. A paired t-test was used to analyze the differences in measurement results. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyze the correlation. Bland-Airman method was used to assess the agreement of the instruments. Results: The AL, Kf, Ks, Km and WTW obtained by StarEyes 900 and IOLMaster 500 were (24.18±1.08) mm and (24.16±1.08) mm, (42.84±1.65) D and (43.04±1.57) D, (44.34±1.90) D and (44.17±1.80) D, (43.59±1.73) D and (43.61±1.64) D, and (11.64±0.29) mm and (11.64±0.30) mm, respectively. The Km and WTW of the two devices showed no significant difference (P>0.05), while the AL, Ks and Kf showed significant differences (all P<0.01). The AL and Ks obtained by StarEyes 900 were higher than by IOLMaster 500, while the Kf, Km and WTW were lower. The measurements of five aforementioned biometric parameters by both devices showed good correlation by Pearson correlation coefficient and good agreement by Bland-Airman. Conclusion: The Km and WTW measured by the two devices showed no significant difference, and provided references to one another. The difference in AL, Kf and Ks between the two devices showed significant differences. All of the measurements showed good correlation by Pearson correlation coefficient and good agreement by Bland-Airman.


A modified patient clothing for infants and children with ophthalmic surgery

Abstract Present patient clothing for infants and children with ophthalmic surgery have several limitations, which is inconvenient to wear, hard to keep warm and difficult in preventing patients from scratching eyes underwent surgery. A modified patient clothing for infants and children is designed to overcome these existing problems.


A pre-course student survey report on the Postgraduate Molecular Medicine Laboratory Skills Training Course in the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University

Objective: To conduct a pre-course survey on the graduate students who participated in the Molecular Medicine Laboratory Skills Training Course in the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University to provide a reference for the preparation of the course. Methods: We asked the doctoral and master’s students who participated in the training courses of molecular medical experimental skills in 2020 and 2021 to take a pre-course questionnaire survey and analyzed the results by the students’ pre-course command of theoretical knowledge and pre-training operational experience in 15 lessons of special topics or techniques. Results: A total of 155 students completed the pre-course questionnaire survey. Our results showed that there were 14 lessons in which more than 25% of the students were not familiar with the theoretical knowledge, whereas there were 6 lessons in which less than 10% of the students had high operational proficiency. The students majoring in the molecular medicine had better prior knowledge of the techniques: there were only 9 lessons in which more than 25% of the students were not familiar with the theoretical knowledge, whereas there were 12 lessons in which less than 10% of the students had high operational proficiency. The four lessons with worst prior knowledge were cell proliferation, flow cytometry, image acquisition, and omics analyses. We grouped the 15 lessons into 7 categories: the ophthalmic experimental data collection, the omics technology, the data analyses, the cell technology, the protein technology, the tissue analyses, and the molecular technology, presenting by the level of the students’ pre-training proficiency from low to high. Conclusion: The first-year graduate students were very weak in basic knowledge and had little experience in techniques before joining the molecular medicine training courses. It is urgent to improve the laboratory skills training system and strengthen the construction of the curriculum system.


Current status and correlation between attitudes and competency of interpersonal communication in ophthalmology standardized training trainees

Objective: To evaluate the current status and correlations between attitudes and competency for interpersonal communication in ophthalmology standardized training trainee. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted on the communication attitudes and interpersonal communication ability of standardized training trainees from three grades in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, affiliated to Sun Yat-sen University, and the correlation between communication attitude and communication ability was further analyzed. Results: A total of 196 trainees were included. The scores of positive attitude, negative attitude, and interpersonal communication skills were 51.38±6.52, 36.80±5.70, and 2.41±0.40, respectively. In addition, the dimension of coaching and counseling scores were 2.50±0.64, the dimension of providing effective and negative feedback scores were 2.61±0.50, and the dimension of supportive communication scores were 2.29±0.44. The positive attitudes of communication skills were significantly related to the interpersonal communication skills and three-dimensionality (P<0.01). The interpersonal communication skills were significantly associated with sex, grades, interest in ophthalmology, social support from the family and friends (P<0.05). Conclusion: Ophthalmology trainees have excellent positive attitudes toward communication skills, but the overall communication skills are weak and influenced by a variety of factors. More attention should be paid to the development of interpersonal communication skills of the trainees, and specialized training in doctor-patient communication is warranted.



Role of TRPV1/TRPA1 in hyperalgesia after ophthalmology

近年来,眼科手术后的疼痛受到关注,部分患者术后表现出疼痛区域扩大,神经性畏光。术后这种 对伤害性刺激性信号反常性增加的现象称之为痛觉过敏。痛觉过敏的发展会导致患者延迟术后恢 复等问题。此外,痛觉过敏还会引起患者不适,诱使患者使用更多的止痛药而产生相关的不良反 应。而TRPV1/TRPA1是一种伤害性感受器,能够被伤害性刺激特异性激活而诱发痛觉过敏。尽管 如此,目前关于眼科术后的痛觉过敏发病机制未完全阐明,TRPV1如何增敏导致痛觉过敏的分子生 物学过程尚未明确。
The postoperative pain of ophthalmic surgery has been widely concerned in recent years. Some patients show enlarged painful areas and neurophotophobia postoperatively. This abnormal increase in noxious irritant signals after surgery is called hyperalgesia. The development of hyperalgesia can result in delayed postoperative recovery for patients. In addition, hyperalgesia can also cause discomfort for patients, and induce patients to use more analgesics, which can have related side effects. TRPV1/TRPA1 is a nociceptor, which can be specifically activated by nociceptive stimuli to induce hyperalgesia. Nevertheless, the pathogenesis of hyperalgesia after ophthalmology surgery has not been fully elucidated, and the molecular signal pathway of how TRPV1 sensitizes and causes hyperalgesia is not yet clear. 


Constructing a practical method for managing whole life cycle of ophthalmic high-value surgical supplies

Objective: To construct an ideal and practical method for managing ophthalmic high-value surgical supplies to strengthen the management of ophthalmic operating room. Methods: A visual management system of ophthalmic high-value surgical supplies was established by using information technology connected with hospital information systems, then the data were integrated to construct a monitoring system for real-time status of ophthalmic high-value surgical supplies, including the whole life cycle management of the surgical supplies. Results: Through the establishment of the system for whole life cycle of high-value ophthalmic surgical supplies, the whole process management realized the supplies for preoperative control, intraoperative monitoring and postoperative trace. Conclusion: Constructing the system solves the daily management problem of ophthalmic high-value surgical supplies, reduces the blind area of management, and strengthens the supervision of surgical supplies in the ophthalmic operating room.


Laryngeal mask and endotracheal intubation in pediatric ophthalmic general anesthesia: A comparative study

目的:对比喉罩与气管插管在小儿眼科全身麻醉中的应用情况,选取小儿全身麻醉的适宜气道管理方式。方法:选取2019年6月至2021年4月在天津市眼科医院进行眼科全身麻醉手术的86例患儿为研究对象,根据全身麻醉诱导后置入气管导管或喉罩分为插管组与喉罩组,每组43例。麻醉诱导后插入气管导管或喉罩后实施容量控制通气。通过回顾收集麻醉记录单查询麻醉诱导前(T0)、麻醉诱导后(T1)、插入气管导管或喉罩时(T2)、手术开始时(T3)、手术结束时(T4)、移除喉罩或气管导管时(T5)检测心率、平均动脉压,以及插管后5、10、20 min时的平均气道压和呼气末CO2分压。根据麻醉记录单查询每例患者气管插管或喉罩置入的次数、苏醒期呛咳及躁动的发生情况。比较2组麻醉时间、置管/喉罩首次成功率、拔管/撤罩时间、自主呼吸恢复时间、麻醉复苏时间。观察2组患者并发症(呛咳、躁动发生情况)的发生情况。结果:在T2、T3和T5时,插管组心率明显高于喉罩组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在T2、T3、T4和T5时,插管组平均动脉压明显高于喉罩组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。插管后5、10和20 min时,插管组平均气道压均高于喉罩组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组不同时间点呼气末CO2分压的比较,差异无统计学意义(P<0.05)。喉罩组麻醉复苏期间呛咳和躁动的发生率明显低于插管组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:喉罩具有操作简单、对气道刺激较小等优点,用于小儿眼科全身麻醉时对血流动力学的影响较小,气道反应性低,并发症较少,值得在临床推广使用。
Objective: To select the appropriate airway management mode for children under general anesthesia by comparing the application of laryngeal mask and endotracheal intubation in pediatric ophthalmology. Methods: A total of 86 children who underwent ophthalmic general anesthesia surgery in our hospital in June 2019 and April 2021 were selected as the study subjects, and the tracheal catheter or laryngeal mask was placed after induction of general nesthesia, and the group of 43 cases were divided into intubation group and laryngeal mask group. Volumecontrolled ventilation is performed after induction of anesthesia after insertion of a tracheal catheter or laryngeal mask. Heart rate and mean arterial pressure were detected by retrospectively collecting anesthesia records alone before anesthesia induction (T0), after anesthesia induction (T1), when a tracheal catheter or laryngeal mask was inserted (T2), at the beginning of surgery (T3), at the end of surgery (T4), and when the laryngeal mask or tracheal catheter was removed (T5). As well as the average airway pressure and end-expiratory CO2 partial pressure at 5, 10, and 20 min after intubation. The number of endotracheal intubations or laryngeal hoods, the occurrence of cough during awakening, and agitation in each patient was queried according to the anesthesia record. The timing of anesthesia, the first success rate of catheterization/laryngeal mask, the time of extubation/uncommissioning, the time of spontaneous breathing recovery, and the time of anesthesia resuscitation were compared between the 2 groups. The occurrence of complications (choking cough, agitation) in both groups of patients was observed. Results: At T2, T3 and T5, the heart rate in the intubation group was significantly higher than that in the laryngeal mask group (P<0.05), and at T2, T3, T4 and T5, the mean arterial pressure in the intubation group was significantly higher than that in the laryngeal mask group(P<0.05). At 5, 10, and 20 min after intubation, the mean airway pressure in the intubation group was higher than that in the laryngeal mask group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no statistical difference in the partial pressure of CO2 at the end of expiratory breath at different time points between the 2 groups (P<0.05). The incidence of choking cough and agitation during anesthesia resuscitation in the laryngeal mask group was significantly lower than that in the intubation group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The laryngeal mask has the advantages of simple operation and less stimulation of the airway, and when used for pediatric ophthalmic general anesthesia, it has less hemodynamic effect, low airway responsiveness and fewer complications, and is worth promoting in clinical practice
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
