目的:探讨2003—2023年热休克蛋白(heat shock proteins,HSP)在眼科领域中的研究进展及前沿趋势。方法:利用Web of Science数据库检索2003年1月—2023年12月26日HSP在眼科领域的文献,采用文献计量学方法、应用VOSviewer及CiteSpaces软件对发文量、国家、机构、期刊、作者、关键词以及学科领域等数据进行定量分析及可视化。结果:共纳入1 079篇HSP在眼科领域的相关文献,总体发文量处于波动状态。美国(n =394)是发文量最多的国家,Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science(n =80)是发表相关文献最多的期刊。研究热点主要分为三部分,分别为青光眼发病机制、白内障发病机制及HSP在基因层面的眼科疾病机制研究。研究的前沿主题是青光眼、胆固醇、分子伴侣。生物化学与分子生物学、多学科材料科学和细胞生物学学科领域具有最高的中介中心性值,分别为0.60、0.28和0.26。多学科化学(爆发年份:2017—2023年;强度为6.3)是该领域研究前沿涉及的学科。结论:HSP在眼科领域的研究重点是揭示疾病的遗传背景,探究其在青光眼及白内障中的分子机制以及治疗应用。该领域分子机制研究的进展有赖于多学科的合作。
Objective: To investigate the advances and trends of heat shock proteins (HSP) in ophthalmology published from 2003 to 2023. Methods: The Web of Science database was used to retrieve the literature on heat shock proteins in ophthalmology published from January 1, 2003 to December 26, 2023. Bibliometric methods and VOSviewer and CiteSpaces software were used to analyze and visualize data, including publication count, countries, organizations, journals, authors, keywords and subject categories. Results: A total of 1079 publications related to HSP in ophthalmology were included, and the overall number of publications was fluctuating. The United States (n =394) was the leading contributor among countries. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (n =80) was the journal with the largest number of publications. The pathogenesis of glaucoma, the pathogenesis of cataract and the mechanism of ophthalmic diseases at the genetic level of HSP were identified as the research hotspots. Glaucoma, cholesterol, and molecular chaperones were identified as frontier research topics. Biochemistry & molecular biology, multidisciplinary materials science, and cell biology have the highest betweenness centrality values of 0.60, 0.28, and 0.26, respectively. Multidisciplinary chemistry (burst years: 2017 to 2023; strength = 6.3) was a subject involved in the research frontier of this field. Conclusion: Research on heat shock proteins in ophthalmology mainly focuses on revealing the genetic background of the diseases and exploring the molecular mechanisms and therapeutic applications in glaucoma and cataracts. The advance in the study on molecular mechanisms in this field depends on multidisciplinary collaboration.
目的:分析某三甲眼科专科医院近5年临床诊疗涉及非手术常规血液检验项目的申请检测情况,为眼科医师了解检验辅助诊断概况、专科医院的实验室项目管理和开展新项目提供依据。方法:从中山大学中山眼科中心医学检验信息管理系统导出2018年1月1日至2022年12月31日期间到院申请进行血液检测的12 866例门诊患者的22 453份样本(共94 081项检验项目)相关检验记录。将申请检测科室及专科医师按照中华医学会眼科学分会推荐分为10个亚专科,对疾病诊断和检测项目等资料进行统计分析,采用文字、柱状图及折线图的形式进行描述。结果:5年间申请进行血液检测的12 866例门诊患者,男性患者6 356例(49.4%),女性患者6 510例(50.6%)。基于首诊眼病诊断分类,排名前三位的眼病分别为眼整形/眼肿瘤病5 214例 (40.5%)、眼底病 3 487例(27.1%)、角膜病1 711例(13.3%)。申请检测样本量从2018年的3 163份增至2022年的5 903份,总体呈上升趋势。从申请的专科医师分析,眼整形/眼眶病专科医师申请单最多,有6 751份(占30.1%),其中自身免疫性疾病检测所占比例最高,为49.1%,甲状腺疾病相关检测占41.9%;眼免疫专科医师申请检测量为4 214份(占18.8%),以自身免疫性疾病检测为主占55.7%,感染性项目检测占32.5%;眼底病专科医师申请检测量为3 629份(16.2%),其中自身免疫性疾病检测和感染性项目检测分别占47.8%和39.6%;角膜病专科医师申请数为1 436份(占6.4%),其中过敏性疾病检测比例为41.2%。基于一份申请单可同时检测多个项目,眼整形/眼眶专科申请检测总项最多,有33 513项,甲状腺疾病检测占65.0%;角膜病专科申请16 482项,过敏性疾病检测占83.4%,眼底病专科和眼免疫专科分别为8 794项和8 047项,均以自身免疫性疾病检测为主,分别占42.5%和40.4%。结论:眼科专科医院中非手术常规检验项目在各亚专科的申请数量明显分布不均,项目构成受亚专科疾病特点的影响。眼科实验室应针对性加强非手术常规检测项目的宣传和管理。
Objective: To analyze the application and testing of non-surgical routine blood test items in clinical diagnosis and treatment in a top-tier ophthalmic hospital over the past five years, providing ophthalmologists with insights into the overview of laboratory-assisted diagnosis, laboratory project management in specialized hospitals, and the basis for launching new projects. Methods: Relevant test records of 22,453 samples (totaling 94,081 test items) from 12,866 outpatient patients who applied for blood tests at the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2022, were retrieved from the medical laboratory information management system. The departments applying for tests and specialist physicians were divided into 10 subspecialties according to the recommendations of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association. Statistical analysis was performed on disease diagnosis and test items, and the results were described in the form of text, bar graphs, and line graphs. Results: Among the 12,866 outpatient patients who applied for blood tests over the five-year period, 6,356 (49.4%) were male and 6,510 (50.6%) were female. Based on the classification of first-visit ophthalmic diseases, the top three were ophthalmic plastic surgery/ocular tumor diseases (5,214 cases, 40.5%), fundus diseases (3,487 cases, 27.1%), and corneal diseases (1,711 cases, 13.3%). The number of samples applied for testing increased from 3,163 in 2018 to 5,903 in 2022, showing an overall upward trend. From the perspective of specialist physicians applying for tests, ophthalmic plastic surgery/orbital disease specialists had the highest number of applications, with 6,751 (30.1%), among which autoimmune disease testing accounted for the highest proportion, at 49.1%, and thyroid disease-related testing accounted for 41.9%. The number of applications from ophthalmic immunology specialists was 4,214 (18.8%), with autoimmune disease testing accounting for 55.7% and infectious disease testing accounting for 32.5%. The number of applications from fundus disease specialists was 3,629 (16.2%), with autoimmune disease testing and infectious disease testing accounting for 47.8% and 39.6%, respectively. The number of applications from corneal disease specialists was 1,436 (6.4%), with allergic disease testing accounting for 41.2%. Since multiple tests could be performed on a single application, the ophthalmic plastic surgery/orbital disease subspecialty had the highest total number of tests applied for, with 33,513 tests, of which thyroid disease testing accounted for 65.0%. The corneal disease subspecialty applied for 16,482 tests, with allergic disease testing accounting for 83.4%. The fundus disease subspecialty and ophthalmic immunology subspecialty respectively applied for 8,794 and 8,047 tests, both primarily focused on autoimmune disease testing, accounting for 42.5% and 40.4%, respectively. Conclusions: The number of applications for non-surgical routine test items in ophthalmic specialized hospitals is significantly unevenly distributed among various subspecialties, and the composition of the items is influenced by the characteristics of diseases in each subspecialty. Ophthalmic laboratories should strengthen the promotion and management of non-surgical routine test items in a targeted manner.
Objective: To set up nursing quality indicators for ophthalmic intra-day ward, providing theoretical basis for nursing quality management in ophthalmic intra-day ward. Methods: Based on the "Donabedian three dimensional quality structure model" as the theoretical framework, the preliminary ophthalmic specialized nursing quality assessment indicators were designed by literature review and group discussion. The ophthalmic nursing quality indicators for intraday ward were finalized by expers consultated, indicators screened and revised. Results: After two rounds of inquration by letters, the opinions from the experts were consistent. Questionnaire response rates were both 100% in two rounds, with coordination coefficients of 0.129 and 0.342 respectively (P< 0.01). The nursing quality indicators for ophthalmic intra-day ward were established, including 3 primary indicators, which are structual indicators (2 secondary indicators), process indicators (8 secondary indicators) and outcome indicatiors(3 secondary indicators). Conclusion: The indicators are scientific, reliable, feasible with specialized characteristics, which can provide a good reference for evaluating the nursing quality in ophthalmic intra-day wards.
目的:依托最新的第5代移动通信技术(5th generation wireless systems,5G),构建基于眼底图片的5G医疗眼科远程诊断平台,促进医疗资源上下贯通,提升基层服务能力及医疗服务体系整体效能。方法:基于5G时代医院的信息化发展战略,在海南省卫生健康委员会的资助与指导下,中山大学中山眼科中心海南眼科医院与中国联通通信集团海南有限公司等进行跨行业、多学科的技术力量研究开发,构建5G条件下的平台建设模块和技术路线,确定远程眼科诊断流程,并在海南省内多地区应用。结果:远程诊断平台运行良好。2020年12月至2021年11月,本研究共在海南省17个地区的186个卫生院中开展,共收集1561例患者眼底病图片数据,筛查阳性例数为185例,检出眼底病总阳性率为11.9%。其中有42例需要转诊治疗,转诊率为23%;143例不需要转诊治疗,非转诊率为77%。在1561例眼底图像中,采集异常的眼底图像有490例。排除490例异常眼底图像后,辅助诊断系统与人工诊断结果有1 002张眼底图像诊断相同,69张眼底图像诊断不同,其辅助诊断系统准确率为93.3%。结论:5G移动通信与远程医学影像结合,运用互联网科技催生新型医疗生产力,提高卫生经济的质量和效率,是医疗领域探索5G应用场景的一项应用典范。
Objective: Relying on the latest 5th generation wireless systems (5G), a remote primary ophthalmology care diagnosis platform based on fundus images was constructed in order to promote the connectivity of medical resources and improve the primary health service capabilities and the overall effectiveness of the medical service system. Methods: Based on the 5G informatization development strategy of hospitals, and under the funding and guidance of the Hainan Provincial Health Commission, the Hainan Eye Hospital of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center and China Unicom Communications Group Hainan Co., Ltd. conducted a cross-industry, multi-disciplinary technical research. To build platform construction modules and technical routes under 5G networks, present the remote ophthalmological diagnosis process, and apply it in many regions in Hainan Province. Results: The performance of the remote diagnosis platform is well. From December 2020 to November 2021, this study was carried out in 186 health centers in 17 regions of Hainan Province. A total of 1 561 patients with fundus disease image data were collected. The number of positive screening fundus disease cases was 185. The total positive rate was 11.9%. Among them, 42 cases required referral for treatment, with a referral rate of 23%, and 143 cases did not require referral for treatment, with a non-referral rate of 77%. Among 1 561 cases of fundus images, 490 fundus images were excluded due to abnormal quality. Compared the results of the diagnosis platform system with manual diagnosis, 1 002 fundus images were identical, and 69 fundus images were different in diagnosis. The accuracy of the auxiliary diagnosis system was 93.3%. Conclusions: The collaboration of 5G mobile communication and telemedicine imaging, combined with internet technology to promote new medical productivity, improve quality and efficiency of the health economy. This study is an application model for exploring 5G application scenarios in the medical field.
目的:调查八年制临床医学生对眼科学直播课堂的满意度及教学效果。方法:基于八年制临床医 学生的直播课堂教学体验视角,进行问卷调查、课堂测验及课程考试,问卷内容包括调查对象基 本情况、直播课堂教学评价及满意度3个部分。采用SPSS 20.0统计学软件进行数据分析。结果:共 92名学生完成了问卷调查,男37名,女55名,年龄为(22.9±0.71)岁。课堂内容、课堂资源、平台设 计、平台技术及学习交流5个纬度的得分为40.60±4.582、17.43±2.814、13.07±1.759、13.14±2.052、 20.82±2.685;其中,与线下课堂交流相似性、学习交流积极性2个子条目的得分最低,分别为 3.42±1.131、3.85±0.864,这二者具有相关性(r=0.276,P=0.008)。直播课堂满意度的总得分为 13.52±1.872,课堂内容对其有显著影响(P<0.001),标准化回归系数为0.687。相较于课前测验,课 测验成绩(65.9±11.4分)的提升差异具有统计学意义(P=0.033);但是与2013级相比,2015级学生的 课程考试成绩(72.6±7.0分)降低,差异有统计学意义(P=0.009)。结论:课堂内容对直播课堂教学满 意度具有重要影响,需要注意直播课堂与线下课堂交流方式的差异,改进学习交流的参与积极性, 以提升教学效果。
Objective: To investigate the satisfaction and teaching effect of 8-year program medical students in live-streamed classroom on ophthalmology. Methods Based on teaching experience of live-streamed classroofrom the perspective of the 8-year program medical students, a questionnaire survey, classroom tests and course examination were conducted. The content of the questionnaire includes 3 parts: the basic information of the respondents, evaluation of live-streamed classroom teaching and its satisfaction. The SPSS 20.0 statistical software was used for data analysis. Results: A total of 92 students completed the questionnaire survey, including 37 males and 55 females, aged (22.9±0.71) years. The sores of content, resource, platform design, platform technology and learning communication of live-streamed classroom were 40.60±4.582, 17.43±2.814, 13.07±1.759, 13.14±2.052 and 20.82±2.685, respectively. Among all items, the scores of the similarity of offline classroom communication styles and enthusiasm for communication were lowest, with the points of 3.42±1.131 and 3.85±0.864, respectively, and the correlation of the two items were statistically significant (correlation coefficient =0.276, P=0.008). The total score of the live-streamed classroom satisfaction was 13.52±1.872. The classroom content has a significant effect on the satisfaction of the live-streamed classroom (P<0.001), and the standardized regression coefficient is 0.687. Compared with the pre-class test, the post-class test score was 65.9±11.4, with a statistically significant improvement (P=0.033); however, compared with grade 2013, the course test score of the students of grade 2015 was 72.6±7.0, with a statistically significant reduction (P=0.009). Conclusion: The classroom content has an important impact on the satisfaction of live-streamed classroom teaching. It is necessary to pay attention to the communication difference between live -streamed classroom and offline classroom settings, and improve the enthusiasm for participation in the study communication, in order to improve the effectiveness of teaching.
Contact lens has been widely applied worldwide, and the advancement of fitting strategy is one of the reasons which improve the safety and comfort of contact lens fitting. During the contact lens fitting procedure, more and more ophthalmic imaging modalities have been applied to guide the contact lens fitting. These techniques simplify the contact lens fitting procedure, help optometrists accurately perform the customize contact lens fitting, and assist the personalized contact lens design technique.
目的:结合眼科住院医师规范化培训(住培)的特点,建立基于钉钉平台的全面质量管理模式(total quality management, TQM),探索一种高效的顺应时代特征的眼科教学管理模式。方法:研究团队依托中山大学中山眼科中心,选取82名眼科四证合一的住培一年级的学生作为研究对象,并将其随机分为两组,试验组41人采用基于钉钉平台的TQM模式进行全过程教学管理,采用全员参与、全程跟踪、全面评价的管理模式以保障教学质量。对照组41人接受传统的教学管理模式。观察指标为两组间教学前后测试分数、教学后满意度调查的问卷得分等。结果:通过对两组学生进行课前课后的测试,TQM模式组相较于传统模式组在学习成绩有所提升,课前课后分数的差值分别为40(30,40)分和30(20,50)分,比较差异有统计学意义(P =0.031)。问卷调查结果显示,两组满意度总分比较差异无统计学意义[10(10,10) 分 vs. 10(9,10)分,P =0.207],但在满意度分项内容掌握性上,TQM模式组分值高于传统模式组[5(5,5)分 vs. 5(4,5)分,P =0.046]。结论:基于钉钉平台的TQM模式在眼科教学中能够有效提高住培的教学质量与学生满意度,相比传统教学管理模式具有更大的教学优势,可为眼科住培提供了一种创新且实用的教学管理模式,对于培养适应时代需求的高水平眼科医师具有重要意义。
Objective: To combine the characteristics of standardized training for ophthalmic resident physicians, establishes a Total Quality Management (TQM) model based on the DingTalk platform, and explored an efficient ophthalmic teaching management model that adapts to the characteristics of the times. Methods: The research team, based at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, selected 82 first-year postgraduate students undergoing the national standardized training for resident doctors (STRD) as participants, randomly allocating them into two groups. The experimental group consisting of 41 trainees received TQM-modeled online learning via the DingTalk platform, adopting a management model of full participation, full process tracking, and comprehensive evaluation to ensure teaching quality. While the control group, also comprising 41 trainees, underwent traditional offline instruction. The TQM group engaged in live streaming lectures on the DingTalk platform, whereas the conventional group continued with face-to-face teaching in classroom. Data including pre- and post-teaching scores, as well as scores from satisfaction surveys are analyzed. Results: Comparing pre- and post-teaching scores, significant statistical differences were found between the TQM and traditional groups, with mean score improvements of 40(30,40) points and 30(20,50) points, respectively, indicating statistical significance (P =0.013). Furthermore, the questionnaire survey revealed that the TQM group scored higher than the traditional group in aspects such as course design, clinical relevance, content mastery, and instructor satisfaction. In addition, the questionnaire survey showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the total satisfaction score between the two groups (10(10,10) points vs. 10(9,10)points P =0.207), but in terms of mastery of satisfaction sub items, the TQM model group scored higher than the traditional model group (5(5,5) points vs. 5(4,5) points, P =0.046). Conclusions: The application of a TQM-based model on the DingTalk platform significantly enhances the teaching quality and student satisfaction in the residency training of ophthalmologists, demonstrating greater pedagogical advantages over traditional methods. This efficient ophthalmic teaching management model thus provides a promising solution for standardized residency training in ophthalmology, and holds considerable importance for nurturing highly competent ophthalmologists who can meet the demands of the current era.
红光是波长范围在620~760 nm的可见光,兼有良好的光化学和热作用,其穿透力较强,能够达到皮肤深层及组织内部,从而产生一系列的生物效应。在眼科领域,红光疗法最初主要应用于弱视和眼睑皮肤相关疾病的治疗,随着研究的进一步深入,红光逐渐被应用于控制近视进展和视网膜相关疾病。目前,重复低强度红光(repeat low-level red-light, RLRL)在近视进展的控制效果得到充分肯定,成为红光疗法在眼科应用最受关注的热点之一,其主要可能机制包括红光照射能激活线粒体中的细胞色素C氧化酶的活性,促进三磷酸腺苷(adenosine triphosphate, ATP) 生成,改善网膜缺氧状况;促进一氧化氮 (nitric oxide, NO)的合成和释放,引起脉络膜血管的扩张及血流量的增加;诱导巩膜细胞外基质的重塑,增加巩膜的强度。此外,红光疗法可抑制视网膜感光细胞调节通路中的氧化应激、炎症和细胞凋亡,减轻眼表炎症反应和疼痛,有助于周围神经损伤后修复等。文章针对红光疗法在近视、视网膜相关疾病、弱视及眼睑皮肤相关疾病的治疗机制、有效性及安全性进行综述,为红光疗法在眼科领域的应用提供重要的参考价值和依据。
Red light is visible light with a wavelength range of 620-760 nm, which has excellent photochemical and thermal effects. It can penetrate deeply into the skin and tissues with strong power, resulting in a series of biological effects. In the field of ophthalmology, red-light therapy was initially mainly used in the treatment of amblyopia and eyelid skin-related diseases, and with the further development of research, red light has been gradually used in the myopia control and the study of retina-related diseases. At present, the effect of repeated low-intensity red light (RLRL) on myopia progression has been fully recognized, and it has become one of the most concerned hotspots in the application of red-light therapy in ophthalmology. The main possible mechanisms include that red light therapy can activate the activity of cytochrome C oxidase in mitochondria, promote ATP production, and improve retinal hypoxia. It can also induce the synthesis and release of NO, cause the expansion of choroidal vessels with improvement of blood flow, and increase scleral strength by remodeling of scleral extracellular matrix. In addition, red- light therapy can reduce oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis in the regulatory pathways of photoreceptor cells, reduce eye inflammation and pain, and help repair peripheral nerves after injury. This article will review the mechanism, effectiveness and safety of red-light therapy in myopia, retinal diseases, amblyopia, and eyelid skin-related diseases, in order to provide important reference value and basis for the application of red-light therapy in ophthalmology.
碳点是一种新型荧光碳纳米材料,直径一般小于10 nm,具有自发荧光、高生物组织相容性、易于修饰、成本低廉等优点,在生物医学领域拥有广阔的应用前景。眼球因其独特的屏障结构,常规药物停留时间短、穿透性差,通过局部滴眼到达病灶的药物浓度有限,需要增加给药频次以保持药效。另外,糖尿病性黄斑水肿(diabetic macular edema,DME)、脉络膜新生血管(diabetic macular edema,CNV)等疾病的治疗给药则需依赖于玻璃体腔注射,该方法属于有创操作,有引起潜在并发症的可能,且需多次注射,给患者造成了沉重的心理和经济负担。优化眼部给药方法一直是眼科学领域的研究热点。基于碳点的优异特性,碳点在眼部药物递送、眼部成像、眼疾病诊疗中已展现出优秀的应用潜力。本综述将综合介绍碳点的特点及近十年来碳点在眼科疾病诊疗中的研究进展,旨在提供关于碳点在眼科应用现状的系统性认识,为未来研究提供方向。
Carbon dots is a new type of fluorescent carbon nanomaterial, which the diameter is generally less than 10 nm, has the advantages of self-fluorescence, remarkable biocompatibility, easy modification, low cost and so on, has a broad application prospect in the biomedical field. Due to the unique barrier of the eye, conventional drugs have a short residence time and poor penetration, so the concentration of drugs that can reach the lesions through local eye drops is limited, and for what to increase the frequency of administration to maintain efficacy. Up to now, the treatment of posterior eye diseases, such as diabetic macular edema (DME), choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and other diseases still rely on repeated vitreous injection, which is an invasive procedure with potential complications, and need multiple injections, causing a heavy psychological and economic burden on patients. Optimizing the method of ocular drug delivery has always been a hot topic in the field of ophthalmology. Carbon dots have shown excellent application potential in the ocular drug delivery, ocular imaging, and diagnosis and treatment of ocular disease based on its excellent characteristics. This review will systematically introduce the characteristics of carbon dots and the application of carbon dots in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current situation of the application of carbon dots in ophthalmology and provide directions for future research.
The rapid evolution of digital ophthalmology technology has profoundly transformed various fields within ophthalmology. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the research and advancements in cutting-edge ophthalmology technologies, emphasizing both domestic and global breakthroughs and achievements. For instance, artificial intelligence has demonstrated remarkable potential in precise monitoring of various diseases, efficient assessment of high-prevalence conditions, and the technological support for telemedicine, thereby enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of screening, diagnosis, treatment processes, while alleviating the workload of medical professionals. Additionally, digital imaging technology has made significant strides in surgical navigation and diagnostic imaging, while 3D modeling and novel machine learning techniques have contributed to surgical planning and enhanced surgical success rates, ultimately delivering more efficient and convenient services to patients with eye diseases worldwide. Despite the diversified development trends and interdisciplinary collaborations that digital ophthalmology technology exhibits, many of these cutting-edge technology are still in their infancy, facing challenges in achieving high coverage, algorithm accuracy and interpretability, medical ethics, public acceptance, medical disputes, and clinical technical hurdles. Nonetheless, while the continuous advancement of medical standards, it is anticipated that these technologies will undergo further refinement and widespread adoption.