

Application of ophthalmic artificial intelligence in telemedicine

当下,我国眼科的发展存在失衡现象,大城市与农村及偏远地区在眼科相关诊疗设施水平、诊疗技术等方面存在巨大差异,仍需探寻新的智能诊疗模式以解决失衡问题。由于眼球是唯一可以直接观察人体血管和神经的器官,眼部可反映其他脏器的健康状态,部分眼科检查的医学图像可对眼部疾病做出诊断等特点,眼科开展人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)具有独到的优势。此外,人工智能可在一定程度上提高跨时间空间传递信息的精准度及效率。人工智能在眼科及远程信息传递的优势为解决眼科发展失衡状况提供了助力。本文从眼科人工智能在眼科远程医疗相关应用的角度,主要分析并总结当下我国人工智能在眼科相关疾病远程医疗中的发展程度、所具优势以及存在问题,并讨论眼科人工智能在远程医疗的应用展望。
At present, there is an imbalance in the development of ophthalmology in China. There are huge differences in the level of ophthalmology related facilities, diagnosis and treatment technologies between big cities and rural, remote areas. New intelligent diagnosis and treatment models are still needed to solve the imbalance. Since the eye is the only organ that can directly observe the blood vessels and nerves of the human body, the eye can reflect the health status of other organs and diagnosis of eye diseases based on medical images of some ophthalmic examinations can be made as well as other characteristics. Therefore, the development of artificial intelligence in ophthalmology has unique advantages. In addition, artificial intelligence can improve the accuracy and efficiency of information transmission across time and space to a certain extent. The advantages of artificial intelligence in ophthalmology and telematics are helping to solve the imbalance in ophthalmology development. From the perspective of the application of ophthalmic artificial intelligence in telemedicine, this paper mainly analyzes and summarizes the development degree, advantages and existing problems of artificial intelligence in the telemedicine of ophthalmic diseases in China, and discusses the prospect of the application of ophthalmic artificial intelligence in telemedicine.


The Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter Family and Research Progress in Ophthalmic Diseases


SGlutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. Persistent activation of the glutamatergic system can lead to excitotoxicity, resulting in neuronal damage and cell death. Members of the excitatory amino acid transporter (EAAT) family are multi-transmembrane proteins located on the presynaptic membrane, synaptic vesicles, and glial cell membranes. They function as high-affinity, sodium-potassium-dependent transporters, continuously clearing extracellular residual glutamate to maintain normal intra- and extracellular glutamate levels and intracellular redox homeostasis. This process is crucial for protecting cells from excitotoxicity and oxidative stress-induced damage. Dysregulation of EAATs is closely associated with the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases in the central nervous system. EAAT family members are widely expressed in retina. Numerous studies have demonstrated that these transporters are extensively involved in the pathogenesis of ocular diseases, including glaucoma, retinal ischemia-reperfusion injury, and age-related macular degeneration, although the specific mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Therefore, this article reviews the physiological functions of EAAT family members and their role in the development and progression of related ophthalmic diseases, providing new perspectives for further understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these conditions and identifying novel therapeutic targets.


LRC 渐进协作教学体系在眼科培训中的设计与实践

Design and Implementation of the LRC Stepwise Collaborative Learning Model in Ophthalmology Training

目的:以提升进行住院医师规范化培训(住培)的眼科医生临床诊疗思维能力为导向,建立LRC渐进协作教学体系(LRC Stepwise Collaborative Learning Model)。方法:2023年7月—2023年12月,以26名进行眼科住培的医生为试验组的研究对象,采用小讲课(Lecture)、教学查房(Rounds)及病例讨论(Case discussion)的LRC渐进协作教学体系,通过定量分析方法评估教学效果。结果:实施LRC渐进协作教学模式后,住培医生平均成绩由培训前的50.00 (40, 50)分提高至培训后的90.00 (80, 100)分,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。问卷调查满分5分,小讲课、教学查房和病例讨论三种教学形式的满意度满分比例分别为92.3%(24/26),84.6%(22/26)、76.9%(20/26),三种教学形式的满意评分分别为5.00 (5.00, 5.00)、5.00 (5.00, 5.00)、5.00 (4.75, 5.00)分。结论:LRC渐进协作教学体系作为住培教学新体系,得到眼科住培医生的认可,促进临床诊疗思维的整体提升,有助于岗位胜任力的培养,为未来教学模式的设计与实施提供了重要参考。
Objective: To introduce the LRC Stepwise Collaborative Learning Model, a novel teaching approach designed to improve clinical thinking skills in ophthalmology training. Methods: From July 2023 to December 2024, 26 ophthalmology residents were included in the experimental group, underwent training using LRC Stepwise Collaborative Learning Model of Lectures, Rounds and Case Discussions. Their educational outcomes were quantitatively analyzed. Results: The LRC Stepwise Collaborative Learning Model improved average resident scores from pre-training [50(40, 50) points] to post-training [90(80,100) points], with a statistical significance (< 0.001). The questionnaire survey had a maximum score of 5 points, and the rates of full marks for the three teaching forms of lectures, rounds, and case discussions were 92.3% (24/26), 84.6% (22/26), and 76.9% (20/26), respectively. The satisfaction scores for the three teaching forms were 5.00 (5.00, 5.00), 5.00 (5.00, 5.00), and 5.00 (4.75, 5.00) points, respectively. Conclusions: The LRC Stepwise Collaborative Learning Model, as a new training system for residency education, has been recognized by ophthalmology residents. It facilitates the overall improvement of clinical thinking, contributes to competency development, and provides valuable insights for future teaching model designs.

mTOR 在眼科疾病中的研究进展

Progress on mTOR in eye diseases

哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin,mTOR)是一种蛋白激酶,在体内主要参与营养水平、生长代谢的调节。mTOR是癌症、衰老和其他代谢相关病理性疾病的重要靶点,参与了增殖、转分化、自噬等多种生物学过程。眼被认为是具有免疫特权的区域,由于血管系统会影响视力,眼的血管系统位于中心光路以外。眼的许多区域都有将免疫细胞运输至发育不良、受损或衰老有关的病变部位的机制。尽管免疫应答主要是为了修复或保护自身,但是免疫细胞可能会分泌一些细胞因子,导致炎症或纤维化,进而损害视力。研究证实,mTOR与翼状胬肉、年龄相关性黄斑变性(age-related macular degeneration,AMD)、青光眼、白内障、糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)、眼部肿瘤等多种眼病密切相关。目前,mTOR抑制剂通常被用作免疫抑制剂,用于癌症的治疗,但mTOR抑制剂用于眼部疾病的报道尚少。因此,该文就mTOR信号通路在相关眼科疾病中的作用、调控机制、药物治疗等方面进行简要综述,为相关眼科疾病的病理机制与治疗提供思路,以便后续开展更深入的研究。
Mammalian target protein of rapamycin (mTOR) is a protein kinase that primarily involves in the regulation of nutrient levels andgrowth metabolism in vivo. mTOR serves as a crucial target for cancer, aging, and other metabolic related pathological diseases, participating in various biological processes such as proliferation, transdifferentiation, and autophagy. Te eye is considered an area with immune privilege, as the vascular system afects vision and is located outside the central light path. Many areas of the eye have mechanisms for transporting immune cells to the afected areas related to developmental, damaged, or aging. Although the immune response is primarily aimed at reparing or protecting itself, immune cells may secrete some cytokines, leading to infammation or fbrosis, which in turn can damage vision. Results from studies have confirmed that mTOR is closely related to pterygium, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, cataract, diabetic retinopathy (DR), eye tumors and other eye diseases. Currently, mTOR inhibitors are widely used as immunosuppressants and approved for cancer treatment; however, there are few reports on the use of mTOR inhibitors for eye diseases. Therefore, in the article it provides a brief overview of the role, regulatory mechanisms, and drug treatment of the mTOR signaling pathway in related ophthalmic diseases, providing ideas for the pathological mechanisms and treatment of related ophthalmic diseases, in order to carry out more in-depth research in the future.

临床指南结合 TBL 教学在眼科住院医师规范化培训中的应用

Application of clinical practice guidelines combined with TBL teaching in resident standardized training of ophthalmic residents

目的:探讨眼科临床指南结合团队式学习(team-based learning,TBL)教学课程在眼科住院医师规范化培训中的应用及教学效果。方法:本研究选取2022年1月—2023年6月在广州医科大学附属第一医院眼科进行住院医师规范化培训的15名住院医师作为研究对象,先后交替使用自学讲课、TBL教学这两种教学模式进行眼科临床指南学习,通过填写满意度调查问卷及评估出科考通过率、学业水平测试成绩、结业考通过率,从主观及客观角度探讨临床指南结合TBL学习模式的教学效果。结果:住院医师对增加眼科临床指南学习具有较高评价,且不认为会增加其学习负担。开展指南学习后,住院医师出科考试及格率、学业水平测试通过率、结业考通过率均为100%。在培养团队合作能力、改善学习氛围两方面,TBL讲课的满意度均高于自学讲课(均P<0.001)。93.3%(14/15)的住院医师更喜欢TBL教学模式。结论眼科临床指南结合TBL教学是一种有效的教学模式,住院医师在主观满意度调查问卷及客观考试成绩的评估中,均达到满意的教学效果。

Objective: To investigate the application and teaching effect of clinical guidelines combined with team based learning(TBL) teaching courses in standardized training for ophthalmic residents. Methods: 15 residents who received standardized training in the ophthalmology department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University were recruited from January 2022 to June 2023. Self-study teaching and TBL teaching were successively applied to teach the clinical guidelines of ophthalmology. The subjective and objective teaching effects were evaluated by satisfaction questionnaire, passing rate of phase examination, achievement of academic proficiency test and passing rate of final examination. Results: The clinical guidelines enjoy the high opinion in the residents, and would not be strengthen their learning burden. After the residents studied clinical guidelines, their passing rate of the phase exam, academic proficiency test and final examination were all 100%. In terms of cultivating teamwork ability and study atmosphere, the satisfaction of TBL lectures was significantly higher than that of self-study lectures (P< 0.001). 93.3% (14/15) of the residents preferred TBL lectures. Conclusions: The combination of ophthalmology clinical guidelines and TBL teaching was proved to be an effective teaching model. The residents achieved excellent teaching results in the subjective satisfaction questionnaire and objective examination scores.


Current status and research advances in diagnosis and treatment of primary Sj?gren’s syndrome associated dry eye disease in ophthalmology

原发性干燥综合征(primary Sj?gren’s syndrome,SS)是一种主要累及外分泌腺体的自身免疫性疾病,患者通常因为严重的干眼症状首先就诊于眼科,大多数临床医师对原发性干燥综合征相关性干眼(Sj?gren’s syndrome dry eye disease,SS-DED)认识不足,可能导致漏诊和误诊。侵入性极小的客观检查及生物标志物的发展,将有助于发现SS-DED的真面目,并可能从新的角度阐释其发病机制,为其诊断、分类及治疗提供新的思路。SS-DED的治疗没有特效的药物,大多数患者需接受多种方法的治疗,以了解哪些方法最有效。
Primary Sj?gren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease that mainly affects exocrine glands. Patients usually refer to ophthalmologists because of severe dry eye symptoms. Most clinicians have insufficient knowledge with dry eye disease associated with primary Sj?gren’s syndrome probably leading to misdiagnosis or missing the diagnosis.The diagnosis of Sj?gren’s syndrome dry eye disease (SS-DED) is difficult, but the extremely invasive objective examination and the development of biomarkers will help to understand this disease and explain its pathogenesis from a new perspective. There is no specific treatment for the SS-DED, and most patients should receive multiple treatments to select the optimal treatment.


Design and application of real-time counting and recovery of ophthalmic instrument and the receipt module by a certain department

目的:开发眼科供应室质量管理追溯系统的实时回收、科室签收功能模块,实现消毒供应中心无纸化办公,提高工作效率。方法:通过构建眼科消毒供应中心质量管理追溯系统的实时回收、科室签收功能模块,消毒供应中心工作人员使用个人数字助理(personal digital assistant,PDA)与临床科室人员进行面对面的器械回收清点和下送物品的清点签收,通过实施该模块等数据信息进行前后比较以评价其应用效果。结果:通过使用PDA对眼科器械进行实时回收、物品签收,回收器械物品清点记录的差错率由原来的3.32%下降到0.51%,实施前后因物品数目、名称等不符发生纠纷例数由原来的14.39%下降到1.56%。结论:该模块实现了无纸化办公,提高了回收、下送物品的精准性,提高了工作效率;减少了与临床科室的纠纷,提高了临床科室对消毒供应中心的满意度。
Objective: To develop the function module of real-time recovery counting and department receipt signing of the quality management traceability system of the ophthalmic supply room, realize the paperless office of the disinfection supply center, and improve the work efficiency. Methods: Eye disinfection supply center is built with quality management traceability system of real-time collection, department to sign for function module,counting supply room staff use personal digital assistants (PDAs) and clinical departments personnel under the face-to-face equipment recycling counted and send goods receipt, counting of implementation process control,reducing disputes. Results: By using PDA to collect and count the ophthalmic instruments in real time and sign for the receipt of the articles, the accuracy of the recovery and delivery of the articles was improved, the disputes between the supply room and the clinical department caused by the difference in the quantity of the recovered and delivery of the articles were solved, and the paperless management was realized. Conclusion: The module realizes paperless office and improves work efficiency. It reduces the disputes with the clinical departments and improves the satisfaction of the clinical departments with the supply department.

miR-26b 在眼科疾病中的研究进展

Research progress of miR-26b in ophthalmic diseases

MicroRNA-26b (miR-26b) is a member of the miRNA-26 family. As a gene expression regulator, it plays an important regulatory role in biological processes such as cell metabolism, proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, autophagy,invasion and metastasis. In recent years, with the in-depth study on miR-26b, researchers found that miR-26b stably exists in the cornea, conjunctival epithelium, lens, ciliary body, trabecular meshwork, aqueous humor, vitreous, retina and other ocular tissues. More study results confirmed that miR-26b acted on eye diseases, and played an important regulatory role in diseases occurrence and development, such as pterygium, cataract, proliferative vitreo retinopathy,proliferative diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, etc. This article reviews the research progress of miR-26b in eye diseases recently, to provide a theoretical basis on molecular mechanisms involving in the role of miR-26b in eye diseases.


Application and safety of methotrexate in ophthalmology

Methotrexate (MTX) is a folate analog with anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.It is widely used in clinical practice to treat various diseases, including malignant tumors and autoimmune diseases.MTX is used for treating eye diseases by local injection or whole-body administration. Its safety and efficacy have been confirmed. The intravitreal injection can reduce the whole-body use of glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive agents, so it is applied in ophthalmology increasingly. The specificity of MTX has been found in its application in special patients, such as men and women in pregnancy preparation period, pregnant women, lactating women, children, adolescents and the elderly. The dosage varies from patient to patient. Common adverse reactions to low-dose MTX include gastrointestinal symptoms, liver dysfunction, etc. Serious adverse reactions are relatively rare, but pharmaceutical monitoring is still necessarily needed. This review summaries the usage and adverse reactions of MTX in clinical practice, to provide reference for its application in clinical practice in ophthalmology.


Treatment of conjunctival sac flushing in ophthalmic surgery with povidone iodine and tobramycin

Effectively killing or reducing the number of ocular microbes before surgery is an important measure to reduce postoperative endophthalmitis. Both povidone-iodine disinfectant and tobramycin can effectively reduce the incidence of endophthalmitis after ophthalmic surgery. Through literature reports, the author comprehensively analyzes the control ability of povidone-iodine disinfectant and tobramycin eye drops and injection on the microscopy of conjunctival sac in ophthalmic surgery, and provides theoretical basis for preoperative preparation of ophthalmic surgery
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
