

Clinical use of an ophthalmological multifunctional ruler

To meet the demands of ophthalmic medical diagnosis, and to improve the efficiency of medical staff and patients’ treatment, the authors designed an ophthalmological multifunctional ruler. Its main material is PVC, and mainly includes a circular disk and 4 rules (the main ruler, the first ruler, the second ruler and the third ruler). Its functions mainly contain the measurement of length, visual test, illumination, the angle measurement for patients position and so on. The ruler is ingenious in design and has complete functions, which can meet the requirements of ophthalmic medical treatment and diagnosis.


Application of standardized training and assessment of emergency nursing skills in ophthalmology nurses

Objective: To explore the application effect of standardized training and assessment of emergency nursing skills in ophthalmology nurses. Methods: We implemented standardized training and assessment of emergency nursing skills for 142 ophthalmology nurses in our hospital, compared the difference between the first aid theory and the first aid skill operation before and after the training, and used a self-made questionnaire to conduct training evaluation surveys. Results: After implementing the standardized training of emergency nursing skills, the assessment scores of first aid theory and skill operation of ophthalmology nurses were higher than those of the pre-training assessment. And the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). More than 90% of ophthalmology nurses had a positive opinion on first aid training. Conclusion: Standardized training and assessment of emergency nursing skills have improved the clinical emergency nursing level of ophthalmology nurses and cultivated a good emergency nursing awareness and teamwork spirit. At the same time, they have strengthened nurses’ self-worth and professional identity, and achieved better training results.


Holistic nursing plan of dry eye in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University

Dry eye is one of the most common ocular surface diseases, characterized by a loss homeostasis of tear film,and accompanied by ocular symptoms. The treatment of dry eye aims to eliminate the cause of disease, relieve symptoms, and protect the visual function, among which psychological care, physical treatment of eyelid, health education and management outside the hospital are particularly important. High quality holistic nursing plan is helpful to the treatment of dry eye patients. Based on the consensus of the diagnosis and treatmen of dry eye,combined with our nursing experience, our team has developed and applied a personalized and comprehensive holistic nursing plan for dry eye patients.


Investigation on the demands of artificial intelligence in clinical nursing of ophthalmology

Objective: To analyze the internal demands of the application of artificial intelligence technology to ophthalmic care, and provide guidance and basis for the development and application of artificial intelligence technology in ophthalmic hospitals. Methods: Using the method of combining cluster sampling with simple random sampling, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the ophthalmic nursing staff in the selected target hospitals from July to August 2019, which included general information and artificial intelligence needs. Results: Most of the respondents came from the third-class hospitals (89.2%), and hospitals in South China account for 87.2% of them. There are diverse demands of artificial intelligence in ophthalmology clinical nursing applications, including health education, clinical reception and triage, patients return visits, which have the strongest demand for the artificial intelligence, accounting for 95.7%, 93.5%, and 93.2%, respectively. Conclusion: The application of artificial intelligence in ophthalmic clinical nursing has strong and diversified demands, and the research and development of artificial intelligence in the health education of ophthalmic patients and other related applications should be promoted according to the actual demands.


Application of quality control circle activity in improving cleaning quality of ophthalmic equipment with nuts

目的:探讨品管圈活动提升眼科带螺母器械清洗质量的效果。方法:中山大学中山眼科中心珠江新城院区自2020年8月1日到2020年9月3 0日消毒供应中心处理的眼科带螺母器械(以量规为例)共2 076件,8月31日前为对照组,按常规清洗流程处理;9月1日后为实验组,成立品管圈小组,针对器械结构制定相应清洗流程。结果:实验组的清洗合格率为98.7%,对照组的清洗合格率为93.4%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:实施品管圈活动可提升眼科带螺母器械的清洗质量。
Objective: To explore the effect of quality control circle activity on improving the cleaning quality of ophthalmic equipment with nuts. Methods: The object of the study was 2 076 pieces of ophthalmic equipment with nuts (taking gauge as an example) used from August 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020 in the central sterile supply department of the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University in Zhujiang New Town. The equipment used before August 31 was set as the control group and was dealt with common cleaning process. The equipment used after September 1 was set as experimental group and the quality control circle group was set up to develop corresponding cleaning procedures for the instrument structure. Results: The qualified rate of cleaning in the experimental group was 98.7%, and that in the control group was 93.4%. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). Conclusion: Quality control circle activity can improve the cleaning quality of ophthalmic equipment with nuts.


Advances of apolipoprotein A1 and its mimetic peptide in ophthalmic diseases

近年来,脂质代谢紊乱与眼科疾病关系密切。体外研究和临床前模型显示,高密度脂蛋白(high density lipoprotein,HDL)及其主要蛋白成分载脂蛋白A1(apolipoprotein A1,apoA1)对内皮细胞具有抗氧化、抗炎和抗凋亡作用,对血管具有强大的保护作用。ApoA1模拟肽能够模拟apoA1功能,且分子质量更小,前景非常乐观。而动物实验及人体试验均证实了模拟肽D-4F口服使用的安全性及有效性,因此目前研究最为广泛。目前来说,对于apoA1及其模拟肽在眼科疾病的研究中属于萌芽阶段。本文总结了apoA1及其模拟肽的结构,及其在眼科疾病如视光学、角膜病、玻璃体视网膜疾病中的研究进展,为apoA1及其模拟肽在眼科的进一步研究及开发利用提供参考。
The recent researches indicate that the disorder of lipid metabolism is closely related to ophthalmic diseases.In vitro studies and preclinical studies have shown that high density lipoprotein (HDL) and its main structural protein apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1) have superior efficacy in blood vessel protection, with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic effects on endothelial cells. Prospect of the ApoA1 mimetic peptide is very optimistic as it can mimic the function of apoA1, and its molecular weight is smaller. The safety and efficacy of oral use of mimetic peptide D-4F have been confirmed in both animal experiments and clinic trials. Thus, it had been extensively studied. In this paper, we reviewed the structure of apoA1 and its mimetic peptide, as well as their  researches related to ophthalmic diseases, such as optometry, corneal diseases and vitreoretinal diseases, so as to provide reference to further researches in apoA1 and its mimetic peptide in the of ophthalmic diseases.


Effect evaluation on curriculum integration of ideological education into ophthalmology course for undergraduate clinical medicine

Medical students must adhere to the correct political direction because they need to protect people's health in the near future. It is particularly important to integrate ideological education into medical curriculum. Ophthalmic diseases are closely related to systemic diseases. Ophthalmology is a compulsory course of clinical medicine for medical college students. The integration of ideological education into ophthalmology professional courses can encourage students to integrate their personal ideals into national undertaking, motivate students to become strivers and pioneers in the new era. Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University taught students according to their aptitude and integrated the ideological contents such as “prevention of blindness” and “myopia prevention” into each chapter of ophthalmology teaching through vivid examples for clinical medical undergraduates. It would be helpful for the students to establish the ideal and values of “serve the people”. At the end of the course, the medical students were investigated by questionnaires to evaluate the effect of ideological education integration, as well as the acceptance and suggestion from the students. The results showed that students
were satisfied with the teaching quality of ideological contents and the curriculum integration has achieved the desired effect.


Featured teaching of physician refresher

北京同仁医院积累了几十年的眼科进修医生的教学经验,近年来在进修医生教学实践中应用“以问题为导向”(Problem-Based Learning,PBL)教学法,逐步总结出独特的“辩误施教”教学法。这种教学方法有利于加深进修医生对基础知识理论的理解,提高进修医生发现问题、解决问题的能力及独立的临床思维能力。每月定期召开进修医生沙龙,进行必要的考核、多种形式的总结和交流有利于促进交流,提高教学效果。
Beijing Tongren Hospital has accumulated decades of ophthalmology teaching experience. In recent years, through the application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) teaching method, we gradually summed up the unique error-distinguished teaching method, which may enhance the understanding of basic knowledge and theories, improve the ability of doctors to discover and solve problems and enhance their independent clinical thinking. At the same time, monthly salon for physician refresher, necessary assessments, various forms of summaries and communication are conducive to promote further learning and produce a good teaching efficiency.


Practice and reflection on standardized training for ophthalmology residents in eye hospitals

Standardized training for ophthalmology residents is an essential stage during the development of ophthalmologists. The standardized training system has become more and more mature, while problems still exist in the aspects of coordination between specialized hospitals and general hospitals, teacher resources, unevenness of trainees, combination of postgraduate education and residency standardized training, microsurgical skills training, and so on. Therefore, programs and strategies of standardized training are still under exploration. Eye hospitals, with the excellent disciplinary system, adequate resources, and advanced experience, play a key role in standardized training for ophthalmology residents. Joint Shantou International Eye Center has set up a training model in accordance with national requirements, focusing on the combination of standardization, normalization, and individuation. Besides, by learning from the oversea experience of residents training, Joint Shantou International Eye Center has enriched the training forms, optimized the skill training environment, and highlighted the training of foreign language, scientific research, and systematic clinical thinking. This paper, based on the 5-year experience and reflection on standardized training for ophthalmology residents in Joint Shantou International Eye Center, summarizes the current status of standardized training and put forward some measures and suggestions.


Experiences and thoughts on standardized residency training of ophthalmology

The standardized residency training is the essential prerequisite for the training of ophthalmologists in the health system. Based on the emerging problems of standardized residency training in the Department of Ophthalmology in Wuhan Union Hospital, attempts have been made to explore the effectiveness of a comprehensive reform of clinical instruction in areas of content, mode and learning evaluation for residents, as well as incorporating ideological and political elements in the instructional process and faculty training to enhance teaching skills for instructors, which has achieved good results. We hope that the dissemination of such efforts could provoke thoughts on improving the training model for ophthalmological residents and to improve the quality of the ophthalmological training programs in China, and to eventually lead to accumulation of better ophthalmologists in China.
  • 眼科学报

  • Eye Science
